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Princess Rescue Inc

Page 85

by Chris Hechtl

  In the middle of the beaten down circle was a terrified sow. She tugged at something holding her rear leg to the ground. The thing squealed as the winds shifted, picking up the unmistakable scent of the predator.

  The basilisk chuffed a little and then began to stalk forward into the field. The sow's tiny black eyes locked onto it and it squealed once more, tearing at its back leg and then lunging away. It tripped and fell just as she lunged.

  A deep thunderous sound belched from the sky. She felt a hammer blow impact her side. Staggering, bleeding she turned, trying to run. A second shot slammed her head to the ground.

  Woozy she got up, staggered and fell, then raised her head. She bellowed a screech of defiance and rage. A third shot tore through her exposed throat, ripping the scream out of her. Her head fell to the grass. Her empty eyes darkened as the light faded and her lifeblood poured out onto the near frozen ground around her.


  “God that was a bitch,” Ryans muttered, watching through a pair of binoculars. “I didn't think a fifty cal round would be shrugged off.”

  “It wasn't. It was hurt, I just put it out of its misery,” Edsfield said, looking up from his scope.

  “No the second shot I mean. Bounced right off the skull,” Ryans said. He turned to look behind him. The count was there, he'd insisted despite being sick. The blind was a bit crowded with the four of them here but it was at least warm.

  “Yeah, well, I was aiming for an eye socket. She twitched at the last minute. The skull's sloped and has a pretty dense pad, I bet she had one hell of a headache though,” Edsfield replied.

  “Yeah, I'll say. Okay, one down,” Ryans said as he came out of the blind and looked around. The other hunters were further back, they looked more nervous now than ever. “That's a good thing right?”

  A soldier nodded. “Yes my lord. But also dangerous, once one is down the other sometimes comes to avenge its mate.”

  “Ah. And we're a bit exposed,” Ryans grunted. He checked the trap again. The sow was still tearing away, lunging and falling back. Her rear leg was a torn and bloody mess. “Well, we can either stay here or go down and reset...”

  A loud brassy screech from the north, north east cut him off. “Or not. Something tells me to stay the hell away for now.”

  “Yeah, my sentiments exactly, we're losing daylight though,” Edsfield murmured.

  “Switch to night vision. We'll fort up in the Stryker though. You can shoot from under or on top,” Ryans ordered, waving to Perry and the team waiting near the big vehicle.

  “Right,” Edsfield nodded. “Think it'll come to see its mate?”

  “Maybe. At least it's a chance.”

  “Right. And we're too far away to associate with its death,” Edsfield said.

  “That too. And the wind is going from east to west. We're downwind of it so it can't smell us,” Ryans said, watching the winter wheat dance in the wind. He shook his head. Apparently the farmers had tried to get one last crop in but when the influenza had struck they'd been unable to harvest. Now the wheat was wasted, the seeds scattered to the wind. He was surprised the plants were still here since there was a nightly frost. Apparently the alien wheat was hardier than its terrestrial equivalent. He'd have to have Mary take a look at it.

  “Let's send this other one to hell and then go back to the castle,” Ryans growled as they struck the blind and packed the gear. Edsfield was already on top of the Stryker, looking down range.

  Chapter 29

  Two frustration filled days later Ryans returned to the capital. The mate of the damn basilisk had turned cagy, forcing them to play a waiting game for it to show up. Finally Paris had radioed in a suggestion and they'd tried it. They'd found a stash of recently buried bodies. Instead of recovering them they'd placed a camera near and an IED. When the bastard had come for the food they triggered the IED. Unfortunately he'd only been wounded not killed. Edsfield and Newman had tracked it down by its blood trail at dawn and killed it.

  Count Firth had been happy about that, his wife had not been happy about his being out while sick though. She seemed bitter about the gaijin as well, Ryans had puzzled over it until a soldier had quietly told him that the countess was mourning the death of a child. Apparently she blamed Sue and the gaijin.

