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Taurus (Galactic Cage Fighters (Book Three))

Page 1

by K. D. Jones

  Table of Contents




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Books by KD Jones

  Taurus by KD Jones


  Galactic Cage Fighters

  Book Three

  by KD Jones

  © Copyright June 2013 by JK Publishing INC

  All cover art and logo © Copyright June 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved

  Edited by ML HILL

  Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

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  WARNING: This eBook contains sexually explicit scenes, adult language, and violence that may be considered offensive to some readers.

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  Maya is looking for a change of pace. As one-quarter Arian, she is constantly overlooked or harassed by full humans and full Arians, despite the efforts of her over-protective grandparents when she was growing up. Even her own parents abandoned her and took off for parts unknown. Now she is determined to make her own way in life and to see other galaxies she had always dreamed of seeing. She takes a risk, packs up her bags, and travels several galaxies away to audition for a job as a ring girl for the Galactic Cage Fighters Association. Maybe she would meet some of her idols from the GCFA. The moment she meets Taurus she is instantly attracted to him, but he is reluctant to her charms. Maya doesn’t give up though. She keeps hoping he would warm up to her eventually. What does it take to get noticed by the reluctant male? Was something wrong with her? Was it because she was too human for his tastes? Just when things were looking hopeful, Maya finds herself in danger.

  Taurus the Ape Man is one of the more popular GCFA fighters, and one of the most mysterious. No one really knows that much about him, not even his closest friends. He prefers it that way. Keeping others at a distance keeps him and everyone he cares about safe. Working as a fighter for the GCFA is a job that allows him be in charge and make the decisions about his own life. Power over his actions and future is something he did not have for most of his childhood. Plus, the GCFA pays him and the other halfsie fighters really well. The only downside to the job is having to deal with all the females, especially the human female fans. The females find his unique abilities appealing. After the abuse he suffered growing up in the orphanage and then in the breeding programs, he doesn’t care to get close to anyone—especially females. When he meets the halfsie Arian hired to be a ring girl, his senses go crazy. He fights his attraction to Maya, but it is a losing battle. Will he be able to keep himself from her? Will his past keep him from moving forward? How long can he hold off on his protective feelings toward her when Maya’s life is threatened?


  I want to thank my publisher, JK Publishing, for taking a chance on me. I send a special thanks to my editor Michelle who works hard to make my words sound even better. Last, but not least, thank you to all my readers who have stuck with me from the very beginning.

  KD Jones

  You may contact the author at:




  Table of Contents




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Books by KD Jones


  Fourteen Years Earlier

  Taurus was hungry. He was always hungry. The human children were fed three meals a day but the halfsie kids, like him, were only given one full meal and a snack. The headmistress claimed it was because their alien DNA kept them fit with less food. But he knew the truth—they were afraid of the halfsies’ strength.

  “May I have some of your potato chips?” asked a small girl with brown pigtails.

  June was just a tiny thing. Taurus had taken her under his wing, protecting her from the bigger kids. He handed over the one bag of potato chips they were given for a snack. She needed it more than he did. He thought of her as a little sister.

  He was twelve years old, but he felt much older than that. June was eight years old. He loved her laughter and how her green eyes lit up when she smiled at him. She was the only bright spot in his dreary life. If not for her, he would have ran away by now. She gave him a purpose—he was her protector—her brother. He thought the saddest day of his life would be the day that June was adopted. However, that was not the saddest day.

  To his horror, Taurus was taken from the orphanage when he turned thirteen. He was leaving June behind but he hoped a loving family would adopt her. Taurus knew that that was not what his future held for him. He had suspicions about his fate; it was confirmed the moment he stepped out of the orphanage building and he was put in the back of a materials transport shuttle. There were no windows on board and he barely had oxygen to breath. When he tried to run away from the human men trying to put him inside the dark container, they stuck a needle in his arm. His last thought was of June and how he failed her. Then the darkness claimed him.


