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Princess Rescue Inc

Page 54

by Chris Hechtl

  Wanda snorted looking at the princess. “Definitely guy thing.” She knew something was there, something had changed but wasn't sure if she was on the right track or not. Both the princess and Eugene were acting strange. Stand offish but quiet and intense now that they were together.

  “That's right up there with our Y chromosome. You know the one, it has the whole foot in the mouth thing,” Ryans joked, taking the bull by the horns.

  “Ah, so that's where you keep it. I was wondering,” Wanda deadpanned.

  He grinned. “Yup, right up there with leaving messes, squashing bugs, doing fool stunts to impress girls and leaving the toilet seat up,” he said. He ticked off each attribute with his fingers.

  Wanda laughed. Deidra looked from one to the other then smiled politely. “You'll get it later dear,” Wanda said still giggling. Her hand was over her mouth. She was aware she was making a scene but didn't care.

  “Yup, one of our many endearing traits,” he said with a knowing smirk.

  “Oh really? I thought it was the whole lifting furniture and killing spiders,” Sue said coming in and biting into an apple. He stuck his tongue out at her. She chuckled.

  “Hey, that's better than never being able to make up your mind or having to always be right,” he said magnanimously. “I'm not wrong, I just changed my mind!” he aped.

  Wanda chuckled but Sue mock glowered at him. “Ah, you remember that whole part about sticking your foot in your mouth right? I think you're up to your knee.”

  He gave her a mock glower as the other women giggled and nodded. “Hush you,” he sighed, leaning back. The girls snickered as he got up. “Everyone's gotta be a comedian,” he said, hamming the line.

  Wanda giggled louder. “Ha!” She turned pointing to Deidra. “Laugh now, but when he starts leaving his underwear around the suite, or that whole toilet thing...”

  “Good god, don't get me started on that,” Doc said laughing. “I remember dad using his underwear like a slingshot, shooting it at mom when she was doing laundry and not looking. She'd let out a god awful shriek and he hot footed it out of there laughing like an idiot,” she snickered.

  “What did he do the sling shot method?” Wanda asked chuckling. “With a present inside?” she asked then stopped and shook her head. “Nope, never mind, I can imagine it,” she said laughing as Doc opened her mouth. Deidra looked thoroughly confused.

  “Hey we all have to entertain ourselves somehow,” Ryans replied with a grin. “My favorite is picking up and tossing them with my toes,” he joked. Sue snorted. Wanda rolled her eyes. “I can usually catch them on the first try,” he mock bragged, hitching his thumbs in his belt.

  “What are you talking about?” Deidra finally asked, hurt that he hadn't so much as acknowledged her.

  “Let's just leave that as a nice present for later ladies,” Ryans said making his own retreat. Wanda chuckled at that. Deidra got up and followed. Her sudden angry look sobered Wanda.

  “Something going on we missed?” Wanda asked Sue. Sue shrugged and bit into her apple once more.


  Deidra caught him before he could get very far of course. They were in a tunnel in between the outer and inner bailey. Fortunately the area was currently deserted by the staff and overdressed noble peacocks. He was hesitant to kiss her so she pinned his wrists to the wall behind him and backed him up until he felt the cold stone press against his back. “Now what?” he demanded.

  Her eyes glittered in mischief. “Why, you’re my prisoner of course,” she said as he put up token resistance. Her eyes glittered up to him and she nipped at his shoulder, the only place she could get her mouth to since he was so tall.

  “Oh I am, am I?” he teased, looking down at her. She smiled up at him. It was a feral smile, full of promises of what was to come in the evening. “What do I have to do to earn my parole?” he asked softly.

  “Oh a kiss will do. For now,” she murmured huskily. He chuckled.

  “Oh is that all?” he asked. “Seems a hefty price,” he said leaning forward, eyes glancing into hers and then down to her parting full lips. “And I guess you demand it?” he asked. She grinned.

  “Oh you betcha as Wanda likes to say,” she said, and then her lips enveloped his. He chuckled as her grip tightened on his wrists so he couldn't move. He let himself go for the moment.

