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Kidnapped By The Vampire Prince (BBW Paranormal Romance)

Page 26

by T. S. Ryder

  Leon grinned at her. His hand covered hers on her belly and he pressed his forehead to hers. "They. We're having twins, Yuliana. Two beautiful little vampire-Wolves. Although Marina did say they might only take after one of us. It's been commonly held that vampires and Shifters are too different to interbreed… but now that we've proven that wrong, we're not sure what the resulting hybrid will be."

  "Beautiful," Yuliana interrupted. She leaned against her mate. Their babies were healthy, there was no need to be afraid anymore.

  "Yes," Leon agreed. "They will be beautiful. It's too early to tell what the sex is, but it doesn't matter. As long as they're healthy. And they are. Despite everything, they are."

  Yuliana bit her lip, remembering the events that happened right after the king stuck her. "You killed the king."

  Leon's voice became grimmer. "Yes, I did. The vampires nearly killed me for that."

  "Why didn't they?" As far as Yuliana knew, most vampires practically worshiped the king.

  "That friend of yours. The spy." Leon shook his head, a pucker forming between his eyes as he frowned.

  "Zak? But what could he do?"

  Leon brushed her chestnut hair from her face. "Apparently you haven't kept yourself informed about the politics going on among the upper class of vampires, Yuliana. He was named the king's heir some time ago. He's the king now, and it was only through his insistence that I was not killed."

  Yuliana stared at Leon in shock. Of course, she had known that the king had chosen an heir. But it never really affected her, and so she never paid attention. Her world was always limited to what was right around her, and the things that were impossible to avoid during dinner-time conversations. Even then, politics were kept out of it.

  "But if he was the king's heir, what was he doing spying on you and the pack?" Yuliana asked, shaking her head. "Why would he take that risk?"

  "He had to prove himself worthy of the position to the other vampires," Leon said. He chuckled. "Honestly, Yuliana. Why is it that I know more about your vampire systems than you, a vampire?"

  "Probably because you had to know, in order to defend your people against vampires," Yuliana shot back, but the brevity didn't last long. "What's going to happen now? Between Shifters and vampires, I mean. Zak is the new king, but you killed the former king…"

  Leon's face darkened for a moment. He looked away, and Yuliana shivered. Was it possible to have a happy ending after this? Or would the wars flare up again as vampires cried for revenge, or the Shifters joined into some sort of preemptive strike? Was everything she thought she had going to be taken away from her again?

  "The new king seems to be open to peace talks. He's let the other Alphas go as a show of good faith. But I would like to get away from here and back into the forest as soon as we can. As soon as you feel strong enough, Yuliana. I hate taking you away from your parents again, but—"

  "But I will go with you," she interrupted. "Because I love you."

  Leon kissed her gently. "I love you, too."

  A soft knock at the door interrupted them. Yuliana slipped out of bed and pulled a robe over her nightdress as Leon answered it. Her mother stood on the other side of the door. Yuliana sucked her lip between her teeth. It was going to be hard leaving her parents again, but not nearly as hard as it was the first time. She hadn't known what was waiting for her then, and now she did. She knew she had a mate who loved her and a child on the way.

  And as long as things calmed down instead of escalating, she would be able to come back and see them often. If tensions flared, though...

  "Zak… I mean, the king is here to see you," her mother said. "Both of you."

  Leon tensed but nodded. Moments later, Zak came into the room. He shut the door behind himself and turned to the two of them. "Yuliana, I hope you are feeling better."

  She nodded. "I am, thank you."

  "Good. Because what I have to say concerns you and your children as much as it does Alpha Leon here."

  "Just Leon," her mate growled. "What do you want?"

  "Peace." Zak turned to him, grim-faced. "The old king wanted nothing more than to wipe the Shifters out of existence. But the vampires are tired of war. I'm tired of war. If we can't find a peaceful solution between our peoples, we will just end up with more death, more bloodshed, and in the end, we'll both be destroyed. But I think there is a chance in your babies to find common ground and have peace."

