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Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta

Page 20

by Scarlett Starkleigh

  I nodded but couldn’t help but feel uneasy. How did he know that things would be okay, though? We were at that start of this project and women had been taken already.

  We stopped by a mint green metallic car-looking thing. It had a bit of a smart car look to it but it was larger and very rounded. I didn’t see wheels, though. It looked more like a mini train car than an automobile.

  He touched a small black panel on the door and the door slid up like an automatic garage door. He waved me into a space that looked similar to a car but with a bench seat in the front, only a screen on the dash, and the back area was open as if inside a hatchback or station wagon without seats. He put our bags in the space behind the front bench seat, and led Banshee inside. Banshee sat on his fanny behind my seat and pressed his cute black nose to the window.

  Daxx sat beside me and the door closed and he pressed the screen on the dash and touched what must have been some commands.

  I caught more eyes as three other men were walking, with the two who had been where we had been dropped off, and they were approaching the vehicle. Some were dressed similarly to Daxx. Another was wearing a jumpsuit onesie that was skin-tight. One got in front of us and put his hand up. He was dressed like that pirate guy from the first day.

  Daxx sighed.

  “What is it?” I felt panic spike.

  “Jackal shit is what it is. Just a minute. Stay inside.”

  I wanted to laugh. I guess it was a rough translation similar to bullshit? Or was it something else? I had no idea but suspected it was either a rough translation or a translation error. I couldn’t bring myself to laugh. I was a little bit scared.

  The five men looked at me curiously through the window but it didn’t look like anyone wanted to hurt us. I was suddenly afraid and very much thinking about Lacey.

  Daxx got out and spoke to them, his back to me and his stance was 100% protective and confident alpha.

  And it swept over me like a warm blanket. He’d battled three other guys for me that day and beat them easily. I was with a man who could keep me safe. A man who said he had fallen for me because of seeing how I was on the flight over through video. A man who felt like fate had made us meet in the woods that day.

  Three more men approached and I felt a little panicky for a second. Daxx fought off three guys but eight? What if he got hurt? They peered in the car and were asking him questions, by the look of things.

  One got a little bit close to my window and suddenly, Banshee’s head was between me and the window and he was growling his cute little white fluffy head off. He snarled and showed teeth and yikes, his teeth were really big. He looked quite intimidating. The guy backed off just a little but Daxx glanced at Banshee and then heaved the guy and the guy fell onto his ass. They all started to back up.

  Banshee climbed right on my lap and put his front paws over my shoulders, laying on me, though I was upright, and putting his chin to my shoulder.

  I put my arms around him, “You’re so sweet, Banshee.”

  He started to purr but he was watchful, looking from me to the window a few times.

  Daxx rounded the vehicle and got inside and gave Banshee a pat on the head, “Good dog, Banshee.”

  Banshee purred louder and I put my arms tighter around him and squeezed, burying my face into his soft fur. His tail thumped on my lap.

  Daxx touched the screen and the machine started up, sounding like a car but much quieter, and then we moved forward. The men stood there in a crowd watching.

  They’d been of various ages and appearances and a few looked curious but a few others looked openly lustful.

  “What was that?”


  “Do you know them?”

  “A few of them well. A few of them, a little. They all know me. Perks of being a Blackstar. Or a disadvantage, perhaps. They were surprised to see me with an Earth female as it’s well known that I won Treya’s hand. One informed them that father married her. Word is already traveling.” He rolled his eyes.

  “I guess it’s a controversy,” I said.

  He shrugged, “People will be surprised to find out Father married her instead. There are concerns that he’s going to be taken to task for it. Damage control may need to happen.”

  “Really? That sounds ominous.”

  “It might be,” Daxx said quietly, “I wanted her switched back into the competitions so that it would all be even. Father jumped the queue by simply claiming her instead of competing. Because some will be on the waiting list to compete for their bride for years, there may be backlash. It’s supposed to be a system that is based on the competitions, not based on holding a government position.”

  I winced, “What might happen?”

  Daxx shook his head, “I don’t know.”

  “Do you feel guilty?”

  Daxx shook his head, “I’m trying not to. I had no idea he’d keep her. My way would have ruffled feathers but it would have been even numbers so it would’ve ended after a little bit of complaint. I hadn’t claimed her fully and she would have taken your place. Many Phallyxian men would prefer a local woman. I made a snap decision but expected it would work out fine. Now? My father may have to attend a tribunal. I’ll call him when we get home. He mentioned this might be an issue so I’ll find out if he needs my help. I saw by their reactions that this might be a thorn in our sides.”

  I could see that it might pose a problem for a system to be said to give everyone a fair shake but then for a government official to jump ahead without competing.

  “You’re surprised he decided to, uh, marry Treya.”

  “I was completely taken off guard. He’s a new man since then.”

  “He does seem a lot more…” I looked for a word, “cordial.”

  “An understatement. He’s affectionate, he smiles.” Daxx shook his head, “Amazing what having a woman will do for a guy.” He gave me a heated look.

