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Luna Princess (Alyssa Grey Book 1)

Page 6

by Wylow Moon

  I grabbed the boys hands and looked up into the boys teary eyes.

  “Sweetie you didn't do anything wrong. Exc ept maybe running inside, which none of you should be doing.” I said looking at each of the kids in turn. They had the common sense to look appropriately ashamed.

  “It was my fault for not paying attention, though. I was lost in my own thought and didn't w atch where I was going. Now,” I said as I wiped his tears away. “ Why don’t you guys join me for breakfast? I still don't know anyone here and could use some friends.” I smiled up at the children in front of me. Hoping that helped calm their fears.

  We headed to the buffet line in a single file, the kids now chattering excitedly. I piled my tray high and grabbed an extra large cup of coffee before turning to find an empty table the children and I could sit at. Finding one around the center toward the wall we walked over and sat down. The little boy who had run into me sat across from the other five kids around us and me.

  "So, why don't you guys introduce yourselves, since you already know who I am." I said looking at the young boy.

  "My name is Henry." He said and all the other kids joined in telling me their names. I enjoyed watching the kids. They were enthusiastic about everything they said. They told me about school, which I had no clue they went to, figuring they were home schooled. And about what they liked to do for fun. Which involved playing hide and seek in the woods and all kinds of sports. They even told be about their shifter animals. I guess when your not taken away from your Clan you start shifting around 9 years old. The group of kids were made up of two leopards, a fox, a bear, a mountain lion and a wolf. Henry was the bear.

  I laughed quite a bit at their antics. It really was a great way to start the morning. I just knew today was going to be a good day. I finished up my meal and ruffled Henry's hair as I said goodbye and took my tray to the dirty dishes table. I had just dumped it when Trish yelled for me across the hall and ran over.

  "Hey there girly are you ready for the party?" She said, making some weird shuffle dance move. I burst out in laughter. She was such a dork. I was feeling a lot more at home here than I did a few days ago. Had it really only been a few days?

  "I am actually kind of nervous. I know I am expected to make some sort of speech but I don't know what to say. I think I am just going to fumble it all you know. It is a lot of pressure." "Nah, don't worry so much. Have fun tonight and when it is time to make a speech just say it from your heart." Trish said patting me on the back. I nodded in agreement. I knew I was overthinking it. I knew I was being a big baby too, but that still didn't stop me from worrying so much. I was actually starting to annoy myself with it.

  We headed outside and walked through the houses and watched the children running around everywhere playing. This really was an amazing little community. They had built their very own Shifter town. But then that got me thinking.

  "Hey Trish, how does everyone make their money? I mean the lawyer had told me I inherited an absurd amount of money, but how did it accumulate? How is all of this funded?" I asked.

  "Well everyone does their part. The adults all get jobs and work in the nearby towns. The kids are bussed to school and when they get old enough they help out. As for your fortune. It is a mix of generation after generation saving it up along with the business it comes from."

  "Business? Hendricks never mentioned a business." I said confused.

  "Well it is kind of off the books in a way. We have a training gym in the main building and that is where we train as bodyguards. The business brings in a lot of revenue. See Shifter bodyguards are tougher, faster, and harder to kill. We get hired out by high profile clients. Celebrities, rich people, even the government at times. They pay a pretty penny and very few know they are actually hiring Shifters. It all works out really. You as the owner get a huge payout and you pay us. Your father was a good boss. He was very fair and always made sure we always had everything we needed. Jeremy has done his best to feel his shoes. But he didn't have the respect of outside Clans like your old man."

  I was silent a moment as I let that all sink in.

  "Was anyone in the Clan around when my mom was here? When I was born?" I asked afraid of the answer but needing to hear it.

  Trish was quiet for a moment. I think she was debating on whether to be honest or not. "Trish, please, if you know please tell me. I won't harass them but I would really like to talk to them. I won't order you though." I said.

  She side and nodded her head like she had made a decision.

