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Thaumatology 08 - Ancient

Page 2

by Teasdale, Niall

  Ceri opened the door and walked in. Lily followed, her breathing already starting to quicken. ‘Get your knickers off and yourself in position then, pet,’ Ceri ordered and Lily moved eagerly to comply. Ceri adjusted the frame to fit her; it was very adjustable and designed so that the occupant had to rest on his or her elbows before the wrist cuffs could be closed. The resulting position was very vulnerable, hips pushed upward, legs spread; Lily was trapped, exposed to the ministrations of the machine behind her.

  Finding the largest dildo in the collection, Ceri stretched a condom over it, and then fixed it to the rod. The height and orientation of the machine was also adjustable and Ceri took her time settling it into place and ensuring it would not penetrate too far. Lily let out a low moan as she was filled with flexible latex. ‘How does that feel, pet?’ Ceri asked.

  ‘Very full, Mistress.’

  Ceri grinned and started the machine up, watching the thing begin to cycle in and out of her lover. It appeared that amusing herself with Lily’s little noises was not done for the day.


  Ceri turned from watching Lily as a tall woman in a simple, but elegant, black gown appeared at the wall. Black hair fell around her shoulders in waves. She had strong, slightly masculine features and very full lips, coupled with a slim figure with a substantial chest. Perhaps her worst feature were her eyes which were a hazel colour and took away from the strength of her face, but she still managed to give off authority like a palpable force. Ceri turned the cycle rate on the machine up a couple of notches, eliciting a squeal of exhausted delight from Lily, before putting the remote control down and walking over to the bars.

  ‘How long have you had her in it?’ the woman asked. She was called Arabella and she owned the place. It was her who had taken Ceri on her tour earlier in the week.

  ‘About thirty minutes,’ Ceri replied. ‘I tried to stop it after fifteen, but she begged me to keep it going, and it is her birthday.’ Ceri could see why it was something of a punishment for a man, considering what the device would be doing to them, and she did not think she could have stood up to it as long as Lily had, but the half-succubus was acting like she was a machine herself and seemed to be beyond happy.

  ‘She’s incredible,’ Arabella remarked, chuckling softly.

  ‘You have no idea. I’ll take her upstairs and feed her in a bit and she’ll be good to go again, if I let her.’

  ‘Ah yes, half-succubus. Carter claims she’s the most intense experience he’s ever had.’

  ‘I can’t speak for Carter’s sex-life, but no one I’ve ever been with has quite matched up to what she does to me.’ Ceri reached for the door latch. Watchers were not allowed to ask for admittance, but the dominant inside could invite people to participate. ‘Would you like to come in?’

  Arabella smiled. ‘I can’t stay. I have a few things to do before the rush starts this evening. I stopped by to see if you were enjoying yourself.’

  ‘The important thing is that she is.’ Ceri nodded toward the panting, straining figure of Lily. ‘I am though, yes.’

  ‘Good.’ Arabella’s eyes scanned over Ceri, appraising. ‘I must say, most of the Doms wear more… severe clothing when here. It helps them get into the mind-set. You’ve all the same authority in club gear. I’m impressed. You’re a natural.’

  Ceri tried not to look surprised. There was no way she was a natural at this. It had taken a couple of tries before she could manage to keep a straight face when she was being the dominant for Lily. She liked playing pet for Lily every so often; Lily was so good at it, made it look so easy. Ceri had to work at it… usually. It did seem to be coming easier. Much easier.

  ‘Thank you,’ she said to Arabella, mostly to cover her slight disquiet. ‘I think I’ll get her out of that before she totally exhausts herself.’

  ‘I’ll have someone get you a key to one of the upstairs rooms. Oh, and I might recommend the baths to relax in before you leave tonight.’

  Ceri nodded, starting toward the remote. ‘Thank you. That sounds like a great idea.’


  The baths were, indeed, fantastic. Set in their own area beyond the dungeon there were two pools, one “quiet” and the other where the patrons were allowed to indulge themselves however they wished. Backing up the pool rooms were a set of changing rooms with lockers and open showers. Both pools had padded, stone platforms around them where attendants of both sexes could provide massages, but Ceri much preferred Lily to do that and she lay on her stomach, contented, as her pet’s strong hands worked every last kink from her muscles.