  Yuliana wrapped her arms around her middle. "What do you mean? If you think that you're going to take one of them—"

  "No. That's not what I mean. I mean that proof that a vampire and a Shifter can have young together is proof that we can live together peacefully. That is if you want peace." He gave Leon a pointed look.

  "Of course I do. But how will you deal with calls for my blood?"

  Zak chuckled. "Diplomatically. The fact that you love Yuliana will certainly help. I will deal with the politics here, but I'm afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave at once. It will be easier to talk the people round if you're not in sight."

  Leon nodded. "We were leaving, anyway."

  Zak inclined his head. He turned to Yuliana and hesitated a moment. Eventually, he shrugged and gave her a wry smile. "I hope you're happy, Yuliana. You deserve it."

  "I am."

  She watched his go, a frown creasing her brow. She didn't have time to consider that strange parting, though, because Leon was already packing a small bag. Silently she moved to help, though she wasn't sure what they needed that they didn't already have. They had each other. They had their babies. It was time to get back to their life.

  Chapter Ten – Leon

  Leon stepped between his two quarreling children, picking little Finnegan up by the scruff of his neck while Storm nipped at his heels. A quick growl stopped the pup's antics. He began trotting back through the woods towards camp, making sure that Storm could keep up. After a little while, he put Finnegan down and carried his other son instead, although Fin whined for the rest of the way.

  When they got closer to the camp, the unpleasant smell of vampires hit Leon's nose. He tensed, but a few more sniffs brought in a recognizable scent with it. He relaxed. Yuliana's parents. He hadn't been expecting them so early, but they always came to visit their daughter and grandchildren on Saturdays. They were lucky that relations between vampires and Wolves had improved enough for these weekly visits.

  Storm apparently caught the scent of his grandparents as well, because he began wriggling so much Leon could hardly hold him long enough to set him down. He took off through the ferns on his stubby legs. With a yip of encouragement to Fin, Leon started after him. It wasn't long until Fin shifted to his human form and grabbed a few handfuls of Leon's fur, pulling himself onto his father's back.

  The Alpha shook his head, but his Wolfish lips curled into a smile. The older of the two twins, Fin was definitely more like Yuliana. Shy, soft-spoken, and with more vampiric qualities. Storm did not have fangs in his human form unless he wanted them, but Fin always had his. He also required more blood. Storm needed blood, too, but raw steaks satisfied him just fine.

  "Grandma!" Fin shouted when they exited the forest. "Grandpa!"

  Storm pounced on his grandfather, Shifting only when Leon gave him a stern bark. Yuliana's parents both sat in the lean-to and shared an amused glance with each other as the two boys swamped them with hugs and kisses.

  "Where are your shorts?" Yuliana asked. She put her hands on her hips and shook her head at the boys. "How many times do I have to tell you that when you shift you need to wear your shorts?"

  Leon grabbed a boy under each arm and pulled them back from their grandparents. They scowled, and Fin actually stuck his tongue out at his mother. "Don't like those! They feel weird."

  "Go dress," Leon said. "And mind your mother."

  The boys continued to scowl as they rooted about the lean-to for clothing. It was a struggle all shifter parents went through, getting their little ones to understand that while it was perf
ectly natural to want to run around completely nude, there was a time and place for it. And the camp was not the place to be naked.

  He sat cross-legged beside Yuliana. "I heard your King Zak was marrying."

  Yuliana's mother nodded. "He asked us to send his regards. I think it's absolutely wonderful, how you managed to work out this peace agreement with him. And it worked. In only six years, too. It's like we're living in a whole new world."

  "Well, it certainly wouldn't be possible without the cooperation from everybody involved," Leon modestly amended. "After all, if the king and the rest of you vampires had wanted blood… More than you already do, I mean."

  Yuliana playfully smacked his arm. "It's as much political as anything, though. Which reminds me. King Zak has invited us to bring the twins to the palace for a celebration on their fifth birthday."

