Book Read Free

The Bluebird Effect

Page 28

by Julie Zickefoose

  vocalization, [>], [>]

  ospreys (Pandion heliaetus), [>], [>], [>], [>];

  colonial nesting, [>], [>];

  deductive reasoning, [>], [>];

  defensive behavior, [>], [>];

  description, [>]–[>], [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>];

  electrocution by power lines, [>];

  eyes, [>];

  family, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  fledglings, [>]–[>];

  flight, [>], [>];

  foraging, [>], [>], [>], [>];

  hunting, [>], [>];

  intelligence, [>], [>], [>];

  lack of down, [>];

  Logie, [>]–[>];

  mating behavior, [>], [>];

  migration, [>], [>]–[>];

  nest, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>];

  nestlings, [>]–[>], [>];

  nostrils, [>];

  observation/drawing time, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  odor, [>];

  oil gland, [>];

  parental behavior, [>]–[>];

  population decline due to pesticides, [>]–[>];

  population status, current, [>];

  predators, [>], [>] (see also ospreys, hunting);

  reproduction, [>], [>];

  shooting, [>], [>];

  talons, [>];

  tracking, [>], [>]–[>];

  vocalization, [>], [>], [>], [>];

  wintering site fidelity, [>];

  zygodactyly, [>], [>]

  owls, [>], [>]

  owls, barred, [>]

  owls, great horned, [>], [>], [>], [>]

  owls, screech-, [>]

  oystercatchers, American, [>], [>]

  Pandion haliaetus. See ospreys

  parasites, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]. See also disease and illness

  Parkes, Ken, [>]

  paroquet (parakeet), Carolina, [>]

  parrots and macaws:

  abuse, [>]–[>], [>];

  aggressive behavior in the wild, [>], [>];

  captive-bred, [>], [>];

  Charlie (see macaw, chestnut-fronted “Charlie”);

  diet in the wild, [>];

  flight, [>];

  illegal trade, [>]–[>];

  intelligence, [>], [>];

  lifespan, [>], [>];

  nestlings, [>];

  as pets, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>];

  plucking stress response, [>], [>]–[>];

  reproduction and parental behavior, [>];

  rescue and adoption, [>], [>];

  territorial behavior, [>]–[>];

  vocalization and mimicry, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]

  pesticides, organochloride, [>]–[>]

  pet carrier, bird transport in, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]

  Peterson, Roger Tory, [>], [>]

  Phoebe (daughter), [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]

  phoebes, eastern, Avis, vi, [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  bathing, [>];

  departure, [>];

  fecal sac, [>];

  feeding in captivity, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>];

  fledglings, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  flight, [>];

  Luther, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>];

  mites on, [>], [>];

  nest, [>], [>];

  nestlings, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  parental behavior, [>];

  predators, [>]–[>], [>];

  return visits and yard life, [>]–[>];

  song development, [>];

  vocalization, [>], [>], [>]

  photography, [>]–[>]

  pigeons, [>], [>], [>]

  pigeons, passenger, [>], [>]

  Piranga. See tanagers

  Pittman-Robertson Act, [>]

  plovers, piping (Charadrius melodus), [>];

  distraction display, [>], [>];

  habitat, [>]–[>];

  habitat conservation, [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  nest, [>], [>];

  nest enclosures for, [>];

  parental behavior, [>]–[>], [>];

  predators, [>], [>];

  recognition of individual people, [>];

  reproduction, [>], [>];

  threatened/endangered species, [>];

  vocalization, [>]

  plumage. See feathers

  poems, [>]

  polygyny, in Carolina wrens, [>]–[>]

  Poole, Alan, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]

  Pough, Richard, [>]

  power lines, and raptors, [>]

  Proctor, Noble, [>]

  puffins, Atlantic, [>], [>], [>]

  raccoons, [>], [>], [>], [>]

  ravens, [>]

  recruitment rate, sandhill cranes, [>]; robins, [>]

  redbirds. See cardinals, northern

  redstarts, [>]

  reserves, nature, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]

  robins, xxii, [>], [>];

  diet in the wild, [>];

  parental behavior, [>];

  recruitment rate, [>];

  reproduction, [>], [>]

  sanctuaries. See reserves

  Saunders, Richard M., [>]–[>]

  Sebold, Alice, [>]

  Seton, Ernest Thompson, [>]

  Shackelford, Clifford, [>]

  Short, Lester, [>]

  skimmers, black, [>]

  snakes, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]

  soft release of birds, [>]

  songs. See bird songs or bird calls

  sparrows, [>]

  sparrows, chipping, [>]

  sparrows, field, [>]

  sparrows, house, [>], [>], [>], [>]

  sparrows, Savannah:

  arrival, [>];

  attachment to a junco, [>]–[>];

  death, [>];

  diet in captivity, [>];

  migration, [>];

  predators, [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  Vanna, [>]–[>], vocalization, [>]

  sparrows, white-throated:

  arrival, [>];

  color morphs, [>];

  departure, [>];

  description, [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>];

  foraging, [>]–[>];

  migration, [>], [>];

  return visits, [>]–[>];

  roosting call, [>]–[>];

