Vital Company (Company Men Book 6)

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Vital Company (Company Men Book 6) Page 10

by Crystal Perkins

  “I can’t.”

  “We can wait a minute,” he tells me, trying to block my way.

  I duck under his arm, and suck in a breath at the sight before me. Cohen’s back on the platform, about to dive again.


  “He had to do it. He couldn’t walk away after what happened. It would’ve haunted him. You get that, right?”

  “If I thought this was the end for him, yes, I’d get it. Can you 100% tell me that’s what this is?”

  “No,” he says, shaking his head.

  I nod to him, and make my way down the stairs. I don’t watch Cohen, because I can’t. When the crowd around me jumps to their feet, I know he was perfect. But while the diver may not be perfect, the man isn’t. I don’t need perfection, but I do need stability.

  “Did you see him, Mommy? Coh was perfect!”

  “I didn’t see him, B. but I’m glad he did a good job.”

  “You were scared, weren’t you? That’s why you ran away.”

  “Yes, I was scared. I shouldn’t have left you.”

  “It’s okay. It’s hard to see someone you love get hurt. But, he’s okay and now we can be a family.”

  “I told you that’s now how it works.”

  “It should. Love is stronger than anything. I know it is.”

  I wish I knew it, too. I wish I could believe in love and fairytale endings, but I can’t. I have to be practical and strong for my daughter. Stronger than the love she thinks will save us all.

  Chapter 15


  Things are back to normal. Or as normal as they can be with a daughter asking daily for you to reconcile with the man you love. No matter how many times I try to explain to Bianca that it just won’t work that way, she doesn’t listen. It’s almost like she can’t hear me. Or she simply doesn’t want to. I’m trying not to delve too deeply into which one it is, but this past week has felt like a year.

  My cell phone ringing is a welcome distraction, until I see who’s calling. Rick.


  “Quincy, good. I was hoping you’d answer.”

  “I don’t recall ever avoiding your calls.”

  “As insolent as ever, I see.” I can see the sneer on his face as he says it, even though we’re not in the same room, and I roll my eyes.

  “What do you want?”

  “My daughter.”

  Hell no. “Excuse me?”

  “I let you take her to Nevada, but now it’s my turn to have her for a few days.”


  “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice.”

  “And I’m afraid you’re wrong.”

  “I have a judge’s orders in my hands. Your copy should be arriving shortly.”

  Bastard. His family has the connections to do exactly what he says they’ve done. If I’d even had a hint of this, I’d have gone to Matt and Reina. Now, I’m going to have to do what he wants.

  “What do you need her for?”

  “Can’t I simply want to spend time with my child?”


  “Very well. I suppose you’ll know soon enough. I’m running for office.”

  Sweet Jesus. I was really hoping the rumors weren’t true. “You’re not using our daughter to further your political agenda.”

  “The only skeletons in my closet are you and Bianca. It will look much better if I have her at my side before the sins of my past are brought to light.”

  “Sin? Bianca is no fucking sin.”

  “It’s just a phrase, Quincy. Please try and keep up.”

  “Keep up? We both know my IQ puts yours to shame, so don’t try to patronize me.”

  “I don’t need to try. Have Bianca ready to go by five this evening. Her new nanny will be picking her up.”

  “I don’t have those papers. Until I do, I’m not going to be doing anything you ask me to.”

  “My man is on the ground in Las Vegas. Tell me where you are.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “I’ll drag you through the mud.”

  Like he’s not going to do it anyway. “Go ahead and try.”

  “I’m in a committed relationship, and I know people here. People who can make decisions about full custody.”

  “I know people too.”

  “So you say. Tell me where you are right now. Where you’re working. There are only so many hospitals, but wasting his time will give you less time with Bianca before she leaves.”

  I know he’s right, and I want to hear his reaction. “Corrigan & Co.”

  I hear his gasp, and I relish in the silence that follows. Rick knows his place, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. I can’t escape his papers, so slinging that final arrow feels pretty good right now.

  “That’s not a hospital. What are you doing there?”

  “That’s none of your business. Goodbye.”

  Now comes the hard part. Bianca’s in the daycare center, having been picked up after school. I try to mentally brace myself on my way up to the lobby level, but I know it’s going to be bad. For both of us.