  "Will we have cake?" Fin pulled a pair of underwear over his head. "And ice-cream?"

  "Don't want to party," Storm grunted. "I want to run through the woods and catch a boogeyman!"

  "Your mother and I will have to discuss it," Leon interrupted. "Now why don't—"

  "Mom, Dad, why don't you let the boys show you around the forest and tell you about all the berries and trees they're learning about," Yuliana interrupted. Her hand slid into Leon's. "So that my mate and I can discuss this birthday party idea? It shouldn’t be more than two hours."

  Her mother's eyes narrowed and her father shook his head, but the boys grabbed them and began babbling. They had no choice but to agree. Yuliana pulled Leon to his feet and pulled him into the forest, giggling as she ran from the camp. Leon grinned and shifted, crouching to let her climb onto his back before they were off again.

  As soon as he thought they were far enough away from the camp, Leon shifted again. He turned to catch Yuliana. As he did so, his jaw dropped. While they were running through the forest, she had stripped off her shirt and bra, which were both wadded in her hand. The sight of her lush breasts made his insides warm.

  "I never get tired of that look on your face," she told him with a grin, dropping her clothing. She kicked off her shoes and pulled down her pants. "I think we should go to this party. It will give us a whole room to ourselves overnight… no asking people to watch the twins while we go out into the bushes and get twigs all up in our hair."

  Leon's gaze trailed down her beautiful, curvaceous body. He nodded absently, although his reasons for going to the party had been a much different place. Yuliana put her hands on her hips and smirked at him. It took him a moment for him to realize what she was waiting for, then remembered he was still wearing his spandex shorts.

  "That's better," his mate purred when he took them off and stepped closer to him.

  His whole body seemed to tighten as he looked at her, and the forest grew twice as warm when she put her small hands on his chest. She pressed herself to her toes, but he still had to bend to catch her mouth with his.

  Her full, deep lips pulled him in; he couldn’t stand the space between their bodies and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her up towards him. He held her as tightly as he could, wishing that he could seep out of his skin and join in spirit with her. The Wolf inside him howled with delight as she moaned in pleasure. When she moved to kiss his neck, it was his turn to moan.

  "So we have two hours?" he asked, grinding himself against her, his hands gripping her thighs and rump so he could control her movements as well.

  "We should probably get back sooner," Yuliana admitted. "I've just been going crazy all day with the need for you…"

  Leon sighed in disappointment, but that was quickly forgotten when Yuliana trailed a hand between their bodies. His hands tightened. Eyes sliding shut, he let his head fall backward. When it came to his mate, he didn't care about who was in control. This was what being mates was all about, this connection, the readiness that came so easily…

  The Alpha walked her over to a tree and turned her around, so her back was against his chest. "Hold that branch."

  Yuliana shot him a puzzled look but did as he said. With her partially supporting herself, he could hold her in the air with just his hands. Pressing a kiss to her neck, he entered quickly. Yuliana's whole body shuddered and she let out a cry of pleasure. Leon closed his eyes again, savoring the feeling of being inside the woman he loved.

  After a moment, Yuliana began to wiggle impatiently. Leon started a fast pace, careful to make sure that she wasn't going to fall. Pleasure built quickly–perhaps a bit quicker than Leon would have wanted, but then when it came to Yuliana, there was never enough time for them to be together. Leon nipped at her neck, inhaling deeply.

  And froze.

  "What is it?" Yuliana asked, panting.

  "Your scent…" Leon inhaled again. "I think you're pregnant."

  Yuliana twisted, eyes wide. "What?"

  He set her down, making her groan in protest, but quickly rectified the situation by laying her on the forest floor. He grinned at her as he entered again, sniffing at her neck. "Yes. You're definitely pregnant. Well, that explains a few things. You have been very hungry of late."

  "Pregnant." Yuliana beamed. "I was just about to ask you to start trying for another baby. The boys need a little sister."

  Leon started his movements again. "How do you know it will be a sister?"

