Iron Sinners

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Iron Sinners Page 8

by H. J. Bellus

  By this time, I have my feet on his foot pegs and slam down on him, meeting his relentless fucking motion.

  “God, Piper. Let me like you. Let me like you forever.”

  Then I feel Griff come completely undone underneath me. He promised a quick fuck and delivered with every ounce of his being.

  “Thank you,” I whisper down into his shoulder.

  “Anytime, Piper girl.”

  Grizz pulls up my shorts, fires his engine, and slowly drives up the lane.

  “Hey, we’re gonna die,” I squeal.

  He just chuckles and continues to drive up to the cabin. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss it. The man is completely sweaty, dirty, and absolutely hot as hell.

  “Pancakes? I’m fucking starving,” Grizz whispers and shuts down his bike.

  “On it, bitch.”

  “Did you just call me bitch?”

  “Yeah, sorry. Digger keeps calling me bitch and I need someone to call bitch, you know.”

  “No, I don’t. You can call me Grizzy or biker boy in private, but call me bitch one more time and I’ll shove my cock up your ass and fuck you hard.”

  “Okay, bitch.”

  Squealing with laughter, I jump out of Grizz’s arm and run for the kitchen to cook him pancakes. I crank up my tunes and set out to make the batter. Eyeing the amount of men who rode in with Grizz, I quadruple the batch.

  “Hi, I uh—” comes a deep voice from the doorway.

  Turning around, I see one of the prospects awkwardly standing there.

  “Um, who are you talking to?” I ask.

  “Grizz told me to tell you to fix him a plate of pancakes and get your ass out on the porch. Digger told me to add the word ‘bitch.’”

  “Those fuckers,” I spout.

  I follow the prospect’s order and fix Grizz his food. The young boy takes over my cooking and flips pancakes. I’ll eat off Grizz’s plate because I’m pretty sure the prospect they call ‘Pig Pen’ has never washed his hands, and I’d never stomach anything he prepares.

  Out on the porch is a crowd of bikers celebrating with beer, whiskey, and soon, pancakes. I’m not sure what went down, but whatever it was, it looks like the Iron Sinners came out on top for now. Being the only female here, I find it very awkward as I push and shove my way to Grizz. He’s sitting on a chair, looking very relaxed and relieved with his legs sprawled out. He’s laughing and chatting it up with his fellow brothers.

  When he finally spots me, his face lights up.

  “Here you go.”

  “Not so fast,” he replies and spins me down on his lap.

  With all eyes on us now, Grizz holds me with one arm and scarfs down his food, taking breaks to chug his beer. Not one time does his hand leave my left thigh.

  “You hungry, Piper?” he finally asks.

  I grab his plate and eat the few last bites of pancake, mentally noting its carbs. When I finish and have nothing else to focus on, I realize just how ridiculous I look in this outfit. Mayley has been great about sending food, insulin, and feminine products, but clothes, on the other hand, have been a complete and utter clusterfuck. The first care package of clothes consisted of scrubs and a cum-stained outfit from the club. Then she sent another pair of scrubs and white t-shirt, so I have been living out of Grizz’s closet and in scrubs. Today, it was the purple pair of scrub pants and an oversized white tank from Grizz.

  Clothes, who would’ve thought such a simple luxury would be so missed. I don’t even desire the designer names I once wore on a daily basis, but a new crisp pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt that fits properly.

  With the laughing and joking surrounding me, I tune out their words and focus on what might be next for us. Will the rest of this crew leave? Will Digger leave? Will there be any alone time for Grizz and I? I have so many questions for him, and so many parts of his body to explore over and over again.

  “Is this making you uncomfortable?” Grizz whispers in my ear.

  “What?” I ask, truly not paying attention to any of the men’s words.

  “What we’re talking about.”

  “I’m not listening.”

  “Really? Whatcha daydreaming about? Me? My cock?”

  “Maybe. Take me to your room and find out, Grizzy.”

  Animal breaks in before Grizz has a chance to reply.