  " Ok, I do know someone but I will not give you her name until tomorrow. I don't want you to bother her until I talk to her and make sure she is ok with it.

  "I can live with that." I said. We had made it full circle back to the front entryway of The Den. I guess that means it is about time to start preparing for the party. Trish and I split up. She was going to get everyone who was helping on setup started and I was going to see how Paul was doing. He had been cooking non-stop since dawn and the smells permeated the whole house. Chapter 11

  Paul was running frantically about the kitchen from one station to the next barking orders and making sure the food got on to the right carts. The staff looked haggard and tired. There was a tension in the room I had not felt before. A staff worker near me tripped on a bag of potatoes left stranded in the middle of the floor and the whole tray of meats and cheeses he was carrying flew from his hands and scattered across the floor, the metal tray clanging loudly off of the linoleum. Paul turned around and moved to the guy, now kneeling on the floor trying to clean up the mess.

  "You idiot!" He yelled. "I told you all everything had to be perfect, and here you are as klutzy has a human! I do not have time to deal with your ineptness!"

  He was screaming in the guys face. I had known head chefs could be quick to anger when they were stressed but holy shit. I watch as Paul raised his hand as if to strike the guy still kneeling down in front of him and I had enough. Something inside of me wanted to claw at Paul for treating my Clan with such disrespect and now violence.

  "Stop!" I said with all the power I could throw at him. The whole kitchen froze and every head whipped in my direction. Well, I didn't mean for them all to stop but whatever. "Paul you lay one hand one anyone in my Clan and I will tear them off." I said in a deadly quiet voice. Paul had a compunctious look upon his face as I continued telling him off.

  "You will control yourself accordingly. I know everyone is on edge with the full moon so close and I know you are stressed trying to get all of this done for the party. But, Paul, If I cannot rely on you to be level-headed, fair, and treat my Clan members with the respect they deserve then maybe I need to find another head chef. This will be my only warning. Get your animal under control and act like a man."

  By the time I was finished talking his face was pale and I could see the turmoil on his face. I really don’t think he meant to get so out of control. And I also believe that this was a first by the way everyone eyed him.

  "I am so very sorry Alyssa, your right. It is just the stress and my bear is fighting to get out. This is not normal for me. I never act like this. I just want to do a good job for you." He said with his eyes on the floor and his neck bared to me in submission. I nodded my head and looked around the kitchen. Everyone was still frozen to the spot and staring at me.

  "Return to your duties, If this does happen again, however, I want to be notified immediately." I said. I watched as Paul helped the young man who had spilled the food, muttering apologies to him, before leaving the kitchen. I was so disappointed in Paul. I had actually come to like him. I snorted, and Matty had wanted alcohol. Pshha. I took a moment to shake out my body and the tension it had acquired while I was in the kitchen. I didn't need to let my own animal take over as Paul had. I took a breath and put a smile on my face before heading outside to the center of our little village to see how Trish and her team were fairing with setting up.

  I gaped at the view before me. They had worked fast setting up. There was al
ready a tent that looked like it was made for a circus, but in a canopy style, with tables and chairs set up around a huge dance floor in the center beneath it. A dunk tank and carnival games like ring toss and balloon pop, among a few other's, were already set up for the kids. They even had stuffed animal prizes. The food tables were underneath an enormous willow tree. It looked like they had strung lights throughout the willow, making it look as if it were fireflies buzzing through the curtain of branches. The kitchen staff were already filling up the food tables and I felt my stomach growl. A little snack wouldn't hurt I guess.

  I walked over and looked at the food on display deciding on a turkey sandwich on rye with all the fixings. I stepped under the canopy and sat at one of the tables watching children running around oohing and awing as they watched everything get set up. I was actually a little jealous of how insouciant they were. What I wouldn't give to be a kid again, sometimes. I heard a crunch of gravel behind me and turned around in my chair. Jimmy walked over smiling at me.

