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Princess Rescue Inc

Page 28

by Chris Hechtl


  Gunny Paris studied a teen with moderate to severe acne scars. Puberty had definitely not been kind in that regard, though the lad had a strikingly buff body. The kid was good, smart; he rarely made the same mistake twice. He adapted to the new tech like a fish to water, sucking it up. “Tiberius right? Think he's for the officer candidate program?” Waters asked nodding his chin to the lad as they watched Paterson put the latest group through their paces. Another platoon was marching around the quad, working on their drilling skills.

  Paris shrugged. “Beats me. I'm just the hired help. I think we should bump him up to squad leader and see how he hacks it.”

  “He's quiet,” Waters observed, watching the lad help one of his team mates on the improvised obstacle course. “But he does show leadership potential,” he admitted as the other kid got over the wall and kept going.

  “Yeah, that he does. He doesn't jaw at you or anything, just listens intently,” the Gunny said. “Worried he's a spy?” he finally asked, staring at the lad.

  “No,” Waters finally said. “But it's something we have to be on the lookout for. I think he's just a smart cookie. Someone told him to keep his ears open and his trap shut if he wanted to survive this I bet,” he said.

  “Maybe,” Paris replied reluctantly.

  Waters turned away. “Make him the squad leader. Let's see what he can do.”

  “I hate rushing this shit,” the Gunny sighed. Twenty two hours in a day, five days in a week... they didn't have the time they needed to not only get to know the kids but to let them get to know and trust them. Trust in their leadership and teach them to listen.

  “We work with what we've got. Squad leader,” Waters said with a nod. “I'll deal with the paperwork.”

  “Right,” the Gunny replied. He didn't envy Waters; the Master Sergeant was also trying to deal with the so called officer training program. So far most of the candidates were nobles or sons of nobles with delusions of grandeur and no interest in following orders. All they wanted to do was rush off for glory and loot. Having an upstart in their ranks could get interesting. It'd be hell on the kid but if he was tough he'd handle the hazing and come out even stronger than before.


  Ryans, Sydney, Zara, and Deidra discussed Herod the Great. The kids were a quiet audience, watching from the sidelines. Zara explained that he was a former Roman slave who survived when the town was laid waste by disease and people fled into the wilderness. When a new crop of people crossed over he used his knowledge to become their leader.

  Deidra was annoyed with Zara; the girl was spending entirely too much time with the gaijin. She'd come in to berate them all for wasting their time but had become intrigued by Sydney's teaching and her sharp tongue had been quelled.

  Zara was dressing too much like the gaijin these days. Without the sharp guiding hand of Druzilla or nana she was flouting traditional garb and makeup. She sometimes borrowed an outfit from the gaijin Paterson. She even washed her outfits in the gaijin's machinery. It was both amusing and vexing all in one package.

  “It was he that united the various cultures into one group by outlawing slavery and banning a state religion. He also wanted democracy but was made King,” Zara said proudly. “He called it emperor but others changed it to King.”

  “They needed a strong central leader,” Ryans noted with a nod.

  Sydney looked amused. “Yeah, I can see that I guess,” hHe sniffed. “People always flock to power though.”

  “True,” Ryans nodded. “Also to the security and comfort of having someone in charge who knows what he's doing. Who has the bigger picture.”

  “So is this where the whole marriage thing comes in?” Sydney asked. The princesses stiffened.

  Ryans sighed and rubbed his brow. “Sydney...”

  “What? Oh bollocks, I put my foot right into it didn't I?” he asked looking at the girls.

  “Typical,” Ryans snorted. “Sorry ladies but we're ignorant of the custom and he's... curious.” He glanced at Sydney who nodded. “So am I for that matter.”

  Zara gave both men a look as Deidra looked away, then brushed her skirt and got up.

  “If you'll excuse me,” she murmured as they got up. She left without a backwards glance.

  “Did I hit a nerve? I said I was sorry,” Sydney said.

  “Yeah, I'll say,” Ryans sighed.

