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Unaltered #2_A Diamond in my Heart

Page 14

by Lorena Angell

  His eyes were on me from the moment I walked in the door until I stood in front of him at his table. “Hi Brand.”



  “I leave you alone for a couple months and you go and turn all beautiful on me.” He stood and hugged me tightly. “Did you bring a new device?”

  I reached in my purse and pulled out the one-inch-by-one-inch square electronic device. “I haven’t been able to test them. Are you up for it right now?”

  “You bet, beautiful.” His eyes perked up and he smiled exposing his dimples making me realize I wasn’t the only one who’d improved in the looks department.

  We exited the diner into the warm summer air. The lights from the parking lot illuminated a great distance but we eventually reached the Demons in the shadows. He clipped the device on his shirt and turned it on, and then walked into the shadows. He extended his arms out from his body and spun around joyfully. “Finally! It’s about damn time!” he shouted to the starlit sky.

  “There’s a small LED light on it too.” I pointed to the power button and he depressed it causing the light to turn on.

  “These are perfect, Calli. How long will the battery last?”

  “It’s supposed to be good for sixty days of continuous use.”

  He grabbed my hands and spun me around in the dark. “Thank you! I’ve missed you, Calli.”

  ‘Oh boy.’ I thought, ‘I must redirect his attentions away from me.’ I stopped and began pulling him toward my car. “We’ve got to get moving, Brand. We’re not safe here.”

  “Oh, alright.”


  We drove away leaving the diner behind. Maetha had given me instructions to refrain from showing any other powers or abilities other than healing and told me to first take him to the Healers Clan in southern California. After that, I could decide which clan to visit next so long as the Runners Clan was the last on the list. She emphasized it strongly and I figured it was because Chris was an instructor at the compound.

  Maetha also gave me a large bundle of cash to fund the journey and three different sets of car keys. We would be exchanging vehicles along the way that Maetha had previously arranged and parked in specific locations. We were also instructed to drive straight through and not stop at any hotels. Knowing that the government was working with Freedom, I could see the wisdom in avoiding using credit cards, and driving unmarked vehicles. We were going off grid, as she would say.

  We drove through the night switching places every couple of hours. Brand kept his Demon device clipped to his shirt and turned on just in case; and I didn’t blame him one bit. As the sun peeked up in the east eight hours later, we had crossed the border of Illinois, stopped for breakfast, and exchanged vehicles. It amazed me the level of connections that Maetha had.

  At the western border of Oklahoma, we swapped vehicles at an actual home of a retired Runner. The man, Wendell, was quiet and frail looking. I could tell he was dying a slow death of cancer, but I could also tell that Maetha had not healed the man when she very well could have. There was probably a good reason for it.

  As evening approached we entered New Mexico and found a truck stop for food and gasoline. Brand filled the tank after I prepaid the cashier and then we entered the diner and took a seat.

  “I feel so gross,” Brand said while he looked the menu over.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I stink, I’m tired, I’m stinking tired; I want to take a shower and sleep longer than thirty minutes at a time.” He laid his menu down and rubbed his face with his hands. “What’s the point of all this, Calli?”

  “Are you wondering why we are going to California?”

  “Yes. Why now?”

  “Because the government goons that were chasing after you in the spring are now after me. We’re on the run Brand. However, with our combined powers we’ll be able to stay at least two minutes ahead of them.” I winked at him and told the waiting waitress I’d have a grilled chicken salad and water. He ordered the fajita special.

  “Calli, I got to meet five other Repeaters while I was with Maetha. They are my half brothers and sisters… just like Suz, and we all kind of look the same.” He pointed to his dimples.

  “Suz doesn’t have dimples Brand, and she doesn’t look like you. Did anyone look more like Suz than you?”

  “I don’t think so. It’s not uncommon for some recessive gene to surface somewhere along the way.”

  “That’s true. So, what happens when two Repeaters come face to face?”

  “To anyone watching, it would seem like nothing is happening. However, to me or the other person, the meeting drags on ‘for-eh-ver’. We are both repeating trying to control the situation or conversation. Maetha was quite frustrated with the whole deal to say the least.”

  “I imagine.”

  Our food arrived after a few minutes more and we ate in silence. Before we hit the road again, we both changed our clothes in an effort to feel a little better in our own skin. It was possible we’d make it to California by the next night where we could find a location to shower and rest.


  We arrived in southern California late the next afternoon. We had pulled over at a rest area in Arizona and slept for three hours straight and because of that delay we were behind schedule. We found another truck stop with showers and decided this would be as good a time as any to clean up.

  I was so relieved to let the hot water spray away days of sweat and grime and felt invigorated by it. I’d selected a nice outfit to change into; indigo blue jeans, a sleeveless v-neck shirt and a classy cream cotton blazer which contoured and accentuated my shape nicely. I figured I should try to look nice when meeting with the Healers.

  Brand had cleaned up nicely also. He’d shaved and wore a nice designer dress shirt and jeans… and he smelled really good.

  I had to shake my head and clear the cobwebs out. I needed to think logically. We were about to meet with the only individuals besides Maetha and Clara Winter who knew I had a diamond piece in my heart and I needed to be on my toes mentally. I couldn’t communicate telepathically to alert them to the fact that Brand didn’t know about it and they should keep it confidential.