  ‘Is that good, Mistress?’ Lily asked, her voice soft and purring.

  Ceri said, ‘Ng mmm gff.’

  ‘Good. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.’

  ‘Mmm fngn.’

  ‘Maybe we should’ve gone to the other room, where I’d be allowed to do this properly.’

  Ceri managed to lift her head, which she considered an impressive feat considering her neck muscles felt like bungee cord. She opened her mouth to say something and then reconsidered. ‘Maybe we should have, but I wanted to relax rather than come.’

  ‘And now you’re not so sure, Mistress?’

  ‘I just had the thought that screaming my lungs out in front of anyone who might be watching could be fun, yes. On the other hand, I’d be quite happy soaking in the pool too.’

  Lily nodded and allowed Ceri to slide off the bench. Together they sank into the water, which was hot enough to relax any other worries Ceri might have had out of her, and sat on one of the ledges.

  ‘Can’t you tell what I wanted anyway?’ Ceri asked.

  ‘You’re almost impossible to read when your desires aren’t absolutely clear, Mistress.’ Her voice turned purring. ‘My Mistress is much too awesome for a simple succubus like me to read.’

  ‘Flattery will get you everywhere, pet. Not that you wouldn’t get there anyway.’ Lily giggled and Ceri smiled; Lily had been quieter than usual as she played her role and hearing her giggle felt wonderful. Ceri sighed, relaxing further into the hot water. ‘You were right.’

  ‘About what, Mistress?’

  ‘When we were in Cardiff? You wanted a hot tub for home. You were right.’ Lily said nothing, but cuddled up against Ceri in the heat. It felt wonderful, but it could not last. ‘Ten minutes, then we have to get ready for work.’

  ‘So soon, Mistress?’

  ‘Yes. We have some special preparations to make.’

  Lily was not really sure what Ceri meant, but a little shudder of anticipation ran through her. She was quite sure she was going to enjoy it.


  The night after new moon meant that there were a fair number of vampires in the Jade Dragon. Ceri was still not exactly happy about dealing with the older ones, she could see through the illusion they used to hide their real nature, but after feeding one she was rather better than she had been with the younger ones. Which was useful since she had five of them, a group of girls out on the town, on table nine.

  She had just finished delivering five Dragon’s Bloods to them when Cheryl Tennant, her other boss, walked into the club. She was partially there to say happy birthday to Lily, but the gold, semi-translucent, sheath mini-dress she was wearing suggested she was also there for Carter and possibly Alec too. At thirty-four Cheryl probably qualified as sliding into middle age, but she was doing really well on it. A lecturer at the London Metropolitan University, a substantial proportion of her students had fantasies about sleeping with her. Red-headed and green eyed, with a pale, freckled skin and a substantial bosom, she had managed to attract the attentions of both Carter Fleming and Alec, his oldest friend and a werewolf. All three of them seemed quite happy about sharing.

  Carter went to meet her, dressed in one of his immaculate suits, his ash-blonde hair perfectly coifed. Well into his fifties, he rarely looked older than thirty. Rich, attractive, and very charming, Carter could, and often did, have a different woman in his bed every night, but Cheryl had bec
ome an unlikely favourite; Carter said it was good to wake up next to a woman he could actually have a conversation with.

  Alec, the man behind the bar, smiled his own, patented, leering smile. His own attraction to Cheryl was more purely physical. The two men shared a taste in women; they both found Ceri a terrible temptation as well though only Alec had acted on it and that had, initially, been when they had both been in wolf-form. Ceri was fairly sure Cheryl’s attraction to Alec was purely physical too. He was big, muscled, pretty hairy, and he had a werewolf’s stamina in bed.

  As Ceri approached she could hear Cheryl’s voice. ‘Lily’s looking a little flustered…’

  ‘My fault,’ Ceri said, getting a raised eyebrow in response.

  ‘Lily asked that Ceri be her Mistress for the day,’ Carter explained. The barely restrained humour in his voice was obvious. ‘Ceri is playing it to the hilt.’

