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Princess Rescue Inc

Page 13

by Chris Hechtl

  “Ah, debudding,” Nate nodded in understanding. He looked over to the Master Sergeant. “It's a process where they use a hot poker to burn the horn cells out when the animal is young. That stopped the horns from growing. On Earth it is used on goats, sheep, and cattle. I guess it works on spikes too.” He waved to indicate the creatures. Zara nodded.

  “Ah, gotcha. Smart. Having all those pointy things around could put someone's eye out,” the Gunny said smirking. The girls looked at him in confusion.

  “They probably got half that,” Sue sighed. She pulled out her tablet and then tapped at it. “I guess another translation session is in order,” she grimaced, waving to a confused Deidra.


  They spotted a man riding a bipedal creature running down the road. He was dressed in scarlet and purple. His beast had some strange markings. The man looked surprised at their vehicles, but dodged through them and moved on quickly cresting the next hill out of sight. Gunny pushed Lewis's weapon down so she wouldn't shoot.

  “Okay, you don't see that every day,” Perry said looking on to where the man went, then back where he came from. “Scout maybe?”

  Deidra shook her head and said something. The translator paused then he heard “Mail rider.”

  “Ah,” he nodded. “That explains the saddle bags,” he said. He nodded thoughtfully. “Did the Duke send one out before the attack?” he asked, turning to the Princess. She looked wary and then slowly nodded.

  “Did he get warning of the wall falling?” After a moment again she nodded this time slowly, warily looking at him.

  “Ah, so why did it take so long for you to be sent to safety?” he asked. She grimaced.

  “My...” She looked to her sister. “Our father ordered it if the wall should fall. Food not... much in castle.”

  “So the Duke is low on provisions?” Perry asked. “Food? Water? Weapons?” Reluctantly Deidra nodded.

  “So it may not be a long siege. Great,” he grimaced turning in place and then pursing his lips in thought. “Something else to keep in mind. Once they're done looting and pillaging they'll head in this direction.”


  “I don't know where we are do you?” Deidra asked. She was tired of being in the metal carriage. It traveled much faster and smoother than the royal coach but it was still a long trip to the capital. If they were even going to the capital. They may have passed it in the night.

  Zara frowned but didn't look up from the movie she was watching. She was clutching a pillow to her chest, watching it play out. Bux and Yani were watching with her. The healer Sue was in the other carriage, taking care of the injured soldier.

  “Zara,” Deidra said impatiently. “Pay attention,” she said in exasperation.

  “I am, just not to you,” Zara said, eyes still locked on the screen. “Why do you want to know?” Zara finally asked.

  “Because we need to know. We need to know where we're going. We need to get to the capital.”

  “I wouldn't mind some fresh fruit,” Yani said. “The meals they serve sit like rocks in your stomach,” she said holding her growing tummy. The gaijin healer had checked on her pregnancy and said something about first term.

  Deidra frowned. “See?”

  “So talk to them. The leader,” Zara said and finally looked up at her.

  “Think of what they could tell us about things,” Deidra said desperately, trying to change the subject. She didn't want to deal with the one called Ryans or his soldier Lieutenant Perry.

  “How are you doing with their language?” Deidra finally asked.

  “A lot better if you'd stop interrupting,” Zara replied in disgust. She returned to watching the movie. Deidra sighed.

  When they stopped for a break she immediately approached the one called Perry. “Can we talk?” she asked. He nodded and put the remnants of his MRE away.

  “What's on your mind princess?” he asked. She was in a peasant outfit but kept the tiara on. At least Doc had finally convinced her and her sister to take a shower.

  “We, can we stop at a village?” she asked looking around for Ryans.

  “The last one didn't work out so well princess,” Perry said. She frowned and then nodded. That was certainly true. She hadn't expected Drak to be such a stupid moron. Her father would make him pay dearly for what he had done.

  “I need a map. And supplies,” Deidra said, lifting her chin imperiously. “And I'd like your healer to look at some who may be injured. In compensation,” she said.

  “Bux and Yani are hurt?” Perry asked getting up.