  "So what do you think sis? Does it look alright?" He asked spreading his arms out as if to gesture to it all.

  "It is beautiful. I never expected all of this when I put Trish in charge. I feel like this is more than just a party."

  "Well if you think about it, it kind of is. This is also your coming out Alyssa. The whole Clan gets to meet you for the first time. You will be introduced to everyone as the new Alpha." Huh. I hadn't thought of that. Now I was even more nervous. I still had not figured out what I was going to say to everyone.

  "Come on Princess. " Jimmy said standing and offering his hand. "It's time for you to get ready for the ball."

  I shoved the last bite of my sandwich in my mouth and wiped my hands off before letting him help me up. I so hoped tonight would turn out as great as I had planned.

  I walked down the stairs to the main entryway and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. In through my nose, out through my mouth. I can do this. Trish had taken me to town to buy an outfit for the occasion.

  She tried to get me to wear a dress, but that just was not going to happen. Or so I thought. She can be highly persistent. I ended up with a beautiful sky blue summer dress. It had thin shoulder straps and low back to show off my full tattoo. The length was a little too short for my liking, coming to a stop just above my knees, but I had to agree with Trish when I had looked into the mirror. It made my legs look longer. I just hope I did not fall down in it.

  I walked out the open front door waving hello to the few faces I did know and watching the happy faces of my Clan as they danced to the band, played games, and stood near the huge bonfire burning away, roasting marshmallows and making smores.

  The night was filled with Music and children's laughter. The air carried the scent of burning wood and food. It made my inner wolf growl in content. This is just what everyone needed. All the scents and sounds were still a bit overwhelming to me. I felt I was getting a handle on it. I could even pick up scents of certain people if I already knew who the scent belonged to. Jeremy had been really helpful with explaining things while we planned everything. I know it was hard juggling everything, from business management to helping with the Clan, and then trying to help catch me up on everything on top of it.

  I grabbed a drink from the refreshments table and headed over to watch the band playing. I had been watching them for a few minutes before I smelled him. Jeremy stood beside me silently. I tried to look at him without looking like I was, turning my head slightly to get a better view. I had been attempting to ignore my strong attraction to him and was failing miserably. The heady scent of sandalwood he gave off filled my lungs and made my insides feel like they were going to melt. I know he could smell my arousal, I could smell it too. I could feel my face turn warm in embarrassment and I tried to clear my head.

  "Trish really out did herself, didn't she?" I asked. Hoping to sound like I didn't just smell like I wanted to touch every very well muscled part of his anatomy. Like his hard pecks or amazing six pack abs, or his.... Oh my god I really need to stop. I looked up at his face and realized he had been talking the whole time I was undressing him in my mind.

  "...really loves this kind of stuff, though. She has been trying to find a reason to do something this big." He said, his voice sounding gruffer as he talked. Jeremy cleared his throat and looked out at the dance floor. They just started a slow song and couples were taking over the dance floor. I even saw an adorable little boy go over to a little girl and asked her to dance. I smiled as the girl timidly took his hand and followed.

  "Would you like to dance?" Jeremy asked holding out his own hand. I looked up into his blue eyes and felt like I was a teenager in high school, where the popular guy asks the loser girl to dance. I closed my mouth and nodded while taking his outstretched hand. He intertwined our fingers as he led me to the middle of the dance floor.

  His warm hands caressed mine and then slid their way up my arms, leaving trails of goosebumps in their wake. His hands moved down to my waist as I placed my hands awkwardly around his neck. He pulled me closer and I felt my chest touch his, my body tingling from the contact. I felt his breath whisper across my skin as he held his face next to my ear.

  "Just for a moment, Alyssa, just follow your feelings."

  " I am afraid to." I whispered back. Hiding my face in the crook of his neck. I was afraid to look him in the eyes right now. I would lose all my willpower. I could not deal with my feelings for him when I had so much else to worry about. I had yet to really learn how to be a shifter, never mind how to be an Alpha. I still haven't heard about my parents, or what happened between them, and I certainly knew nothing about this whole Luna business yet.