  ‘Oh,’ Cheryl said, none the wiser, ‘right. Well, could I get a glass of wine, Alec?’

  Alec gave a smirking glance to Lily before saying, ‘Of course,’ and turning to the bottles at the back of the bar.

  Lily did, indeed, look flustered. Ceri walked over and leant against the bar beside her, slipping a hand around her waist, fingers brushing her bare hip where it was exposed by her ridiculously short dress. Ceri felt the tremble in Lily’s body and the rush of desire coming over their bond. She knew why Lily was so sensitive; it was the little plastic egg buzzing away inside her. Ceri had some experience of the device; Lily had used it on her once during a not entirely perfect part of their relationship. On its own it was highly unlikely to get Lily to climax, which was just perfect because Ceri wanted her wound up like a piano string.

  Just how tightly wound Lily was was indicated by the fact that Ceri noticed table seven needing drinks before Lily did. Leaning close, Ceri whispered, ‘Table seven, pet,’ and Lily almost jumped.

  ‘Thank you, Mistress,’ Lily breathed and strutted off toward the table. It was not easy; walking made the egg shift, bouncing over more sensitive areas and upping the pleasure welling up from her groin like a spring to more like a fountain. Ceri grinned.

  ‘What have you done to that poor girl?’ Cheryl asked.

  ‘She’s a little over-stimulated,’ Ceri replied. ‘I haven’t asked, because it would be breaking role, but I think she’s having a really good birthday.’ She turned slightly to look at Carter. ‘That club is wonderful, by the way. Thanks for arranging it.’

  Carter bowed his head, smirking slightly. Cheryl frowned slightly. ‘Club?’ she asked.

  ‘Demi-monde,’ Carter explained. ‘It’s a… fetish club. Would that be an accurate description, Ceri?’

  Ceri looked thoughtful for a second. ‘Alternate lifestyle club?’ she suggested.

  ‘Appropriate. It’s like a Gentleman’s club, but with whips and chains. The owner’s brother went to college with me and when she was looking into finances for it he suggested she contact me. I helped with the set up, and provided enough for a twenty per cent share. I’ve had a very good return on the investment.’

  ‘You usually do,’ Cheryl commented.

  Lily returned from table seven with a tray of empty glasses, placing it down on the counter for Alec to clear. ‘A Vee-bomb and two white wines, Alec.’

  Ceri glanced over at the table; she had not actually pegged one of the three as a vampire. He had to be very recently turned. Blinking her Sight on showed her the tell-tale negative thaumiton emissions from the man at the table. The two women were human, though one of them showed the development of her Chakral median which came from magic use. Through augmented vision the air in the club swam with magic of various sorts from Lily’s auras to the trickle of power from the undead, and overlaying everything were the fields from the wards which protected the building. Ceri’s parents had made those; she was rather proud of their effectiveness.

  Turning, Lily started off toward her table, pausing briefly as she went. ‘Sasha, table thirty,’ she said, demonstrating that her professionalism had not been entirely destroyed by her arousal.

  On the other hand, Cheryl gave a little shudder as the half-succubus strutted away. ‘Is it my imagination, or is her aura turned up a notch? My skin’s tingling.’

  ‘I believe it is,’ Carter said, ‘and I shall be taking every advantage of its effect on you later.’ His lips quirked. ‘Several hours until closing. I may even relieve Alec for a while so that he can take advantage of it too.’

  Cheryl’s cheeks coloured, though Ceri noted that a flush spread down her throat and over her chest as well, so the red cheeks might not have been entirely embarrassment. Carter loved seeing Cheryl squirm.

  ‘You’re all heart, Boss,’ Alec commented, grinning widely enough that his fangs showed.

  ‘I don’t think that was his heart talking,’ Cheryl replied.

  Kennington, March 24th

  Lily was almost frantic by the time they got out of the tube station across the park from their home, but Ceri kept her waiting a while longer. There was almost no traffic about at nearly five in the morning, so crossing the road was easy, and soon they were under the trees and in near total darkness, even at the leisurely pace Ceri insisted on maintaining. There was no moon at all, not even the thin sliver which might have been there. It was cool, but not cold. Just perfect.

