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Billionaire's Valentine - A Standalone Novel (A Billionaire Boss Office Romance Love Story) (Billionaires - Book #7)

Page 87

by Claire Adams

  "Was that story supposed to make me feel better?" I asked.

  "No. It's supposed to warn you. You're focusing on the wrong thing, brother. You're thinking about that girl when you could be kissing her."

  "I can't just go up to her without thinking about what to do first."

  "Just watch how long you wait," he said simply. "Watch how long you make her wait, too."

  I thought about that while watching him catch a wave. The story had been cool or whatever, but just telling me to hurry it up before she got over me would have worked just as good. Would have taken a lot less time, too. He was a talker, that guy. He had a lot of stories.

  He was completely right, though. It sucked and it was a little embarrassing, but he was right.

  What I wanted was Abby. If I wasn't careful, I would make it to the end of my vacation without ever getting her. We stayed on the water a little while longer before heading back up to the hotel, me to my suite and Keno back to work.

  I took a shower when I got there, finding my way over to the piano after. No more planning, I thought. A plan’s useless unless it actually gets you what you want. The music came to me before the words and finally I was writing. No more planning.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I attended every single luau that the resort held during the peak season. I had to for work, of course, but I still would even if I didn't have to work.

  I was still waiting for the events to get old and staid from the number I had been to but they still hadn't. The performances were the most important part of the night, but the party atmosphere and the energy were always electric. Being around people who were having a good time was a good time to me.

  Besides doing the lei greeting, I got to hang out and socialize with the guests, which was always a great time. Some of them would recognize me from the front desk and strike up conversation. That was the thing about talking to people: they didn't want to be treated like someone you couldn't talk to, they wanted to be treated like human beings.

  This was good for me. I felt secure with all the people around me because that meant he would be harder to see and it would be harder for him to see me. I never wanted to feel that way about anybody, but I wasn't foolish enough to hang onto something that he had said to my face was not something he could give me. It was good to be hopeful, but some things weren't worth risking your heart over.

  I smiled seeing Hank and Rayleigh walking into the luau, their first since they'd checked in. I waved and Rayleigh waved back, seeing me first. I liked them. There was the fact that they were from Texas, which was something I felt connected us a little. Also, they were on their honeymoon – the time in your life that is literally dedicated to nothing but happiness and fun.

  "How are you guys tonight?" I asked them as they came closer.

  "Great. This is amazing," Rayleigh gushed.

  “You guys are early; you can pick some good seats,” Makani told them from next to me.

  “Abby warned us how packed these get; she’s been such a great host since we got here,” Rayleigh said, looking over to smile at me. I smiled back.

  “Dinner starts in about fifteen minutes; have a great time, guys,” I said. I put a lei over Abby’s head as Makani gave one to Hank. The stream of people coming in had thinned to a trickle and none of them had been Nate. Good, I thought. I could breathe tonight.

  We moved closer to the stage when the performances began, watching from the sidelines. I stood by Makani listening to the host introduce the first act. There were enough seats at the tables, but some people preferred to stand, especially when they weren’t having anything to eat. A small group of guests was standing with us, watching the show. Somebody brushing against my shoulder caught my attention. I looked over. It was a guy, smiling down at me.

  “Hey,” he said. “I’m Trent.”

  “Abby,” I said, introducing myself. He was tall and blond, with long wavy hair. He was in a t-shirt and board shorts, not that much older than I was if I had to estimate.

  “What are you drinking tonight, Abby? It’s on me,” he said.

  “Nothing tonight. I’m working.” I smiled politely.

  “You gotta clock out at some point,” he said flirtatiously. He was right. I was going to clock out and go home tonight. I could have taken that opportunity to invite him over so I didn’t have to spend the night alone, but I was good. What the hell had happened the last time I had gotten too close to a guest?

  “I’m going to have to pass,” I said apologetically. I could see he was disappointed, but he was nice about it and moved on.

  I thought vaguely about when I would be ready to get out there again and see people. It wasn’t like it was urgent. I knew I’d feel a huge weight off my shoulders once Nate left, but still, I wasn’t in a hurry. I’d just pick better next time. This experience with him would have been for nothing if I didn’t end up learning something from it.

  The crowd erupted into applause. I had missed the entire first performance zoning out and talking to that guy. I had to stay present. Nate isn’t in his suite doing this, I told myself. It was over now and since it was, I had to be, too. I joined the clapping, hearing the host announce that there was an extra performer that night.

  “Did you know this was happening?” Makani asked me.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. Luau performers were always booked well in advance because ours weren’t the only ones they performed at. I watched the stage, hearing the audience clap again as Nate walked on with a stool in one hand and a guitar in the other. I felt my heart drop. Oh my God.

  “Do you need to leave? I can cover for you,” Makani said to me.

  Yes. I wanted to get out of there. He was the performer? I couldn’t watch this. I didn’t want to stand there and listen to this. I was trying to get over him; his music took me right back to feeling sad and abandoned by him when I heard it. I hadn’t listened to his band since we had stopped talking.

