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10 Commandments

Page 18

by Dark Angel

  Can you overdose on cum? I might do just that after tonight. Can you imagine that being the cause of death? Evelyn Travers dies from an overdose of semen.

  If I weren't so busy, I would ask them if that's possible. It would be the best way to go.

  I have tears running down my face from the force of a dick in my throat. I know they love when that happens. It's proof of a job well-done.

  I read in one of my romance books once that men love mascara stains on the face after a blowjob. I think that's true.

  With both hands gripping my hair, Robin breaks his silence.

  "Drink my fucking cum!"

  My mouth fills with a steady stream of warm fluid, each shot thicker than the last. I don't know how I am swallowing it all, but I do.

  It always seemed a shame to spill any of this life-giving cream. Plus, to be honest, I love the way it tastes. Salty, sweet, hot, and creamy. Delicious!

  "Shit, I can't take anymore."

  Robin falls back on the bed, his twin taking his place. These boys are insatiable.

  Finn slides his cock inside of my pussy. I'm already filled with the last load of semen, but he pushes deep inside me. His hands grip my hips tightly.

  He holds himself inside my pussy walls for a moment, and I feel his body shiver against mine. It's erotic. All this tonight is helping me get over the sickness of the world around us.

  My body lurches forward. Finn is fucking into my pussy like a madman. His hands move up to grab the back of my hair. I can tell he has pent-up rage inside of him. Finn doesn't have mercy on my pussy. It feels like a jackhammer against my walls. "Whose pussy is this, Eve?" Finn asks.

  I don't know what to say. I have never been asked that before from any of the ten men. It might be wrong, but when he asks me that, I feel more turned on than ever before.

  "Your pussy. Their pussy. All of you own this pussy!"

  Cheers erupt around us. I have just told a group of studs that they, in fact, are the only ones who will ever be inside of me. More than that, I mean it. No other man will ever have a chance of fucking me. I won't allow myself to be touched by anyone else.

  Gustav silences my moans with his cock. Pushing into my mouth, he makes sure that I can't say a word. He slips in one inch at a time.

  He stops each time another inch disappears inside of me. His eyes are locked on mine, his body stiffening.

  "Such a pretty mouth for a massive cock to destroy!" Gustav's voice is as determined as his cock is.

  With Finn in my pussy and Gustav in my mouth, I probably look like someone being spit-roasted. Spikes—cocks—impaling me from both ends. I love the way they make me theirs repeatedly.

  Like a teeter-totter, I rock my body back and forth against the bodies of two well-hung men.

  "Look at how she takes them both. Our girl is all grown up now,” Max says.

  I love the sideline commentary from those watching this sex act. We are on the bed giving a show to the others as they recuperate from coming.

  I never thought that all of this would be happening tonight. I am sore, not only from the beating, but from being fucked hard. I guess we all needed this right here. Instead of relaxing in a hot bubble bath, I'm getting pumped full of big cocks.

  "Shit, going to explode!" Finn yells.

  He places a hand in the middle of my back, his cock pushing all the way inside before the first jet of cum fills my pussy. His hand is trembling as he holds it on me. I can feel every spurt of his cock drenching me.

  He's barely done when I cry out in pleasure. My pussy tightens around his cock. My orgasm is one of many, but the release is soul-consuming. I shake from the force.

  It's not just this here, but the rest of the evening that has me feeling like I'm free-falling into an abyss of pleasure.

  Gustav is not far behind the both of us. His cock now at the back of my throat, he unleashes a warm and steady stream of cum. I swallow with each spurt, always hoping he will give me more.

  "All for you, baby! All for you."

  We've been through a lot together. All eleven of us have changed forever. I don't know that I can ever top tonight, but I hope that what happened earlier will never happen again.

  I never want to be the Judge and Jury on anyone again. I know what I did was right, but it still feels raw. I took the lives of three people—even if indirectly. They were someone's sons, but their souls were lost to hell years before I met them.

  "That was incredible. I feel like there is nothing that can stop us now. All of you are forever in my heart," I say, my voice trembling.

  But I mean the words. We lie sprawled out all over the room. It's going to take a few minutes to recover from this.

  "It’s…been a long day, and thank you all for being here. This place didn’t deserve what we did with it, but…it’s time we leave,” I say after some time. “They were terrible, but meaningless. Don’t feel bad about what happened today; put it out of your minds. I already have. And now…I’m hungry.”

  Everyone laughs as I shrug. It's been a long day. A very, very long day. But with these men beside me I know I’m safe.

  Chapter 36


  I refuse to scream, cry, or even hide under the bed in fear. I almost died, and if I’m being honest, I don’t feel anything at all. I did what had to be done.

  Yes, three men are dead, but it’s a hard world out there. I wasn’t willing to subject myself, or anyone else, to something like that ever again. So I ordered the execution of the three.

  Did they deserve it? Yes, they did.

  For some, there’s just no hope—and they were three very bad seeds.

  If they had been allowed to live, they would have come after me, or even someone else. I refuse to let that to rest on my shoulders.