  When they heard footfalls the kisses stopped and she stepped back wiping at her mouth with a hanky. He smiled politely and nodded to the guards as they passed. When they were out and around the corner his arms reached out like a pair of vipers to snag her and pull her into his embrace. “Now, what were you saying about who is whose prisoner?” he demanded with a leer.

  Her eyes lowered slightly as she blushed and squirmed. “Same parole?” she asked. He grinned and leaned down. “What do you think?” he murmured. Her twinkling eyes met his just as their lips did. She couldn't quite smother a giggle though. She loved sneaking around, she'd loved it in her youth, and it brought out the passion in the male. This was fun, and even more fun knowing that everyone expected it, but he was still resistant. Except right now of course, she thought as their tongues twined.


  “I had a thought.” Ryans said looking over to Perry. Perry and Max were his third stop before the court council. He had a lot to get done before this evening's meeting.

  “Dangerous that is,” Perry said smiling. Ryans glowered. “Okay, elucidate your brilliance oh wise one,” Perry said smiling.

  “Smart ass,” Ryans mock growled and then shrugged. “I was thinking about the pass. We've been trying to figure out a way to get them supplies when there are a hundred tons of supplies right there for them to use.”

  “Ah... I don't follow,” Perry's brows knit.

  “The cave sir,” Waters said sighing. “I should have thought of that myself.” He shook his head in self disgust. “Probably put it out of my mind because of all the useless junk we piled into it.”

  “Useless on the go, not so now,” Max said indicating the castle. “They could use the construction equipment to rebuild and reinforce the wall for instance.”

  “True,” Waters grudgingly admitted. “So you want to send a scout up the trail to grab what they can? I'm a bit leery about letting them go digging through all our stuff. Look what happened the last time we trusted a local yokel with our gear,” he grimaced. The others did as well.

  Ryans nodded. “True. And it's not easy to find either. I was thinking more along the lines of sending a LAV up there. Or sending Lewis and Sergio in the ultra-light. They could land, rest, show the defenders where the gear is, and then fly back with some supplies,” Ryans said thinking out loud.

  Max shook his head. “Way too far, no way,” he growled. Perry grimaced and nodded. “The ultra-light has barely the range to go to the front and back. We're staging it out of a road north of here as it is. The wall is twice as far and is a bitch to land near.” Lewis had reported a couple of bumpy landings on the wall road. The strip near the wall was a gravel road, a bit windy and pitched in two directions making it tricky to land on.

  “Besides, there's no fuel or electricity on that end for the plane to use for resupply.” Perry said nodding. “Lewis said she's lucky to get back as it is even empty. LAV it is then. Now the question is who goes?” he asked rubbing his chin.

  “Doctor Roshenko can go, he's underutilized at the moment,” Waters replied. Ryans shook his head.

  “I sent him up to the mines two days ago. He's supposed to get them sorted out and set up a smelter.”

  “Oh,” Waters grunted in irritation. “What about Lieutenant Galloway sir? He's recovered from his injuries Doc said.” He looked at the Lieutenant in earnest. “He's a combat engineer too; he could tear into those defenses with a vengeance. He's given the city engineer enough to mull on for the next decade here.” He waved to the capital city.

  Perry nodded. “Good point. Him, a pair of locals to thicken things... maybe Edsfield or

  “Edsfield is our top sniper sir. We need him here teaching and when the battle starts. Newban is leading one of the raiding teams. Silent Knights alpha I believe,” Waters replied.

  Perry ran his hands through his scalp. “Crap. And everyone else is tasked,” Perry grimaced in thought. He shrugged after a moment. “Okay, fourth slot can be another warm native body or additional supplies,” he finally said. Waters nodded.

  “I'll pass along the orders sir,” Waters replied jotting them down on his tablet.

  “I'll handle Galloway; you get the enlisted for him. And as much gear as that LAV can safely carry,” Perry said making a note himself. “I'll tell Galloway to just get the MRE's and weapons. We can come back for the rest when things settle down.”

  “Are you really going to do what I think you're going to do?” Perry asked, turning to Ryans. Ryans smiled.

  “We've got the confessions and I've been busy setting this up. I think turning the baron into an object lesson will prevent a civil war and anyone else getting any bright ideas. At least for the immediate future,” he said.

  “Any word on the King?” Perry asked. Ryans shook his head. Perry sighed. “I'll back you up then.”

