Iron Sinners

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Iron Sinners Page 7

by H. J. Bellus



  The little shit has her fucking teeny bopper music blaring so loud from the kitchen she can’t hear me screaming at her. I can hardly stand the shit she listens to, but I always let her. I swear the fucking shit is going to either kill me off with her feisty ass attitude or because of the raging boner I seem to pop around her.

  The moment I let go inside her a week ago, I knew in that instant I should’ve cherished it forever. In a fucked up, weird way, Piper has made me want to earn her trust back. I am constantly petting, holding, and kissing on her. Digger has been here with us around the clock for extra protection, not giving us any time to be together. Any other woman I’d fuck right in front of him, and hell, even let him sink his cock in a hole, so we could both get off together.

  Everything is different with Piper. My feelings, my heart and brain all fucking work differently around the annoying little shit. She makes me smile when most fucking women would’ve made me slap them, and kick their ass out the door. Not with her. She can eat on my couch, play her shitty-ass music, and sneak Chrome treats and I just smile. Piper has asked several times about my past, my scars, and my relationship with Digger. I’ve been able to ward off her questions so far, but hell, we’re only seven days into our seclusion at the cabin since our agreement.

  Rounding the corner, I spot Piper perched on top of the kitchen island sitting cross-legged and flipping pancakes. She’s wearing her favorite pair of my boxers and an old club t-shirt of mine with her auburn hair braided to the side while singing her fucking lungs out. Batter covers the counter space, Chrome’s head, and her cheeks. Jesus Christ! It looks as if a batter war ensued. My traitorous dog is sitting obediently at the end of the counter watching Piper make pancakes. I watch as Piper flips pancake after pancake. She finally tosses one to Chrome, who gobbles it, licks his chops, and goes back to his guard spot.

  I do believe that my fucking mutt has fallen harder for this girl than I have. Piper catches me watching her and smiles brightly, continuing with her pancake obsession.

  “You wanna be my lover…” she sings in a loud voice.

  I just shake my head and move in closer.

  “Grizz! Look, Mayley sent pancake fixings with the prospect this morning. Still no suitable fucking clothes, but we’re having PANCAKES, biotch.”

  “Calm yourself, girl,” I reply.

  Deep down, I’m really enjoying this tiny glimpse of joy she is experiencing. Piper is still fucking pissed and resents the club for everything. I don’t know how many times I’ve told her ‘wrong place, wrong time.’ It still doesn’t make her wound hurt any less.

  Piper grabs a plate and fixes a heaping stack of pancakes. “Go give this to Digger. He’s out on the porch.”

  “What the fuck, Piper? You think I’m your little waiter?”

  “El Si! Oh, grab him a glass of milk, too. These bad boys are thick, fluffy, and delicious.”

  “I’ve got thick and fluffy,” I reply, grabbing my cock and winking at her.

  “Go,” Piper squeals and keeps pouring and flipping the pancakes.

  When I walk back into my small kitchen, the music has ceased and Piper is fixing another plate. Six pancakes high, she then smothers the top pancake with raw batter and tops it with syrup.

  “What the fuck,” I growl. “Is this a prank?”

  She just fucking ruined a whole stack of pancakes.

  “It is one of my dirty, dark secrets, biker boy.”

  “Call me boy one more time and I’ll beat your ass, Piper.”

  “Just eat it. Please, just try it for me. Eat it.”

  “You do realize that you are begging me to ‘eat it’ while you sit in my boxers on my counter covered in batter. I’ve never wanted to taste anything so fucking badly.”

  “Then taste it. Go ahead.”

  Piper grabs a fork and cuts off a huge chunk of pancakes covered in batter and syrup and raises it to my lips.

  Closing my eyes, I can feel the pancakes push on my lips. “Baby, I wasn’t talking about the pancakes.”

  “Grizz,” she warns.

  “Piper, just give me a taste and then I’ll eat any concoctions of yours.”

  “Taste of this?” she asks, as she slides her hand down the front of my boxers into her.

  Piper moves her hand up and down, throwing her head back and fucking herself with her hand.