  A near-death experience is something that others don’t always recover from, but I’m not an ordinary woman. I close my eyes for a moment and remember what happened. They were dead, with blood everywhere, and the scent of that crimson fluid still burned my nose.

  Why was that something I focused on? I’ve just spent hours in my men’s arms—fucking, consuming, and devouring the pain from each other. To live in fear is not who I am anymore. The damsel in distress can be saved for the fairytales.

  I’m not the kind of woman who holds a grudge or lives in the past. Not now. I’m a new person.

  I just had sex with ten men. I think I’m beyond the point of grieving—or even questioning what happened.

  Plus, what about the others they’ve hurt? I couldn’t be the only one. In fact, I know I’m not. I know of the two murders. We’ve stopped their terror on this community by ridding the world of their existence.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, a mirror in front of me, I watch myself for a few moments, evaluate who I am.

  Am I the same girl I was a few months ago? No. I’ve been hardened, but not in a bad way. I’m not a walking target anymore. I can stand for my beliefs and what I want. If my parents were not proud of me now, they never would be.

  I use my fingers as a comb, sliding them through the strands of my hair. It’s more out of habit than need. I have so much on my mind right now.

  Tonight is the first night I’m entirely alone in my home since the messages of terror started. I wanted to be alone, even though the men tried to insist on staying. I refuse ever to allow myself to be a victim to anyone ever again.

  Resting my chin in the palm of my hand, my eyes on my reflection, I like who I see in front of me. She is a strong woman.

  I’ve spoken to the men about the expansion of Scarlet, but not my parents. I should let them know what I have planned.

  Grabbing my phone, hitting dial, I wait for my mother to pick up. She always does for me. I guess I’ll always be her little girl.

  “Hello, Evelynn?”

  “Mom, I need you to listen for a moment. I’ve decided to expand Scarlet. Remodel, and then put in some additions. I know this was your baby, but Mom, I’m doing so well. The club is amazing.”
  My mother listens as I speak, not saying anything until I’m finished. She’s actually unusually quiet for her.

  “We’re proud of you, Evelynn. The club is yours to take care of now. I trust you.”

  To know that my mother approves means a lot to me. I didn’t necessarily need her approval, but having it is incredibly reassuring.

  The next few minutes we spend catching up with each other, and chatting about their health issues. At the end of the conversation, I tell her I love her and dad, and will see them soon.

  I feel better now that I’ve spoken to my mother. Though I know that all my worries won’t go away completely because I’m okay now, I know that I can handle it.

  I have ten men who adore me. Caroline is a good friend to me. My parents trust me to run Scarlet. Everything is perfect.

  Of course, they will never know what happened with those three dead men. I don’t want to burden them with the knowledge of the murders.

  With one last look in the mirror, I smile now at my reflection. I’m going to make this club the best that it can ever be. Build it up, and be on top of the game. No one can knock me down. Not after all I’ve been through to get where I am right now.

  A hot shower and a warm bed are all I need to start tomorrow fresh and ready to take on the world. There will be nothing to stop me now.

  In the past few months I have matured years. When I walk through the doors of Scarlet, people will take notice. Little Evelynn Travers is gone. Eve has kicked her to the curb and is now the head bitch in charge.

  Chapter 37


  The day I took over Scarlet, I was this naive child. Someone who wouldn’t know how to handle anything the way I have in recent months. A lot of my experience and knowledge I attribute to my parents, but the rest…well, that’s thanks to the ten men who are with me right now, walking through a growing crowd.

  Between all of them, they have taken a girl and turned her into a woman. I’m no longer ashamed of who I am. I’m a strong woman who can run a company with one hand tied behind my back. I have proven that to everyone.

  I watch as Caroline mingle with the crowd of people. She’s not alone. Seven handsome men are her date for the evening. They belong to her, and she to them.

  It’s not much unlike my situation. I know that these ten perfect men are all mine. We don’t have a label, but all of us feel the same way.

  I move through the crowd of good-looking men and women, thanking each one, but my goal is to speak to Caroline.

  “Wow, look at you!”

  I’m excited to see her. Caroline is in the later stages of her pregnancy and, to be honest, she looks stunning. Her makeup perfect, her dress complimenting her growing figure, and her face radiant—anyone can tell that this pregnancy has been a blessing for her.

  Caroline smiles, her arms reaching for a gentle hug before she speaks. “Well, look at Little Miss Evie Travers. Haven’t you grown up to be quite the woman? Your parents must be so proud of you!”

  I’m blushing before she finishes. I didn’t expect that kind of praise from her. I think of this woman as a mentor, and to know she approves of me boosts my confidence even more.

  “Thank you for saying that. I mean it, thank you.” My voice is quivering, but I feel good. “I have a private table for us over here. Join me?” I ask knowing that she will. Her pregnancy being this far along must be putting a bit of strain on her body.

  Nodding her head, Caroline and the seven men join me at a private table. My men are also close to me.

  “I want to thank you again for your help, Caroline. Locating Greg was a big help for my guys. I know that if he hadn’t been located, I would have been, well—I would have been raped and more than likely killed. I owe you.”

  I know that I’m rambling, but I’m grateful for her help. She saved me more than she will ever realize.

