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Beast: Death Dealers MC

Page 10

by Kacee Kupser

  “You have got to be kidding me!” She tried to sit up again, but I leaned forward and took her clit between my teeth and gently nipped at it sending a jolt up her body and causing her to fall back on the bed. “Jesus!”

  I dragged more of her natural lube to her rear entrance and sucked a few more times on her clit before just pushing my fingers into her ass while looking up at her. “Has anyone ever taken you here baby?”

  “No, I’ve never wanted to let anyone back there.”

  Good, I’d be the one to take her anal cherry. “I’ll make sure you love it baby.”

  I was getting impatient so I stuck my fingers back in her pussy and started pumping them in and out, making sure to hit her G. spot each time and flicking my tongue back and forth on her clit.

  “I’m going to cum Grayson!” With just a few more licks she fell over the edge, her walls squeezing my fingers hard.

  I stood up and leaned over her, running my fingers over her mouth. She opened her mouth and sucked herself off of my fingers. I took my fingers from her mouth and leaned in to kiss her, reaching down and putting her legs on top of my shoulders.

  I grabbed myself at the base of my cock and pushed into her, stopping once I bottomed out. I looked down at her and her eyes were closed and she had a look of bliss on her face. “You okay baby?”

  “Oh yeah, I’m more than okay.”

  I slowly pulled almost all of the way out of her and paused before slamming back into her. I did this a few more times until I just couldn’t take it anymore. She felt too damn good. Every time I slammed into her, her walls would squeeze me and I was ready to burst.

  “You are squeezing me so good baby. I can’t take much more.” I started pushing in and out of her faster with every stroke. I knew she had already had an orgasm, but I didn’t want to finish without her, so I started flicking her clit with my thumb, working her up more and more with every stroke.

  “God, you fuck me so good Gray. I’m going to cum, I’m almost there.”

  I kept fucking in and out of her, picking up the pace on her clit. I was so far in her my balls would slap against her ass every time I pushed in.

  “Fuck!” I came so hard I swear I was seeing stars, with Brenna falling over the edge moments after me.

  I slowly stroked into her a few more times as we both came down off of our highs. Once Brenna stopped contracting around me I stopped moving in and out of her, flipping over to my back and pulling her on top of me.

  I kissed the top of her head and started rubbing her back. I didn’t want to move her, I loved the way she felt lying on top of me, but I knew we were getting up at the crack of dawn so I needed to get us under the covers.

  I stood up with Brenna in my arms, slowly pulling out of her, watching my cum leak down her legs. I know it made me a caveman, like she called me, but I got such a possessive feeling seeing my mark on her like that.

  I turned back to the bed and pulled the covers down, lifting Brenna into my arms to put her in the bed.

  “No Beast, I need to go get cleaned up. I can’t sleep if I don’t.”

  “Okay baby.” I kept her in my arms and walked us over to the bathroom, sitting her on the vanity. She was my woman and I loved to take care of her. I went into the cupboard below the sink and grabbed a washcloth. Once the water in the sink turned warm I got the cloth wet and cleaned her up.

  I picked Brenna back up to carry her to the bed. She wrapped her legs around me and rested her head on my shoulder. I made a detour to the laundry basket and dropped the washcloth in.

  Once I had her in the bed, I pulled the covers over her and kissed her on the head. “I’m just going to lock up the house. Turn on your alarm and go to sleep baby.”

  After checking that the house was secure, I quickly threw the dishes in the dishwasher, turned it on and made sure all of the food was put away.

  When I came back into the bedroom, the lights were out and I could hear Brenna softly snoring. Thankfully I had pretty good night vision, so I could see my way to my side of the bed. I got in and pulled her back to my front.

  Bren’s alarm went off in the morning and when I looked at my watch I noticed that she had set it for slightly later today. It was still only 6:00, but that was better than 5:30.

  She leaned over and turned the alarm off, then reached into her bedside table and came out with the package of crackers from yesterday. She took a few out and started nibbling on them. “Whatcha’ doing?”

  She turned to look at me before she took her next bite. “Well, I was thinking about it yesterday and I thought I’d try eating some crackers before I get out of bed to see if that helped with the morning sickness.”

  “Great idea baby. What do you want for breakfast?”

  “Beast, you don’t have to make me breakfast every morning.”

  I had been putting my jeans on, but I stopped to give her a look. “Bren, I don’t need to be up this early, but since I am, I’ll help you any way I can. You take your time getting up and I’ll get breakfast going. What do you want?”

  “Well, thank you. It’s nice to have the help in the morning, especially since it’s been taking me longer to get going the past couple of weeks. I’d like toast and juice again, please.”

  I finished putting my jeans on and headed out to the kitchen, keeping an ear out in case she was sick again.

  I was going to have to head home today and pack some clothes in a bag. Brenna didn’t know it yet, but I’d be over here every night. I was falling for my woman and I didn’t like the thought of not sleeping with her in my arms every night.