  ‘Wait, pet,’ Ceri said and Lily came to a stop instantly even though Ceri could feel her frustration. ‘Unbutton your coat.’ Lily complied as Ceri stepped around behind her. Stepping in close, Ceri pulled the open coat back and ran her hands over Lily’s breasts through the thin, silky material. Lily moaned, the intensity increasing as Ceri’s hands slid down over her exposed hips.

  Ceri bent her head to whisper in Lily’s ear as she moved her fingers in to part Lily’s labia and find the little nub beneath. ‘You’re going to come now, my beautiful pet.’ It took exactly two teasing strokes before Lily’s body went rigid and began shaking violently. Ceri could feel the explosion of sensation through their link and it almost drove her over the edge too. Lily’s fists clenched, nails digging into her palms, as she tried to stay silent while her body went through something between a tornado and an earthquake. Then her legs gave out and only Ceri’s tight grip stopped her collapsing onto the dirt path.

  The egg was still vibrating and Ceri held her and made soothing noises as a second, then a third, smaller climax wracked her. ‘There there, my pet… That’s it… You come all you want, you deserve it.’

  Lily managed to get her legs, and her breathing, under some sort of control. ‘Thank you, Mistress.’ Ceri felt her stomach flutter; the love Lily could put into a phrase like that was a true wonder.

  ‘Let’s get into the house. You’ve got me all wound up now. When we get inside, I want you holding me on the edge for at least thirty minutes.’

  Lily’s brows creased a little. ‘That’s starting to get dangerous, Mistress.’

  ‘I know, but you’re forgetting something.’ They started walking again, Ceri half-supporting her lover.

  ‘I am, Mistress?’

  ‘Yes. I trust you with my life, pet. I know you won’t hurt me.’


  Light blazed in through the curtains when Ceri opened her eyes, but she stayed right where she was, wrapped in Lily’s arms. She almost always woke before Lily did, a fact which she enjoyed immensely because it allowed her the luxury of snuggling there against Lily’s warm body without any real pressure to get up or do anything, especially on a Saturday. The only day better was Sunday, when she would wake up between Lily and Michael.

  When, finally, she decided that it was time to move, Lily woke. Ceri turned onto her back and Lily snuggled herself closer again, as though she did not want to let go. She probably did not.

  Ceri smiled. ‘Now that it’s morning I can ask whether you enjoyed your birthday.’

  Lily smiled sleepily. ‘It was absolutely fantastic, Mistress.’

  ‘You can stop with the “Mistress” now, love.’
br />   Lily giggled. ‘I was doing it all day yesterday and I’m still half asleep.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Not that I would mind doing it all the time. You were perfect yesterday. I know you were concentrating on making it as pleasurable for me as possible, and well done on that, I don’t think I’ve come so often in a twenty-four hour period, but you were just great at being my mistress. You’ve come a really long way from the woman my demon side dominated.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  They lay in silence for a few seconds, and Ceri was thinking of taking a shower which would undoubtedly turn into sex, when Lily spoke again. ‘Do you want to make it a full time thing?’

  ‘What? Being Mistress Ceri?’

  ‘Mistress Ceridwyn. You should use your full name, it sounds more… mistressy.’

  ‘I… uh… Not full time, no. Definitely not as strictly as yesterday all the time.’

  ‘Why not? My curiosity is peaked.’

  Ceri giggled. ‘Well, there’s one thing there. I like you saying what you think when you want to, not when I give you permission.’

  ‘Okay, so I should be able to speak when I wish, unless we’re being strict.’

  ‘And, uh, well I like being your pet sometimes.’

  ‘So we should be able to switch once in a while if you tell me.’

  It was like she was making a tick list. ‘And… well, how would it be different from what we do now? I don’t want to be in charge in bed all the time, or out of it. We both have things we’re good at and I bow to your experience when I know you know more than me. You already defer to me a lot, and when I sit on the chair in the lounge you perch on the footstool.’

  Lily nodded against Ceri’s shoulder. ‘Maybe you’ve got a point, maybe we are already doing it as much as we can.’ She lifted her head and grinned. ‘Would Mistress like her pet to do disgusting things to her in the shower?’


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