  Taurus woke to a nightmare, one long nightmare that seemed to stretch for years and years. He was still alive though. He survived four years of breeding experiments.

  His first sexual exper
ience had been in a windowless room. A prostitute was brought in to teach him what to do with his body. She smelled awful with cigarette smoke and her skin showed her age. He wasn’t interested even when she showed him her naked sagging body. But he learned that his body could be manipulated regardless of what his mind said.

  After years of endless females sent to him for him to perform, he got used to it. If his body didn’t respond, the females manipulated him. The females changed from human prostitutes to full species females. Some like him were captives being used for breeding. Some females did whatever needed to be done and some came to him in shambles. They barely held on to their sanity.

  Taurus learned that when he cooperated, he was allowed more freedoms. But he had to stand his ground with some things. He performed with the females who were willing and kept his distance from the ones that were a wreck. He refused to brutalize anyone even if he had to take a beating for it. But the coordinators of the facility didn’t want to damage him. So he found a way to make the best out of the situation.

  Whenever he cooperated, he was given rewards. Some of those rewards included more food than what he had at the orphanage. Also, he was granted more exposure to sunshine and fresh air. Since he cooperated more with the experiments, they stopped giving him the drugs that would make him more sexually aggressive.

  Taurus tolerated things, but he absolutely hated the human male guards that watched him all the time. He knew they jacked off while watching him with the females. They touched him sometimes on his ass when they had tried to put him in restraints. It was the only time he allowed his alien DNA surface fully and aggressively. It would scare the guards enough that they would leave him alone. For the most part, the guards left him alone. But the guards took great pleasure in antagonizing him verbally with the things they wanted to do to him, vile and sick things that no one should be put through. The threats were never carried through with him because the scientists would not approve. However, Taurus knew the moment his usefulness was done, the guards would carry through with the threats. It was just a matter of time.

  Taurus spent so much time trying to stay alive, he hadn’t really thought much about what happened to the females when they weren’t brought to him for breeding times. Not until the day they brought in a young girl with brown hair and green dead-like eyes. His heart sank—June.

  “June?” he asked because though he would know her from anywhere, she looked much older in the eyes. She wore the same sackcloth clothing that all the other females had worn.

  She didn’t move far in the room but kept her eyes to the floor. “Get it over with,” her voice was different too, filled with pain and misery.

  He approached her slowly, but he didn’t touch her. “June, it’s me Taurus.”

  She looked up then and their eyes locked. “Taurus?”

  She broke down and started crying. He took her in his arms and comforted her as he had done many times growing up in the orphanage. When she calmed he sat down with her on the floor. There was no way he would have her sit on the bed where all the other females had been.

  “How long have you been here?” he asked.

  “A year I think. The days seemed to run on and on.”

  There was a long pause. He wanted to ask her if he was the only male she had been sent to, but the aged eyes told him more than words could. What could he say to her to ease what had been done to her? It angered him and he wanted to kill every male that touched her. She was like his sister.

  “They will give me to someone else if you do not take me,” she said looking at the bed before quickly looking away.

  He nodded his head sadly. “They will send you to someone else regardless of whether we perform or not, just as they will send other females to my cell. Let’s use our time our way.”

  “They’re probably watching,” she whispered, for fear they could hear too.

  “I disassembled the cameras.”

  “They will hurt you for that.”

  “I don’t care. After…a while, I didn’t want people watching me. I told them I would perform without the cameras and only then if the females were willing.”

  “The guards watch you.” She didn’t ask but stated it.

  He nodded his head.

  “They watch me, too.”

  Anger filled him on her behalf. She was just a child. She should be playing with dolls and board games. Not performing breeding experiments with assholes watching and tormenting her.

  He walked over to the bed and reached underneath the mattress. He took out a notebook and art pencils. One of the female scientists liked to visit him. She would bring him things if he gave her what she wanted.

  He sat back down on the floor beside her and showed her the drawings that he had made.

  “These are really good. Is that me?”