  I put bread in the toaster for both of us and poured her a glass of juice. I wasn’t a juice guy, but I lived and died for my coffee. I noticed yesterday that Brenna seemed to enjoy her coffee as well so I grabbed a mug out of the cupboard and threw a K cup in the Keurig.

  Chapter 22 – Brenna

  Well, so far, so good. I had about five crackers before I stood up from bed and I was able to make it to the bathroom without any rumbling in my stomach.

  I made it through my morning routine and headed to the kitchen where I could smell coffee, which for once didn’t turn my stomach. Yay for saltines!

  I sat beside Beast, more than ready to have breakfast. I was waking up famished every morning.

  “So, I texted my mom and let her know that I’d be bringing someone with me for family dinner on Saturday. You still okay to come?”

  Beast put his toast down and turned to look at me. “I’m looking forward to meeting your family. I know you’re nervous about telling them, but I’ll be there and everything will be okay.”

  I liked how supportive he was being. “Okay. Thank you. We normally go over for 6:00. It’s about 20 minutes away.”

  “All right Bren. I’ll be ready to go.”

  We finished up breakfast and once I finished making my lunch, we headed out, taking my car. Beast told me at breakfast that he didn’t want me to be on the back of his bike until after the baby was born, just to be safe.

  We pulled into the parking lot at the hospital and Beast got out of my car, coming around to the passenger side to open my door for me. “Look at you being all gentlemanly.”

  Beast smirked at me and grabbed my hands, pulling me out of the car. “Keep that to yourself babe, I don’t need you ruining my reputation.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned up to give him a kiss. “Don’t worry caveman, your secret is safe with me.” Stepping out of his arms, I walked around him and went towards the entrance to the hospital.

  “I’ll see you after your shift baby.”

  Looking over my shoulder, Beast was at the driver’s side door leaning on it and watching my ass as I walked away. I know it’s fast, but I was starting to imagine what my life would be like with Beast in it every day and the outlook made me smile.

  When I got up to the ward, I was a little early for shift change, so there was no one at the Nurse’s Station. I walked past and into the staff lounge, putting my th
ings in my locker and clocked in.

  There was still a few minutes until my shift officially started, but there was no reason to wait. I started at the end of the ward checking in on our patients, working my way back to the desk.

  All of our patients were stable, so I went back to check on their charts to see what happened over the last shift. “Hey Cody, how you doing?”

  Cody had arrived and was sitting at the desk on the computer. He looked up upon hearing my voice and smiled. “Hey Bren. I’m good. Had a great night with Ethan. I came home to a romantic dinner and we had a quiet night in.”

  Cody and Ethan had an enviable relationship. It’s something I’ve always wanted and with the way things are going with Beast, I might just get it.

  “Bren, are you listening to a word I’m saying?” I came out of my daydreaming to see Cody grinning at me. I realized he had been speaking to me and I hadn’t heard a word he said.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

  “Oh yeah, about a particular muscly tattooed man who knocked you up?”

  I laughed at Cody and went over behind him and slapped him upside the head. “Oh shut up. If you must know, yes I was thinking of Beast. Since he found out I’m pregnant, he’s been fantastic. He has been making me breakfast and taking care of me when I have morning sickness. It’s been really nice. I didn’t expect him to be so involved.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that. I wouldn’t want to have to kick his ass for treating my work wife like shit.”

  “My hero. Imagine if you could take down anyone, especially someone as big as Beast.”

  Our shift continues without any major catastrophes. Thankfully the kids are all doing well and we didn’t have to call any codes.

  When we were leaving for the day, I expected to see Beast waiting for me in the lobby, but he wasn’t there. Walking out to the parking lot Beast wasn’t there either. I pulled out my phone to see if I had missed any calls or messages, but there was nothing.

  “Do you need a ride home Bren?”

  I looked up from my phone to see that we had reached Cody’s car and he was waiting to get in and head home. “No, I’m okay. I’ll go back inside and give Beast a call to see what’s going on. Thanks though, have a great night.”

  I watched Cody leave the parking lot before heading back into the hospital. Our shifts are 12 hours long and it was pitch black outside with only the street lamps for light. As employees we had to park quite a distance from the entrance, but I didn’t mind the exercise. I had been missing out on my workouts since I started experiencing morning sickness and I needed to get as many steps in as possible every day.

  When I was almost to the entrance of the lobby I thought I heard someone behind me, but when I turned around I didn’t see anyone so I turned around and kept walking. The hairs on the back of my neck lifted up, giving me a creepy feeling that someone was back there, but since I was almost at the entrance I just picked up the pace to get into the safety of the hospital quickly.

  When I got through the doors I turned around and again didn’t see anyone. I took a seat as far away from the doors as possible. I know it was probably just my imagination, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was out there following me.