  “No, no, I mean any in the village, as compensation. I'd also like news and to spread the word of the invasion,” she said.

  “Ah, well, we'll see,” he said nodding. “I'll bring it up with Ryans first chance I get.”


  The next morning they stopped to get news and supplies and help a village, teaching the native peasants what they could in the brief two day stay. Ryans and mechanic got with the village blacksmith and taught him how to make a more modern iron plow, then printed designs for various tools and items. The blacksmith was grateful. They were grateful to add his comments and descriptions to the translation program along with the fresh fruit from the nearby orchard. The scientists were ecstatic over the samples they gathered.

  Doc met the local healer and checked on a few cases she had. Two had sepsis and she lanced and disinfected boils under the supervision of the native healer. One woman turned out to have an ectopic pregnancy. She aborted the fetus to save the mother.

  They tried to get the girls to stay but the princesses flat out refused. The other refugees chose to remain, however. It was a relief to have less people.

  “Less bunnies running around,” the Gunny said with another smirk. Sue asked what he meant by that but he turned away.


  On the road once more they stopped in a small clearing in a swamp a few miles down the road. Deidra separated herself from the others immediately; she walked off, arms crossed, sulking. The young woman had become more and more distant to them after talking with her sister.

  “Pouting princess?” Ginger asked pointing her fork her way. Ryans shrugged. Zara gave them a look. “She should stay with the group, it's not safe being off on your own,” Ginger said.

  “Right,” Ryans nodded. “You go ahead and tell her that little thing. I don't feel like getting my ass chewed any more then I've already had it,” he sighed leaning back. He rubbed at his injured arm. The cuts itched, a sign that they were healing. Most of the shallow ones had scabbed over nicely. He didn't like having them covered in bandages but Doc insisted due to the threat of unknown infection. He preferred to air dry his wounds.

  Zara got up without a word and walked over to her sister. Ginger eyed her then looked at Ryans. He shrugged, leaning back, eyes closed.

  “What the hell?” Scooter said looking up from the top of the camper. He shielded his eyes to look into the grass near them.

  “What?” Perry asked. “See something?” Perry asked looking up. He hefted a rifle.

  “Yeah... looked like something in the grass. There, three o'clock and closing,” Scooter pointed. Ryans and the others got up and looked in the indicated direction. Weapons were immediately drawn.

  “Boss we're getting something on the infrared all around. Creatures coming in from all sides!” The Gunny called looking up from the scanner, one hand on his earwig.

  “Red alert!” Perry roared. He repeated the order over the radio. Waters looked up from the truck he was working on and looked around. He picked up his MP-9 and checked it just as the grass parted and a giant purple and brown centipede came out.

  “What the hell?” Waters snarled. The yard long creature reared up like a cobra hissing at him. Antenna and claws wiggled.” Want some of this?” Waters opened up with the rifle. A quick three shot burst tore the animal apart. Another and then another came out of the grass and he aimed down,
spraying them.

  “We need to Evac now!” Perry ordered looking around. “Lock and load and get your asses on board. By the numbers people! Move it! MOVE IT!”

  Ryans had made his way after the princesses. He rounded a tree to see Deidra smashing one of the centipedes with a rock. Her sister was shrieking, backing away. She stumbled and went down. Another came for her. Ryans grabbed a branch and reached the girl just as the creature reared, slamming it with the branch in a hard hit.

  “Home run,” he snarled as the creature sprayed blue goo and fell writhing in the grass. He heard the shots behind him. He keyed his radio mike. “Try to conserve ammo folks,” he said over the radio as he reached down for the girl.

  “Deidra!” Zara screeched getting up. He looked to see another centipede had her cornered. A second was dropping from a branch above and behind the older princess.

  “Watch the trees, above and below!” he said keying his throat mike. Deidra turned just as his branch slammed into the creature dangling behind her. She closed her eyes as the goo sprayed her, and then sputtered. Some of it was stringy, like silk.

  “Sorry,” he muttered, pushing her to one side as she tried to clear her face. He slapped the stick down but the charging creature dodged, then wound itself around the stick and started up it.

