Beast: Death Dealers MC

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Beast: Death Dealers MC Page 4

by Kacee Kupser

  “Okay, all right then. I’m at a loss here Bren. I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m still freaking out a little bit inside.”

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the table. I sat down beside her and she cradled my face between her hands. “Beast,”



  “Well, since you’re carrying my baby and are going to be a big part of my life and future I think you should call me by my first name, Grayson.”

  She leaned forward and pecked me on the lips. “Okay, Grayson. It’s okay to still be freaking out. I’ve known for a week and I’m still freaking out sometimes too. Now I have to tell Ev and my parents and that’s going to be a whole new stress.”

  “I’ll be there with you when you tell your parents if you want.” I wanted to help my woman through anything that made her anxious. Holy shit, I just thought of her as my woman. That’s a thought for another day.

  “Thanks Grayson I would really appreciate it if you would come with me to tell my parents. I think I’ll text Ev and see if she can come over for a girls’ night tonight and I’ll tell her then.”

  “Okay babe, let me know when you want to go tell your parents and I’ll come get you and we can go together.”

  Chapter 8 – Brenna

  Telling Beast lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I had been dreading it and now that he knew I could move on to the next hurdle, telling Everly.

  Brenna: Hey bitch! How was the BBQ?!

  Everly: Oh girl, I have so much to tell you!!!

  Brenna: Yeah, I’ve got stuff to tell you too. You wanna come over for a girls night tonight?

  Everly: Hell yeah! Joker and I are spending the day together, but I can come over any time tonight.

  Brenna: Okay, I’ll make dinner, be here for 6.

  Everly: I’ll be there with bells on!

  Looking up from my phone Beast was smiling at me. “What are you smiling about?”

  “Oh just you. Whoever you were talking to made you happy and it’s nice to see you happy.”

  “I was texting with Everly. She’s coming for dinner tonight and I’ll tell her our news then.”

  “Okay, well I need to get to the clubhouse to get some work done and for church. Do you need anything before I go?”


  “Yeah, sorry, church is what we call our club meetings. We have them every Sunday afternoon.”

  “Oh okay, that makes a little more sense. I couldn’t picture you getting all gussied up and going to church service every week.”

  Beast picked up his plate and put it in the dishwasher, cleaning up his mess. Once he was finished he came back to the table and kissed me before walking back to my bedroom to get dressed for the day.

  Now that I had been up for a bit, my appetite was coming back. I turned back to my cold toast and started nibbling on it. I thankfully had the day off of work so once Beast headed out, I’d have my shower and get grocery shopping.

  Finishing up my toast I put my dish in the dishwasher and walked back to my bedroom. Beast was in the ensuite brushing his teeth with my toothbrush. “Oh my God, are you really brushing your teeth with my toothbrush? That’s just gross!”

  “Seriously Bren? I’ve had my mouth on your pussy and my tongue in your mouth and you think sharing a toothbrush is gross?”

  “Well when you put it that way, I guess not, but next time look under the sink. I have extras of everything down there.”

  “Good to know.” He finished brushing his teeth and gave me a kiss. “I’m heading out. Give me a shout if you need anything and I’ll see you tonight after dinner.”

  Hold the phone. He’ll see me tonight? “What do you mean you’ll see me tonight?”

  “Bren, you’re carrying my baby. I’m going to be here whenever you are if I don’t have work or club business.”

  “Um, don’t you think you should talk to me about that first?”

  “Not really. I like being with you, you make me laugh, you make me hot, and you are a fantastic lay.” He says with a wink as he walks out of the room.

  I followed him to the front door and slapped his ass as he started to walk out. “You watch it bucko. Just because I’m carrying another human doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass.”

  “Oh baby, you can try when I come over tonight and we’ll see who wins that battle.”

  With one final kiss he left the house and walked over to his bike, starting it up and heading to the clubhouse.

  Closing the front door and locking it I went back to my bedroom to get ready for the day.

  When I left the house to go to the grocery store, I was feeling the happiest I’d felt in a couple of weeks. No nausea, a weight off my shoulders, and a girls’ night to look forward to. I know that Everly is going to be excited for me, but I’m still nervous about telling her. It’s not like I planned this.

  Wandering around the grocery store, it was hard not to buy everything in sight. My appetite has been a lot bigger than normal and everywhere I look, I see something I want to eat. My cart was quickly filling up and I hadn’t even picked up the food for dinner yet.

  After checking out, I drove home and unloaded all of my groceries, finding myself exhausted after being out for just an hour and a half. Since Everly wouldn’t be over for hours yet, I decided to lay down for a nap so that I would be refreshed for our girls’ night.