  Sunshine, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  vocalization, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]

  starlings, European, [>], [>]–[>];

  description, [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>];

  effects of winter feeding, [>];

  Einstein, [>];

  feeding time, [>];

  flocks, [>];

  foraging, [>], [>];

  intelligence, [>], [>], [>];

  as an invasive species, [>], [>];

  kept by Mozart, [>]–[>];

  mating behavior, [>], [>];

  nestling as drawing model, [>], [>];

  nests, [>], [>]–[>];

  population decline, [>], [>];

  reproduction, [>], [>];

  vocalization and mimicry, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]

  Strauss, Eric, [>]

  strikers, little. See terns, least

  sumac, shining (Rhus copallina), [>]

  swallows, barn, [>];

  description, [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  foraging, [>];

  inside large home-improvement stores, [>], [>];

  intelligence, [>], [>], [>], [>];

  nest, [>], [>], [>];

  predation by a snake, [>]–[>];

  vocalization, [>]

  swallows, tree, [>], [>], [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>];

  eggs, [>]–[>], [>];

  juvenile dependency period, [>];

  migration, [>];

  nesting, [>], [>], [>], [>];

  range, [>], [>];

  reproduction, [>], [>];
  trust, [>];

  vocalization, [>]

  swans, mute, [>]

  swiftlets, edible-nest, [>]–[>]

  swifts, chimney, [>];

  adaptations to chimney environment, [>]–[>], [>];

  alarm call, [>];

  Amelia, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  Blue, [>];

  colonial behavior, [>];

  dehydration, [>], [>], [>];

  departure, [>]–[>];

  destruction by chimney sweeps, [>], [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>]–[>];

  fasting in, [>];

  feathers, [>]–[>];

  fecal sac, lack of, [>];

  feeding in captivity, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  fledglings, [>], [>], [>]–[>];

  flight, [>], [>];

  foraging, [>];

  Green, [>];

  gular pouch, [>];

  incubation period, [>];

  instinctive recognition of chimney, [>];

  intelligence, [>];

  labeling technique, [>];

  nest, [>], [>], [>]–[>];

  nest building, [>]–[>];

  nestlings, [>]–[>], [>];

  parental behavior, [>];

  Pink, [>];

  Red, [>], [>];

  reproduction, [>];

  saliva, [>], [>];

  Sasha, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  sensory stimulation, [>];

  tongue, [>];

  twig gathering, [>];

  vocalization, [>], [>], [>];

  Willa, [>];

  Yellow, [>]

  Szaro, R. C., [>]

  tanagers (Piranga), range and diversity, [>], [>], [>]

  tanagers, paradise, [>]

  tanagers, scarlet, [>];

  description, [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>];

  fledglings, [>];

  home range and habitat loss, [>];

  mating behavior, [>];

  migration, [>], [>]–[>], [>];

  nestlings, [>];

  nest parasitization by cowbirds, [>]–[>];

  nests, [>];

  population dynamics, [>]–[>];

  predators, [>], [>];

  reproduction, [>]–[>];

  sexual dimorphism, [>];

  Tangee, [>], [>]–[>];

  vocalization, [>], [>], [>];

  winter plumage, [>]

  Tanner, James, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]

  Tanner, Nancy, [>]–[>]

  Teale, Edwin Way, [>]

  temperature control:

  in captivity, heat, [>], [>]–[>];

  in the wild, [>]

  Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission, [>]

  terns, [>]

  terns, common, [>], [>]

  terns, least, [>], [>];

  foraging, [>];

  on Great Gull Island, [>];

  habitat conservation, [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  human depredation, [>]–[>];

  on Menunketesuck Island, [>]–[>], [>];

  nest, [>];

  nest defense behavior, [>];

  nestlings, [>], [>], [>];

  parental behavior, [>]–[>], [>];

  predators, [>]–[>];

  recognition of individual people, [>], [>];

  reproduction, [>], [>];

  threatened/endangered species, [>];

  vocalization, [>]

  terns, roseate, [>], [>]

  territory, competition for, [>]. See also nests, competition for nest sites

  Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall, [>]

  Thompson, Bill, III (husband):

  bird labeling technique, [>];

  and Charlie the macaw, [>], [>];

  and chimney swifts, [>], [>];

  Duck Stamp purchase, [>];

  and eastern bluebirds, [>]–[>], [>];

  and eastern phoebes, [>];

  editor and publisher of Bird Watcher’s Digest, [>];

  magazine cover art, [>];

  and ruby-throated hummingbirds, [>];

  and sandhill cranes, [>];

  and a titmouse, [>];

  and a turkey vulture, [>];

  wedding, [>]

  Thompson, Liam (son):

  and Charlie the macaw, [>], [>];

  and chimney swifts, [>], [>], [>];

  and eastern bluebirds, [>];

  and eastern phoebes, [>];

  and European starlings, [>];

  at Festival of Cranes, [>];

  life with a bird rehabilitator, [>], [>];