  “Thanks,” Ryans said with a nod. “Doubt I'll need it but it's good to know,” he said with a wan smile.


  Outside the royal court Rojer distanced himself from the baron. His sources in the castle had told him this morning that two of the fool's assassins had lived and confessed. He was certain Muchinson was on borrowed time and did not want anything splattered on him by association.

  “Is he... is he wearing armor? And armed? In the royal court?” Serena demanded. “Is he mad?” she said aghast.

  “He is indeed,” Rojer said, holding her tightly and keeping her from going to him. She looked up to him. He sighed softly. “We must let things play out as they may my dear. It's too late to put an end to it. Too late indeed,” he murmured.

  She stared up at him for a long moment and then down to the baron. The baron turned away, alone and sullen. She turned again to see the gaijin leader approaching. He too was in armor and armed. She bit her lip and looked up to her husband once more.

  He cradled her hand gently. “Shall we my lady?” he asked, pushing her gently to the line of courtiers by the door. She bit her lip and allowed herself to be herded.


  Later in the evening Ryans and Perry attended the council meeting. The Queen and court were there, all recovered from the last night's ball. The Baron caught sight of him. The Baron's upper lip curled slightly. Ryans studied the man coldly. Ryans had planned carefully for this encounter; he was wearing his armor and sidearms under his favorite tan duster. The baron was also armored or at least wearing chain mail under his outfit. He noted the chain mail when the man shook hands with someone. His face twisted. “It won’t help him,” Perry murmured at his elbow. “Glock will go right through that,” he said.

  Ryans nodded turning slightly to the lieutenant. “It's been confirmed? I thought the silk was pretty strong with it.” They'd tested the native silk. It was the equivalent of Kevlar if woven tightly and layered properly.

  “Only when it's tightly woven like we do. Oh yeah it'll go through all right, not quite like a knife through butter, but it will be enough to do the job. They all said the same thing by the way. Muchinson and his steward set it up. Time, money, location... the captain even got a pair of witnesses. Just picked up the steward who spilled his guts too,” Perry shook his head.

  Ryans nodded. The council was called to order by a herald. The Queen dressed in black finery and wearing a black veil assumed the dais before the throne. Grimly she announced the King was dead, a few in the room were shocked, gasping and swooning in distress. Even Perry and Ryans were thrown momentarily. Servants moved around the edges of the room with bolts of cloth. He turned with the others, watching and listening to the murmurs and rustling of cloth. Standards were changed to black ones all around them. He looked over to some of the men who stood to gain the most from this.

  Muchinson's eyes were alight. As the Queen began to speak he interrupted her. Nastily he pointed out that both Zara and Deidra were unfit to inherit the Kingdom since they had been soiled and dishonored. Most of his speech was drowned out by the uproar from the crowd. Some were already arguing over who would become King.

  Ryans watched the girls' eyes flash dangerously. Zara looked down and away, biting her lip and fighting tears. Deidra lifted her chin defiantly, one hand on her belt knife. The baron continued on as the crowd parted around him. He spun around, arms outstretched as if to encompass them all. “What we need is a true leader, someone who has honor...”

  “Like you?” The contempt was dripping as Ryans laughed. The baron whirled in rage. “A man who ordered a soldier poisoned? A so called man who sends seven assassins in the dead of night to kill someone he's too afraid to kill himself? That's your idea of honor?” he asked derisively. He stepped out from the crowd as it backed away murmuring.

  The baron turned his back on Ryans. “I don't speak to gaijin. You shall soon learn your place. Now heel like a good dog,” he sneered over his shoulder. “You have no place here. Get you gone to whence you came.”

  “Sure thing,” Ryans said smiling grimly. “Just as soon as possible actually,” he smiled grimly as the crowd murmured again. “But Princess Deidra and Zara did nothing wrong. Wrong was done to them but they were not dishonored. None can feel their shame more than they for not being able to stop their brother's murder.” He looked at the baron in cold contempt, daring him to go on. He saw Deidra's grateful gleam but ignored the heat in his loins. He stared at the other man. His entire universe was focused on this moment. Everything was riding on whether he'd planned right.

