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Big Bad Cowboy: A Billionaire and a Virgin Romance

Page 122

by Tia Siren

  Avaline finished her wine and put the empty glass down on the ground. He still had droplets of water on him, and she was sorely tempted to run her hand over his stomach and grasp his manhood. It was the wine, she told herself.

  ''But how did you get so rich? It's no mean feat.''

  ''I bought a piece of land when I was twenty for next to nothing. It was just a speculative deal. Then the military decided they wanted it to use as a shooting range. They paid me ten times what I'd paid for it. After that, I was up and running. I re-invested and bought four apartments in LA. They were pretty seedy when I bought them, but I renovated them and sold them on at the right time. I just kept the circle going. Buy, sell, reinvest. You can see the result.'' He gestured to the house.

  ''Yes. Well done. I would never have thought to do that.''

  He turned his head to look at her. His eyes ran over her smooth legs and admired the shape of her thighs. ''You are different. You are worth more than pure money. You don't have to get rich.'' A cat appeared from somewhere and began to rub around the bottom of the sofa. ''That's Duke. He's the boss around here.''

  ''So you like animals?''

  ''Love them. They are so much more trustworthy than people.'' He put his hand out and Duke purred as Colten stroked him.''

  ''Do you want a family one day?'' she asked. ''Settle down with one woman and have some kids?''

  ''One day. But I'm only thirty-three. Time is hardly pressing.''

  ''Well think about this. If you wait until you're forty when your child leaves college, say at twenty-three, you'll be sixty-three. Almost ready to retire. You shouldn't leave it too long.''

  ''A very gloomy outlook indeed'', he said.

  Edwin came out and asked what time Colten wanted dinner. They settled on eight pm.

  They ate in a dining room that was large enough to house a fourteen seater table. It was bigger than a snooker table. They sat next to each other at one end, and Avaline looked over the vast expanse of the unused table and imagined it filled with children, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

  After dinner, Avaline was tired. The wine has taken its toll. ''Thank you for a lovely evening,'' she said tempted to kiss him.

  ''My pleasure,'' he said.

  When she had gone to bed, he sighed. She was hotter than hot, but for the first time in his life, he didn't know quite how to approach a woman. She just sent out negative signals all the time. He wasn't used to it. But he still had his trump card to play, and that was that he was the boss, and she had to do what he said or leave. But did he really want to play that card on someone so lovely? He might.

  After two weeks Avaline returned to work. She and Colten had spent a most evening chatting around the pool. As each evening went past, Colten became more and more frustrated. Every time he tried to lead the conversation towards the bedroom, she refused his advances by telling him it was unprofessional if they slept with one another.


  ''Avaline,'' Colten shouted. Avaline hurried into his office carrying a notepad. ''I want you to book a two rooms at the Hilton Hotel in London.''

  ''Sure. Who shall I say will be staying?''

  ''Me and you.''

  ''Er....okay,'' She looked at him suspiciously.

  ''Why are you looking at me like that? I'm going to look at some deals in London, and I need my PA with me.''

  ''But you've never done any business outside the US.''

  ''And now is the perfect time to start. The market has reached rock bottom. There are some great deals around in London.''

  ''Right, when are we going.''

  ''Tomorrow. You'll need to book the flights as well. Me first class, you economy.''

  Avaline looked a little disappointed, but Colten was in no mood for facial antics. It would do her good to realize how was the boss. She'd had enough of his hospitality. Now it was time for her to feel that she was way down the pecking order again.''

  The next day Robert dropped them off at Los Angeles International Airport, and they boarded a nonstop flight to London. It took eleven hours. Colten arrived refreshed from having slept most of the way in a very comfortable reclining chair. Avaline, on the other hand, was sleep deprived and sweaty after her ordeal in economy class.

  When they arrived at the Hilton, Avaline wanted to go to bed, but Colten wasn't having any of it. He decided he wanted to see the sights. He paid a taxi driver a small fortune to drive them around a list of sights he'd downloaded from the internet before they left LA.

