Beast: Death Dealers MC

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Beast: Death Dealers MC Page 5

by Kacee Kupser

  I got up and looked through the peephole, just in case it was Beast checking up on me, and saw that it was Everly. I looked at my watch and saw that it was only 4:00. Opening the door I stood in the doorway blocking her way.

  “What in the world are you doing here? You’re like two hours early dude. Why are you two hours early?”

  She started to push past me, her hands full of cupcakes. Tonight was going to lead to a sugar high!

  “Get out of my way woman. I have cupcakes to put down and I’m so excited to see you!”

  I had a feeling I knew what her news was, but I didn’t want to ruin her excitement. She walked into the kitchen and put the cupcakes on the counter, taking in all the food I had prepped to go in the oven.

  “Damn, someone was busy. We are going to be in food and sugar comas by the end of the night.”

  I followed her into the kitchen and sat at the island, looking at the absolute joy on her face. “So, are you going to tell me what’s got you looking so excited and happy?”

  She held her hand out to me and the most beautiful ring was on her finger. It had a huge dark blue stone, I’m assuming a sapphire, surrounded by diamonds. It was beautiful and totally Everly’s style.

  I jumped up and grabbed her into a hug. “Oh my God, I’m so excited for you. I’m so sorry I missed it!”

  “It’s okay. I know you had to work. I’m just so excited to share this with you. Joker only gave me three months to get everything planned, ridiculous man, so we will have a lot of work to do.”

  “Three months! Jesus, that man works fast doesn’t he? Just let me know what you need me to do and I’ll do it. Do you have any ideas yet?”

  “I do. I need to check out a couple of venues with Joker, I was thinking backyard of the Rose Cottage B&B or the barn at the winery. I’ve been to a wedding there before and it’s gorgeous. Now to see if they are available.”

  “Okay, well it’s still relatively early. Maybe they have someone working in their offices. I’ll look up the B&B and you look up the Vineyard and we can make some calls before we have to start dinner. The sooner we get a location set, the sooner we can get everything else set up. How big of a guest list are you looking at?”

  “Oh jeez, I have no idea. Let’s say between 75 and 100?”

  We pulled out our phones and got to work. Being a B&B I figured I would be able to get hold of someone and I was right. They had a couple of days available, unfortunately no Saturday’s, but I don’t see that being a problem. I wrote down the dates and told them I would get back to them in the next hour.

  Once I had hung up, I looked over to see Everly already off the phone looking at me sadly. “What’s the matter hun? No luck?”

  “No, unfortunately not. They only do weddings on Fridays and Sundays and they have been booked up for over a year. What about you?”

  “We had some luck. They have three dates available, but only one of them is within the three month timeline and it’s on a Sunday.”

  “That’s fantastic! What’s the date?”

  “September 23. It’s not a lot of time, but if all we have is three months we will work with it. What do you think? Did you want to call Joker and double check with him or should we just book it?”

  “Joker be damned, if he’s only going to give me three months to have the wedding of my dreams, then he will just have to sit back and go with it.”

  God I loved my bestie. She was straight to the point and didn’t put up with any bullshit from Joker when it’s something she really wants. I gave her the number of the B&B and she called them and gave them Joker’s credit card number for the deposit.

  Once she hung up, I burst out laughing. “You have his credit card?”

  “Well yeah, I figured we’d be getting down to business when I came over tonight. I know how you work, you get shit done, so I made him give me his card.”

  With the booking of the venue all done, I got up and walked into the kitchen, Everly following me, so that we could get dinner started. Everything just needed to be heated up in the oven so once I put it in we sat down at the island and I grabbed her a glass of wine and a bottle of water for myself.

  I know it’s sneaky, but I wanted to see if she noticed I wasn’t joining her in a celebratory drink.

  “Here’s to my best friend meeting not only her match, but the love of her life. May you guys have a great life together through all of the ups and downs you are sure to go through, just make sure that you always go to bed sexually satisfied!”

  I couldn’t make a totally mushy toast. I don’t do mush.

  Everly lifted her glass and went to tap it against my bottle, but stopped part way and looked at my bottle then looked back at me. Slowly putting her glass on the counter she turned to fully face me with a look of confusion on her face.

  “What’s going on? Why aren’t you drinking? You pregnant or something?” She was saying that as a joke, but little did she know, she nailed it.


  She leapt up from her stool and started wandering around the room, almost like she didn’t know what to do with herself. “Holy shit! Tell me you are screwing with me! How are you pregnant? You’re on the pill and you’re always careful.”

  “Calm down. No, I’m not screwing with you. These things happen.”

  “These things happen? That’s your response to me?”