  He sighed, cutting off his woolgathering and rubbing his temples. He'd just gotten in and all he wanted to do was unpack and kick back for an hour before the next crisis loomed. Now this, he thought blackly. “Coronation?” Ryans asked watching Deidra and Zara talking with their ladies. All the women were dressed up in royal costumes. “Something told me I wasn't informed for a reason?” he asked amused. “I'm glad to see you up and about though,” he said to Deidra. They hadn't had a chance to get together since he'd gotten back. Come to think of it, they hadn't shared a bed since she'd gotten sick. He took Deidra in his arms and felt her rest her head against his chest. She'd had a second run in with the virus, mainly because she'd overextended herself in her recovery. She was now looking and sounding much better though. Three weeks, three weeks since she'd gotten sick, three weeks that had changed her world forever. Her world and now his, he still hadn't admitted it to her or to the others yet.

  While he'd been in Firth, Lewis had flown in all the local lords. She told him she'd burned through half the fuel reserves and some of the lords would need to go back by vehicle or other means. That might be a problem since they were due for a good blizzard any day now.

  “You've been busy,” she said one hand gripping the back of his belt. She looked up to him. “It has to be done,” she said simply. Which was true, and also true of her mother's funeral he thought. Her mother's body had been burned the night before with the assembly watching. He smiled as they kissed.

  “I'm sorry I missed the funeral,” he murmured. She nodded looking away.

  “You were taking care of my people. Our people,” she said. Still he rubbed her back. She squeezed him tighter.

  “Yeah, and you know how much I hate formal occasions,” he murmured. Her eyes twinkled at that. “I think I can stick around long enough, if you don't mind,” he teased and then smiled, one hand caressing her hair.

  “You'd better,” she growled darkly, full lips pouting. His chest rumbled with a soft chuckle. She had on two shades of lip gloss blended, also some interesting makeup.

  “I like the new look. I take it you cornered Sue or Charlie and got some makeup from them?” he asked, taking in the almost modern look the women had.

  “We of the court are always up on the latest styles of fashion,” Zara said with dignity. He gave her a look then chuckled as she rested her hands in her lap, lifted her chin and struck a pose of quiet dignity.

  “Well put. You both look a lot better with some color,” he said. Deidra punched him in the shoulder. He rubbed it as she looked away, finishing her makeup. “Oh that really hurt,” he stage whispered to Zara.

  “Good, you deserved it,” Deidra said pursing her lips. He growled. She smiled playfully at him. He sighed and looked over to Zara as she got up. He looked back down to Deidra as she turned, wrapping her arm with his.

  He pulled her hand up and kissed her hand. “All right your majesty, let's get this over with, we've got time to make up for,” he said with just the right hint in his voice for her to get his intent. He smiled a wicked smile at her just to be sure. She blushed, dimpling.


  Deidra went through the coronation, vexed a little over the lack of flowers and the attendance of only the local Imperium lords. The great hall was decorated in festive colors, lights shone on the wall tablets and constitution. Trumpets brayed notes as they made their way down the rich red carpet at a stately pace. They stopped at the front row; Ryans kissed her then stepped to the side and his waiting seat next to the waiting Dukes. He nodded to each as she smiled and nodded to each as well. Serena wasn't there, but Duke Pryor, Troy, and Emory were. The elderly Emory looked exhausted but determined to see this through.
He smiled with pride as he viewed his new Queen.

  Ryans turned before sitting and took her hand in his. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. She smiled back and then turned to the royal court.

  She gave a regal nod, receiving the same in return from the Dukes. The nervous looking chamberlain stood next to a boy holding a purple pillow topped by the crown of the realm. Deidra seemed to straighten her shoulders and then turned.

  Ryans smiled as she bowed to be crowned. Zara came forward and took Deidra's tiara off and then stood off to the side, holding her sister's old tiara on a purple pillow. The chamberlain carefully put the crown on her head. Ryans and a few of the audience blinked as flashes went off. He turned as did Duke Pryor to see Sydney taking pictures. Ryans snorted at the look of annoyance on the old Duke's face.

  The Duke of course changed his expression as the historian turned on him and the audience. He struck a pose, serious and stately that had Ryans trying not to laugh as Sydney took the image and then changed angles to get another shot.