  After what seemed like no time at all, there was a pounding at my door. I was groggy and pissed off for being woken up, but when I looked at my clock I noticed that I had been asleep for four hours!

  I stumbled to the door and threw it open. “Jesus Baby Girl, you don’t ask who is at the door?” Beast demanded of me as he pushed past me into the house.

  “Are you kidding me right now? You were pounding so hard on my door I thought you were going to break it in. Who else would it have been?”

  “I was worried about you. I’ve been texting you for hours and you haven’t responded. I wanted to make sure you were okay, but that doesn’t mean you don’t check to make sure you know who is at the door.”

  He was pacing around my living room like a lion. I could tell he was worked up, but I just didn’t get it.

  I stepped into his path, hoping to stop him so that I knew he was actually listening to me. “You couldn’t get hold of me for a few hours and you panicked? I was tired after last night and going out grocery shopping this morning so I lay down for a nap. I always turn my ringer off when I do that.”

  Beast came to an abrupt stop in front of me and grabbed my face between his hands. “Baby, I can’t help it. I’m made to be a protector and now that you are in my life and we are bringing a life into this world I’m going to get protective and unreasonable at times. You are just going to have to learn to live with it.”

  “That’s sweet, but I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

  “I don’t doubt it Bren, but in the future when you are going to be unreachable, let me know so I don’t worry okay?”

  I took his hands off my face and put them around my hips, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a squeeze. “I really appreciate you feeling that way and I’ll try to let you know in the future.”

  Beast pulled me further into his body and leaned down to kiss me. “Thank you baby, I need to know that you two are okay,” he said against my mouth.

  I leaned further into his lips and started to slowly kiss him, which quickly turned more intense with Beast picking me up under my legs and carrying me over to the couch. He sat down with me on his lap and I pushed down with his very obvious erection.

  As he continued to kiss me Beast took his hand and put it down the front of my pants, feeling the wetness between my legs. “You need me baby? You’re soaked.”

  “Fuck yes Grayson. I’ve needed you since you walked through the door, acting all domineering and protective. I suddenly find those characteristics sexy.”

  “Oh baby, I can give you domineering.”

  Beast lifted me off his lap and lay me down on the couch, pulling my pants and underwear down before undoing his belt and pulling himself out of his jeans.

  “No time for foreplay, I need to be inside you NOW,” he said before pushing into me with one hard push, pausing for me to adjust once he was fully inside of me. “You ready?”

  “God yes!”

  Beast started moving in and out of me at a fast pace, leaning in to kiss me, holding my hands above my head. I pulled on my hands and leaned back from the kiss telling him, “I want to touch you.”

  “Not right now Baby Girl. I’m in charge. Next time you can be in charge.”

  To shut me up he started kissing me again, holding my hands in one of his and moving the other down to my leg, resting it up on his shoulder, giving him an even deeper thrust. I could feel him hit my cervix with every inward thrust. I’ve never enjoyed that before, but with Beast it’s one of the greatest feelings I’ve ever experienced.

  I could feel myself getting more and more excited, my pussy getting more and more wet, and I knew that I was close.

  Beast moved faster and faster, releasing my hands to start rubbing my clit to help me cum. On his third pass over my clit I came on his cock. “Grayson!!!”

  “Fuck Bren, I can feel you squeeze me. So tight baby,” and with three more strokes he came inside me, holding himself over me with his head thrown back in ecstasy. Once his cock finished spurting inside me he took a deep breath and lay down on top of me with his head resting on my breasts. I ran my hand over his back while both of our breathing calmed down. It was nice to have a man who didn’t just pull out and get dressed after fucking you.

  Chapter 9 – Beast

  I’ve never been possessive of a woman before, but ever since I met Brenna, my attitude towards women and relationships has slowly been changing. When she didn’t answer my texts earlier, I found myself getting inexplicably worried about both her and the baby. I know that I probably didn’t need to freak out, but as I told her earlier, she was going to have to learn to deal with it and I guess so was I.

  We haven’t been together many times, but each time gets better and more explosive. After my heart rate finally slowed down I pulled out of her and picked her up to carry her into her bedroom, where I lay her on her bed.

  Coming back from the bathroom, I could see Brenna had snuggled under the covers facing the door with her eyes closed. Thinking she was asleep, I walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead before putting a cloth for her on the bedside table and climbing in behind her. I pulled her into my body and wrapped my arm around her waist thinking that a rest would be nice before I had to head back to the clubhouse.

  Brenna turned over in my arms, which made me open my eyes and look down at her. “Hiya baby. You tired?”

  “I’m actually wide awake. What were you so anxious to talk to me about that you had to rush over here?”