  “Taste it,” she growls.

  Opening my mouth, Piper places the warm gooey pancakes in my mouth. My cock threatens to spring from my jeans as she continues to fuck herself right in front of me. Piper stretches out a foot, brushes it against my cock, and lets out an evil giggle.

  “Take another bite, Grizzy.”

  I scoop up another chunk of pancake and shovel it in my mouth, ignoring the fact she just called me Grizzy. If my cock wasn’t so fucking hard, I would slap her across the fucking face. I despise that fucking name.

  “I’m hungry,” Piper whimpers as she continues banging her sweet pussy.

  I lean forward, grab the back of her ass, and scoot her closer. I’m very careful not to disturb the motion of her arm because Piper fucking herself is the hottest thing I have ever seen. And trust me, I have seen and done it all. I take another chunk of pancake with my fingers and feed her while she gets closer to orgasm. She grabs the back of my head and slams it into her mouth. Fuck! We haven’t kissed like this since our one and only fuck over a week ago. I taste every inch of her delicate mouth. My tongue memorizes the feel of each and every one of her teeth, the top of her mouth, and the insides of her lips. This time I cherish every fucking second, knowing any day Mayor could call and give us the orders to cut her loose.

  Piper bites down on my lower lip and growls loudly, I can only assume she just came all over her fingers.

  “Taste,” she whispers into my mouth, as she pulls her fingers from her boxers.

  I watch as Piper places her three fingers into my mouth, first smearing her juices all over my lips. I relish each and every drop of herself that she feeds me.

  “Fuck, Piper, I want you so bad,” I growl as I lap at her fingers.

  “I want you, too, Grizz.”

  Crashing down onto Piper’s mouth, I devour her completely. Piper’s hands fumble for my zipper, and I know my girl wants me to fuck her right here and now. My fucking brain starts screaming at me, Did you just call her your girl? What if Digger walks in and sees her tits, or even worse, tries to join us?

  I try to pull away from her only to be pulled right back down on her. Piper has my cock loose and is working it over when my cell phone goes off.

  “Fuck,” I growl. “I have to answer this.” I pull away from Piper.

  “No, please. Don’t stop, Grizz.”

  “Piper, it’s Mayor. I have to take it.”

  “I want you,” she whispers as she drops her head.

  I grab her face and force her to look up at me. “Piper, you scare me. I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted, but my club always comes first. Always.”



  Grizz turns his back on me, answering his phone. Within minutes he’s dressed and walking towards the front door to leave. Me, I’m in the same spot on the counter with a pile of pancakes in front of me and Chrome at my side. He’s leaving. Leaving for a long time by the looks of the bag at his side

  “Piper, I have a job to do. I’ll be gone for a couple days.”

  I can’t look him in the eyes because I really think I might start to cry. What the fuck? Cry over him? What has he done to me? He’s the biggest asshole I have ever met and has cut me worse than anyone in my whole life, yet I want, desire, and need the fucker. I won’t look at him or allow him to see one single tear from me. That doesn’t mean I won’t be spilling them later tonight.

  “Bye,” I finally whisper, with my head hung low and my finger swirling in pancake batter.

  “Digger is staying behind. I don’t want anyone else here with you.” Grizz nears
the counter, setting down his bag and grabbing me. “Why are you pissed?” he asks me.

  I again refuse to talk because I won’t break down in front of the man who’s torn me to shreds, stolen my heart, and is holding me captive.

  “Piper, fucking talk to me,” he roars as he pulls my hair, forcing me to face him.

  Finally I whisper, “I hate you. It’s because I hate you. I hate that you took me that night in the alley. I hate that you fucked me and then fucked Kathy. I hate that I fucking love it when you hold me. I hate that I want you so bad, and I absolutely hate that I’m about to fucking cry because you’re leaving me. I hate you for all the things you’ve done to me. I’m not this person. I don’t fall for a guy and need him. I’m not some stupid bitch who needs a man to feel secure and powerful, but you’re turning me into that type of dumb skank. I don’t want you to leave me and that’s why I hate you.”