  “Damn!” He threw it away and pulled his sidearm. A single squeeze of the trigger and it's head exploded. He looked around for more. When none came out he listened to the short bursts of weapons fire.

  A hummer pulled up. Zara immediately turned and climbed in as the door popped open. Deidra looked around. “Come on princess, you can take out your frustrations on something else later,” Ryans urged, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the truck. Perry was in the top turret, he fired off a short burst into the hissing grass line.

  “Let's move out people!” He waved then pointed in the indicated direction. “Safer on the damn roads apparently,” he snarled as they rumbled out.

  “Anyone hurt?” Ryans asked looking back and up to him.

  “No, not that I know of. Got that goop on a couple of people and things though. Nate's pitching three kinds of fits about not getting a sample again. We're all sorely tempted to leave him behind,” Perry growled.

  “Typical,” Ryans snorted. He looked over to Deidra who was wiping at her face. She paused and looked up to him with a glare and then went back to wiping her face. She turned away. He reached over and flipped a flap up, exposing a mirror. She didn't look at him, just brushed his hand away.

  “You're welcome,” he said then shrugged turning back to look at the path ahead. “I think,” he added shaking his head.

  Chapter 4

  Princess Deidra insisted on stopping at a local knight's small stone keep. She called it a Donjon. The translator called it a great tower. Ryans frowned at the translation.

  “Sounds a hell of a lot like dungeon if you ask me.” Waters muttered eying the edification. He was impressed by the scale of the thing but not in the look. It was covered in lichens and moss. Someone wasn't taking good care of the place from the look of the crumbling mortar and stained walls. The girls give him a look. He shrugged it off.

  “Yeah, it does. Let’s just stay the hell out of the basement then,” Ryans nodded. “Hope this goes better than the last one,” he muttered.

  “Sure, but I'm taking some C-4 to knock down doors just in case,” Waters said smiling grimly.

  They left the vehicles behind and went forward with a small party to the base of the tower. They naturally followed the road right to the moat and wooden gatehouse. They were challenged from the parapet of the wooden wall by a nervous guard.

  “It is I, your princess. Deidra daughter of Andreas! Royal princess to the realm!” Deidra called up, chin out, shoulders back. Every inch screamed royal lady. Her tiara gleamed in the sun.

  “Dressed as a whore? Tell another joke!” the man laughed as Deidra gasped.

  “I'll have your balls for that sir-rah!” she shrieked, hands on her hips and belt knife, eyes flashing.

  “As long as you treat them gently they will be yours for a night... or two!” the man roared with mirth. His fellows guffawed.

  “Duke Emroy's castle is besieged by the hated Duluth upstarts! He sent us to safety!” she snarled. “I cry sanctuary!”

  The man looked down to her. “If you’re looking for a man's bed for sanctuary in that outfit I'd say you'll find it, but not here. The Dominus is at the castle,” he waved diffidently. “Now get thee hence before I fill you full of arrows.”

  Deidra fumed until the man hefted a crossbow. “Come on sister,” Zara urged, grabbing her arm. “We'll deal with him at a later time,” Zara said. She glared up at the soldier.

  “Much later, two trollops in one bed?” the soldier laughed.

  “Like you could handle one let alone two?” another laughed. Deidra turned away disgusted as the cat calls became more and more obscene.

  “So much for that,” Ryans said watching the princess storm back toward them in a seriously black mood. He sighed. “I can't really blame them. From the looks of things they've got about a half a dozen soldiers in there. Maybe a dozen, that's about right for a small garrison for a keep this size. I wouldn't want to let a strange force in.” He grimaced eying the fuming native females. Hell, the way Deidra acted he'd be reluctant to let her in period. Even if she was in full costume.

  “Hoping to unload them?” Perry asked amused. He glanced at Ryans who cocked an eyebrow and shrugged. “A little close to the war front don't you think?” Perry asked.

