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Vital Company (Company Men Book 6)

Page 8

by Crystal Perkins

  “Duh. You?”

  “I lived in San Diego.”

  “Doesn’t mean you could get tickets. I had to work hard for mine every year.”

  He gets a strange look on his face and nods. “I got tickets.”

  “Nice. Maybe we can go together next year.” I said that without thinking, so I try to save face. “I mean, if we see each other there, we could say hello or something.”

  “You think you’re scaring me by talking about being together next year?”

  “I don’t know. I honestly don’t.”


  I’ve fucked up. I knew I shouldn’t have let this date go off the rails, but what was I going to do? I took and left her wanting. Leaving her that way would’ve been worse. Or maybe it wouldn’t have. All I know is I have to fix this now.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I want to go to do everything with you. I told you this wasn’t just about sex and I meant it. Plan things for us. All the things. I’m there.”

  “I believed you about this being more, especially after you thought I only wanted you for your body. Even after I said what I said. But, I didn’t know if you had an expiration date for this. We haven’t talked about our past except for the kids’ other parent.”

  Yeah, I still feel like an ass for questioning what she really wanted from me. She said she loves me and I asked if it was just for my body. She’s right about our past and yeah, she’s right to be nervous. I need to let her know this is different.

  “Before Shane, I fucked around because I could. After Shane, I felt I had to. I love sex, but I wasn’t going to bring just anyone home to meet my kid. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be in that place.”

  “Are you sure you are now?”

  “Yes, and not just because you pushed me into that pool. I mean, that was definitely hot and badass, but I just wanted to fuck you then.”

  “I wanted to punch you. Repeatedly.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “What changed?”

  “Seeing you with Bianca, seeing you doing your job, knowing you’re a good friend. The list goes on and on. You’re not scared of me having a son.”

  “Not at all.”

  “What changed your mind about me?”

  “Seeing you with my daughter and your son. Having my friends tell me you’re a good guy. That damn smirk of yours.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “I knew you loved it.”

  “Love might be too strong of a word. Combined with that little cleft in your chin and your perfect hair, I might admit to liking it a lot.”

  “Well, if you can talk about my hair, can I talk about your tits and ass?”

  “If you must. They’re both small and unremarkable.”

  “Maybe small, but I have lots of words—perfect, sexy, beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she says, ducking her head.

  “You don’t get to thank me for telling the truth.”

  “I don’t have to, but I’m going to anyway.”

  “What’s your favorite food? I’m going to guess chicken, since you’ve made it twice this week.”

  “It works with rice and pasta, which I would probably name as my favorites. You?”

  “Peanut butter on white bread. I love it.”

  “I’ll make you your own plate for dinner.”

  “I’d love you forever if you did that. Seriously,” I tell her, then freeze. Shit.

  She flinches, but moves on. “Favorite drink? I’m going to guess Mango smoothie.”

  “Yep. I lo-like them a lot.”

  “I noticed.”

  She notices everything and right now I wish she didn’t. “I’m going to say lemonade for you.”


  How am I supposed to overcome the elephant in the room? My heart can’t be bought with a peanut butter sandwich. I just said it could. Over everything else she’s done and showed me.

  “You’re amazing.”

  “Oh. So are you.”

  “No, I mean it. A man would be lucky to have you even sitting next to him. I know how fucking lucky I am, even if I don’t say the right things. Or the things you want to hear.”

  “I only want to hear the words when you mean them. I don’t want you saying them because you think you have to.”

  Damn, I’m falling more and more each day. Hell, I need to just admit it. I’m already there. Fuck being scared of how soon it is. It’s not.

  “I love you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. Completely and totally yes. I thought it was too soon, but I feel it and I need you to know it.”

  “Does this mean you’re my boyfriend now?”

  “I’ve been that all week, even if we didn’t use the official names. At least, I feel like I have been.”

  “Me too.”

  “I have a few demands,” I let her know, smirking because they’re good ones.

  “I’m listening.”

  “If you’re not with a patient, I want lunch every day. In the caf, in your office, or in mine. Don’t care as long as I get to hold your hand in the hallways.”

  “I can agree to that.”

  “Good. I also want breakfast and dinner. We’ll have to ease into spending nights together with the kids, but we can share meals.”

  “Unless I have a girls night out, or B asks me to spend time alone with her, that’s also a yes.”

  “Same with Shane. He has to come first.”


  “I want to spoil you sometimes. More than acting out your book scenes, which I love by the way. I’m guessing your ex threw money and stuff at you to try and keep you doing what he wanted. This isn’t that—I simply want to surprise you and make you smile.”

  “We’ve gone off scene, but I’m not complaining. And okay, as long as you can afford it, spoil me. I know you’re not Rick, and it won’t be the same.”

  “I’m making the scenes my own, and it’s spectacular.”

  “It is. Am I allowed to make some demands?”

  “Of course.”

  “I need everything from you. Your beautiful brain, your sweet words, and yes, your glorious cock.”