  “So what's this about? We can't keep going around stumbling in the dark. Toes get trodden on enough here as it is,” Sydney said. He for one was heartily sick of the crap.

  Zara frowned then nodded. “Herod...” she cleared her throat. “Herod saved a woman's life. She was a new immigrant and was pregnant. Her husband was dead. basilisk.” She frowned. “He married her and instituted Vitas Sodalis...”

  “Ah. Okay. So that explained it.”

  “She had twins, Herod named them Romulus and Remus.”

  Ryans nodded in appreciation. “Right out of Roman mythology. Cute.”

  “Yeah,” Sydney nodded. He opened his mouth but the exasperated look from the princess made him close it. “A story for another day I suppose. You were saying princess?”

  “Yes,” she nodded smoothing the wrinkles in her skirt. “I was saying that Herod had two boys. They grew up. One day they saved a pair of sisters.”

  “Ah. I take it...”

  “No, they didn't marry,” Zara shook her head. “They were too young their father said. But they joked about it. Then, well... there was an accident and the girl’s father was killed building the outer wall of the capital.”

  Ryans eyed her. “Herod had the women move into the keep as part of his household.” Zara shook her head.

  Sydney frowned. “Ah. And then?”

  “No... Actually it was during a trip to a nearby land. Duluth actually, Remus met the Dominus and they tried to force him to marry their... ah... ugly daughter.”

  Sydney snorted.

  “Tried to cement the two Kingdoms and get a line in on the Imperium throne. I take it that didn't go over well?” Ryans asked amused.

  “No,” Zara looked like she was ready to giggle. “No, She was fat and ugly... like a basilisk. Or so I was told.”

  “Oh boy, Yeah...Talk about a diplomatic mess in the making,” Sydney sighed. “Hell I for one wouldn't want to wake up next to that every morning!”

  “Right,” Zara nodded, giving him a quelling look. “He got out of the marriage by insisting he had saved the life of a princess in his own land and was betrothed to her. His father had created the precedent.”

  “Ah, he talked his way out of it. Cute.” Sydney said softly. “Bet you wish you were that smart,” he said eying Ryans. Ryans didn't rise to the bait. He'd made it clear the diplomatic immunity negated the Vita Sodalis but apparently the Queen had ignored the message.

  “Yes well, when Remus sent word and word of the Dominus's daughter Herod reluctantly agreed. However when Remus came back he was wed to Sejini. His parents insisted,” she grimaced.

  “Ah. And therefore his brother and her sister...”

  Zara nodded. “They were also wed. And that didn't go over well with Romulus or his new wife. They fought quite often it was said. Romulus was quite bitter with his brother for the marriage as well. He had fallen in love with another and wasn't happy about being forced into a loveless marriage.”

  Ryans winced. He could relate. “Ah.”

  “When Herod died the Kingdom was split in two. But Romulus was quite angry still. When he had had enough of his wife's sharp tongue he cut it out in a drunken rage one night.” The men winced at that.

  “He sent it to his brother. Remus went to war at his wife's urging. It was to save her sister. The war was brutal and lasted several years. Hasana and her daughter fled the castle through a secret passage when it was under siege. They met up with Remus who used the passage to get in and kill his brother.”

  “That was here?” Ryans asked. He was keenly interested in the secret passag
es of this warren. If there were any, Zara had just confirmed that the natives knew and had made use of them.

  Zara shook her head. “No, it was in duchy Rojer. Although it wasn't known as that of course.”


  “Hasana became the duchess there with her daughter. Remus supplanted them with his youngest son but his eldest died with fire head. He was forced to bring his youngest son Cedric the younger back to the capital.”

  “Ah. So Hasana's heirs inherited the Rojer duchy once more? But they were bitter?”

  “Exactly, Sejani died in childbirth a short time later. They didn't communicate with the King for some time. Even when there was famine they didn't ask for aid.”

  “Ah, the sins of pride,” Sydney sighed.

  Zara sighed. “Yes, many suffered on both sides.”

  “So that's why your sister isn't amused? Precedence?” Ryans asked.