  “Listen up, fucking faggots. Just got the green light from Mayor, we can head back to the club. He wanted me to tell you all good work, and that the message was loud and clear to the Devil’s Idols. Phase one complete. Table meeting first thing in morning, all of you. Now, let’s go find some pussy and booze. Fucking shit up always makes me hungry.”

  I could correct him, pointing out pussy and booze don’t qualify as nutritional value if he is truly hungry, but I forego my lecture and hope like hell they all get the fuck out of here real soon.

  Grizz leans forward to whisper in my ear, “I need to shower. I’m so dirty and want my back washed.”

  “Really?” I respond.

  “I also want you to wash my hair.”

  “Now, that’ll cost you, boy,” I respond as I spot a cloud of dust rolling up the lane.

  Grizz must spot it at the same because he pulls his head from my neck, where he was nipping at my skin, teasing every single one of my senses. A teal Chevy Malibu pulls up and parks behind the motorcycles. It looks like the pussy has arrived. A herd of sluts climb out of the car, and I instantly spot Kathy in all her trashy glory. She’s a predator on the prowl and I sense she’ll stop at nothing until she gets it.

  “Fuck, yes, the pussy came to us,” a biker yells.

  “Get your cocks out, boys. Time to party,” Animal declares.

  Kathy leads the pack up the stairs and scans the crowd for her prey, which I can only guess is the man I’m sitting on. I sit the plate down on Grizz’s lap and wrap my arms around his neck, protecting him from her.

  “Do you trust me?” he whispers into my ear.

  I can only shrug, not fully knowing if I do. His track record isn’t spotless, his reputation is a fuck ‘em and leave type and I want him all to myself, so he better be trustworthy.

  “Grizz,” Kathy shouts from the other side of the porch.

  I tense, wanting to cunt punch the bitch and finally decide to escape to my room. Hoots, hollering, and catcalls fill the air, making my stomach roll with dread and anger. The tears threaten to flow when I hear his roar, and this time it’s not the sound of his bike.

  “Get the fuck out now, all of you. Take your rotten pussy and fucking leave.”

  There’s some rustling and quiet hushes. I can distinguish Animal and Grizz arguing over something, then all hell breaks loose.

  “Kathy, you better fucking leave now before I slit your throat.”

  “Calm the fuck down, Grizz, we’re leaving,” Animal says.

  Moments later, I hear the slamming of the door and Grizz trashing the house.

  “Piper,” he roars.

  I can’t respond, frozen with fear and anger. I don’t move from the bed. The door slams open, busting into the sheet rock, and Grizz stands in the doorway. His next actions scare me deep down in my bones. He grabs the door and rips it from the hinges and then packs it off. I hear the front door fly open and the door crashing onto the porch.

  “Get your fucking ass out here now, Piper.”

  I make my way to the living room, not running by any means, but more of a slow and unsure step. My brain tells me I shouldn’t be scared, but my heart is telling me another thing. In fact, it’s yelling ‘you fucking idiot, he’s going to crush you!’

  “Why did you run?”

  “I don’t like her and the way she looks at you. She makes me feel like a piece of used shit,” I respond with my head hung low.

  “You’ve got to knock that shit off. You fucking hear me? Do it again, Piper, and I’ll bloody your ass.” Grizz moves in closer. “You’ll stand up to Kathy and never leave my side as long you’re here.”

  “You scar
e me. The club scares me, and I fucking hate that whore. I hate knowing she’s had you for years. That you’ve fucked her over and over. That she was your go-to girl. I saw you fucking her.”

  “I can’t take it back, Piper. Just know this, I will never be able to stick my cock in another pussy without seeing you, or run my tongue up one without wishing it was you. You’ve ruined me.”

  “I never want to see her again, Grizzy.”

  “I can’t promise that.”

  “I like you a lot,” I whisper.

  “While I was gone, I realized that I’ve a severe case of likes for you, Piper girl.”

  I push on Grizz’ s chest, guiding him back to the couch. His legs hit the edge and he falls down onto the cushions. I straddle his lap and force him to talk to me.

  “Talk. Now.”


  “You. Digger. Your past. Why you are so fucked up. Talk. You know my story.”