  “How old are you?” I asked, looking to change the subject.

  “Uh…” he looked perplexed for a minute, like he was thinking about it.

  “You’ve forgotten?” I laughed.

  “No. I haven’t thought of it lately. I guess just under 13,000.”

  I choked, “Wh-what?”

  “How old are you?” he asked me.

  “25.” I was stunned.

  He looked at me like I was insane, “What?”


  “That’s impossible. I saw you longer than that ago on the video streams.”

  “Wait. Maybe our units of measure aren’t the same.” I laughed.

  “I doubt they are.” He cracked a smile.

  “I’m twenty-five years old.”

  “Years. Ah. I was measuring in days.”

  I giggled.

  “You were fucking with me.”

  He’d spoken in years many times. The rascal.

  He chuckled, “I was.”

  He reached for my hand and kissed it.

  “So, thirties?” I asked.

  “Does that add-up?” He asked.

  “I can’t math,” I said.

  He tilted his head, perplexed.

  “Or, I can, but I don’t like to.”

  He laughed again. I looked ahead and the road we were on was winding and suddenly there weren’t colorful trees on either side, there was a cliff. We were driving on a narrow road with a colorful terra cotta marbled with cobalt blue rock face on Daxx’s side of the vehicle and a huge drop of at least several storeys on my side of the vehicle.

  “Oh my.” I was panicked. Banshee jumped down and went to the back and his absence made me even more panicky, partly because my protective white polar bear blanket was gone and partly because the sudden movement made my equilibrium veer off and I felt my stomach plummet.

  I dove toward Daxx and he caught me.

  “Holy shit. Holy shit, that’s a big drop.” My arms were wound around his neck. He was holding me around my waist and smiling.

  “Are you frigh
tened?” he asked me.

  “Fuck, yeah, did you see that drop?”

  I was trying to not look but of course I was frightened! We were traveling around a winding road on the side of a cliff and below us was the water. No guard rails! It was a narrow looking gorge but it seemed like it was getting wider as we rounded the hill or mountain we were on.

  I was straddling him out of fear but could feel that it was having a very different effect on Daxx. I could feel his erection underneath me. His hand lazily caressed my hip and then was under the back of my blazer, on my blouse.

  “We’re completely fine.”

  “What if, if, someone comes from that way?”

  “It’s a road that travels in this direction only. Those going to town travel another.”

  “What if they make a mistake?” I asked.

  “The car has an on-board detection system. It’s also practically indestructible from impact. And if we fall, it can function as a watercraft.”


  “So, enjoy the scenery, my beauty.” His fingers went into my hair and he tucked it behind my ear and his index finger grazed that piercing.

  “You like that jewelry, don’t you?” I asked, staring into endless pools of milky green.

  He blinked and smiled, “I do.”

  “I can’t know anything about you by your ear jewelry, though.” I touched his tiny silver ear stud.

  “That seems rather unfair,” Daxx observed.

  “Mm hm,” I said, disapprovingly.

  “I’ll happily share everything it doesn’t say, baby.” He leaned in, “With words or with actions.”

  His lips touched mine and his hand cupped the back of my head as he brought my mouth to his. I parted my lips, in anticipation and invitation, and gave in to the kiss and kissed him back.

  The kiss quickly went heated into a full-out make-out session, when I felt the atmosphere around us darken.

  I broke away and saw we were in darkness.


  “Tunnel,” Daxx said and brought my mouth back to his and then he pulled my blouse free of being tucked into my pants and then his hand was on my bare back.

  “Daxx,” I moaned as his fingertips moved over and grazed the side of my boob.

  “Jetta,” he murmured against my mouth.

  Then it was bright again and I saw road, this time winding around another mountain but grassy and much wider, and we were still winding through one side of a gorge but we were in a valley, now, the hills weren’t as rocky and had many trees growing right out of them. I saw homes jutting out from them as well and it was all so colorful.

  “This is like Europe. Like Italy or Greece where cities are built into cliffs but this is even more colorful. And look at the water! It’s so crystal clear blue!”

  He smiled, “You like it.”

  “I love it. Is your house built into a cliff?”


  “Wow. That’s cool.”

  “But there’s easy access to the beach. I have an elevator that will take you directly down to our own beach. It’s very private. Some areas are rocky, others with sand so soft it’s like flour. Not far from the house there’s other access to a large beach.”




  Seeing her so excited at the idea of his home was stirring something in him. The urge to make babies with her, fill his big house with them. He felt it in an overwhelming way. He wanted, suddenly, to plant his seed, to see the result of their union. To fill her with daughters and sons. Daxx tried to push those urges away. Not yet. He wanted time with just her first, time to nurture the tiny seedling of feelings she had so that he could grow that into something indestructible.

  She hadn’t even embraced their relationship yet and Daxx knew, by her personality thus far, that she would not take kindly to being impregnated against her will. She would want to agree to it before he did it. She would consider it a grave betrayal if he did it without her permission.

  No, he wanted to have her permission. For all of it. For the marriage, even.

  “We’re here,” he said and watched her expression turn to even more wonder.