  Grizz grabs the back of my head and crushes it to his chest.

  “Piper, just give me a chance. That’s all I ask. I have to have my club, but every day I’m growing to need you more and more. Please don’t give up on me.”

  “Will you talk to me when you get back?”

  “I’ll try,” he says.

  “Grizz,” I mumble into his chest.


  “I really like quick fucks. They may be my favorite kind. You know, where the guy bends the girl over and pounds her hard, not worrying about her release. Just concentrating on ravaging her body and letting go. I really like those, and I’ve never done that kind in pancake batter before.”

  I feel the deep vibration of his chuckle echoing in his chest. “Piper, are you trying to kill me?”

  “No, I just want you. More than I’ve ever wanted anything,” I say, raising my head this time.

  “Three days, baby. Make sure to have hot pancakes prepared because I’ll give you that quick fuck.”


  “That’s one thing I can promise. I’ll quick fuck your sweet little ass anywhere.”

  “I know you don’t do love, commitment, and shit like that, but you are trying on your own terms. Something inside of me is screaming to tell you that I’m falling in love with your asshole macho bad boy biker self, but I know if I were to say, Grizz, I’m falling for you, that it would freak out your li’l biker brain. So, just know you can quick fuck me anywhere and eat my pancake anytime because I like you that much.”

  “I like you that much, too, Piper, and it scares the fuck out of me.”

  “Grizz, when I make a commitment, I do it all the way. I can never get pregnant because I chose that path. Fooling a doctor into tying a twenty-two-year-old's tubes doesn’t come easy. I never wanted kids. I wanted success and domination, and now I want you and your quick fucks, so don’t disappoint me.”

  With one final kiss, Grizz turns and walks away. His stride clearly shows how naturally it is for him to leave. It’s like his job, second nature to him, and the one thing he knows. Walking away. And that one fact scares the fuck out of me. When the day comes, he’ll walk away a whole complete man, leaving me behind broken and shredded.

  Grizz’s bike roars to life, just one more reminder that he’ll never allow any feelings, relationships, and emotions to touch or even threaten to damage him. No, he’s his own man living his life, and that simple fact is what has me so damn drawn to him.

  “You got more grub, girl?”

  I turn to see Digger enter the kitchen with his empty plate.

  “Does it look like it?” I ask.

  “Serve me up some more, bitch.”

  I chuck a pancake at him, he knows I can’t stand when club members freely call women ‘bitch.’ It has now became our inside joke.

  “Do you always sit on the counter when you cook?” he asks.

  Grizz sat me back down in the middle of my mess when he left. How ironic that the one man who holds all the power to destroy me, leaves me behind sitting in the middle of chaos.

  “It’s something my momma always let me do before she died. She loved to cook, and would always set me right up on the counter with her. I guess it’s something I do every time I cook.”

  “That’s cool, Piper. You should feel lucky that your mom left you with something worth remembering.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  Handing over the plate of pancakes to Digger, I sense the sadness and harsh truth in his words. He’s not sugar coating or making me feel all warm and fuzzy over a cherished memory from my mother; no, he’s being sincere and truly reflecting on his past.

  “Do you have any memories?” I ask hesitantly.

  “Sure do, but not worth remembering.”

  “Share something with me,” I beg.

  “They are not just mine to share, Piper. I can’t tell my story without telling Grizz’s story, and that’s something we both promised to keep buried the day we met Mayor and was finally accepted into Iron Sinners. I’ll never go back on my brother.”

  “Brother?” I whisper.

  “Brother,” he says.

  “As in club brother?”

  “Nope. All I’ll say is that your little news story has nothing on our past. You have to realize that Grizz being forced to take you has done more damage to him than you will ever know.”


  “Enough now. Serve me pancakes, bitch.”

  Chapter 6


  Four days have passed with no sign of Grizz or the roar of his bike. Chrome, Digger, and I have fallen into a very easy yet unsettling routine. Digger constantly gets updates about the deal going down, but refuses to share any info with me. The only reply he ever gives me is, “He’s alive, shut up.”