  The temptation to view my own future was incredibly overwhelming as I couldn’t view Brand’s to see what would happen when we met with the Healers. As Maetha had advised, I should not view my own future so I didn’t.

  We traveled north from Los Angeles to the Los Padres National Forest and followed the instructions Maetha had given me prior to leaving Ohio in order to find the Healers' location. It came as no surprise to find the large headquarters operating under the guise of being a ‘spa for mind and body’.

  Before we opened the car doors, Brand removed his Demon device from his shirt and set it in the cup holder between our seats. “Why are you taking that off?”

  “I don’t want anyone asking me about it. I’ll come out and get it before dark.”

  Brand and I were welcomed by two older women and shown to a large dining room where dinner was about to be served. We were seated at a table with who I figured to be the leaders or senior members of the clan; however, Andrew Stuart was not among them. I addressed one of the women who had escorted us in, “Excuse me, is Mr. Stuart present?”

  “Yes, but he is under heavy security as he is our clan’s amulet wearer.”

  “It’s good that he’s protected. What of the Readers' and Seers' missing amulet wearers?”

  “Still no word or sign of them; it is a sad time for all. Mr. Stuart has requested you be brought to him following your meal.”

  “Excellent. We look forward to it,” I said.

  “My apologies, Ms. Courtnae, only you will be allowed to see him.”

  “That won’t do. My companion doesn’t leave my side. If that is unacceptable, then I will decline Mr. Stuart’s invitation.”

  “Excuse me; I will go relay your demands.”

  The woman left and I felt a little unsettled
deep in my gut. Maetha had referred to her ‘gut instinct’ leading her many times and I had to wonder if my gut was trying to tell me something. The other Healers at the table were engaged in mild conversation with Brand. No one asked about his powers and no one questioned our visit. Then I realized Brand was controlling the conversation by steering it away from his abilities. I chuckled and shook my head a little.

  Brand sent one of his trademark dimpled smiles my way in acknowledgement of my suspicions.

  The woman returned hastily to the table but proceeded to the oldest member and whispered something in his ear. He quickly stood and motioned to two other men to follow. They moved to the doorway and proceeded to have a hushed conversation concerning very disturbing information. I read the lips and gathered that a trio of Runners was headed our way to offer further protection to their amulet wearer due to the fact that their leader had just been abducted! One Healer mocked the offer saying that they were unsuccessful in protecting their own amulet. The woman relayed a message from Andrew Stuart that involved the two of us being brought to him and a couple Healers protested the action, but in the end the decision was made to allow us entrance.

  We were quickly ushered to a well fortified section of the building where we met with Andrew. Two other Healers remained in the room with us as well; one was Robert Yates. I’d met him already.

  “Welcome, Calli.” Andrew shook my hand and turned his head to Brand.

  “Mr. Curtis, this is Brand Safferson. He is a new person of powers.”

  “I apologize Calli, we have a situation that must be addressed first before simple conversation can take place. We’ve received word that a young female successfully abducted the Runners' amulet wearer right under the watchful eyes of the guards.”

  I tried to act surprised to hear this. “Oh no! Mrs. Winter has been taken?”

  “A trio of Runners is on the way here to give further protection to our clan; however, I cannot discern what the future holds for us as I cannot view my own future. My associates here feel you should wear the amulet and that with your combined powers and prior experience perhaps you can shed some light on the future.”

  “You want me to wear your amulet?” Could I even do that? Would it break from its casing because of being too near my shard? A sudden thought struck my mind; what if this is how I will end up with all the shards, by having them enter my heart one piece at a time?

  Andrew grasped the leather cord which held the amulet and pulled it up over his head. “I relinquish my amulet to you.” He extended his hand forward and I took his amulet. The diamond shard began spinning wildly within the glass as I slowly pulled it closer and closer to my body. My chest began to pain me greatly as the diamond shifted within me and I pulled the leather cord over my head and waited for the fireworks to begin. Immediately the amulet clamped onto my skin and the spinning diamond halted within the glass.

  Brand watched the free floating diamond in awe. He’d clearly never seen anything like this before and I had to remind myself that he knew nothing about the diamond.

  Robert Yates said, “The Hunters are responsible for this. They are systematically kidnapping the amulet wearers. It was a mistake for the witch to ever give the Hunters an amulet because it enhanced their smelling ability to a point that no one can hide from them, plus it gave them all the other powers to boot. They are most likely trying to collect the shards and reassemble the whole diamond. They won’t stop until they have all the pieces.”

  I picked up on what Robert was saying right away. He was implying that because I had a shard within me, they’d be after me too. I looked for the future of the diamond shards and found Justin Macintyre’s face filling my mind. “You’re wrong, Robert, the Hunters aren’t the ones stealing the amulets.”

  Of course! I’d had the vision of Justin heading up a group and being the next evil force to be reckoned with.

  Brand shook my shoulder. I looked over and saw a strange look on his face. “If you want these people to live, we have to leave right now!” Brand said urgently.