  "Stop thinking so hard. Let your brain take a night off. Stop fighting it." He raised one hand and gently turned my head so I was looking right at him. The look in his eyes told me he felt the same way. They said he would never hurt me, that I could be happy with him. They told me of the passion and happiness I would know if I chose him. His face slowly got closer to mine, our lips only seconds away from colliding. I brought my mouth closer to his, the need to taste them overwhelming my senses.

  Before our lips finally touched the music suddenly stopped and we heard a voice shout from over the crowd.

  "Luna, show yourself." A man roared from the stage. I looked up to where the man's voice originated and my heart stopped cold. Any warmth I had felt a moment ago had fled in an instant.The man looked out at the crowd as if searching. When his wondering eyes finally found me, a cold, savage smile spread across his face. What really scared me, though, was the fact he had Maggie bound and gagged and he was holding her by her hair.

  She had a cut above her eyebrow that had let blood down her face. All of it was dried now but the odor was still pungent. I could smell the man too but I didn't know what he was. He didn't feel human; didn’t feel like a shifter either. My wolf growled menacingly inside me. Fighting to break free. I could hear Maggie whimpering in pain as his grasp on her hair tighten to keep her upright.

  "Luuuunaaaaa, I have something of yours. If you want it back alive, you will do as I say." He said.

  I shivered at the sound of his voice. It felt like swimming in a sea of oil, thick and slimy, just listening to it. I looked around and realized that there was a circle of Shifters forming around the stage, he seemed to notice as well.

  "Call of your guards or I kill her now." He threatened, grabbing at Maggie's throat. I watched as fresh blood rolled out from underneath his nails digging into her neck and she whimpered again.

  "Stand down." I said as soon as I found my voice. Tears were blurring my vision as I tried to keep an eye on Maggie. Jeremy took my hand into his and squeezed it as if to say 'I am here.' It didn't make me feel much better, though.

  "I have a little proposition for you. You see, now that there is a Luna, all the other Alpha's have to follow you, among all the other special abilities you possess you would be quite the asset. My employer would like to offer you a position with him. He w
ants you. You come with me, work for my employer, and the human lives. Say no, and well the human dies obviously. It is pretty simple."

  "And what exactly does your employer want my Shifters for?" I asked trying to stall for time. Mathew was in wolf form coming from behind the man and Maggie. I hoped to god he could make it to them and get Maggie away safely.

  "Why to make an Army of course. It is time we came out of the shadows. Why should we fear the humans? We are so much stronger, so much better. They should be serving us, thankful to even breathe the same air we do."

  "And you think I would enslave humans. That I would forsake humanity? To what, serve you and your master? No thanks." I said with a little more confidence. Matthew was only a few feet behind them now. He would get her and then we could take down the crackpot. Maggie would be safe. Just a few more seconds.

  "Tutt tutt little Shifter." The man said and turned his head to look at Matthew behind him. He moved almost too fast to follow as he kicked out at Matthew catching him in the muzzle and knocking him back an unimaginable twenty feet. Matthew hit the ground hard and fell unconscious, it didn't look like he was going to get back up. Oh no, oh no no no no.

  He turned back to face me with a disappointed look on his face.

  "Now that was not very nice, was it? I am trying to talk to you and you attack me. " He sighed dramatically and grabbed Maggie's throat tighter.

  "And now there will be consequences." He yelled the same time I screamed no. I ran forward trying to stop him even as I knew I wouldn't make it. I watched as he tore Maggie's throat out and her blood sprayed everyone in a ten-foot radius. Her blood coated my own face and chest, hot and sticky. A sound between a growl and a scream escaped my throat. Maggie slumped to the floor at his feet her fearful eyes frozen in place, staring straight at me. Great sobs wracked my body as I looked at her lifeless before me. He killed her. He killed the only mother I have ever known.


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