  Digger is an open book. The worry and pain cover his face as he’s forced to stay here with me. He hasn’t revealed any more info on their relationship, however, the more days go by it is very apparent if they aren’t related by blood, they’re connected by unfortunate events that have scarred both of them.

  “Can I take Chrome for a walk?” I ask Digger.

  “Yeah, just stay in sight,” he mindlessly replies.

  Chrome and I set off on a trail that loops around the front of Grizz’s property. There’s a wide open area free of trees and structures. It’s the most gorgeous place I’ve ever visited. I love walking Chrome out here, it’s the only chance I get to truly clear my mind and think about my future. My brain and thoughts are too fucking muddied with thoughts of Grizz, being held captive, and losing my career. But out here in front of his cabin, I can freely think about my future and the fucking scary thing is…it’s blank. A blank white canvas filled with absolutely nothing. I’m destined to do nothing, and I pray to God this isn’t a sign that my life is almost over.

  Chrome hears the roar of a motorcycle before I do. He shoots off down the lane as Griff makes his appearance. He’s followed by a group of fellow Sinners, all wearing their red, black, and silver cuts. I can’t help but follow Chrome and run for my biker. Halfway down the lane, I meet Grizz. He slows down with a sly ass smile on his face, so I make my way to him. He comes to a complete stop and I take that as my signal to go to him.

  I watch as Grizz places both of his black boots on the ground and removes his helmet. He looks exhausted, dirty, and just a little bit happy. Chrome already has both of his front paws perched up on Grizz’s leg, howling and barking with joy.

  “What you waiting on?” Grizz asks, over Chrome’s howls.

  All of a sudden, an awkward sense of shyness takes over. I’ve never experienced it before, and it feels as if I am truly seeing Grizz for the first time. There’s stubble covering his face while his dark hair is held back with a bandana. I also spot some fresh ink on his right forearm. Chrome lets out another howl, causing me to come back to my senses.

  I don’t answer Grizz’s question, rather I make my way to him. He pushes Chrome out of the way, grabs me by the hips, and throws me on the front of his bike facing him. Wasting no time, Grizz kisses me in his very famil
iar, hard, and rushed way. The rest of the bikers roar past us on the driveway, making their way up to the cabin.

  Grizz bites down on my bottom lip and growls, “I’ve never missed someone so much in my whole fucking life.”

  “You missed me?” I ask.

  He lets go of my bottom lip and grabs both sides of my face, resting his forehead on mine.

  “Piper, I went to the Devil’s Idols, fucked their shit up, and fought like hell to set you free.”

  “But you walked away so easily the other day.”

  “I walked away knowing I was going to war to fight for your freedom and give you the life back you want so much. I’d do anything to give it back to you, Piper girl.”

  Silence settles between us.

  Grizz is the first to speak again. “Wrong place, wrong time. You’ve fucking wrecked me the few weeks I’ve known you. I want you to be happy and have everything back, and until I can give that to you, I want to own you.”

  “You have me, Grizzy.”

  “So, do you still like quick fucks?”

  “I’ve been aching for a quick fuck since you licked my fingers four days ago.”

  “Good, because I’m going to fuck you on my bike right here.”

  “Grizz,” I squeal, half astonished and half excited.

  He fires up his bike and pulls off the main lane behind a single row of trees lining the driveway. No more words are spoken as I watch Grizz pull off my shorts, unzip his pants, and pull out his cock. He strokes himself for a couple of seconds, eliciting some pre cum. Bending down, I lick it off him.

  “No, Piper. Quick fuck.”

  Grizz lifts me by the hips and slams me down onto his cock. We both moan, and I squeeze down on his cock. Grizz keeps his hands planted on me and drives my body down on him repeatedly to the point of pain.

  “I’m not going to last long,” he growls.

  “Shut up. Fuck me, biker boy.”

  He hates it when I call him biker boy. Knowing this, I call him that, begging him to fuck me harder.

  “Split me open, Grizz. Fuck me, own me, take all of me. I want to give it all to you.”


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