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Azar's Prize

Page 8

by Reese Gabriel

  She shook her head bravely, hiding her uncertainty. “I’ll never do that. It’s not in me to betray those I love.”

  “Then I will climax alone.”

  “You wouldn’t be that mean.”

  Azar shifted again, this time withdrawing almost to the halfway point. “I’m a pirate,” he reminded, clearly toying with her. “It’s in my blood.”

  Theryssa felt the immediate emptiness. Damn it, she needed that cock in her and he knew it. “There’s more to you than being a pirate,” she attempted to distract herself from her desperation. “I can feel it.”

  “You’re a woman,” he dismissed. “You feel too much.”

  “I’m my father’s daughter, too,” she said. “Remember, you told me that?”

  “Daddy teach you to disrespect your elders?”

  “No. Just outlaws.”

  “Some people are driven to do what they do.”

  “Funny, I never heard a pirate apologize for plundering.”

  “And I never knew of a Guardian who squealed while getting a simple spanking.”

  “Screw you,” she reddened.

  Azar bent his head, taking a single ripe nipple between his teeth. He bit it. Just hard enough. Theryssa cried out, though she dared not writhe in her current state. Holding herself absolutely still, she took what he had to give.

  Pleasuring and tormenting.

  “Azar,” she sighed his name, totally breathless as he let the nipple go.

  “You will surrender to me. Completely. You will not hold back.”

  “Yes, Azar.”

  Stars, did he intend to interrogate her during sex?

  “Do not move,” he commanded. “Relax your body, completely.”

  He was compelling another level of subjugation, depriving her of even the pretense of resistance. Never had it been clearer to her in her life what it meant—the difference between fucking and being fucked.

  Slowly, almost painfully, Azar lowered himself, filling her once again. “Look into my eyes,” he said. “Do not look away.”

  She had to watch him dominating her.

  “You haven’t a clue, Theryssa, what I’ve been through in my life. I lost everything that mattered to me. All I have is my fight…and it’s your fight, too, and the fight of everyone who wants to be free.”

  Her eyes watered. “But we are free. Why can’t you see that. My par—the government is good,” she corrected the near slip.

  “It’s not real life. You love who you’re programmed to love.” He settled himself to the hilt. Angling his body slightly, he left room for his hand. For the tips of his fingers to press her clit.

  Theryssa leapt under his calculated touch. “But people have choices…”

  “Wrong, Theryssa. Love the wrong person, the wrong classification and see what happens.”

  “Things are changing. There are new mixtures, not everybody is the same old type. Look at me.”

  Turning them both sideways, he exposed her ass. “I said, lie still.”

  She yelped as he smacked her exposed cheeks, three times in succession.

  “You may thank me,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “For disciplining you.”

  “Thank you,” she muttered, her ass hot and stinging, her pride smarting.

  “Are you ready to be a good girl, my horny little Council spy?” He wanted to know.

  “I’m not—” She cut off the words. He knew full well how she felt about him calling her a girl. And she certainly wasn’t a horny little spy. But that was the point, wasn’t it—making something sexual out of pushing her buttons. It was all part of the power game between them.

  If you could properly call something so deep a game.

  “I’m waiting, Theryssa.” He had her twisted on her side, fully impaled, front to front, her wrists still held, his left hand poised to strike her ass again. “Tell me you want to be a good girl, a good lay, a good agent for your masters back home.”

  She twitched in anticipation. She wanted it. And she didn’t. She was anxious to avoid pain…but she needed his strong touch.

  “Azar…” It was all so confusing. If only they were just making plain, normal sex. “No.”

  Azar leaned in closer. His breath burned her earlobe with a tiny, devastating whisper. “Tell me you don’t want this.”

  He was giving her an out. A chance to reject the whole thing. Would he really let her go? She ought to call his bluff. But the thought of being left alone right now, of having him leave her without finishing was worse than anything else she could imagine.