  I know I’m evil, but I love to get a rise out of her. It’s one of the great joys in my life. I know, I’m boring.

  Suddenly Everly turned back to me with a look of shock. “Oh my fucking God! Beast is the father isn’t he? It’s the only thing that makes sense. You would have told me if you were seeing anyone.”

  “Yeah Beast is the father. We were stupid the night we got together and didn’t use condoms and obviously my birth control didn’t work so here we are.”

  “Does Beast know?”

  “Yes, he came over last night and spent the night and woke up to me experiencing the loveliness of morning sickness. Let’s just say it wasn’t the way I wanted to tell him, but it got the message across.”

  Everly sat back down with a thump and just stared at me. “So, how are you feeling about this?”

  “Well, I’ve had a few days to process this. It’s not how I ever imagined myself having kids, but now that I’m going to be a mom, I’m actually really happy.”

  “What about Beast? How did he react?”

  I knew she was expecting me to say that he reacted badly, but she was going to be surprised.

  “He was actually really good. He was worried about me being sick, but when I told him that I was pregnant and it was his he didn’t even question me. He was actually quite calm and supportive. He wants to be fully involved.”

  “That’s great. I’d hate to have to kick his ass.”

  The thought of Everly trying to kick Beast’s ass had me laughing so hard I thought I might pee my pants. Beast was over 6 foot 3 and had to weigh close to 250 pounds of pure muscle. Everly was barely 5 foot 5 and while she was in good shape she’d never be able to take down Beast.

  “I love you, but we both know that you’d never be able to take him. You’d just have to sic Joker on him.”

  The rest of the night was just what I needed. We chatted and planned and laughed, making the rest of the tension I didn’t realize I was experiencing, melt away.

  Chapter 11 – Beast

  I had been sitting in my office for a few hours, struggling to not text Brenna, and going over paperwork for the strip club. We had both a manager and assistant manager to deal with the everyday issues at the club, but being the President of the Death Dealers it fell on me to make sure that everything ran smoothly. Don’t get me wrong, the rest of the guys helped out however they could, but it was all down to Techy who is the club treasurer and myself to make sure everything was all in order.

  A knock on my door, followed by Joker walking into the room and closing the door behind him, had me setting my pen down and rubbing my eyes as I leaned back in
my chair.

  “Hey brother. I’m surprised you waited this long to come in and see me.”

  Joker just laughed and sat in one of the chairs in front of my desk. “I knew you had a ton of paperwork to go through, so I thought I’d let you try to get through some of it before I came in to find out what the hell is going on with you. Now who did you go see earlier?”

  “God you’ve turned into a busybody, haven’t you?”

  “Hey man, I just know when you’re bullshitting me and it’s my job as your best friend and VP to call you out on it. Finding out something you don’t want everyone else to know is just a bonus.”

  Joker is really the only one who can get away with talking to me like that. I know we aren’t a 1% club, almost everything we do is aboveboard, but that doesn’t mean I can be seen as weak in front of the rest of the club.

  “I went to see Brenna.”

  “What? I thought you guys just hooked up that one time. Why were you running out of here like your ass was on fire in order to go see her? What’s going on?”

  “I ended up at her house last night and spent the night. When I woke up this morning, she was getting sick and I was worried that she was ill, but it turns out she’s pregnant.”

  I quietly sat there watching emotions flickering over his face, waiting for him to burst out with all of his questions.

  “Pregnant!? I thought you’d only been together once. Are you sure it’s yours? Of course it’s yours. What are you going to do and why were you so worried this morning?”

  “Are you going to let me get a word in edgewise?” I taunted him.

  Joker gave me a go ahead nod and sat there quietly waiting for me to fill him in on all of the details.

  “Yes, it’s mine, I never doubted it. That’s not something Brenna would lie about. I don’t know what we’re going to do, but we are going to keep the baby and I will be there for her and the baby as much as I can.”

  Joker, being Joker, couldn’t keep quiet long, so he interrupted me before I could finish answering all of his previous questions.

  “But why were you so worried this morning? Is everything okay with Brenna and the baby?”

  “Yeah, they’re both fine. It turns out she was tired and had a nap with her phone ringer off so she didn’t know I was trying to get hold of her.”

  “So, how do you feel about this?” Joker asked.

  “Honestly, I really don’t know how I’m feeling about this. I didn’t think I’d ever be a dad, especially not this soon and with a woman I barely know. I think I’m still in shock and it will take a while for me to figure out how I feel.”

  Joker and I continued to talk until it started to get loud out in the bar. Telling Joker to make sure to keep this news to himself, we grabbed our beers and headed out to join our brothers for some socializing.

  Coming out into the main room most of my brothers were in attendance having some drinks, playing pool and some even helping themselves to the company of the club whores.

