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Princess Rescue Inc

Page 11

by Chris Hechtl

  “Yeah, I'll say you did. Doc has her hands full with Galloway, he's a mess. Fairfax...” he looked down at the fallen private and sighed. “You’re not much better off.” He shook his head as he opened the case. “We better rinse you off before I spray this crap, I don't want to leave any alien buggers in for sepsis to set in,” he said looking around. “Corporal your canteen,” he ordered and then pointed.

  “Sure,” Lewis replied and tossed him a canteen.

  “Get me more water and more bandages,” the Gunny called.

  Doc looked up. “Got another?” she asked, looking over to them. “One of the girls?”

  “No Ryans is your next customer Doc, he's just got to wait in line,” the Gunny said, sprinkling water over the injuries. “Bit tore up, claw marks on his right shoulder, right arm, thorax, both thighs, and right calf,” he said not looking up. “Stable, Doc. Wounds are long but shallow. It looks like they didn't get past what little fat he's got on him. Triage. ”

  “Right,” Doc said nodding. “Galloway is bad. He's lost a lot of blood and tissue. I've got two cans of biofoam in him. I had to use forceps to clamp a few bleeders so I really need to operate.”

  She looked like she was going to come over, so Ryans waved his good hand. “Stay Doc. Perry is right. Triage. Get him stable then you can peek at me. The others have me in hand.” His voice was rough with pain but firm. He indicated the Gunny cleaning the wounds. “He may be an ugly ass marine but I trust him.”

  “Cute,” the Gunny said as he worked.

  Ryans gasped as alcohol wipes were slathered over the ragged wound. “You did that on purpose,” he accused glancing at him. The Gunny smirked but continued cleaning the wounds.

  “Someone want to get the girls out and into the camper. I don't think we should stay here too long. According to Deidra this may be a nesting female. If it is she's probably got babies around here somewhere. Hungry babies and maybe one pissed off mate,” Ryans warned. He felt his energy draining. He knew it was fatigue and blood loss.

  “Oh that's just peachy,” the Gunny said not looking up as he sprayed a wound with biofoam. “I'm more worried about a mate.”

  “That's just what we need,” Perry muttered looking around nervously. His eyes locked on the master sergeant. “Waters we may have more of them around. Tighten the perimeter. Doc, get your patients stable and then we're hitting the road early. Pack up people,” he ordered and waved. Fairfax's body was already stripped of gear and bagged.


  The team got Galloway onto a back board and carried him into the camper. Doc kept working on him as they moved. Nate the biologist was tripping over people as he took measurements, pictures and samples of the beast. He muttered mournfully at the destruction of the head until Wanda snarled at him to shut up. He just kept going though, ignoring her.

  “Come on honey, let's get you two out of there and cleaned up,” Wanda and Charlie urged. They hunkered down next to Ryans and the Gunny, hands outstretched. Deidra looked up to them then down to her sister who was beginning to settle down.

  “Listen, if it scares you, keep your eyes closed and we'll guide you out of there. You don't have to look. It's safe now, and it will be a lot safer once we get you in a truck.”

  A shrieking cry made everyone freeze. A second cry answered the first. Zara began to shake and moan, sobbing and rocking back and forth once more. She shook her head back and forth, going into hysterics again until her sister slapped her hard.

  The fifteen year old looked at her in stunned surprise, choking back sobs.

  “You’re of the royal house. Act that way!” Deidra snarled. “This? This is nothing. We need to go now!” Her eyes flashed and held her sister's.

  Zara choked back her sobs, eyes wide. She nodded meekly, taking Charlie's hand and letting her pull her out from under the camper. She was limp, eyes closed. Charlie tried to lead her but ended up throwing the girl over her shoulder.

  “Got her?” Lewis asked concerned.

  “Yeah, she's light. Get the door,” Charlie said nodding her chin to the Stryker nearby. Lisa pointed to the camper. Charlie grunted and turned back to it.

  “Ah, sure.” Lewis hot footed around the carcass then opened the door. She glanced at it, feeling like it was going to get up and tear them apart at any moment.