  When they reached Buckingham Palace, he prodded Avaline who was nodding off next to him. ''Look. That's where the Queen hangs out. It's great to see isn't it.'' Avaline nodded, eyes half closed. To her, it was some large building with an ornate railing in front of it. Nothing to get worked up about. Colten was equally enthusiastic at the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Nelson's Column and Piccadilly Circus. By the time they reached the Hilton, Avaline was fast asleep.

  Colten decided he would give her a few hours to sleep and then buy her dinner. They had a lot of appointments the following day, and he decided to do some preparation in his room.

  At six pm he rang Avaline.

  ''Hello,' she said in a gruff voice.

  ''Did you sleep well?''

  ''Yes. Very.''

  ''Dinner in an hour in the main restaurant,'' he hung up.

  Avaline had packed a black cocktail dress, and she decided if he were going to be an asshole to her then she would return the favor. He'd made her fly economy all the way from LA, and it was perfectly obvious her room was nowhere near as luxurious as his. She didn't expect the best room in the house, but she wasn't going to be treated like a servant either. She was going to make him suffer. She would look so hot he'd have an erection all through dinner.

  And when she arrived in reception via the elevator, she did look hot. A few handsome men were checking into the hotel, and all of them watched every step she took until she disappeared into the restaurant. Colten was sitting at a cozy table for two in the corner, next to the window. When he saw her, his jaw dropped. As she moved sensually toward him, he saw her hips swinging, fighting the black material, and her breasts standing proud for this attention. Her blonde hair waved past her shoulders to the middle of her back.

  ''You look stunning,'' he said. ''I know you're my PA, and you don't like me talking like that, but you are so beautiful tonight.''

  ''Well it's London. It's a classy place, so I decided to make a bit of an effort.''

  When the waiter was busy pouring the wine, Colten made a decision. Tonight had to be the night. It was make or break time. He wanted her, and he was used to getting his way. No, he always got what he wanted. If she wanted to refuse him, then it would be the last time.

  ''That was great,'' she said after coffee. ''It's really a luxurious place isn't it. More luxury than I have ever seen.''

  ''You can have all the luxury in the world, you know that.''

  ''I know. You keep telling me. Only I know what I have to do for that, and I'm not a gold digger, and as I've said so often, it's unprofessional.''

  He looked at her as his erection grew larger. ''I don't think you quite understand, I don't just want you for a quickie or a few months. My intentions are honorable.''

  ''Not according to your track record. What else do I have to go on? I need this job and if you get bored of me, and kick me out, where will I go? No Colten, it's not right.''

  Colten stood up and offered her his arm. Very well, let me escort you to your room and we'll call it a night. She took his arm, and they proceeded to leave the restaurant. On the way past an elderly couple, Colten heard the lady say, ''what a lovely couple.''

  It seemed to Colten as if the elevator took an age to get to the third floor. Eventually, a bell rang, and the door opened. ''That's me,'' Avaline said. ''I can manage from here.''

  ''No way, look what happened to you in LA when you were left on your own.''

  ''Colten, I'm in a luxury London hotel, I'm hardly going to get mugged b
etween here and my room.''

  Colten wasn't having it. He got out of the elevator and proceeded to escort her to her room. Outside room 315, she stopped and looked for the key in her bag.

  ''Thank you for a wonderful evening. I will remember it for a long time,'' she said.

  Colten snatched the key-card from her hand and shoved it in the slot. The lock clicked, and he pushed the door open.

  ''What are you....?''

  ''I've had enough of this now. I want you and I'm going to have you. I'm gonna take what I want, and you're going to enjoy it.''

  ''But I told you.....''

  Colten pulled her into the room and pushed her face first against the wall. He closed the door with his foot and leaned against her back. He put his mouth on her neck and kissed it.

  ''You want it as much as I do. So stop playing games with me. You're teasing me, and I've had more than my fill of it.''

  She felt his hand at the hem of her dress and soon her buttocks were exposed to the cool air in the room. He pulled her string off in on easy movement and put his hand over her vulva.

  ''As I thought, you're as wet as hell. Now tell me you don't want me.'' Avaline didn't say anything. The authority in his voice and they way he'd just ripped her panties off had turned her on. ''Come on tell me, you want it too, don't you?'' He let his fingers massage her womanhood as he kissed her neck again.