  I knew better than to question him. I stood and took his hand and then using my running ability, ran from the room. I heard Robert and Andrew yelling out, “Stop them, they’ve stolen the shard! Calli is the shard thief!”

  We ran through the corridors and out of the building into the surrounding brush before we stopped. “What was that?!” Brand was truly shocked. “How did you run so fast? How did I?”

  “Tell me why we needed to leave, Brand.”

  “A dark haired man was about to enter the room and shoot everyone except you, Calli, because you were wearing the necklace.”

  “His name is Justin and I saw the future at the same time as you said we needed to run.”

  Brand’s face twisted with pain and his arms wrapped around his belly. “Calli, heal yourself; it’s only a sleeping agent. I’ll live.”

  I felt inside his body and found a foreign substance, a drug. He was already falling to his knees as I tried to extract the toxin from his bloodstream. Everything whooshed and he pulled me back with him on his repeat.

  “Damnit Calli, heal yourself, not me!”

  “Why? Can’t you repeat back to before the drug takes effect?”

  “He’s coming and will shoot you.”

  I felt inside my body and found the substance which had been placed in the food we ate for dinner. I willed it out of my body in the same manner as I had done with my running companions a couple years ago. In the meantime, Brand passed out and crumpled to the ground.

  Justin emerged from behind a nearby tree. He wore all black and his face revealed his exhaustion. “Well, well, well, Calli Courtnae you grew up. Not a little teenie bopper anymore are you? No, you’re a grown woman now.”

  “Likewise, Justin, you grew up into an even bigger jackass.”

  “You’re mouth hasn’t changed a bit.”

  “Neither has your intellect.”

  “It’s so kind of the clans to let you have an honorary place. What with losing all your powers four years ago, you must envy everyone instead of the other way around.” Justin walked to me and stood close enough that I could smell his unwashed body and see his beard growth of several days. “Well, isn’t this nice. They let you wear the shard. How does it feel to have its power once again?”

  “It’s almost as if I never lost it.” My snide remark made his eyebrows lower.

  Justin reached forward and grasped the leather chord near my collarbone and twisted it between his fingers. His eyes focused on the floating diamond within the bulb which rested against my skin just below my throat. “You will give me the amulet, Calli,” he said in a throaty whisper.

  “Really? So, you know that if you try to take it things won’t work out so well for you.”

  “That’s why the Death Clan died. They tried to take what wasn’t theirs. You hadn’t given it to them. All the shard bearers must give me their amulets and you will too when I’m ready for it.” He raised his handgun and pointed it at Brand. “What’s this guy’s deal? Is he a new Healer?”

  “No, he’s with me. We were visiting the clan.” I looked into the future and saw that Justin was about to shoot Brand. “Wait, Justin, don’t kill him.”

  “He’s ancillary and I have no need for him.”

  “If you kill him, I will never give you the amulet.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?” Justin asked sarcastically.

  “No, but he’s my friend. Bring him with us and I won’t give you trouble.” With my powers and having two shards, I very well could have incapacitated him at that moment, but my instincts told me not to. I needed to find out what he was up to, wanted to know more. Was Justin acting alone or did he have a team like I’d seen in the vision years ago?

  “Fine. But if you try to hurt me with your mind, I’ll shoot him.” Justin hoisted Brand over his shoulder and pointed the gun at me. “There’s a black van two miles down the road. Let’s go.”

  We ran to the van and Justin dumped Brand in t
he back. He then tied a blindfold on my head and cuffed my hands behind my back.

  “You know Justin, I already know where you’re taking me, is the blindfold really necessary?”

  “Yep. If you can’t see me, you can’t read my mind or harm me.”

  Years ago in the hotel room when I ‘tortured’ him by making is stomach revolt, I discovered that I didn’t need to be looking at a person to continue feeling their body. I only needed eye contact once and then I could maintain the link to the body. This situation wasn’t any different; however, I wasn’t going to harm Justin… not yet anyway.

  I heard him fumbling through some sort of container and heard faint sounds of glass jars clinging and clanging together. He was quiet for a second and then he shut the door. Justin climbed in the van and started the engine and began driving. I leaned back against the wall of the van and decided now would be a good time to meditate. It was a good call too, because we drove for what seemed like a couple hours.

  When the door finally opened, I listened to several voices discuss who would carry Brand’s body inside and which cell to put him in. Justin ordered two men to help me out of the van and then instructed them to take me to my cell. Still blindfolded, I stumbled a bit even though the guards held onto my elbows. We entered a musty smelling building and walked for a little while turning a couple corners and then we entered a room. My blindfold was removed by one of the guards right before they left the room.

  The room contained a medium sized wire-meshed window, a sorry excuse for a bed, and a toilet and sink. While I’d looked around the room, Justin spoke through an intercom, “A key to your handcuffs is on the bed. Remove your cuffs and set them in the tray on the door.”

  I saw that the tray was the kind used in prisons where items could be passed through the door without opening it. “Where’s Brand?” I asked as I fumbled awkwardly with the key trying to unlock my cuffs from behind my back.

  “He’s next door, don’t worry.”

  “You’ll have to prove it or I won’t give you the amulet.”


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