  Seconds ticked by, her hollow breathing comprising her only answer. What was she supposed to say with his cock in her willing pussy, her body thrilling to his raw, commanding power?

  Azar nibbled at her neck, his hand caressing her sore ass at will. “I’ll take that as a sign you want to go on.”

  Theryssa closed her eyes. She was moving for him, responding under him. Cooperatively. Erotically.

  The question came again, penetrating, pouring over her needy flesh. “Are you ready to be a good girl, Theryssa? A good, horny little spy?”

  “Yes, damn you,” she said, a hissed confession in broken stabs of breath. “I am ready…to be a good girl…a horny spy.”

  He delivered a smack to her undefended behind. “I hope so.”

  Theryssa pushed against him, craving.

  Azar rolled her flat onto her back once more, compelling eye contact. “I will not allow you to hold back from me, Theryssa.” Azar’s cock swelled on cue. She also felt the added heat burning deep in her pussy. Like a fire, consuming her, which only he could put out. “I will accept nothing less than your full submission.” He clasped her buttock.

  “Would you know it if you saw it?” she wondered.

  “We will find out, won’t we?”

  “What do you mean?” She asked warily.

  Azar pulled out completely, leaving her bereft of his formidable, glistening shaft. “I mean that it is time to see what you are made of.”

  She didn’t like the sound of that very much. Warily, she watched as he lay down beside her, his miracle cock pointing straight into the air, strong as ever. He put his hands behind his neck, looking quite relaxed.

  “You may mount me,” he said.

  Theryssa’s stomach turned somersaults as she looked at his erection, thick and ready. How was she supposed to get on top of it without a stepladder?

  Okay, maybe it wasn’t that bad. But it was bad enough.

  “You have until the count of ten, Theryssa, to take my cock inside you.”

  Ten…as in the self-destruct sequence, she thought glumly.

  Gingerly, she straddled him. Such a fine and perfect body. She could spend the better part of a solar year just worshipping every inch of him, kissing, nibbling, licking and pleasuring his fine body.

  Her pussy was dripping wet. Parting pink, swollen lips, she put herself into position. The right angle, the right placement.


  Theryssa was squatting over him, the tip of his shaft just separating her labia. Only by her extraordinary physical training was she able to hold the position.

  “You will make me come,” he said, “without coming yourself.”

  Fuck. What a bastard.

  “Is there a problem, Theryssa?”

  Waiting like this was sheer hell. She wanted to stuff him inside her, she wanted to scream and tear at her hair until she exploded into a million pieces. “No…Sir,” she denied him the satisfaction of knowing he was getting to her.

  “Good,” he nodded, “because as you probably guessed, I have a large crew. And I would insist on each man using you at least twice.”

  “Good, I’d enjoy it, they probably don’t talk the whole time like you do,” she snapped. He smirked with pleasure. She would really like to have him tied up right now, to give him a dose of his own medicine.

  “You may resume, Theryssa. And if I may point out, you were the one talking just now, n
ot me.”

  Theryssa gritted her teeth. In vain, she tried to will her pussy to be numb. Unfortunately, her primale genetics did not give her the same sexual control as the males. If anything, it made her more sensitive.

  Inch by inch she descended, whimpering in sexual agony. “I…need…to…come,” she said haltingly.

  Azar ignored her. “You have the most perfect body,” he noted, taking hold of her breasts. “Your designers knew what they were doing.”

  She was barely half impaled, but out of her mind already. “Azar, please…

  “Are there any more like you?” He manipulated the soft flesh. “Or are you one of a kind?”

  Theryssa was shivering, tears in her eyes. “Azar…I’m pleading with you…”

  He remained unmoved. Just as he’d said, her begging would come in his time, in his way. Such would be his complete and utter victory over her.

  “You may pleasure me,” he said, “with your pussy.”

  Theryssa sobbed. She lifted herself, only to collapse back down.

  “Move,” he ordered, slapping her hip.