  “preening,” [>];

  and ruby-throated hummingbirds, [>]

  Thompson, Phoebe Linnea (daughter):

  and Charlie the macaw, [>]–[>];

  and chimney swifts, [>], [>];

  and eastern bluebirds, [>];

  and eastern phoebes, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  at Festival of Cranes, [>];

  and grouse, [>]–[>];

  life with a bird rehabilitator, [>];

  and mourning doves, [>], [>];

  and northern cardinal, [>];

  and ruby-throated hummingbirds, [>], [>], [>], [>]

  thrashers, brown, [>]

  threatened species. See endangered/threatened species

  threats to birds: cars, [>], [>], [>];

  cats, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>];

  dogs, [>];

  electrocution from power lines, [>];

  flying into glass windows/doors, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>];

  high tide, [>]–[>];

  human (see food, human; habitat degradation; hunting; intervention and interference);

  illness (see disease and illness; parasites)

  thrushes, [>]

  thrushes, hermit, [>], [>]

  thrushes, wood, [>]–[>], [>]

  Thryothorus, [>], [>]. See also wrens, Carolina

  titmice, [>]

  titmice, tufted, [>];

  arrival, [>], [>];

  competition for territory, [>];

  departure, [>], [>];

  description, [>];

  feeder, yard, [>], [>];

  feeding in captivity, [>];

  predators, [>], [>];

  vocalization, [>], [>], [>]

  tits, blue, [>]

  toenails, clipping, [>]

  totems, [>]–[>], [>]

  touchstone species, [>], [>]

  tourism, [>]

  tracking, satellite, [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]

  transport of birds, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]

  Troyer, Andy, [>]

  Truslow, Fredrick Kent, [>]

  turkeys, [>]

  turkeys, wild, [>], [>], [>]

  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]

  vigilance behavior, [>]–[>]

  vireos, red-eyed, [>]

  vireos, white-eyed, [>], [>]

  vultures, turkey, [>], [>], [>];

  albino sightings, [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  arrival, [>]–[>];

  description, [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>], [>], [>];

  feeding in captivity, [>];

  feeding young, [>];

  flight, [>], [>], [>];

  hit by car, [>]–[>];

  at a landfill, [>];

  migration, [>], [>];

  nestlings, [>], [>];

  as predator, [>], [>];

  starving and lethargic, [>]–[>];

  stench of vomit, [>]–[>];

  as totem, [>]–[>], [>];

  vocalization, [>]

  warblers, [>], [>]

  warblers, Blackburnian, [>]

  warblers, blue-winged, [>]

  warblers, prairie, [>]

  waxwings, cedar, [>], [>], [>]

  Weidensaul, Scott, [>], [>]–[>]

  whip-poor-wills, [>], [>], [>]

  wildlife rehabilitation facilities, bird, [>], [>]

  wildlife rehabilitators:

  emotional challenges, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
, [>];

  euthanasia decision-making process, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>];

  joys, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>];

  knowing when to release a bird, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>];

  naming an animal, [>];

  permit, [>], [>];

  referred by Bird Watcher’s Digest, [>];

  responsibilities, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>];

  time and costs, [>], [>]

  windows and doors, birds hitting glass, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]

  woodpeckers, [>], [>]

  woodpeckers, downy, [>]

  woodpeckers, hairy, [>]

  woodpeckers, ivory-billed, [>], [>], [>];

  author’s artwork and writing, [>], [>];

  in Cuba, [>], [>];

  description, [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>], [>];

  extinct status, debate, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  fledglings, [>];

  flight, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>];

  foraging, [>], [>], [>];

  habitat and habitat loss, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>];

  life span, [>];

  locomotion, [>]–[>];

  nest, [>];

  research on, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>];

  search for, [>]–[>], [>];

  sightings, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>];

  sound of bill hitting wood, [>], [>], [>];

  and Thomas Murray, [>];

  threat display, [>];

  vocalization, [>], [>], [>], [>]

  woodpeckers, pileated:

  on author’s property, [>];

  description, [>];

  generalist, [>];

  population increase, [>];

  tongue, [>]

  woodpeckers, red-headed, [>]

  World Wildlife Fund, [>]

  wrens, buff-breasted, [>]

  wrens, Carolina, [>]–[>];

  age at fledging, [>];

  diet in the wild, [>], [>];

  fledglings, [>]–[>], [>];

  intelligence, [>], [>];

  mating behavior, [>], [>]–[>];

  migration, [>];

  nest, [>]–[>];

  parental behavior, [>], [>], [>];

  polygyny, [>]–[>];

  predation by snakes, [>];

  reproduction, [>]–[>];

  vent pecking, [>], [>];

  vocalization, [>], [>], [>]

  wrens, house, [>], [>]

  wrens, riverside, [>]

  yellowthroat, common, [>], [>]

  Zeleny, Lawrence, [>]

  Zickefoose, C. D. (father), [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]

  Zickefoose, Ida (mother), [>], [>], [>]

  Zickefoose, Julie:


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