  “Well, the law has been enacted twice more. The second time prince Zuko married a commoner immigrant woman. He was betrothed at the time. It was quite a scandal. He insisted on following precedent because it would bring new blood to the royal lineage. She grimaced.

  “Did he...”

  “He is said to have saved her from an Anasazi. A giant creature that stung a person and then wrapped them in goo it spat from its mouth.”

  “Ewe, yuck. I'd think she'd be dead.”

  “No, it didn't get her. Or so they said. He saved her before it could strike.”

  Sydney raised an eyebrow, dubious of that. Predators killed fast, they rarely played with their prey. Killing it in ambush made sure it couldn't fight back or get away. “He was in the nick of time?”

  “Yes, for both of them. He was to be married the next day.”

  “Well fancy that.” Ryans snorted.

  “It isn't as it seems. Or at least not as rumors were. She was a pleasant enough woman... or so history said, but not a beautiful one. She wasn't happy about being married, however. At least, not at first,” she grimaced.

  “Shotgun wedding. Who could blame the gal,” Ryans snorted. He was having his own problem with that idea.

  “You have looked upon her portrait in the hall,” Zara said after a moment.

  Ryans frowned. He tried to imagine the portrait. Some were faded to vague shapes. “Um... no offense princess, but um... some aren't all that good.”

  “Yes, I know,” she sighed and then grimaced. “But you get the idea. Her image is the one of the fat woman with long braids in the purple gown.”


  “The one with jowls, seen it,” Sydney said nodding. They both looked to him. He shrugged. “My gram had the same problem. And a mole right on her chin.”

  “Yeah, okay. So she's your ancestor?” Ryans asked looking at Zara. She shook her head.

  “No, not directly, for Zuko's children died in a plague. I and our line are from his sister Emilina.”


  “So there was another?” Sydney asked trying to get back to the subject at hand. “I mean another um... rescue marriage,” he said awkwardly.

  Zara froze then nodded. “Yes,” she hissed. Her eyes glittered darkly. “Once by force,” she said tightly.

  “Droit de seigneur?” Sydney asked, eyebrow raised in surprise.

  “Ah...” Ryans said stalling for time while he tried to think of a diplomatic way of stating the obvious.

  “I know the term,” Zara said tightly, hand raised. “And yes it was... bad. Three generations ago, my grandfather went to war to defend duchy Emroy from the duchy Troy. When the war was over he demanded the hand of Duke Troy's daughter in return for letting the lords live.”

  “That doesn't have...”

  “Oh, but it does. He claimed that since he spared her life it was part of the Herod pack, the Vita Sodalis,” she practically spat it out.

  “Ah... crap. Legal mumbo jumbo. He twisted it,” Sydney said in disgust.

  “Yes. And he... forced himself upon my grandmother. I have read her diary scrolls. She was spiteful of him and her father for allowing it. She had been intended for another who had died in the war.”

  Sydney winced. “Crap. Yeah, that must have been an interesting marriage.”

  “Yes. He threatened to have her tongue removed like Hasani's was. Only once. After that she stayed quiet and as far away from him as she possibly could.”

  “Smart lady.”

  “I would think so,” Zara smiled. “She killed him,” she said softly after a moment. The men looked at her surprised.

  “Poison?” Ryans asked after a moment. Zara nodded, this time she was a little surprised.

  “It's the weapon of choice for a woman. Non confrontational. You can poison a guy and smile to his face and he's oblivious,” Ryans replied to her questioning look. Sydney looked down at the drink he was holding and then carefully set it aside. Ryans snorted. It did put a new twist on Perry's recent mischief though.

  “Indeed,” Zara said getting up. Both men did as well. “You may wish to dwell on that for a time,” she said walking out with a backwards look.

  “Ah crap,” Ryans muttered. The kids around the room were staring at him.

  Sydney shook his head and clapped him on the shoulder. “Yup, in a nutshell boss. I don't envy you a bit. She's being forced and... Ohhh boy. Nope, I don't envy you in the slightest.”