  When Sydney was finished a herald stepped forward and trumpeted. They turned to him as the trumpet's rich notes died and he snapped to attention with it at his side. He was dressed in the royal house colors, with a gold dragon on his red tunic. Quickly the audience rose to their collective feet. “May I have the honor to present Queen Deidra, Imperator of the Ianua and Duluth Imperium! Long Live the QUEEN!” He said with a bass voice.

  “Long Live the QUEEN!” the audience echoed, saluting the new monarch with their fists over their hearts and then kneeling as one.

  Deidra smiled regally, knowing this was all part of the script but reveling in it. She had one last act to perform, one she wasn't sure would go over well but was determined to go through with. They had waited too long already. She indicated for the lord chamberlain to get up. The herald rose with the chamberlain and quietly the assembly did as well.

  She smiled, nodding to her subjects but ignoring the scepter the chamberlain offered her.

  Ryans' eyebrow rose as Deidra went off script. He was further amused when she hooked his arm with hers and marched him slowly down the path from the great hall to the chapel. He looked around then down at her. “No fair,” he stage whispered in her ear. He noted her lips curled in a smile.

  “All's fair in love and war,” she whispered huskily back.

  “You know I don't like to be forced,” he said.

  “Who's forcing you?” she asked, smiling sweetly. Her grip tightened as her eyes twinkled. She took in his semi-serious expression and sighed slightly. “I'll make it up to you, I promise.”

  “I'll get you for this,” he growled softly.

  “You'd better,” she replied, eyes twinkling as her smile spread into a devilish grin.

  “How are you going to make it up to me?” he asked, genuinely curious as the assembly turned to follow the guidance of the footmen as they fell in behind them.

  “I'll, um, I'll think about it,” she said smiling a little. “I think I'll have to spend all my life trying,” she said.

  “Yeah,” he sighed. “You and me both,” he murmured.

  Inside the chapel Perry chuckled softly to Doc. “Talk about a shotgun wedding,” he whispered as they took their places. Sue giggled. Ryans stammered in front of them, totally off guard. His shock and confusion made Deidra smile a little before he repeated his vows.

  “Now he's really stuck with it,” Sue sighed, eyes misty. She smiled. “They do make a cute couple though,” she giggled a little. Wanda sighed in content. Perry rolled his eyes. Wanda caught that and stepped on his toes, making Doc giggle again, smothering it with a hand over her mouth.

  “Three stooges,” Max grumbled from behind them. “Women and weddings. Next thing the waterworks will start up. I'm bailing if that happens.”

  “You keep out of this,” Doc said brandishing a fist. She looked startled then nodded politely to the woman on Max's arm. “Who's your friend?” she asked, clearly surprised. The young woman was a looker, built with broad hips and a buxom look but she had strong hands and a delicate face and complexion.

  “This is Cecily. She's... um,” he blushed, looking at her, totally at a loss.

  “We're engaged,” Cecily said smiling up at the big mechanic. “Aren't we?” she asked with syrupy sweet firmness.

  Doc chuckled. “Well, good for you! About time someone convinced this big lug to put his tools away and settle down.” She smiled in approval as Max looked poleaxed. “Guess wedding bells are ringing all over the place,” she grinned, giving Perry a look.

  “Keep me out of it. I've got a career and a mission to complete.” Perry chuckled, hands up in defense.


  The royal couple made their way to the suite, giggling and running through the cold air across the courtyard to the tower. He insisted on sweeping her off her feet to cross the threshold, but her struggles once the door was closed behind him and her kissing him made them fall in bed in a tangle of arms and legs. She laughed, and then shrieked a laugh as he tickled her. “Oh you!” They play fought, he managed to pin her once but she writhed out of his grip.

  He tried to keep it light, but he did have a bit of a plan, something to get a little revenge for what she'd just put him through. When he pinned her the second time he quickly kissed her belly button then blew a nice juicy raspberry on it.

  He let go and tried to dodge as she shrieked a laugh and started to pound his back and shoulders. He clutched his arms over his head, trying to fend her off, laughing. “I'll get you for that!” she laughed then hooked a leg around him and knocked him to the floor.