  “That’s it?”

  “I was going to ask you to walk around shirtless because your abs are the things of fantasies, but I was trying not to objectify you.”

  “You’re allowed, since I know it’s not all you care about. Shirtless, it is.”

  She bites her lip before speaking again. “Can you not shave on the weekends. I love the way your stubble feels on my skin.”


  “I think I’m all talked out for right now,” she says, pulling me on top of her.

  “Me too.”

  We spend the rest of the night showing each other our love. It’s perfect and everything I once dreamed of. Well, along with diving. I had to give up that dream, but this one is the perfect replacement.

  Chapter 12


  It’s been two weeks since Quincy and I officially got together, and things are better than ever. We’re having lunch together most days, dinner most nights, and the kids are loving it too. Last night, Bianca told me I was nicer than her daddy and thanked me for making her mommy smile. I nearly died right there. Shane won’t go to sleep without a story and a cuddle with Quincy if she’s there. I don’t blame him one bit, because I like cuddling with her too.

  We haven’t integrated our homes completely—or had sleepovers while the kids are with us—yet. We decided to talk to them this weekend and ask them how they feel about it. Our friends have been great about babysitting a couple of times, but we’re not sending our kids away every time we want to have sex. That’s just not cool.

  We’ve managed with some office hookups, and a quickie here and there at the apartments while everyone’s enjoying a barbeque together, but it’s not what either of us wants. We don’t want to keep sneaking around, waiting for a chance to fuck. Or make love. Whatever it is people in love do—maybe both?

  I want
her in my bed the way she is when we’ve had our three sleepovers. I want to fall asleep with her in my arms after we’re both exhausted from loving each other. And I want to wake up with her the next morning to start all over again. We know it won’t always be possible with the kids in the same apartment or house, but either way, we just want to be together.

  My cell phone rings, and I look down to see my old coach’s name on the screen. I answer immediately. “Nick?”

  “Hey, Coh. What’s this I hear about you abandoning the water to take a corporate job? I thought you were allergic to suits.”

  “Not suits in general, just the ones I had to wear by other people’s choice. My family company is great, but it’s not for me. I’m loving this job.”

  “Who wouldn’t? I’ve heard Matt Corrigan treats his people like kings and queens.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “So much so that you wouldn’t want to get back in the pool?”

  Huh? “What’s going on in that mind of yours?”

  “I want to do a charity fundraiser. Give back to the schools and community centers that gave my divers their love of the water.”

  “Sounds great.”

  “I have all of my current divers signed up, but I wanted to add a blast from the past. You know you’re still a hometown favorite.”

  “You want me to dive? I haven’t done it for too long. I’d be a mess.”

  “Not if you fly out here and we get started immediately. We can work every weekend for the next month, and you can practice with someone out there on weeknights. I can even send someone.”

  “Yes. I’m in. Totally in. Don’t worry about sending someone here. I’m pretty sure I can do most of my job remotely. I’ll talk to Matt.”

  “Yes! You’re just what we need.”

  “Thanks so much for calling. I’ll get back to you later today.”

  “We can just talk when you get here. This is going to be amazing.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  I hang up the phone, and have to fight not to dance around my office. The platform and I have unfinished business. I need to talk to Matt, call my parents, and tell Shane we’re going home.

  Home. The word stops me at my door. Just minutes ago, I was thinking of Quincy and Bianca as part of our home. I know Quincy doesn’t want to go back to San Diego, because of her ex there and her friends here. Would she do it for just a month? For us? I’ll talk to her at lunch and see.

  “Hey Cohen, what’s so urgent you needed to see me immediately?” Matt asks when I’m granted an audience with him. It really was that hard to get a few minutes of his time today.

  “My old dive coach called and asked if I’d participate in a charity event.”

  “Signing autographs and stuff? Cool. What does that have to do with you being here?”

  “He wants me to dive. I’d need to train over the next month in San Diego and I was hoping I could work remotely during that time.”

  “Kenny’s cleared you for that?”

  “No. I don’t need his clearance,” I say, then realize he might insist. “Do I?”

  He shakes his head. “While I encourage my employees to always do what will keep them healthy and safe, I won’t force you to do something.”

  “Good, because I love working for you.”

  “How does Quincy feel about this?”

  “I haven’t told her yet.”

  He looks like he wants to say something else, but seems to think better of it. “I’ll need you to work one day a week in the office to handle the physical invites we get. You can pick the day and it doesn’t need to be the same one, but I need one.”

  “Of course.”

  “Make sure we get an invite to your event, Cohen. All of us in the Society will be there to cheer you on.”


  I’m in a good mood as I head to the caf to meet Quincy for lunch. I’m diving again, my son’s a little ball of wonderful, I’ve got a great woman, and my boss is cool as fuck. Life is great.

  “Hey,” I tell my lady, kissing the top of her head as I sneak up behind her in line for a smoothie.