  ''Damn you. Yes, I want it. But I want more than a quick screw. If I let you take me, that's it; I want it all. I'm not one of your cheap whores.''

  ''I've told you, you can have it all. Whatever you want.'' His free hand reached around and pulled one of her breasts out of the flimsy dress. Her nipple was already hard.

  ''I want love, respect, and your affection.''

  He pulled her from the wall and threw her on the bed. He got on top of her and kissed her. ''You got it, babe. You got it all. Now just let me fuck you for Christ sake.''

  She kissed him back and put her arm around his neck. His body on top of hers, she could feel his erection pressing against her belly. He pulled away and stood up. He threw his jacket onto the chair in the corner of the room and took off his tie. His shoes and socks followed the jacket.

  Avaline sat up and helped him unfasten his shirt. When it slipped off his shoulders, she ran her hands over his smooth skin. She playfully raked her nails over his chest and kissed each of his nipples.

  ''There's something going on down here,'' she said. ''Let's see what you've got.'' She lowered his zipper and put her hand inside his pants and then into his shorts. ''Now that's a cock,'' she whispered as she felt how long and thick he was.

  He smiled and reached down to her dress. He unfastened the halter and let it fall from her breasts. ''Nice,'' he whispered as he fondled them. He pulled her hand out of his pants and slid them, and his shorts, down past his thighs. Avaline slipped out of the dress and lay on the bed naked. When he was ready, he lay down next to her and pulled her onto him. She straddled him and slipped him inside her with a low moan. She stayed still and bent down to kiss him.

  ''So you like woman on top?'' she asked.

  ''I want to look at you. I want to see your face and your tits.'' He thrust his hips up encouraging her to move. And move she did. She bucked up and down on him, pressing her pubic bone against his shaft. He played with her breasts, flicking his thumb over her nipples. She increased the pace, her hips moving back and forth as fast as she could manage. When he reached behind her and groped her buttocks, she let out a load moan and slumped in a shaking heap on top of him. He put his strong arms around her and flipped her onto her back. He lay still until her orgasm was over. Then he entered her again. This time, he was in charge, and he began to thrust into her with hard strokes which made her gasp. He was heavy on her but warm, and she loved the intimacy. She loved the coarse feel of the hair on his thighs and the feel of his face as she ran her fingers over his cheeks. He was an intense lover who demanded she open her legs as wide as she could and take him into her. He was a man, a real man, the kind of man she'd always wanted and now he was between her legs, she wanted him to stay there forever.

  He rammed her harder, his lust overflowing. She fought back wrapping her legs around his back and thrusting her hips up, demanding his seed. She felt him beginning to sweat, and she loved the scent of him.

  ''Come on,'' she said. ''Take me with you.'' She reached down and began to touch herself.

  ''I'm coming, fucking coming,'' he shouted. Avaline rubbed herself furiously and reached an intense orgasm at the same time as his semen spilled from him into her deep warmth.

  On top of her, breathing hard, he kissed the side of her face and then her neck. She wrapped her long legs tighter around his back not wanting him to leave her. When he had to, he rolled off her and lay next to her. He took her hand and lay it on his stomach.

  ''I like you a hell of a lot. I'm not letting you go,'' he said.

  ''I want to spend so much time with you. I want to know all of you. You know I can't be your PA now, don't you.''

  ''Yes. I know. What do you really want to do?''

  ''I want to be a mom.''

  ''Well, let's see what we can arrange,'' he said rolling onto his side. ''Give me a few minutes.''



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  More Steamy Romance by Tia Siren

  About The Author

  Other than my insatiable desire for chocolate, reading and writing steamy romances is my most guilty pleasure.

  I write about tough and sexy Bad Boys who, underneath that armor of muscles and tattoos (and sometimes suits), are more sensitive and wounded than they'd like to admit.

  I'm happily married to a really good guy, but, every now and again, I crave the forbidden excitement of falling for one of the bad boys in my stories.

  There really is a bad girl in me too!

  Want to Read More?

  Check out my other books. For a limited time, they are just 99c and always free on Kindle Unlimited. Please click on the link.

  Billionaire Flawed: A Bad Boy Billionaire Baby Romance

  Ace: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

  Three under the Mistletoe: A Christmas Ménage Romance




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