  He ooffed, and she dropped down on top of him before he could recover. “I think you just did,” he gasped. She kissed him then locked eyes with him. She was smiling at him, full of love, mischief, and approval. He reached up and pulled her down to him.

  Later that night he felt something creeping up his leg. His awareness flickered from the depths of sleep. When it reached his rear he sighed. “What again?” he asked opening his eyes. He saw her in the dim light. One arm was around him, the other under her pillow.

  “What?” she sleepily asked opening her own eyes.

  “Wait if you’re not doing it...” He turned to look over the bed covers. A small hand sized red, yellow, and purple, lizard was there. It reared up and hissed.

  He stared at it. It had the usual six limbs, but instead of a lizard's tail it had a fat thorax like a wasp. Deidra gasped then her hand flashed out.

  The beast flew across the room and bounced off a chair. She flicked her attention to her hand. “Guard!” she screamed. “GUARD!”

  “What? What the hell is that?” Ryans said sitting up frantically. The creature recovered and scuttled under the chair. It moved toward them and then paused as it caught sight of the dying fire in the fireplace. It paused, flicking its head back and forth. Its tongue flashed out, tasting the air. The head bobbed back and forth as it raised a set of legs tentatively toward the fire, then back to them. It had six beady eyes, black eyes and sharp teeth that had him suddenly scared.

  “What the hell is that thing?” Ryans said as Deidra got up and gathered the cover. She tossed it down onto the beast then gathered up the ends into a bag.

  “Gotcha!” she said looking up. The bag was writhing in her hands. “GUARD!” She screamed a third time.

  Ryans grabbed his com and touched it. “This is Ryans, situation in my quarters. Alert. Doc stand by!” He turned and looked at his slippers as a startled voice answered... Another of the critters was there, but it darted under the bed.

  “Damn, Deidra there is another under the bed!” he said snatching his feet up.

  She turned alarmed and then back to the door when they heard footfalls.

  “What the hell is it? Poisonous I take it?” he asked.

  The door slammed open as the guard captain came in, sword drawn. He looked around. Others piled in behind him, one seemed reluctant.

  “Yes your majesty?”

/>   “Took you long enough,” Ryans growled. “We've got a problem. Some lizard things.”

  Deidra held up the impromptu bag, looking a little disheveled and very pissed as the thing in it moved. “There is another under the bed,” she said flicking a look to the bed.

  Maximus waved the others away. He took a torch from a wall sconce and lit it in the fire. “Build the fire up,” he ordered. One of the guards knelt to add wood.

  Just as he did something came flying out from under the bed toward him. The guard captain smiled and like a pro golfer swung the torch down, slamming into the creature. It flew back, up over the bed and into an alcove. Another soldier raced forward and stomped on the flaming thing. After a moment he looked up and nodded.

  “Is that all?” the captain asked. Ryans grimaced.

  “Yeah, just a pest problem,” Ryans said.

  “No I mean are there more?” the captain asked looking around. “You and you, search.” He turned to the Queen but her eyes were on a guard looking away. The captain came over to her. “Your majesty are you well?” he asked.

  “I will be. Here. Hold this,” she said, handing him the bag and reaching around him to take his sword. He let it go. She spun and the tip touched the guard's chin.

  “You. You are under arrest for treason sirrah,” she snarled. The man's eyes widened and he gulped.

  “Your majesty...” the captain said, uncertain about what was going on.

  “Save it. She's right,” Ryans said sitting up but keeping in the bed. “She called three times and he didn't respond.”

  “He didn't, this is true,” Maximus turned to the suspect. He glared. “Janon, what have you say to these charges?”

  “I ah... fell asleep?” the man said, as marines came in. They looked around. Edsfield reached out and grabbed the man's sword.

  “Once, twice... but thrice?” the Queen asked at full snarl.

  “Do we ah, know it was him that put the beasts in here?” a guard asked.

  “Easy enough to check,” Maximus said nodding to one of them. “Erin search him. Look for a bag.”


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