  “No, I don’t. I only know that your dad killed your mom and you grew up in foster homes. Hardly call that your story.”

  “Well, it’s about five more facts than I know about you.”

  “Tell me more.”

  “My dad was a drunk. He was mean and beat my momma. Lost his shit one night and shot her brains out. Then turned the gun on himself. I sat in a mixture of their blood until the cops came. After that, I bounced from foster home to foster home with a variety of abusive men and bitchy-ass women. At sixteen, I ran away and changed my whole life, focusing only on my career, success and power. End of story.”

  Grizz doesn’t speak a word. The silence kills me.

  “Talk to me,” I demand.

  “I can’t.”

  “Fucking say something, asshole. You’re making me feel like trash.”

  Grizz lowers his head to my chest. “Then I took it all away from you.”

  “Yes—yes, you did, but that’s not the topic now.”

  “God damn it, you fucking tell me something now,” I demand.

  “You promise that you’ll still like me?”

  “You kidnapped me, ruined my life, and I just let you fuck me on your Harley. Pretty sure you can do anything, Grizz, and I’ll still be crazy for you.”

  “My baby sister was kidnapped when she was sixteen years old. Digger and I were supposed to be staying home with her while my parents were out of town. Us two fucking idiots snuck downstairs to smoke a joint. Jackie was a very shy and quiet girl, we had no idea that she had been secretly dating a guy she’d met online. He came and got her that night. We never saw her again until—”

  Grizz cuts off, unable to go any further. I immediately regret pushing him to tell me his story. I had a clue it was going to be dark, painful, and downright ugly, but truly had no clue just how horrid it truly was.

  “We didn’t see her again until her seventeenth birthday. Her body was found in a nearby field. Her throat had been sliced open and she bled to death after he had raped her. Her birthday just happens to be the same exact night I met and kidnapped you.”

  “Digger?” I ask.

  “Digger is my first cousin. We grew up together. My momma committed suicide a couple months after Jackie’s body was discovered, Dad ran off and we went to live with our grandma. This is her cabin. She left it to Wesley and I.”

  “Wesley?” I ask, interrupting him.

  “Digger is Wesley. We went bat shit crazy after Grams died. Drugs, alcohol, jail time, and crime after crime was our life until we met Mayor. He brought us into the motorcycle club as prospects. We’ve worked our way up to where we are now. It may still be wrong, but it’s way more positive than the road we were on. Mayor saved us. The club gave us purpose again, and our brothers have been our family ever since.”

  Silence fills the tiny living room as I try to absorb every single one of Grizz’s words. They strike at my core as if being beat by a baseball bat. I feel blow after blow as I visualize his sister, imagine the burden of his guilt and all his pent up anger.

  “Tell me your real name,” I finally whisper.

  “Griffith Dean King. Never call me by my full name. I hate it—every single letter and sound. It does nothing but haunt me.”

  I knew some of the members slipped up and called him Griff on occasion, and that’s why I always taunt him with it. I had no idea his complete name was Griffith. Maybe washed up, shaven, and a day at the spa, and then he would look like a proper Griffith. I will never call him Griff again. Grizzy and biker boy will still be available on the table to throw his way.

  An idea suddenly strikes me. I want to clean him, wash his entire body down and just love him for one night after all the secrets he just revealed.

  “Let me wash you, Grizz.”

  He just stares blankly at me after my question. Doesn’t move or try to speak, but stares with no emotion on his face. Telling me about his past has completely thrown him for a loop, and I feel totally guilty for pressuring him into it.

  Grizz’s hand finds mine, grasping it firmly, silently begging me to take him to the shower and clean him. I follow his silent cue, rising off his lap, leading him down the dim hallway to the bathroom off his bedroom.

  Stripping down Grizz is as symbolic as the words he just shared with me in complete confidence. I struggle with the fact his story is so ugly, yet he stands so strong in his faith to the club and his cousin.

  “Please don’t tell anyone, Piper. Mayor is the only person we ever revealed our secret to. Not even the other members know of my sister or mother.”