  The baron turned, lip curled. “Fool from a world of fools! They are dishonored for their rape! Even now one is carrying a child of Duluth! How can any man lay with them after that?” he said spitting and pointing to Deidra.

  Ryans chuckled. “I think you got your facts wrong. Doc gave them each a pill to destroy the fetus if any existed just after the rapes,” he replied with just the right hint of sneer in his voice and manner. He locked eyes with the baron as the crowd murmured. The sounds grew for a moment and then faded as they hushed to hear what was said next. “But then again, you probably know that already. I'm curious who put you up to this? You're obviously too stupid and inept to think this whole farce up yourself,” he smiled grimly as the baron's face darkened; the shot went home nicely Ryans thought.

  “Only an imbecile would hire assassins to kill someone and meet them directly,” he said, curling his lips in disgust. He watched that shot hit home as well. "Just because I refuse to play the game doesn't mean I don't know how it's played," he said again. "I just play by my own rules."

  He smiled grimly as the baron faltered and then sneered. “Torture to get a confession against a peer is not binding.”

  Ryans chuckled. “Oh, no, not normally. But you see, they don't just have the confession,” he said. He pushed a button on his phone. Speakers in the room he'd set up earlier sprang to life. The recording of the assassins talking about Muchinson paying double as they attacked Ryans was played. Many gasped.

  “There is that, and the fingerprints on the money and weapons you gave them. The witnesses also and lastly, they didn't have to torture your steward. He fell all over himself confessing when he was arrested this afternoon.”

  That made the baron's eyes widen in fright his nostrils dilated as his face colored in rage and fear... He'd wondered where Yori had gone. “You insult me sirrah, you insult my honor,” he growled. He waved, throwing back his cloak. His right hand rested on the pommel of his sword. “Send for your arms sirrah for you will die this day.”

  Ryans’ lips writhed as Deidra made her way through the crowd. “No, I have them even now, as you do,” He cocked his head to the armor as he brushed the duster back, clearing his
sidearm’s. “Chain mail under your clothes, nice.” He took off his jacket revealing his dragon skin armor and weapons. “Gee what a coincidence,” he smiled a cold feral smile. “But mine are a lot more modern and tougher than yours,” he said snidely as the baron drew his sword.

  “This is a duel of honor, none may interfere,” the Baron said in a ringing voice, looking about to the guards and then the Queen. None objected.

  “Sure. Only one thing,” Ryans pulled his pistol out and thumbed the safety off. “You are out classed and out gunned,” he said. He took the second Glock out and thumbed its safety off. The baron charged immediately, sword outstretched to skewer him. Ryans raised his pistols and fired. The first shots hit the baron in the chest throwing him back. Then one smashed between his eyes. Brains and blood splattered the crowd. Women screamed and cringed in terror as the baron fell. More than one person was covering their ears, their mouths open in an "Oh" of shock.

  Ryans waited a moment there looking around at the crowd. He caught Deidra’s shocked look, as well as the Queen's. What, they thought they had a monopoly on violence? he thought to himself in cold amusement. Sure, he'd just killed a man, he wouldn't have any qualms over it though, the bastard had it coming. Several people were retching and vomiting. The air was filled with the stink. Slowly his arms fell to his sides. His nose wrinkled as the body voided itself. “Well, he did say personal arms,” he said grimly. He walked over and put his foot on the baron's body.

  “Anyone else have a problem with me or the honor of the royal house?” he asked into sudden thundering silence. He hefted one of the pistols, the other arm went across his body, pistol pointed down at the fallen body. “Hmm?” he asked pointedly, looking around the crowd with cold shark like eyes. “The ladies did nothing wrong. They survived and will be stronger for it over time.” He nodded to each then returned to scanning the crowd. Deidra's eyes gleamed and she nodded to him.

  “Anyone who has issue with that, or with me, come forward now or forever hold your peace.” he said distinctively. He waited a beat. Only a ringing silence answered him. The expression you could hear a pin drop echoed in his mind. “I thought not,” he smiled grimly. “Now, you all know I'm from another world. You call me a gaijin. And some of you insist I take charge to help protect you in this dark time.” He smiled grimly at the word play. “Fine, but here's the thing. I do things my way. Got it?”


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