  “Boys, can you get the lady some wine, and I’ll have a ginger ale?”

  She doesn’t say it, but that was a subtle way to tell them we need a few moments to talk.

  Smart men do as they’re told: all walking away to the bar to get drinks. I watch them as they make small talk with each other. I’m so captivated by these men. I can tell Caroline is, too.

  “Evie, you’re doing well. How is it going with the men? I can tell by the look on your face that you’ve fucked them all. Am I right?” Caroline pats my hand as she speaks.

  When I go to open my mouth to deny it, the words stick in my throat. Why would I be ashamed?

  “I have, and oh my god, I never knew sex could be like this. I was a virgin when I walked through the door, but they changed that.”

  Her eyes light up as I speak. It’s as though she’s proud of me for fucking. I’m shocked.

  “Welcome to the club, Evie. You are now a woman, and those men—they’re all for you!”

  She’s giddy with excitement. Caroline couldn’t be happier that I had embraced my new life and didn’t want to change a thing.

  As we spoke, the men came and went. They seemed to be enjoying the company of each other as much as we were.

  “You know, Evie, Scarlet is going to make you a lot of money, and you may not want to limit yourself in that regard. It’s a little underground, but in my world we could more than cover you if you decide to get into the escorting busine—”

  “No,” I interject firmly. “These men are mine, and I refuse to just sell them out to other women. The domming is…different, and that’s an issue I’m resolving, but this is absolutely as far as it goes.”

  Smiling, Caroline sips her ginger ale. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  I stare at her, slightly taken aback. “I knew you were the right girl to be in my company, and I just needed that as reassurance. As a business woman and a woman in my own right, I have a thought that might interest you: a show.”

  “A show?” I say quizzically.

  “Absolutely. I, for one, am quite interested in the…we’ll say logistics, of how you handle even more men than I do. I know it’s exhausting at times, and I couldn’t imagine one more! On top of that, I could guarantee at least 5 women in this very crowd alone who are both very well to-do and would be chomping at the bit for a chance to just see the very same!”

  She’s not done, though. She wants me to open my eyes to another area that can make me money.

  “Furthermore, they did such a fantastic job handling your little dirty work. I know you’re not quite the type, but please do consider having them work alongside my men as enforcers. Only when we need it, of course. If you take up on my show idea, I’m sure you’ll have quite the busy schedule as it is!”

  My mind is absolutely swimming. I hadn’t really thought about changing the entire business model of the company, but I think she’s absolutely right. She knows the world I’m in, and after having a taste of what real justice can do for someone…

  “It’s a lot to consider, but I think you’re right. I really appreciate your advice, and I kind of like that show idea of yours. As for the other idea…I’ll have to think about it, at least for a little while.”

  I smile, pleased with myself. I know that I’m doing what’s right for all of us. Not just for me.

  “Of course, of course,” she says with a smile. “Enough of that. We need to celebrate tonight! Evie, would you and your men like to join us for an orgy? I have a feeling that these beautiful creatures need to give us some one-on-one attention, and it would be the absolutely perfect way to get some practice on your new show!”

  At first I’m dumbfounded, but I nod right away. I want this. I have to prove to Caroline that Evelynn Travers is Scarlet. I will not let anyone down.

  “Of course. How could I deny a request like that?” I grin.

  Chapter 38


  When Caroline suggested it, I was shocked. I didn’t let my face show it, though.

  She wants me and my ten men to have plenty of fun with her and her group of men. I’m not put off at all by this i
dea—and maybe that’s what disturbs me the most.

  I’ve changed so drastically in the last few months. If I could write a letter from the old me to the new me, I would make sure to tell her to sit back and enjoy the ride.

  I know that all the drama with my three stalkers has hardened me, but I’m still the same Evelynn Travers. The girl who loves romance novels and the scent of fresh cut grass on a hot summer’s day. Now, though, I also adore ten men and everything they have taught me about sex.

  When Caroline asked, I gave my approval, grinning with anticipation. “Of course. How could I deny a request like that?”

  I know that my men—yes, they are all mine—will want to, as well. They love being inside of me, and I can’t get enough of their 120 inches of cock.

  What surprises me about all of this is that Caroline is very far along in her pregnancy. Almost to the point that I wonder how long she will be able to endure the magnitude of cocks she has with her—seven cocks, to be exact—all of them attentive and ready for a hardcore session with their woman.

  “I have a large room for all of us. If you will all follow me to the pink room.”

  I lead them all down the hall to the room that we have just remodeled for live shows. I know how the community has been growing since the Fifty Shades movies; however we are real, and that series pales in comparison.

  A keycard opens the room, and I flip the lights on to show them all what I have created. Even my men have not seen this addition.

  The center of the room contains many devices, toys, and everything one could ever need for an intense sexual show. Tonight will be a different kind of show, though. We’re going to get the penetration all my clients wish they could have.

  As they all follow me in, I push the door closed, knowing that it locks the moment it does. We don’t need any help seeing what’s about to happen here.

  “Welcome to the Pink Room. The room that will be used for live shows, demonstrations, and, tonight, for one hell of a good time. I do need to think of a better name for the room, though.”


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