  There was a drawing of a little girl in pigtails and wide eyes. The innocence on the child’s face was heartbreaking. She had not seen that face in a while.

  “I never forgot you and I never will.”

  They spent their time talking and making jokes. He drew more pictures of her. When the door locks were banged, they quickly split apart. They got to spend time with each other a couple of times a week. Sometimes they simply slept. Her on his bed and he on the floor. It was peaceful to be around someone that cared for you. He had to work it out with the female scientist, but it was worth it.


  It had been a whole week since the last time June had been brought to him. Taurus worried that she was being given to other males. It still angered him the corporations would do these things to children. He no longer considered himself a child, his childhood died years ago. But June was and she deserved to have a childhood.

  He felt as if something was wrong when he and the other breeding subjects were pushed, pulled, shoved, or dragged out into an open field. He looked around for June, but she wasn’t there. What the hell was going on?

  The male in charge of the breeding facility was there. He walked out and started shouting at them.

  “We have fed you, clothed you, and given you a comfortable living space. All we have asked in return is that you follow our rules.” He signaled for his security people to pass around a photo.

  When a photo was thrown into Taurus hand, he refused to look down. He had a sinking feeling he knew what he would find. The hair on the back of his neck stood up.

  With a heavy heart, Taurus looked down. It was an image of a girl with wisps of brown hair twisted around her neck. Her eyes were open but dead, completely and hopelessly dead.

  “This girl stole property from one of the guards. She took her own life to keep us from finding it. I want it returned.”

  Taurus was devastated. He didn’t even hear what else was being said. He stared at the image of his dead sister—sister of his heart. She was all he cared about. Now, he had nothing and no one. To care for someone only meant heartbreak. He followed the guards back to his cell without hearing or seeing anything else around him.

  He was in his cell for thirty minutes before a thought crossed his mind. He double-checked his camera, which was still unhooked. June would have known this was the only place in the facility that was not watched. He started searching the room and he pushed the bed away from the wall. There was a paper leaning against the wall. He kicked the paper away and it revealed a small hole in the wall.

  He reached inside and felt something hard and about as big as a rock. He pulled it out and noted that it was a phone. He checked the last number dialed and it was one that went to the local authorities. The phone was slowly losing battery service. He didn’t have any time to waste. Though Taurus didn’t care anymore, this was something that his June gave her life for. He would see it through for her sake. He texted the IDJ number.

  “Girl is dead. Need help now!”


  The Galactic Pub was filled with different species sitting around the bar watching the current news report. A group of four businessmen sat at a nearby tabl
e also watching with frowns on their faces.

  “This just in, the Intergalactic Department of Justice, IDJ, has cracked an on-going investigation regarding the placement of halfsie children in orphanages. An anonymous caller reported that halfsie children are being fostered out of the orphanages back into the hands of the corporations that funded the DNA splicing. This situation has caused uproar among the constituents of the IDJ. It had taken nearly sixty years for the IDJ to shut down the DNA splicing being done by the corporations. So they are not taking this slap in the face sitting down. They promise to instill stricter requirements on all orphanages hosting the halfsie children. Only families will be allowed to foster or adopt. No more corporation heads. More on this report in thirty minutes.”

  The businessmen looked at each other. “What do we do now?” a skinny man with glasses asked his friends.

  “There are always ways around the IDJ. We found them before, we’ll find them again,” the balding man said.

  “I have buyers now who want to start the events immediately,” the third man said.

  “They will have to wait. We can’t let ourselves be caught right now in all this mess,” the balding man commented, clearly taking the lead in the plans.

  The fourth man had been silent through most of the discussion. Finally, he raised his hand up in the air to silence the others. “We will all have to wait. We need to let the IDJ do their clean house mission. Then, we will start small, and work our way up. I am invested in this financially, I won’t stand for failure again,” his authoritative voice rang out.

  The others nodded their heads. They had no choice but to wait.

  * * *

  Chapter One


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