  The house looked like a single box from the front but it was four stories as it was built over the cliff that had multiple ledges, descending like a staircase and each ledge held a level. Below the house was sand and the water in the fjord. It would veer from calm and serene to angry waves crashing in. During and directly following a storm, it would be tumultuous out there and even on the beach. 95% of the time, it was perfect for swimming, for soaking, sailing and other water sports.

  Beside the home was his vineyard and it began beside the house but then descended those multiple ledges toward the water, containing his vineyard and his herb gardens. It was a unique ecosystem and produced abundant and unique fruit and herbs that were in demand around the planet and beyond. His fruit was in demand for wine as well as jams. His herbs were also in demand both medicinally as well as from a culinary perspective. Daxx had become extremely wealthy due to the demand of everything that grew here at Fjord’s Edge.

  The property was one he’d purchased after the females died. He’d left home a few months after, gone on a sabbatical in order to try to make sense of his emotions, in order to find himself, and after traveling for a few months, happened upon the property while sailing. The place had been built by a man for his wife. The man didn’t want the place going to no one in particular so had listed it for sale privately so that he could decide who would buy it. The man missed his wife dearly when she died, they’d never had children. And shortly after Daxx bought the property, he had thrown himself off the cliff at the edge of the property during a storm.

  “Storms are both beautiful and dangerous here at Fjord’s Edge,” he told Jetta as she looked out. He told her about the man he’d bought the property from. She got teary-eyed at the story.

  “This place meant a lot to Joal. It means a lot to me that he wanted me to have it. After he died, the money I paid reversed to me because he arranged that. He wanted me to have this house. We spent a few weeks together before he died. He invited me to stay so he could get to know me and decide whether or not I was worthy of this home. I thought he was eccentric but we became friends. It was a gift he gave me and that meant a lot. He told me he hoped that I would somehow have the opportunity to raise a family here. I have a few neighbors but it’s a quiet place. A few friends are on wait lists for brides. As I said, one goes to competition at my father’s home in another few months. The other, in about two years. A few minutes down the road there’s a couple, she’s native and survived the storms. They don’t have children, she took a long time to recover. She’s not much older than you. Perhaps you’ll be friends.”

  Jetta looked deep in thought as she stared out.

  “Does the location frighten you?” he asked.

  “No. I don’t love heights but this doesn’t feel dangerous.”

  “But it is, little one, if you’re not careful of the storms. It’s the stormy season now but most of the time it’s picture-perfect.”

  Daxx led her inside. The home was spacious and bright with an abundance of windows in order to enjoy the view from anywhere in the home. Marble floors, open concept, plenty of greenery indoors. The ground level from the road was mostly living space and Daxx’s office. A level down were bedrooms, the master suite and five additional bedrooms. The next level down held storage and equipment for the home’s automation as well as another kitchen space that was unused and an exercise room. The bottom level was another lounge and entertaining area that led out to the beach. There were stairs inside the house as well as an elevator that you could take from the main floor for an express ride down. The top two levels had large verandas overlooking the water and both verandas had retractable roofs.

  Beside the house on one side were buildings devoted to wine production, harvesting. Daxx had everything automated and one of his neighbors, the one who would be leaving
soon to get his bride, worked part time to help Daxx when harvests were in or would look in on things when Daxx was away. On the other side were three ledges filled with vines and plants. There were automated domes that would quickly cover each ledge in the case of the harsher storms to protect the plants.

  When they entered the master bedroom, he put their bags down and looked at her as she took in the view.



  The house was breathtakingly beautiful. When we drove up to the front, it was a grey stone box that didn’t look super-impressive unless you looked at the vineyards and out-buildings on either side, which suggested more than the front of the building alone. But now, inside, it was more than impressive.

  It was all windows on the back side, I guess because there weren’t neighbors who could see in since the water was directly behind the house and it was aimed at rocky cliffs on the opposite side and I couldn’t see any homes on the opposite end of the gorge.

  The ground and next floor down had balconies overlooking the water, except the third floor down, since it was mostly the automation section of the place.

  The main floor was open and gleaming with plenty of flowers that looked like orchids in various places. Lots of comfortable looking furniture in white with plenty of personality injected. Artwork, rugs, colorful vases, throw pillows in a variety of jewel tones. Each floor had one of those blue robot Roomba things.

  The bedroom was massive and shaped in a semi-circle with a large patio that overlooked the water. The bed was up on a platform at the farthest point, looking like you were looking over the water from it. Banshee jumped right up on the bed. There were other rooms on that level but only one other room was furnished as a guest room. Four other bedrooms were empty.

  “Down,” Daxx ordered and Banshee whined.

  “Now.” His voice went almost angry and Banshee hopped down and laid on the floor and let out a heavy sigh. Daxx went to the machine by the closet, which was similar to the closet system in his father’s house, and hit the screen and it called up a big fluffy cushion. When he opened the door, it was there and he put it up against the window. A doggie bed. For a miniature polar bear. I shook my head. Crazy stuff.


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