  Ryans waved to the Gunny. “Let's go somewhere it's easier to work shall we?” he asked. The Gunny eyed him. “I don't care for the decor. Besides, I'm getting sore here and I think I got a stick up my... well you know,” he said with a bemused grin. He reached up to move.

  Perry grabbed his hand and had another hand in his armpit. “Thanks,” Ryans said as he helped him up.

  “Hurt?” Perry asked.

  “Oh, only when I breath,” Ryans answered, he moved slowly. “Or move,” he winced. “I don't think anything vital got hit, most of it is superficial.”

  “Yeah, but it went right through the skin and fat layers and into muscle in some places,” The Gunny cautioned.

  “Are you calling me fat?” Ryans asked as they helped him over to a bumper.

  “All civilians are,” the Gunny deadpanned. He had to admit though, Ryans wasn't an ordinary civilian. The guy was ripped, he obviously worked out heavily. His body was chiseled muscle. “Your wardrobe is going to need a good tailor,” he said cutting the pants away.

  “Yeah, I think we can dispense with their services all together and just burn this mess,” he sighed, relaxing and letting his head fall back.

  Perry glanced at him. “You still with us?” Perry asked worried.

  “You're not getting rid of me that easily,” Ryans said, eyes closed. “One bitch from hell isn't going to stop me.”

  “Good to know,” Perry chuckled.


  “Fortunately you've got a thick hide so these superficial scratches should give you a nice set of scars to impress the ladies,” Doc said dabbing at his arm sometime later. They'd stopped and transferred him and the girl's to the camper. Well, the girls and he had made it as far as the bumper so far. The medical hummer was full with Galloway and an attending nurse. They hadn't gotten clear of the forest and everyone was a bit jumpy about that.

  “Gee, thanks Doc,” he quipped and then grimaced.

  “You're a pint or two low, are you sure you don't want me to give you a boost?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Save it for Galloway. How is he?”

  “Stable. I'm going to have to operate, his intestine is perforated, left ulna is shattered, and I don't like the looks of his scans. He's got bite marks on his shoulder too, bit like these...” She examined his shoulder.

  “Claw marks Doc, I'd know it if it bit me. That thing's fangs were as long as my arm. I would have known if she had believe me,” he said with feeling. He shivered.

  “Oh,” Doc nodded dabbing at a wound. “Well, this one will have to be sewn up. The deep ones I want to clean again before we close them. The shallow ones can wait, that biofoam is doing a good job keeping everything closed as long as you don't move much.”

  “Good,” he sighed head back.

  “Light headed?” she asked concerned. He grunted an affirmative.

  She frowned. “Blood loss, you're kind of pale too. BP is low. I'll have Gunny set you up with a saline IV and give you some fruit juice and a cookie. Maybe a glucose IV as well.”

  He waved a dismissive hand. “Save the saline and glucose for later Doc, but I'll take the fruit juice and water,” he said smiling.

  “Stubborn pain in the ass. I normally like that about you,” she chuckled.

  “What's the other breakage?” he asked softly, catching her arm.

  She looked at it then patted it. “We lost Fairfax. He was...” She looked away. “I couldn't do anything.”

  He sighed, patting her arm in turn. “Not your fault Doc, mine,” he sighed. “And the others?”

  She shook her head and pursed her lips. “Scrapes and bruises nothing major. The princess
es got a bit banged up, scraped knees and elbows going under the camper. That was quick thinking by the way. Saved them and got them out of the line of fire.”

  “Yeah,” he sighed rubbing his temples, eyes closed. He wished now he could have gotten under with them. “You've got Galloway stable enough for us to move?” He opened his eyes and looked around. The camp was cleared; everyone was nervously looking at the tree line and the branches above. Occasionally a screech would put everyone on alert.

  “I'd rather not, his insides are dicey, and I just patched that artery together, but we need to get somewhere safe,” she said and then shrugged. “Perry said we're moving out in ten.”

  “Got it,” he replied and then pulled himself up with a groan.

  “Easy there,” she said and pushed his good shoulder back down. “Go easy on those ribs. I've given you something for the pain, but you've got a couple of cracked ribs and if you move you'll tear those wounds open more.”