  “Yeah, but out of sight, out of mind. Then they'd be someone else's problem,” the Sergeant said nodding. “The dependents too.” He jerked his thumb to the retinue in the vehicles looking around nervously. They'd been picking up more refugees at the princesses' insistence. They'd traded Bux and Yani for trouble. “Caught a couple stealing stuff. We need to unload them quick.”

  “Yeah,” Perry nodded. He turned a surreptitious glance toward the refugees and caught sight of one of them trying to pry a bolt out with a knife. “Yeah,” He turned and waved. “Hey dumb fuck! Don't scratch the paint!” He yelled waving a hand.


  A few hours later they came across a small convoy. As soon as they caught sight of the traveling carts and wagons they immediately pulleed the vehicles over a hill out of sight. The princesses and refugees met them at the roadside. Out of earshot, the Terrans watch as Deidra explained the situation.

  A man leered and grabbed for her. Affronted she reared back and slapped him. He took the blow then turned to her snarling, blood in his eye. He grabbed her arm. “Bet that's what happened with the black knight,” Ryans muttered already moving.

  “Shit,” Perry blew the horn and they drove out. He flipped the lights on and then pulled into a tight fast turn spraying the gaping native people with dirt and dust.

  They climbed out and Ryans came over to Deidra. “Problem princess?” he asked hands on his waist belt.

  The man looked down to her. “She's not no damn...” He froze, feeling the prick of a knife against his throat. His eyes widened and he looked down to see the snarling princess holding the knife with her free hand.

  “I'd be very careful what you do or say bub if I were you. She's not in a forgiving mood. Not after the week she's had,” Perry said hefting a rifle.

  A soldier moved to pull his sword but Perry pointed the rifle at him. “I wouldn't if I were you,” he warned.

  The convoy leader's eyes were wide as he took in Deidra’s snarl. Her eyes snapped with rage... and perhaps a little madness. He gulped, feeling a trickle of fear and blood. Slowly he released her arm and stood back.

  “I think you owe the princess an apology son,” Waters said softly.

  “I’m sorry your highness.” He removed his hat and bowed, then stood shaking. He reached up and touched the cut on his throat, paled, and dug out a handkerchief to cover the wound. He looked at the girl again and noted the tiara. He paled

  “I believe the princesses here were trying to tell you that Duke Emroy's castle is under siege and this area is now a war zone, correct?” Ryans asked coming up beside the princess. Slowly, carefully he touched her hand with the knife and pushed it down.

  “Forget them. They aren't worth it,” Wanda called over the radio. “Let's get the hell out of here while we can.”

  “Let's have a little radio discipline instead,” Waters said turning to the hidden civilian vehicles.

  “I suggest you folks turn around and return to where you came from. Or you could form up and escort the princesses to their home,” Ryans suggested hopefully. Deidra turned her glare on him. He shrugged. “Just a thought princess,” he said spreading his hands. She shook her head.

  “We are ah, out of Abernathy my Dominus... um sir...” the man said hesitantly. Ryans waved. “We're not traveling to the capital. This was ordered and paid for in advance by Duke Emroy.” He waved to the loaded carts. “Duke Pryor ordered us to bring it when the snows melted.”

  “Ah well, I suggest you turn around and go to a nearby village or keep and then contact the Duke for instructions. You don't want your convoy to fall prey to the Duluth enemy do you?” Perry asked.

  The convoy men and women looked at him then began to murmur. “Are you telling the truth about Emroy? Is it truly under siege?” The wagon master asked.

  Zara straightened to her full height. “Indeed,” Zara nodded. “We, ah... we were sent to the capital to keep us out of the enemy hands. These...” She indicated the Terrans. “These gaijin people saved us. She made the us as royal sounding as possible.”

  “And you’re really the princess?” the wagon master asked. He was looking at Deidra, then to Zara, then finally to Ryans who nodded.

  “I beg pardon my lady,” he said immediately, dropping his eyes and then chin and then dropping to one knee head down. He was trembling.

  “Nothing ventured nothing gained I guess,” Perry sighed. “Next time, don't jump to a conclusion without evidence. And don't piss a lady off.”

  “I won’t. Never,” the man choked out shaking his head.


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