  “Thank you for sharing with me. Now, let me take care of you.”

  The water in the shower is beyond the point of hot, but it’s just what’s needed at this moment for both of us. Grizz slowly strips off all his clothes, and I follow suit, neither of us talking or asking any more questions. All of our deepest secrets revealed have left us bare bones, nothing to hide behind anymore or to throw at each other. My snotty, better than you attitude is no longer in reach to use against Grizz, and his asshole, beastly personality seems like nothing now after learning what he’s been through. If he considers the life of the motorcycle club mild, then I’d hate to know what his life was like. And cousins with Digger? His story has truly blown up everything I had ever thought of him.

  Digger’s words ring in my head, “It killed him to kidnap you.”

  It all makes perfect sense now. He was forced to commit the same crime that led to the death of his sister. The demons he must be fighting.

  “Are you scared of me now?” Grizz whispers, standing in front of me naked.

  “If anything, Grizzy, I think I just fell harder for you.”

  We both climb into the shower. Grizz doesn’t try to attack me or go in with his aggressive style of kissing and fucking, but rather he stands back, allowing me to take control. I’ve never been in control when it comes to Grizz, he has always had the upper hand.

  “You’ve told me that you can never promise me anything—why is that?” I whisper, lathering up soap and rubbing it up and down his back.

  “The last woman I made a promise to was killed. I will never again promise anything to a woman.”

  “Even if you fall in love?”

  “Especially if I fall in love.”

  Enough words have been spoken for tonight, so I continue to wash Grizz, trying to massage away his pain and guilt. I’m so thankful for everything he has shared, and now is the time I express as much to him.

  “Let me love you, Grizz.”

  He tries to protest at my words of love, my fingers cover his mouth and I continue my offer.

  “Let me love you just for the days I have left with you. I want to show you that you can feel love again, make promises, and be okay. I’m going to love you, Grizzy.”

  My mouth covers Grizz’s mouth before he has the chance to argue or tell me to the shut the fuck up. Everything inside me was ready for him to kick my ass out of the shower, and have him storm off on his bike. Instead, Grizz’s large hands grab my ass and he hoists me up, holding me
close. Our naked bodies slip and slide together while the water pelts us. Grizz turns, pushing my back against the shower wall while we continue to kiss. We kiss soft this time, each of us exploring the other. In this kiss, I finally sense every single little piece of insecurity in the big bad biker who holds me.

  “I’m not good at making love,” Grizz whispers into my mouth.

  “You might surprise yourself.”

  “I want you, Piper.”

  Grizz reaches back, turns off the shower, and steps out of the low tub, heading towards his bedroom. I refuse to let go of his mouth, and continue to kiss him. Gently laid down on the bed, I watch as Grizz turns off the lights and makes his way very slowly over to me. He acts as if this is his first time ever seeing me naked or, for that matter, any woman naked. His eyes are absorbing every piece of me and his surroundings. In an instant, he’s covering me on the bed. Grizz enters me very slowly, grunting while he does. Forehead to forehead, nose to nose, heart to heart, with eyes wide open, we silently let love win the battle.

  Chapter 7


  Waking up in Grizz’s arms is the best feeling I’ve felt ever. No more words were spoken last night as we made love to each other, explored the other’s body, and fell asleep covered in one another’s scent.

  “You cooking me pancakes, woman?” Grizz mumbles down into my hair.

  Craning my neck, I look up to see Grizz’s smiling face. This is the first time a true smile has graced his face, and I won’t lie; it’s the best sight in the world.

  Reaching up, I place a soft kiss on his lips and burrow down into his chest.

  “I’m pretty sure the boys ran us out of pancake mix. The prospect shows up about noonish with groceries. Sorry, boy.”

  “Motherfucker, I’ll kill him if he waits till noon to show his lazy ass up with food. What did you and Digger do while I was gone?”

  “Um, one, we didn’t feed a horny herd of bikers, and two, I don’t eat that much.”

  Grizz lays both fists down into the mattress with a whole lot of force behind them while cussing out a whole line of bad, bad words.

  “Are you throwing a fit?” I ask.


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