  “Hi. Where’s your lunch?”

  “Just getting a protein shake today.”

  She scrunches up her brows. “I’m guessing you’re going to explain this to me.”

  “Yep. Let’s wait until we’re sitting down.”

  “Sounds ominous.”

  “Actually, it’s great news.”

  “Can’t wait to hear it.”

  We get our drinks and I insist on carrying her tray to the table. The burger she chose smells delicious, but I need to get back into diving shape. Quincy loves my body now, but wait until she sees me in top performance shape. Not to brag—well okay a little—but I’m pretty sure it’s going to blow her away.

  “Don’t keep me in suspense.”

  “I’ve been invited to participate in a charity diving event.”


  What? Why does everyone keep thinking I’m doing something else other than what I love?


  “You’re not serious.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be serious? You know how much I miss diving.”

  “I also know how you’ve hit your head more than once on the diving board and it’s why we’re having you take some precautions now.”

  “I know how to take care of myself. And we call it a platform.”

  I’m being an ass, but I can’t help myself. I want her to be happy with me. Share in my happiness and support me. I need her to.

  “I hope you have a great time,” she says, grabbing her tray and standing up.

  “That’s it? You’re just going to walk away without talking to me about this?”

  “We’ve both said all we need to. I can’t sit by and watch you do something that could cause me to lose you.”

  “You have no faith in me.”

  “That’s not it at all. I just know you can’t control everything that happens up there. You know that too. Is it really worth that risk?”


  “Bianca loves you, so if you’re going to be continuing lessons, I would appreciate it if you kept working with her.”

  “Funny, I thought her mother professed her love to me. More than once,” I spit out, standing to face her over the table.

  “You don’t get to try and shame me into your way of thinking.”

  “I’ll do whatever I damn well please. As for lessons, I’m moving back to San Diego for the month I need to train. Knox will handle the swimming lessons.”

  “Good luck.”

  She turns and walks away like it’s no big deal. Like I’m nothing to her. I guess I’m not.


  “How are you holding up?” Wave asks, dropping into the seat across from me at my desk.

  Cohen left a few days ago, taking his son and my heart with him. I’m scared to death for him, and yes, I’m missing him more than I should. He made his choice, I made mine, and now we both have to live with those choices.

  “This isn’t my first broken heart.”

  “Bullshit. You didn’t love Rick.”

  I shrug. “Maybe not, but what does it matter? Nothing’s changed. Cohen doesn’t care about the risk.”

  “Ken’s been talking to him daily. He agreed to check in. It’s something.”

  “Not enough.”

  “You can’t compromise just a little?”

  Me? I’m supposed to compromise? I’d ask if she was serious, but I can see that she is.

  “If you knew Knox was doing something unsafe, would you compromise?”

  “I don’t know. I do know he does it for me every time I go out on a mission.”

  “It’s not the same.”

  “No, it’s not. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think of them the same way. Just step back and think about it all.”

  “I’ll try,” I promise.

  “Please do. I love you both and I know you love each other. Don’t lose
that because of fear.”

  She hugs me before she leaves, so I know we’re still good. She gave me things to think about, but I’m not sure I’m ready to.

  I manage to put Cohen out of my mind as I run down a pre-mission checklist with Matisse later in the day. She needs some scars, and I have fun helping Stella make them look real. She’s a master at make-up, but I’m the expert at what scar tissue would look like. Normally Ken would do this, but he said he doesn’t like to see his girlfriend having even fake injuries.

  I’m heading back to my office when Knox intercepts me in the lobby. “Can I talk to you, Q?”


  I’m not sure, because I know he’s here to champion his friend, but I owe him too much to let him walk away. Wave is happy, and I never thought she truly would be. Even before she told me her secrets a couple of weeks ago, I knew she was haunted. Now, she’s just happy.

  “First off, I need to tell you I agree with you about Cohen not risking everything, but I understand why he’s doing it.”

  “Have a seat. I don’t understand, but I’m willing to listen.”

  Because I should’ve listened to him. I don’t say it, and neither does he, but we both know it. I reacted on instinct and fear, neither of which is rational. I used to be rational. I used to pride myself on it, even. That last conversation with Cohen was a mess and I know I’m partly to blame for it.

  “Coh and I have been best friends since my parents took me in. Our parents are friends and when we realized we had a mutual love of water, we were inseparable.”

  “Your parents were friends? Did they go to school together or something?”

  It’s the only explanation I can think of, because I know Knox’s family is crazy wealthy and Cohen’s a working guy. I don’t know any wealthy people who work just because they want to. Knox runs his charitable foundation, but that’s different. Plus, I’d have recognized Cohen’s name from parties, but I didn’t.

  “Yeah, they did,” he says, looking at me like I’m crazy. I probably am, but that’s beside the point.

  “Please continue.”

  “We both thought we’d be swimmers until Knox dared me to dive from the platform one day. I did it and landed on my back as I involuntarily turned on my way down.”



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