  I rolled over onto my back and pulled Brenna onto me, her head resting on my chest. “Nothing was urgent, but when I texted you and you hadn’t responded in over an hour I got worried. I tried texting a couple more times and even called and when you didn’t respond, I got concerned that something was wrong.”

  Brenna looked up at me with an indulgent smile on her face. “That’s sweet.”

  “Baby Girl, you need to stop calling me sweet. I have a reputation to uphold here.”

  “Oh don’t worry macho man, your secret is safe with me.”

  I rolled over, pushing Brenna beneath me. “Watch that sassy mouth or I’ll find something much more enjoyable for that mouth to do.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  I groaned and leaned into her to give her a kiss. “God you get me hard baby. I don’t have time to do what I want with you though. I was going to lay down with you for a bit, but if you’re awake I should get back to the clubhouse.”

  I got up from the bed and started to walk to the front door with Brenna following behind me.

  “What do you do all day at the clubhouse? Do you have a regular job?”

  I stopped at the front door and turned to see Brenna standing in front of me in nothing but her shirt and panties. If I didn’t need to get going, I would take her back to her bedroom and spend the day there with her.

  “Running the club is my job, baby. I run the club’s businesses, pitch in when needed, look into new business ventures with the rest of the officers of the club, and put out any fires that arise within the club.”

  “Wow, I didn’t realize so much work went into running a motorcycle club.”

  I pulled her towards me and gave her a hug and a kiss on the head. “Yeah, any time you come in, I’ll show you some of the things I do. Have a good time tonight with Everly. Lock the door behind me and go turn on your cell phone ringer. I want to be able to get hold of you.”

  I turned to go out the front door with Brenna standing in the doorway, watching me walk down to my bike. As I got on my bike she still hadn’t closed the door. “Close the door and lock it behind you Baby Girl.”

  With a wave, she turned back into the house and closed the door behind her. Before I rode off I pulled out my cell phone and dialed her number. She answered on the fourth ring, “Did you lock the door?”

  “Seriously? You are ridiculous. Yes, I locked the door.”

  I chuckled and looked up to see her looking at me through the front window. “Have a good time Bren. I’ll see you later tonight.”

  I hung up before she could respond so that she couldn’t tell me to not come over. Turning my bike on, I pulled out of her driveway and drove away.

  Pulling through the gates of the clubhouse, I nodded to Griff who was on duty, closing the gates behind me. When I parked my bike, I could see that Joker’s bike was already there. Obviously he would be spending some time at the clubhouse since his woman would be out for the night.

  Walking through the door, Joker was sitting at the bar, drinking a beer and talking to Doc while Nick was behind the bar serving anyone who needed something.

  As I was sitting down beside Joker, Nick pushed a bottle of beer to me. Seeing this, Joker turned to look at me with curiosity. “Where did you rush off to brother?”

  I didn’t want to tell him what was going on with Brenna in front of everyone so I avoided the question. I would make sure to tell him before he left for the night so that he heard it from me, not Red.

  “I just had someone I needed to see. Not a big deal. What are you doing here?”

  Joker looked like he didn’t believe me, but we had known each other long enough that he knew not to ask.

  “Red and I were spending the day together, but then she decided to have a girls’ night with Brenna and so she wanted to get some desserts made. I left her to it and came in to catch up with you guys.”

  Doc interjected, saying “yeah, this pussy whipped bastard decided to spend some time with us. We should feel so special.”

  Joker just shook his head at Doc, we were always giving each other shit. “How are things going with you and Red?”

  Joker got a goofy look on his face, he really was pussy whipped, but I wouldn’t say that because I’m pretty sure I was going to be pretty soon too.

  “Things with Red are going great. I told her she only had three months to plan the wedding and if she couldn’t do it we would just go to Vegas. Waiting three months is hard enough, I just want her to officially be mine in the eyes of the law, not just the eyes of the club.”

  “I’m glad you’re so happy brother. You deserve it.”

  I finished my beer and left my brothers to their conversation so I could go back and get my work done.

  Chapter 10 – Brenna

  After locking the door behind Beast, I walked over and grabbed my phone, turning the ringer on so that he didn’t come charging over again tonight. He’s pushing himself into my life, telling me that he’s coming over again tonight, but surprisingly I wasn’t unhappy about that.

  After I hung up from Beast, calling to double check
that I had turned my ringer on and locked the door, I saw that it was getting later than I realized. I went to my bedroom to get some laundry together and once I had thrown it in the wash, I started to get the food prepped for dinner tonight. I love to cook, but I’m usually pretty slow at prepping everything.

  Once I had everything prepped and ready to cook I took a break and had a seat on the couch hoping to catch up on some Netflix. Three episodes into watching season 2 of Outlander, my doorbell rang.


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