  “Gee thanks a lot. Trade yah?” Ryans said shaking his head.

  “Not on your life. Or mine for that matter. Not even on a bet,” Sydney chuckled. “If you don't mind I've got to get this lot back on track here.”

  “Sure,” Ryans said walking out feeling like his head was ready to explode.


  The next morning Ryans snuck into the ward. He smiled as he caught sight of Perry sitting up in bed. He had a monitor attached to one wrist but otherwise looked much better. No oxygen tank or anything at least. His eyes were alert.

  “You’re awake? Thought we lost you,” he said coming over. Perry tried to talk but only a hoarse croak came out. A nurse turned and gave him a dirty look.

  She turned that look on Ryans after a moment. “He's not allowed to talk. He needs to rest,” she said, pointedly looking at Ryans and then the door.

  “Sorry, be gone in just a minute,” he said, giving Perry an amused but exasperated look. The lieutenant rolled his eyes. “Least you've got... feisty nurses to keep you company. Enjoy it while you can. Can't play grab ass in the barracks.”

  Perry grinned. Sue snorted. They turned to see her. “Damn well better not here with my nurses or I'll order an enema for the both of you,” she mock growled. Ryans held up his hands.

  “I'm not one of your patient’s Doc,” he said, hands up, backing towards the open door.

  “Yet. That can change real quick,” she replied with a toothy grin. He made a hasty retreat. She turned, smiling to Perry. “All right LT, open your mouth stick out your tongue and do your best not to say ah.”


  “Max, why aren't you an engineer? You know all this... I mean, why just a machinist?" Scooter asked as he lubed part of the lathe with oil. It was the second they had built, he thought they'd gotten the kinks out of building the thing, but not yet apparently. This would make the second tracing lathe they had finished... if it worked. So far it had been a bit buggy.

  Max snorted. “What's wrong with that? You’re a driver! Side’s you’re a fair to middlin' mechanic.”

  “Gee thanks... I think,” Scooter said eying the machinist.

  Max was both appalled and enthused about the projects ahead of him. He'd explained everything to Scooter when he felt overwhelmed two weeks ago. “Start with a power lathe and the simple tools, and then work out from there, Max.” Scooter had told him. Easier said than done.

  “God, where to start, where to... yeah, a lathe is as good as any. We'll need another better rifling bench too.” He shook his head. “I saw that spoke bench they use, not bad. My daddy and I used to watch those
old PBS shows, and then mechanical shows when I was older, maybe I can help them out here and there...” He grimaced.

  “Lathe Max,” Scooter replied indicating the project in front of them. He'd heard Max had been off on every project under the sun. Now that he had a handle on the vehicle maintenance and wasn't playing guard, he had time to lend a helping hand.

  “When can we get the gear we stuck in that cave and in that ravine?” Max asked suddenly, looking to Scooter and then to the approaching Ryans.

  “Not anytime soon I'm afraid. We might be able to sneak a team in, but I doubt it. It's not worth it Max, trust me,” Ryans replied with a frown.

  “Oh but it is, I raided the machine shops before we left. Took everything not bolted down, and quite a bit that was,” Max grimaced. Scooter nodded. “We could use that stuff now! I mean...” He waved to the crude workshop around them. “Honestly! You want me to make modern weapons from that?” The first musket had been a dismal failure. The barrel had exploded. He had thought they had put too much powder into it but was now certain it was the quality of the iron smelting. They were working on a replacement now.

  “Everyone's got to start somewhere. Break it down into incremental steps... and even further subdivisions if you have to. Get people to help at each stage, then once you have it sorted out, farm it out to them and move on to the next. In other words, delegate Max,” Ryans replied calmly. “Even the natives can handle a simple project if you explain it in small words and gestures and keep to the KISS principle.”

  “Right. Right. That might help. A little,” Max sighed running his hands through the stubble of his hair. “This is either going to be fun or the worst year of my friggin' life,” he said. Scooter and Ryans chuckled.

  “We'll get back to you on that,” Scooter said, slapping the man on the shoulder.


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