  She attempted to rise, her hands braced on his chest. Each millimeter was molten agony as she sought against all odds to hold herself back from climax. “Come, damn you,” she screamed. “Don’t make me wait!”

  Azar was a rock. “I seem to be having trouble,” he teased. “You’ll have to go faster.”

  “Please, I’ll do anything, Azar…I’ll…I’ll be your slave.”

  By the gods, what was she saying? She sounded like Galina. There was no way he could hold her to a promise like this. It was entirely under duress, in the heat of sexual torment.

  His answer pushed her over the edge.

  “You already are, Theryssa.”

  “Fucckkkkk,” she screamed, convulsing. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  Azar grabbed her hips, lifting her bodily. As though she was little more than a rag doll, he swung her up to his face and deposited her pussy on his lips.

  By the very genes of creation, he was going to use his tongue on her.

  I’ve died, she thought. I’ve been sucked out of my ship into deep space and gone to horny woman heaven.

  Or is it hell…

  Chapter Four

  Cunnilingus as torture?

  Few would think of it as such, but actually, Azar had chosen a particularly cruel form of punishment for his prisoner. If she was going to insist on orgasming without his permission, than she would find herself inundated with them.

  Her pussy was sweet like nectar. Her lips opened to him, as if they had been made for his probing tongue. Moving the rough surface across her clitoris, he pushed her immediately into a fresh orgasm.

  It was only the beginning of the treatment he intended to impose. Pleasant at first, she would soon find the tables turning.

  Before it was over she would be begging him again—this time to stop.

  “Oh, god!” She thrashed. “Oh, Azar…god!”

  His hands held her hips. She was not going anywhere. Tickling her with long strokes, he wore her last defenses. The last bastions of her pride.

  “Fuckkkkk…” She was crying out again, shouting out to whoever might listen.

  No one would, of course.

  “It’s so…” The words escaped her. Reduced to grunts, she ground her pelvis into his face, bathing him in fresh liquid—pungent and totally female.

  He allowed her satisfaction, rolling his tongue into a miniature cock. Over and over she hissed her affirmations. Her body was beyond tense, like a coil, winding and unwinding itself.

  “Fuck…fuck me…Azar.”

  Azar doubled the speed of his tongue and then doubled it again. Theryssa went stiff—the shooting waves of pleasure going like quicksilver straight to the core of her being.

  The next two orgasms were more properly endured than experienced. It was like trying to hold onto a bronco. Each time he took her aloft, shooting her high into the stratosphere. He could feel the raw sex surging through her body, straining her every nerve, exploding every sensitive ending.

  She was being battered with pleasure.

  The trap was nearly set…

  Theryssa was unable to keep from grinding and writhing, desperate to draw him deeper inside her pussy. For a brief few minutes he slowed the pace, letting her catch up, until he had allowed her to think she was regaining control, her fingers clutching his head, her voice urging him on, as if he was there only to do her bidding.

  Instead of the other way around.

  “More…more…more,” she urged, sliding her pelvis up and down. “I…I…need more.”

  Such sweet motion. Such a beautifully sexual creature. The most amazing he had ever known.

  It would be interesting to break her.

  His tongue moved in for the kill. Speeds so fast, her clitoris had no time whatsoever to recover. Her liquid dripped over his face. One, two, three orgasms in under a minute.

  And still he went on.

  Theryssa cried out. She was not really in danger. She would not really be hurt. But she would learn her place in the scheme of things.

  “Azar…” She clutched his head. “No…please…I can’t…”

  He paused for only a second, just long enough to utter a single word. “Beg.”

  “P-please…no more…”

  Abruptly, Azar stopped, lifting her pussy just out of range of his dastardly tongue.

  Theryssa’s relief was short-lived, as he knew it would be.

  Unfortunately for her, she had been left midway to climax number whatever-it-was.

  Just like that, her world fell apart. Like an addict, cut off from her supply. “Don’t stop, not like this. Azar, oh fuck…don’t…” Theryssa was shuddering, shattering. Trying to come with all her might.