  The part of me that was like those stupid girls in the movies who didn’t know when to let go wanted to stay. He was such a talented musician. If I didn’t get him to myself, couldn’t I have him like this?

  “Hi, I’m Nate,” he said. “I came here after my band broke up back in Los Angeles. I didn’t think I’d make music again, but I met someone really special here on Lanai who changed my mind. This song is for her,” he said.

  Stop it, I thought. He isn’t talking about you.

  “Abby?” Makani said.

  “I’m fine,” I said tersely. I hadn’t meant to snap, but I needed to hear this. He began playing and I held my breath, realizing it was the first time I was hearing him live. He started singing, and my jaw dropped open. He didn’t really sing in Remus; he did a lot of the backing vocals, but mostly played and wrote.

  I knew what he sounded like, but I’d never experienced his music like this. I’d never imagined this being the experience of hearing him play his music live.

  His presence on stage had everyone there completely enraptured; I knew it wasn’t just me, but I felt in my gut that he was telling me something.

  I knew that the two of us had connected during his time here. I knew I wasn’t making that up. What had happened had happened and it still meant something, even if we had stopped talking. I tried to lock my eyes with his; he was scanning the audience as he played. Maybe he couldn’t see us very well. The stage was lit, but the rest of the luau was probably dark from where he was.

  But then he saw me. As our eyes locked, I felt like nothing had happened. He hadn’t said horrible things to me, and I hadn’t asked him to leave me alone.

  He looked away as he strummed the final chords of his song, looking up again as the audience broke into applause. I lost sight of him because of the number of people that were on their feet giving him a standing ovation. I clapped furiously. That was so good. I felt Makani touch my arm.

  “You know that was for you, right?” she asked. I shrugged, but I was screaming inside. I wanted to se
e him. I wanted to tell him how well he had done and that I was sorry.

  “Where did he go?” I asked her.

  She pointed over to the side of the stage where Nate was talking to Keno. I saw them look over a couple times before they started heading towards us. Oh my God, he was coming over. What the hell did I tell him? All my initial bravery fizzled away. I didn’t want to run, though. I couldn’t do that again. I grabbed Makani's hand so she didn't even think about bailing and leaving me there.

  "Abby," she complained.

  "I'm not doing this alone," I said through gritted teeth.

  "I can't talk to him," she said.

  "Then don't. You don't have to say anything. Just stay right there," I whispered. I watched the men walking over to us. My heart started pounding. Think, Abby, think, I thought. What was I going to say? He is coming over to me so he has to speak first. The last conversation we'd had had been so awful.

  I had been upset, and seeing him again, I had felt insecure and exposed. I had just wanted him to leave because that push and pull was too much for me. Did he or didn't he want me, which was it?

  I didn't want to hear him say he didn't need me anymore again if that was what he decided after I'd been around long enough to bore him once again. I felt deeply for him, but I was scared, too. Right then, fear had won. I didn't know what would win this time when he spoke to me.

  "Hey," he said to both of us. Keno greeted us, too. The tension between the four of us was thick and heavy.

  "Hi," I said shortly. I heard Makani clear her throat at my side.

  "Nate, that performance was amazing. I had no idea you were so talented," she said.

  "Thanks," he said, with a small smile. "I haven't played like that in a long time. I was hoping you'd be here to watch," he said, looking at me.

  "You did really well," I said honestly.

  "I was also hoping you'd be here so we could talk. I'm so sorry, Abby. I was an asshole. I hate myself for saying what I said to you, and I want to make it up to you," he said.

  "Nate, I think-"

  "She'd love to," Makani said, interjecting.

  Nate looked from her to me, waiting for me to either say I was going or I wasn't. I sighed and nodded. How many more times was he going to reach out to me again? I was upset, but that didn't mean I had to punish him by turning him down even though I felt the same way he did.

  "You would?" he said hopefully.

  "I would, but we can't just pick up again like nothing happened," I said.

  "I know. I agree. I feel like I ruined our last date. I want to take you out," he told me.

  I bit my lip, remembering the night that everything fell apart. He had told me to get out of his life and I had. What had been his trigger that night? I still didn't know. Something I did know was I wasn't making the same mistake twice. My guard was up nice and high. It wasn't going down unless I was sure it was safe.

  "I will go with you, on condition that Makani and Keno can come, too."

  "What?" she said, "I can't come on a date with you."

  "Fine. Keno will be there, too," Nate said quickly.

  "Whoa. I didn't agree to this," he said, looking at Nate.

  "I can’t come if it’s just the two of us,” I said.

  “Makani,” Nate said plaintively, looking at her. “I wouldn’t ask you to do anything for me unless it was extremely important.” She sighed looking at him, then at me.

  “I’m doing this for Abby, not for you,” she said firmly. “I’ll come if Keno does,” she said. Yes, I thought. This was good. They could finally talk, as well. The three of us looked at Keno expectantly.

  “You owe me, big time,” he said to Nate. Nate clapped him on the back, relieved.

  “Thanks, man. Tomorrow night?” he asked me. I nodded. We had a date.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  "I can't do this, man," Keno said, stopping beside me. I stopped and turned to look at him. We were walking down the lamp-lit trail to Abby's house on the beach.