  “Ah,” he nodded trying not to hiss. “I can't sit here though Doc, as much as they'd like it.” He pointed to the bumper. Doc grimaced.

  “Oh,” she chuckled softly. “Yeah, good point, but go as slow as slow,” she said waving to Lewis. Lewis looked around nervously then came over, hands on her weapon, eyes scanning the trees.

  “Lewis, help him get to the camper. The Stryker is too small for him.”

  “Yeah, we need to move,” Lewis said, licking her lips then sticking her hand under his armpit. “Gunny's checking the perimeter, trying to localize where they're coming from.” She helped him over to the camper and up the folding steps.

  “In you go. Good work boss,” she said then moved off. He grimaced and passed the girls then eased himself down at the table.

  “You ladies all right?” he asked hunched over his arm. They looked at each other and then to him. The oldest, Deidra said something in her native language. He grimaced, his blue tooth had been knocked into the dirt during the attack or when Gunny first patched him up. He waved his hands then pointed to his ear.

  “Sorry ladies, I can't understand a word you're saying,” he sighed at Deidra's annoyed look. “Lewis,” he called. “LEWIS!”

  “Yeah What?” Lewis said at the door.

  “Find my blue tooth. It's near the door. It fell off during the attack.”

  “Right.” She scanned the area around the carcass. “I don't see it. Lots of blood and crap,” she muttered. She scuffed her boots then looked under the camper. “Got it.” She came up with the little device and tossed it into the camper. It bounced off Zara who shrank back.

  “Do you mind?” he asked pointing to it. Deidra glared. Zara looked, then bit her lip and got the device. She looked it over curiously.

  “It's actually just a transceiver,” he said, forgetting they couldn't understand him. He pointed to the ear piece. “This goes in here.” He pointed to his ear. “This you talk into.” He pantomimed talking. “This translates what I say and speaks your language.” He pointed to the little speaker. “This hears what you say and turns it into my language and plays it in my ear.” He pointed to the ear piece again. “Then it told me what to say back.”

  Her eyes were bright, at least brighter than they were after the attack. He realized the wonder of the unknown device was helping her get over her fear so he didn't insist on getting it back right off. She fumbled with it, tried it on then smiled tentatively stroking the hair away from her ear. He nodded patting her arm. “Looks good on you,” he said. She jerked, hand to her ear, eyes wide. He chuckled.

  “Working?” he asked. She blinked in confusion. He grimaced.

  “How's it hanging?” the Gunny asked climbing in with an IV kit. “I've got just the stuff to fix you up. Doc is insisting you at least get a saline drip. Saline we can replace.” He motioned for Zara to move aside.

  “Here,” he pulled the kit out as Ryans raised his arm palm up. “This won’t hurt a bit,” he said sticking the needle in and then checking to make sure the stick was good.

  “Nice, first try,” Ryans smiled.

  “Comes with practice,” the Gunny said.

  “Sure,” Ryans said nodding as the Gunny hooked the IV up. The girls were wide eyed. “He's giving me fluids to replace the blood I lost,” he explained and then sighed. He kept forgetting they didn't understand.

  The Gunny turned to the girls and touched his blue tooth. He explained in their language then waited. The girls looked confused and then nodded. Zara held out the blue tooth tentatively to him. He took it, patted her on the knee and then handed it to Ryans.

  “Here, I think you need this more than she does. Don't move that arm or you're liable to bend the needle. Play nice,” the Gunny said and then left.

  “Thank you princess,” Ryans said nodding to Zara, and then Deidra. Zara smiled again, running her fingers through her bangs.

  Ryans sighed. “I apologize if I was a little rough with you out there; I was trying to protect you.”

  Zara smiled shyly again and then nodded in understanding. He touched her arm. She flinched and then relaxed. “I'm sorry,” she murmured hoarsely.

  He stroked her arm. “Perfectly normal reaction, you've been traumatized enough. You're a kid, and that scared all of us. We're just faster at recovering. Remember, next time keep your head. Fall to pieces when it's safe,” he said, trying to keep that as light as possible so he wouldn't be a downer to the kid. He smiled lying back. After a moment she nodded.