  Joker and I walked up to the one empty pool tables and started up a game. While I was leaning over to take a shot, I felt someone rub up against my ass, Pinky coming up in my peripheral vision.

  Standing up, I turned to Pinky and smiled at her. “Hey babe.”

  Pinky leaned into me and looked me up and down, a look of wanting on her face. “Hey Beast. How you doing baby? You want to spend some time with me tonight?”

  Gently moving her away from me I saw confusion cross her face. “Nah babe. Thanks, but go see if one of the other brothers is interested. I’m off the market.”

  “Off the market, what the hell do you mean you’re off the market?” Doc had come up behind me and had heard what I said to Pinky. Now looking around, I could see quite a few of the brothers looking over to see what was going on. We might think we’re these big macho guys, but we all loved gossip as much as the ladies do.

  “Yeah man, you heard what I said, I’m off the market.”

  Doc took a step back and put his hand over his heart dramatically. “Holy shit, another one bites the dust. So, who is the poor woman you’ve convinced to spend more than a few hours with you?”

  Rolling my eyes at him I went back and took another shot. “I’m really not going to talk about this right now brother. Just know that I’m off the market, and Pinky pass it along to the other ladies please.”

  With a look of disappointment Pinky nodded and walked across the room where Reaper grabbed her and pulled her down into his lap while he spoke to Hawk.

  Reluctantly, everyone who was watching turned back to what they were doing while Joker and I got back down to playing our game of pool. I would need to talk to Brenna in the next day or so about coming to the clubhouse and letting everyone know that she was my woman and we were soon going to have a family.

  Chapter 12 – Brenna

  Everly and I were having a great time. It seemed like it had been forever since we had a night just the two of us and even though I wasn’t able to get drunk with my bestie, I was still having fun. The stress that had been riding me for days had dissipated and I could actually breathe easy.

  We had been chatting and stuffing our faces for the past few hours and Everly had been drinking her favourite wine, making her drunk as a skunk. I’d never actually noticed how funny it was to be the only sober one in the room.

  “So, you’re going to be a mom. There is so much to do and plan.”

  “I can’t even think about that right now. I still need to get through the first trimester. We need to tell our families too, but I want to wait for that.” God, I don’t even know anything about Beast’s family. Does he have one?

  Everly nodded at me like she was listening, but she was so drunk, she was ready to pass out.

  I decided to send Beast a text to ask him to let Joker know Everly is going to need a ride home.

  Brenna: Hey. Can you let Joker know that he will need to pick up Ev? She’s been celebrating with a couple of bottles of wine and definitely won’t be driving home.

  Surprisingly, he answered right away. I would have expected him to get back to me eventually, since I was sure he was having a good time at the clubhouse.

  Beast: Hey Baby Girl. Already heading out. We’ll be there soon. Remember to make sure you know who it is before you answer the door.

  God! The man was protective, but I actually really liked it.

  Brenna: Will do. I’ll see you soon.

  Everly was leaning back on the couch with her eyes closed. “You awake Ev?” She rolled her head to the side and opened one of her eyes to look at me.

  “Barely. I’m going to have to call Joker and get him to give me a ride home. I wasn’t expecting to drink all of the wine myself.”

  “I got you babe, Joker and Beast are on their way over. Should be here any time now.”

  She closed her eye back up and sat there quietly with a dreamy smile on her face. It was so nice to see my girl so happy. She wasn’t usually unhappy per se, but I’d never seen her experience this level of happiness and it looked good on her.

  Since she would be leaving soon, I decided to get the room cleaned up. I would normally leave it until the morning, but since I was sober and had to work the next morning, I decided to get it done now.

  While I was in the kitchen there was a knock on the front door. I walked up to the door and looked through the peephole and what I saw got my heart racing. There was just something about Beast that got to me every time I saw him.

  “Open the door baby, I know you’re there.”

  I smiled at the door, delaying opening it. “I don’t know that I should open the door to strangers sir. How do I know you aren’t here to do me harm?” I looked through the peephole and was happy to see a smile on his face.

  “Oh, I’ll do you harm all right. If you don’t open this door now, there will be some punishment in your future.”

  My panties got wet just thinking about what my punishment could be. “Is that a promise?”

  Unlocking th
e front door, I opened it up and he stormed in, walking me backwards until my back hit the wall behind me. He leaned in and started to devour my mouth. I pushed myself further into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him further into me.

  I’m sure we would have moved to the bedroom, but the sound of a throat clearing and masculine chuckle had us breaking apart.

  I looked over Beast’s shoulder to see Joker standing behind him with a grin on his face. “Hey Bren, congratulations.”


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