  "Come on, we talked about this."

  "I can't do it. I can't talk to her."

  "Abby won't talk to me unless you're there. I promised her that it would be both of us."

  "You promised her. I had nothing to do with this."

  "You can’t tell me you don't want to see Makani," I said.

  "I do, but what the hell am I supposed to say to her?"

  "The truth. Just be honest. That's all she wants."

  "I don't want to hear the reason why she left," he said.

  "What? Why wouldn't you want to know?"

  "Why would I do that to myself? It wouldn't change anything."

  "Yes, it would. If you let her tell you, then you can do something about it," I said. "How are things between you supposed to change if you won't even talk to her?"

  "I want to help you, man, but I can't take her walking away from me twice," he said. I sighed, shaking my head.

  "Look at your options. You don't go in there, you'll never get her back. That's done. Over. If you do, then you can stop wondering what might have happened if you hadn’t." Keno ran his hands through his hair, obviously stressed. "This might be it. Your last chance. If you do, then it's on you."

  "Why did I let you get me into this?" he asked himself out loud.

  "I'm not letting you get out of talking to her," I said.

  "You only brought me here today because you want Abby back."

  "Abby asked for both of you to be there. She didn't have to. She could have just asked for her friend to be there. She wouldn't do that unless she was trying to set the two of you up, too."

  Keno sighed. "When you were together, did she ever talk about Makani and me?"

  "Not really, but they're chicks, they definitely talk about the two of you. She wouldn't have asked for you to be here unless she wanted you to finally talk to Makani."

  "You don't understand, Nate," he said.

  "What is there to understand? You want her? Go get her."

  "I was ready to marry that girl. We were talking about a future together. I wanted her to be my wife. One day we're talking about it, and the next day she's gone and she doesn't even tell me why."

  "That sucks. I used to be married, I know what it's like when you lose someone you've loved for a long time," I said. "But you can get her back now. Just talk to her. Tell her you still love her."

  "This is the last time I'm ever doing you a favor," he said. He didn't sound angry. I knew he was just nervous.

  "It'll be fine. Come on," I said, leading the way back down the trail to Abby's place. She lived past the luau grounds, right on the beach. The house was the only one there, so it was hard to miss. It looked small. A wooden cabin on stilts with a little porch in the back. We climbed up onto the porch and I knocked at the door, feeling a little nervous myself.

  Fucking finally we could stop the bullshit and we could just be together, if she wanted us to, that was. Fuck, I hoped she did. I'd missed that girl. I wanted to be with her. It didn't matter anymore, any of it – the band, LA, my ex. I might as well leave if I wasn't going to be with her.

  She opened the door and smiled at us. She looked amazing. Her hair was loose and wavy around her shoulders, and she was wearing the dress that I had gotten her.

  "Hey, guys," she said sweetly. Keno leaned in and hugged her. I didn't because that was not what I wanted to do to her in that dress. She probably wanted to take it slow, though. She had asked for a double date. I hoped this would be the last one we had if the reason she had wanted one was because she was scared of being alone with me.

  "Hey, Keno, Makani's already inside." He nodded and walked past her into the house.

  "Abby, you look beautiful," I said.

  "Thanks. You look good, too."

  "I'm happy you decided to keep the dress."

  "I had to; we never got to finish what we started when I put it on last time," she said. She smirked and right then, I hated Makani and Keno for being with us tonight. "Come i
n," she said, moving aside so I could walk through the door. I had never been to her place before. It wasn't far from the resort, at all. It comforted me a little that she was actually so close to me.

  The place was small, but looked cozy. Everything sort of blended into one big room with no real walls or anything separating areas of the house. Makani had sat on an armchair in the living area and Keno was on the couch. They weren't saying anything to each other. I held Abby's arm, pulling her back gently so I could ask her something.

  "What's up?" she asked, turning to face me.

  "Hey, Keno's been really nervous about tonight. He's in love with Makani and really wants her back. I told him that that was the reason you asked them both to come," I whispered.

  "She's been talking about him a lot lately, too."

  "Was that why you agreed to let me come over?" I asked, suddenly a little insecure.

  "No. I mean, yes. But it wasn't the whole reason," she said, smiling. "You were right about what you said about our last date. I'd really like a do-over. Makani and Keno... They need one, too."

  "He was shitting bricks on the way over here thinking about what to say to her."

  "Hey, what are you guys doing over there? You asked us to come so you could ignore us?" Makani called from where she was sitting.

  "We were just grabbing some drinks," Abby said, taking my arm and pulling us into her small kitchen. She pulled two bottles of beer out of the fridge, followed by a bottle of wine. She asked me to grab some glasses out of a cabinet as she opened the bottle.

  "Thank you for giving me another chance to do this right, Abby," I said. She looked up at me, holding the bottle of wine.

  "Right after I said you could come, I almost called you to cancel," she said.

  "Why?" I asked. Don't let it be because she regrets what we did together, I thought.

  "I don't do this, Nate. You're the first person I've been brave enough to give a chance. I just remember feeling what I felt after we stopped talking and thinking I was just setting myself up again."


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