  “Thank you for saving our lives,” Zara murmured, holding his hands. “Again,” she said stroking her fingers on his arm. His eyes opened. Deidra looked startled and then paled.

  “No problem. Now, I think the morphine's finally kicking in so I'm going to nod off.” He slowly slipped into unconsciousness just as the camper moved out.


  “He did it again,” Zara said.


  “Saved our lives,” Zara said firmly. “You and I both know what that means,” she said stubbornly.

  “It...” Deidra shot the dozing man a look. Whatever the soldier named Gunny had given him had him sleepy.

  “He may be married.”

  “So?” Zara demanded. “That doesn't matter with gaijin and you know it. You know the law. They and their bloodline are special and must be protected and encouraged. The laws of matrimony do not apply to us or to them.”

  “But...” Deidra bit her lip. “I'm certain he's married to the healer. I'm sure of it.”


  “So he's not the type to dally I bet,” Deidra said, going out on a limb.

  “Perhaps sister, and perhaps not,” Zara warned. “We don't know for sure. We know little about him,” she said. “And men like him, heroes must be passed on to the next generation.”

  “I...” Zara and Deidra talked quietly about him saving them. Bux and Yani watched but tried to remain quiet and out of the way. Deidra bit her lip. This wasn't going well, she thought. She looked at him. For the first time she noticed his rippling muscles. He was well built, not fat like some men. Well-muscled and tall, well fed and strong, incredibly strong. But oh, this was so wrong. She turned away in disgust with troubled thoughts.


  Art’ur snarled as he watched the men prepare to lay siege to the castle. His efforts to take the gates had been rebuffed. Now he had to risk his men to cut down trees for the wood to make the siege engines to break the blasted wall.

  He eyed the wall in savage dissatisfaction. They'd pay he vowed, as men nearby grunted, pulling up a log. They'd pay for their insolence, in daring to defy him.

  He turned. Two trebuchets and a catapult were under construction. A shed was also being put up. Unfortunately the fools he had for followers had torched some of the nearby villages before being called off, so that ready supply of wood and material had been lost.

  He'd dreamed of such machines, of a siege like this. It fired the imagination of a child but he knew what trouble it was. His men were tied down, for
ced to encircle the castle to cut it off from support and to continuously harass the defenders while probing for weak points. Wearing the defenders down through attrition was one way to break their will but it took time. Time he was afraid he didn't have.

  He was certain he had some time, the seasons were long here, and this Kingdom wasn't as far north as Duluth but the planting did need to get done or all would suffer. He'd come here for the food and if none were planting it he would be undone. They would be undone.

  His family's well placed spies in the capital were beginning to report in. There was word of strange vehicles on the roads between here and the capital. He'd heard of them in the attack on the wall but then nothing more so had put them from his mind. Now he knew what had become of them. He didn't like gaijin getting away.

  Uuôden approached from behind. He turned to the older man, knowing he had a report but also knowing it was best to receive it where his men and the enemy wouldn't be able to hear. “My tent,” he said, motioning for the other man to follow. Uuôden nodded and followed his King.


  When Ryans woke he got a report and then asked the Doc about the princesses. Doc's assessment of the princesses put them as well fed teenagers. The oldest, the brunette/blond was a dead ringer for Britney Spears. The younger had reddish brown blond hair. She was fifteen from the look of her height and build. Her older sister was easily eighteen or nineteen; the translation was off though so they weren't sure. The eggheads were also wondering about the year length.

  A night of restless sleep did Ryans a bit of good. He felt like he'd been used as a chew toy. Doc checked, he had a light fever but otherwise didn't have any sign of infection. He did have a spectacular set of cuts and bruises through. He was careful when he put a fresh shirt on. He made sure it was a button down, not his usual T shirt undershirt. Hell if he was going to deal with that for a while he thought.

  They buried PFC Fairfax's body in a pit his fellows dug for him. They buried him under a cairn of stones to protect the body from scavengers. The Gunny said some words from his pocket bible and then the service was complete.


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