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Forbidden Mate

Page 3

by Opal Carew

  Aria glanced to Casey and Baryn. With her eyelids at half-mast and the way she leaned back against her crewmate in a tense stance, Aria wondered if Casey would orgasm soon. Casey noticed Aria’s attention and winked as she shifted her gaze to Terrien and back to Aria again. Aria would bet Casey had experienced some of Terrien’s skill.

  The last man stepped forward. Like every one of the other men, his physique was magnificent. His chestnut hair was cropped short and his gorgeous eyes were a dark amber color. His gaze flicked to her and her heart compressed at the haunting pain she saw in those depths.

  “Now, Darrick’s qualifications are best appreciated visually.”

  Darrick unfastened his pants, easing the zipper down slowly, then let them fall to the floor. Aria gasped. He had the largest penis she had ever seen. Probably that any woman had ever seen. Any Earth woman, anyway. It hung almost to his knees and was as big around as her wrist.

  “But you can’t get a good idea with it like that,” Casey crooned.

  She slid away from Baryn and walked toward Darrick. Her jacket gaped open, exposing most of her breasts, her dark rose nipples peering out occasionally as she walked. Her arms twined around Darrick’s waist from behind and she touched his sagging member. His eyes flared with need as her hands curled around his shaft and she stroked the length of him. She wrapped one hand around the head and the other cupped his testicles. His eyes closed and a half-smile curled his lips. Under Casey’s ministrations, his cock, which had been huge to start with, grew to enormous proportions. Well over a foot long.

  Casey stepped beside Darrick and she took his hand and led him toward Aria.

  “Do you want to touch it?” Casey asked.

  “No, I don’t think…” Aria responded, her throat dry. But she did want to. The sight of it totally fascinated her.

  Casey gently guided Aria’s hand. She could have tugged it away easily, but she stood mesmerized by the huge, erect cock in front of her. She wanted to touch it. In fact, she wanted to do more than touch it.

  Casey guided Aria’s fingers around the huge head. Hard. Pulsing under her touch. Casey encouraged Aria to move her hand up and down. Darrick groaned at the feel of her hand stroking him.

  “You want to do more, don’t you?” Casey smiled. “What woman could resist?” She leaned close to Aria’s ear. “Go ahead. Taste him.”

  The brush of her breath against Aria’s ear sent trembles through her.

  She stared at Casey. Anxiety quivered through Aria. She was way too close to doing what the woman suggested.

  “No,” Aria protested, shaking her head as if that might actually convince the inner voice urging her to do it.

  “Well, if you won’t, I will.”

  As Casey knelt down in front of Darrick, Aria drew back. Casey’s tongue, slim and unusually long, slid out of her mouth and swirled across the end of him. He moaned at her damp touch. Aria clenched her fists, digging her nails into the heels of her hands in an attempt to stop herself from shoving Casey aside and swallowing that large cock in her own warm, wet mouth. To suck on that incredible, rigid flesh until he exploded inside her.

  Casey lapped at the tip of him, then licked him, bottom to top. She positioned her mouth over the head, then drew it inside. Aria looked on, both jealous it wasn’t her and horrified that she sat here watching such an intimate act between two other people, especially with so many strangers around.

  She wanted to glance at Captain Gaman, to see if he was still watching her, but she couldn’t bear to meet his gaze. Her cheeks burned so hotly she feared they would burst into flames.

  When Casey had taken in all she could, her cheeks went hollow as she drew hard on his male flesh, sucking him deep into her mouth.

  She released him and locked gazes with Aria.

  “Look how he suffers with so much skin exposed.” With an extended finger, Casey stroked the large part of his giant rod that did not fit in her mouth. “Take pity on him and help me.” Casey took him inside her mouth again, staring up at Aria as she slid her lips over him.

  Aria reached forward with her extended index finger and touched the exposed, deeply veined flesh jutting from Casey’s mouth.

  Hot. And incredibly hard.