  Yuliana didn't reply. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him deeper. Happiness burst all through Leon's body as it tightened with pleasure building at every thrust. His mouth was on Yuliana's, her movement matching his rhythm, the two of them in complete unison as lovers and mates.

  Soon Yuliana threw back her heads and howled; Leon quickly joined her, not breaking his pace, letting the tension inside him build with every passing moment. His mate's fingers dug into his back, bursts of exquisite taste rolled over his tongue as he dove into her neck.

  When they were finished, they lay together, panting and sharing soft kisses. Neither spoke. There were no words needed for this moment. Not in this perfect, harmonious, happy moment.



  Bonus Book 5: The Vampire Prince's Prisoner


  A curvy nomad in search of an escape PLUS a sexy vampire warrior who is heir to the throne PLUS his cold wife who has evil plans!

  Avery Lathe is a nomad. Her entire life she’s travelled between the Severed Kingdoms and the land of Varlyn, ruled by the Vampire King Granzen Thorne. Avery has never thought of herself as special or important, but somehow, this poor curvy nomad has captured the eye of the Crown Prince.

  Crown Prince Alistair Thorne is a vampire warrior, heir to the Crown of Varlyn. Married to a cold and distant princess, he cannot help but be drawn to the beautiful human Avery. After destroying her caravan and killing her abusive father, Alistair welcomes Avery into his bed, promising to protect her from the powers in the palace.

  A prophecy exists that tells the tale of the half-human half-vampire prince that will unite the Severed Kingdoms and bring peace to the realm. Could Avery be the human woman to bring the prophecy to life? What will happen when the Vampire Princess senses a threat to her position? Caught between political intrigue and the machinations of her devious brother, Avery must not only survive, but also protect her unborn child: the bastard son of her Vampire Prince.

  Her Vampire Prince

  On the seventh full moon of a red year

  The only daughter of a seventh son of the lands of Mygie

  will lie with a Vampire Prince

  In nine months’ time,

  she will bear him a son born on a moonless night

  Half-human half-vampire, he will be beautiful and terrible to behold

  He will conquer the world and reunite the Severed Kingdoms

  He shall be the greatest King that Varlyn has ever seen

  The world will shudder from his power

  - Celisa the Prophet of Four Boulders

  Chapter One

  He could smell them. Prince Alastair Thorne li
fted his nose in the air and took a deep breath. Humans, he could smell their sweat, the smoke from their camp, the fat of a roasting rabbit dripping into the fire. His mouth watered. He tongued the sharp fangs in his mouth knowing that soon he would be able to fill his thirst.

  He listened to their sounds. Men and women went about their business unaware of the monsters lurking in the shadows. He ignored the low mutterings of men and focused on a woman singing a slow mournful song. The grumbling men were of no concern to him. He wasn’t interested in their kind. It was the women he wanted.

  He could hear their light, high-pitched voices creating a tantalizing music that danced towards him. Closing his eyes for a moment, he just listened. He heard laughter from a group, a tittering that sounded like bells and a deep longing surged to the surface. They were so close.

  He gripped his sword, his fingers digging into the supple leather of the handle. The blood lust was coming on. His heart began to pound, adrenaline pumped through his veins.

  His pupils dilated and the darkness around him lit up. He could see everything clearly. Every blade of grass stood out in bright detail. The wind picked up making the boughs of the trees shudder. It was as if nature herself knew what was coming.

  “On marks,” Alistair ordered. Behind him, fifty men unsheathed their swords and bared their fangs.

  “Now!”he said. He took off at a run, racing towards the bright fires of nomad’s camp. He ran across the flat grassland as his men fanning out behind him. The dogs in the human camp began to bark furiously, tugging and straining at their leashes. The sound only made Alistair’s feet go faster. He opened his mouth and let out a screaming war cry echoed by the men around him.

  They crashed on the camp the way a wave crashes on the shore. Swords clashed as women screamed. Men leapt up from their chairs and reached for their swords, but they were too slow and their blades dull.


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