  He let her thrash a while, like a fish thrown onto dry land. Each time she seemed to be receding from the brink, he ran his tongue quickly over the rim of her sex lips, sending her into a fresh frenzy.

  At no time, however, would he put her out of her misery. Eventually, he seated her on his thighs, just behind his cock. She could see it, but not touch it.

  “Play with your nipples,” he ordered, doubling her agony.

  Her face was a study of womanly passion, pink-faced agony brought on by thorough and sadistic male control.

  “What do you want, Theryssa?”

  And so it was coming full circle, back to the original question he’d posed. The first time she’d been snide, the second she’d admitted her sexual needs. This time, he hoped she would see the deeper lesson.

  “I want…I want to be a good girl.”

  Azar smiled in deep satisfaction. “On all fours,” he commanded. “Head down.”

  She moved into position, her breasts hanging sweetly, her ass sticking out invitingly. He was so very ready to fuck her. But first…the collar.

  * * * * *

  Theryssa dug into the fur with her fingernails and her toenails, too. A battle was going on inside her, between her reason and her lust. Her reason, which had been asleep up to now was awakening and asking some hard questions.

  What had she done? Why had she told Azar she wanted to be a good girl? She wasn’t his girl, his slave or anything at all to him. She was a Guardian, an officer working for the Council.

  To the extent that she was acting like a horny little damsel in distress, it was supposed to be just that. Acting. Playing the part of the seduced wench—breathless and in heat so as to lull Azar into a false sense of security.

  She was supposed to make him lose his cool, so she could take advantage of him.

  The trouble was, she really did want to be fucked. Hot and hard and dirty, in all the wicked ways she could think of. On her hands and knees. Pounded with Azar’s cock until he had taken every bit of pleasure from her that he wished. Yes, she wanted to be a wench for him. She wanted to satisfy him so much with her body that he never turned to another woman again.

  God, did she even know what she was saying? This was wo
rse than letting her lust rule her. This was giving in to the false delusions of her heart. She hardly knew this man and what she did know should tell her to avoid an emotional entanglement like the plague. So why was she thinking in terms of not only fucking him, but keeping him?

  He was a cutthroat, for heaven’s sake.

  She couldn’t get over the idea that there was more to him, though. He wasn’t just an interstellar brigand with no care for anything but his own purse. There was something he was trying to hide. Almost as though he had a different identity altogether. And there was more to this mission, too. Her folks were up to something, she was becoming more sure of this as the hours passed.

  Call it instinct, or just experience from watching Theron and Nyssa at work.

  But what was really going on? This was some kind of dangerous game here, just on the surface, let alone any secret elements. A pirate was sexually dominating her, after all, and she enjoyed it.

  Azar was dominating her…the blue-eyed rogue she had dreamt of and fantasized over all this time. A dream come to life, with his sexy ways and strong loving.

  Azar. The only man who had ever rocked her world, launched her to the stars, and set free her soul, all the while commanding her onto hands and knees.

  Too bad this dream had so much potential for nightmare.

  Her heart pounded as she waited for him. On all fours. As he had ordered. What was coming next? Chains? Other pirates to satisfy sexually? He had her, didn’t he? Trembling and naked, spasming inside, like his cock was in there, having its way with her.

  He was walking over to the wall. Fiddling with something on the rack. Her body tensed in all its aching vulnerability. Was he getting a flogger to use on her?

  Hadn’t she been a good enough girl? Wasn’t she pleasing him?

  Theryssa clamped her thighs tightly, trying to hide her arousal. She was dripping, desperately in need. It was getting too hard to fight. The feelings of being Azar’s girl. His nude booty. And everyone knew it, too. The crew had chained her in here, totally aware that this would happen, confident that she would end up a slave, like all the others.

  They probably knew, too, that Azar would eventually spurn her, just like those others. That had to be the case, or else there would have been someone in this cabin already, before she got here.


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