  Aria’s eyelids closed as heat rushed through every part of her. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted to wrap her mouth around one side of him while Casey took the other side. The two of them would slide up and down, their hands wrapped around him to cradle the entire length in warmth, until he grunted and shot his load into the air. How far would such a huge penis send his stream of semen? How much would there be?

  She had to fight the incredible urge to join the other woman in pleasuring that giant penis. Even with all these people watching.

  But that’s all it would be. A penis. If she were going to have sex with a man, it would be because she was attracted to him—all of him.

  Aria shook her head and drew her hand away.

  “Ah, too bad.” Casey wrapped her hand around Darrick’s member and tugged on it, leading him along behind her. Her ponytail swung jauntily from side to side as she walked. “Come on, Darrick, sweetie. I bet one of the other women will be interested.”

  The other crewmembers followed them out, and the door slid closed behind them.

  Aria drew in a deep breath. Could the other women Casey referred to be Eva and the others? Aria shivered, wondering where they were and how they were coping. Even though she hadn’t known them very long, Aria had felt a connection with those women. If she’d met them back home, maybe they could have become friends.

  Her stomach knotted. Oh, God, if this was real, then she would probably never see her home again. Her small, cozy townhouse might not be much, but she’d been there for eight years now and it was the only home she’d ever really known.

  And her kitty, Rex. Marcia next door was taking care of him right now, but what would she do if Aria never showed up to take him back? She knew Marcia would probably keep him, but Aria would miss her little furry friend. She loved the little guy.

  Her hands clenched into fists. This was so unfair. She had friends at home. People who would miss her.

  She sucked in a deep breath and tears prickled at her eyes. Well, maybe not so much friends as acquaintances and work associates. She tended to work a lot, which left little time for socializing. Still, she did go out after work every Friday with her coworkers. At least for an hour or so. Most weeks, anyway. They would miss her.

  Her chest tightened as she realized maybe they wouldn’t. She’d received fifty birthday greetings this year, but all of them were on Facebook. She didn’t have any close friends. Deep down she was afraid to let anyone get too close. Because if they left, it would hurt too much. Now, it was too late. She’d disappear without a trace and no one would care. Or barely even notice.

  God, if she ever made it back home, she’d change. She’d spend more time with people rather than work. Make true friends. Not just acquaintances and Facebook connections.

  Chapter 5

  Tai took a moment to settle his pulse while Aria sat staring at the floor. Watching Aria flush with excitement while she watched Casey stroking her own breasts had made his blood boil. Aria had stared with heated fascination as Baryn had worked Casey to near orgasm. Tai’s cock had hardened like a rock when Casey had coaxed Aria to touch Darrick’s erection. When she had hesitated, clearly considering taking him in her mouth, Tai had almost burst on the spot.

  He stepped toward her, knowing he had to touch her. He slid his hands over her shoulders. She stiffened immediately and shrugged away, wrapping her arms around herself. He dropped his hands to his sides as she turned to face him, a scowl marring her delicate features.

  “Why did you expose me to that?” she demanded.

  “Aria, I know that you sense your tanash’ae. You probably have for several weeks. Right now it is a deep yearning that sears through you with blazing intensity. But it will get worse every day until it is nearly unbearable. What the cr
ew has to offer won’t totally satisfy that need—only your tanash’ae can do that—but they can reduce the ache to a tolerable level.”

  Her fingers tightened around her arms as she hugged herself tighter.

  “I can’t just go to bed with one of those strangers.”

  A devilish grin turned up his lips. “No one said it had to be just one.”

  She sighed shakily. “It would only be one.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “You mean you’ll consider—?”

  “No, I mean if I… I mean I won’t…” She groaned, then stood up and paced. “I’m just not comfortable with the idea of being intimate with a stranger.”

  As he watched her, he realized it was more than just arousal sending her off balance. She was still suffering from the shock of being torn from her home. From the idea of being among aliens and going to a new world. And she had to be resenting the loss of control she felt.