  I pulled my phone out again and pulled up Beast’s contact information, calling his phone to see where he was. He didn’t answer so I left him a message. “Hey Beast, my shift is over and you’re not here to get me. Just wondering if you’re on your way? Give me a call.”

  Since Beast didn’t answer I decided to call Everly and see how her day was going. She answered on the first ring, which made me smile. We hadn’t talked for a few days and obviously she was happy to hear from me. “About time you bloody called me woman!”

  “Oh I’m sorry. I must have butt dialed you, because I didn’t actually mean to call you.”

  “Oh bitch, don’t even go there. I miss you! How have you been feeling?”

  I laughed at her. Everly likes to be all dramatic when we haven’t seen each other for a few days and I loved to play on that. It gave me such joy. “I’m actually starting to feel okay. I’m still nauseous in the morning, but I discovered this morning that if I have some saltines before I get out of bed I don’t have to run to the washroom to be sick.”

  “Well that was TMI, but I will accept that TMI because you are going to be giving me a baby to squish one day and I plan on stealing that baby whenever possible.”

  “How have you been? Everything going well with you and Joker?”

  “Oh no, you don’t get away without telling me about what’s going on with you and Beast that easily. What’s going on? How have things been?”

  I should have known she wouldn’t let me get away with not talking about how things were going with Beast. I knew things were going well with her and Joker. I had never seen my friend so happy and I knew she wanted me to be happy too. “Things have been good. He’s been there for me in the morning and has been staying with me every night. I’m actually just waiting for him at the hospital. He’s been taking me to and from work.”

  “Yeah, Joker’s been over protective too, but I’m going to give that to him. He just wants to make sure I’m safe and I find it extremely sexy when he gets all demanding.”

  “Yeah, I never thought I’d like to have a caveman in my life and in my bed, but damn it’s HOT!”

  I hear chucking from behind me and I look over my shoulder to see Beast standing there with a sexy leer on his face. “Ev, I’ve got to go. Beast is here and I think I might be in for an enjoyable evening. I’ll call you back tomorrow.”

  I hung up my phone to the sound of Everly laughing at me. I stood up and faced Beast, trying my damndest to stop myself from blushing. I could be quite bawdy when speaking to my best friend, but I wasn’t used to being caught doing it.

  “So, you find it hot that I’m a caveman huh?”

  I walk up to him and slap my hand on his chest. “Oh shut up, you know I find it hot. Now let’s get going. I’m starving and exhausted.”

  Beast leaned over and picked me up, putting me over his shoulder. I just laughed and shook my head at him. There really was no point in chastising him, he would know I was full of shit and that I loved it.

  Chapter 23 – Beast

  I was running late to pick Brenna up from work, but it couldn’t be helped. We were still investigating who destroyed The Black Angel and I was in a meeting with Axel from the Cursed Bastards and his VP Maddox. They were former military, just like the Death Dealers, and Maddox used to be an intelligence officer, so I thought I’d try to see if he could get together with Techy, our club hacker, and see if they could come up with anything.

  Techy was in the meeting with us and he and Maddox were going over what they had discovered, or should I say what they had not discovered.

  They had been over all of the footage from The Black Angel, as well as the red light cameras and any other CCTV and security cameras within a 10 mile radius of the club and they came up dry. Whoever was trying to send us a warning was good at covering their tracks. There was no footage of them coming to or from the building at the time of the destruction, so obviously they have the capability of meddling with the video feeds.

  “So, as you can see, we’ve come up with fuck all.” Techy was finishing his report. “I’m going to keep running the program I wrote to try to see if there is any chatter on the dark web. Maddox is going to see if any of his contacts have anything either.”

  I turned away from Techy and faced Axel and Maddox across the table. “I’ve got Knight on it too, but I don’t know what kind of contacts he has anymore, so anything you guys can do from your end, Maddox, I’d appreciate.”

  Maddox closed up his laptop and looked up at me. “Yeah, brother, I’ve got you. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get anything, but I’ll put some feelers out. I have a few friends who are freelance contractors now and they might be able to come up with something.”

  “You really think this is a threat
, Beast?” Axel asked.

  “I don’t know, Axel, but I don’t want to just brush it off and then suddenly we are at war. I don’t like to be caught out.” Plus, I had Brenna and the baby to worry about too. I didn’t want them to be caught in a cross fire. It was bad enough when Everly was kidnapped recently by a club whore, which thankfully worked out okay in the end. I didn’t want anything to happen to Bren and I’d do whatever it took to keep her safe.

  I stood up from the table, Axel and Maddox following my lead. Techy was still sitting down tapping away at his laptop, but I didn’t take it as a form of disrespect. I could see that he was into something and I would leave him to it.

  I stuck my hand out to Axel to shake. “Thanks again for your help, brother, I really appreciate it.”


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