  But addressing any of those things would not help matters. She needed time to get used to the idea. And once she and Zander consummated their bond, it would be easier for her to come to terms with her new situation.

  For now, the only comfort he could offer her was a solution to her physical need.

  “As I said, the ache will get worse as time goes on. You might want to open your mind to the possibility. My crew has many talents,” he went on persuasively, “and could show you a great deal of pleasure.”

  Aria shook her head, but remembered how close she’d come to joining in with Casey and Darrick. She couldn’t believe she’d actually touched him. The memory of the taut, satin skin of his rigid cock under her fingertip washed through her mind. Her vaginal muscles twitched. She was only kidding herself if she thought she could resist the rapidly escalating need.

  “I think you might need something to eat,” Tai said. “Come on.”

  He took her hand and drew her to her feet.

  At Captain Gaman’s touch, heat shimmered up Aria’s arm, then quivered through her body. She’d never felt such an overwhelming awareness of another human being in her life.

  But then, he wasn’t human.

  She drew her hand away and followed him through a doorway to a dining table. He disappeared into another room and then reappeared with two plates of food and two glasses of wine. She ate, too distracted to taste anything.

  “So, what is the name of your planet?” She sipped the wine, welcoming the warmth spreading through her.

  “My planet is called Sa’oul. It’s over a hundred light years from Earth, but there is what your science fiction writers call a worm hole only a few days’ travel from here.” He lifted a fork full of food to his mouth.

  She gazed at him. “You’ve read science fiction books from Earth?”

  “Of course. We get to know a culture as best we can before we visit. It is important for many reasons, but especially to help our new guests acclimatize more easily.”

  New guests? Abductees was more like it.

  His lips turned up in a grin. “Didn’t you think it odd that we speak your language?”

  She stared at him. Actually, she hadn’t, and now she felt like a total idiot. But then, everything had been so surreal. Like a crazy dream.

  “Oh, uh… So you learned English…with no accent?”

  “Our bodies, including our vocal chords, are a little more flexible than yours.”

  A shiver went through her. “So…you’re not exactly like us.”

  Oh, God, she had to remember that no matter how much he looked like a man—an exceptional specimen of a man who made her heart drum faster—he was really an alien creature.

  “Is this really what you look like or are you…uh, some kind of shape shifter?”

  “This is my true appearance.” He smiled gently and placed his hand over hers. “Don’t worry, Aria. I’m really not that different from you.”

  At his touch, heat flared through her, driving away the niggling fear that had begun in the pit of her stomach. Her gaze darted from his, but he’d probably seen the desire spark in her eyes. She drew her hand away. He cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair.

  “So, tell me, if you were to consider being with one of my crew, which would it be?”

  “It’s pointless to answer that question.”

  He sipped his wine.

  “So humor me.”

  She stared at him and images of his crew showing her their talents danced through her mind. Thoughts of being kissed by Larson set her lips tingling. Her breasts followed at the thought of Baryn worshipping them. Terrien’s expert hip movements set her lower regions to shuddering and Darrick’s enormous member sent her curiosity spiraling out of control. Remembering everything they had to offer, she had no doubt at all whom she would choose.

  Her gaze fixed on Captain Tai Gaman. It would be him.

  Tai watched as her eyes glazed in lust. She was remembering her encounter with the crew. Jealousy twitched through him, but he pushed it aside.

  He grinned and leaned forward.

  “You have someone in mind, don’t you? Tell me who it is.”

  She blushed and stared at her plate.

  “No. I told you, I’m not interested.”

  “Oh, you are definitely interested. In fact, you’re dying to act on your need. You just won’t let your guard down enough to do it.”

  He needed to do something to push her over the edge. To help her give in to her need. And he had just the thing.

  He poured both of them a hot beverage and then moved back to the lounge and settled on the couch. She followed him, mug in hand, and curled up in the armchair.

  “Maybe you’d like to watch some video,” he suggested. He pressed a switch on his entertainment control panel on the side table and four transparent, paper-thin monitors lowered from the ceiling. He switched them on and Aria sucked in a breath.

  On one screen a woman with short, dark hair and big blue eyes lay on a bed stroking her breasts through the fabric of her dress as she watched a video screen like the ones he and Aria watched now. She wore an evening gown with a deep V-neckline and his groin tightened as she pulled back one side, revealing a rigid, dark nipple.

  “Oh, my God. That’s Jenna.” Aria’s hands tightened around her mug.

  Jenna stroked her nipple, then pinched. The dark, pink nub compressed between her fingertips, jutting out farther.

  Tai’s cock rose as he watched her, longing to bare Aria’s breasts and stroke them. To feel her hard pebbles against the palms of his hands. To take one in his mouth and suckle until she begged him for more.

  Gattra, this might be a good idea to push Aria to admit her need, but it was driving him insane.

  Aria glanced to the next screen and realized that it showed the same scene Jenna was watching. Crystal was lying on a bed, her skimpy bra discarded beside her. Her thighs were spread wide and a man with a muscular back and shoulders had his face buried in her intimate folds.

  The erotic sight took Aria’s breath away.

  “That’s Terrien,” she said, recognizing him from his dark wavy hair and shimmering bronze highlights.

  “Yes. He is her tanash’ae.”

  Crystal arched against Terrien as she gasped, then moaned.

  “Oh, God, you’re making me come again,” Crystal cried.

  As Terrien continued to pleasure Crystal, her moan intensified.

  A wave of need pulsed through Aria. She longed to feel Tai’s mouth against her like that. To feel his tongue push inside her. Her vagina clenched.

  Oh, God, to feel his cock drive into her.

  Tai’s gaze shifted to Aria. Although the scene playing out on the screen was extremely erotic, what sent him into a rigid state of arousal was seeing Aria absolutely enthralled by watching it. Her breathing came rapidly and her cheeks had blossomed in a rosy hue. His gaze locked on her fingers, which had slipped over her breast and casually plucked at one nipple.

  Aria’s gaze shifted to the next screen where the young woman named K
ate was totally naked, bound to the wall, her arms and legs spread wide.

  Brand, one of Tai’s crew, caressed her breasts, stimulating the nipples with light strokes of his fingertips, and her face contorted in pleasure. He nibbled at her collar bone, then licked around her areola while his fingers gently stroked her other nipple.

  Tai wished he was in Brand’s position, but with Aria’s beautiful body laid out in front of him. Heat ignited inside him as his longing for her became nearly unbearable. He wanted to rush over and sweep her into his arms, to taste the sweet saltiness of her flesh.

  Hex, a second crewman, stroked down Kate’s legs, then slowly upward again, along her thighs, then close to her pussy. Both men leaned forward and each took a nipple in his mouth. Kate gasped.

  Aria flushed at witnessing the intimate encounter, but she couldn’t drag her gaze away. Her own nipples puckered tightly, burning for attention. She realized she’d been stroking one and snatched her hand away. Her face flamed hotter. All the while she could feel Captain Gaman’s hot gaze on her.

  As the two men sucked on Kate’s nipples, one slid his hand down her stomach, then stroked her clit. Kate moaned louder. As Aria watched, Kate shifted and arched. From her gasps and the tensing of her body, Aria could tell they were bringing her to orgasm. Her eyes fell closed and she groaned, louder and louder, until finally she wailed in ecstasy.

  The temperature in the room seemed to climb rapidly. Aria ran her fingers under the collar of her blouse, desperately wanting to stroke her own breasts.

  She dragged her attention to the fourth screen. It was blank.

  “Eva? Where is she?” Had something happened to her?

  “Don’t worry. She’s fine. She’s just not in her room yet.”

  Her gaze slipped back to the screen with Crystal, who was crouched over her lover, his impressive erection in her hand as she sucked on his tip. Aria watched Crystal glide downward, taking the long shaft deep into her throat until every last inch was inside her.


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