  “Doctor Morris? I have some papers for you,” a man yells as I step off the elevator.

  Rick is nothing if not quick. In all ways, unfortunately for the old me. Now, Mika has to deal with his one pump and done style. Couldn’t happen to a better person.

  I walk over to take them, signing his tablet. He thanks me and leaves the building as I slump against the counter a little.

  “Bad news?” Jyn asks me. She runs things down here for the security team.

  “Not exactly the worst, but close.”

  “You seemed to be expecting it.”

  “I was just warned.”

  “Should I call Matt?”

  “And Reina, please. I have to tell Bianca, but I’ll need some help after that.”

  “I’m on it.”


  Bianca runs over to me as soon as I scan into the center. Shane’s hot on her heels, which is no surprise since they’re inseparable when they’re in the same room together.

  “Did you come to have a snack with me, Mommy?”

  “No honey. I need to talk to you.”

  “You look sad.”

  “Did my Daddy make you cry again?” Shane asks.

  “No. This is about B’s daddy.”

  She scrunches up her nose. “What about him?”

  “He wants you to go see him for a few days.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “I don’t want you to either, but we don’t have a choice.”

  “He won’t let me swim. He says my hair gets messy after I swim.”

  She has my wavy hair and it’s definitely a pain to comb out, but it’s worth it to see her happy. “It’s just for three days.”

  “What about school?”

  “I’ll talk to them. A judge signed the papers, so we have no choice.” I take a breath and add the rest. “There are going to be people taking pictures of you with your daddy and his wife.”

  “You have another mommy, B?” Shane asks.

  “No! She’s not my mommy. I only have one mommy!”

  “I don’t have any.”

  There goes my heart. Like father, like son.

  “You can borrow my mommy. Even if she doesn’t marry your daddy, she can be your second mommy too.”

  Oh, my kid. “If you need me for anything, I’ll be here for you. Sometimes, you can choose friends to be family.”

  “Me and B is family.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “When do I have to leave?”

  “Someone’s coming for you at five. We’ll give them your suitcase from here,” I tell her, knowing there will be more “suitable” clothing waiting for her at her father’s estate.

  “Daddy’s not even coming to get me.”

  “No. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too.”

  “Come back soon,” Shan
e adds, and I almost lose it right then and there.

  I hold onto the tears until I’m alone in the elevator. I’m wiping my eyes when I get off on the medical floor. Matt and Reina are waiting for me there.

  “We’re on this,” he tells me. “We can’t stop it this time, but it won’t happen again.”

  “Thank you.”


  Shane is alone when I pick him up, leading me to believe Quincy got off work early today. Usually, Bianca’s at my son’s side, making me long for dinners spent together again. Wave, Knox, or Kenny bring her to swim lessons while her mother avoids me at all costs now.

  I need to make this right, because I’m dying inside. We both were wrong, but it’s more on me than her. I vow to find the courage to face her again. Tomorrow. I’ll do it tomorrow.

  “What do you want to do tonight, buddy?”

  “Can we go to San Diego?”

  “I thought you were happy to be back here.”

  “I was, but then Bianca’s daddy took her.”

  “Took her?” I ask, my heart racing.

  “Q said he has papers and B hads to go.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. No way is that bastard getting away with this. I heard he was running for office, so I should’ve been ready for this. I wasn’t, and that’s on me.

  “Can you grab your stuff while I make a call?”

  “Are we going to help B and Q?”



  I laugh as my boy runs off, marveling at how much love he has inside of him. He learned that love from me, but also from my family too. I need their help now, and I have no doubt they’ll give it. First, I call my best friend.

  “Quincy’s ex has Bianca, and we’re not going to let him use her.”

  “That must be why Wave had to stay late at work. I’ll call my ‘rents while you call yours. Let’s meet at the Executive Terminal at McCarran in two hours.”

  “It’s a plan.”

  I hang up with him and call my mom. “Miss me?” she asks.

  “Always, but I need help too.”

  “With Quincy? You know, I never told you I saw her at the diving event.”

  “You saw her leave.”

  “Yes, but she tried to be there, and that’s more important. At least I think it is.”

  “I do too.”

  “What can I do?”

  “I didn’t tell you who Bianca’s father is.”

  “Do we know him?”

  “Rick Lawrence.”

  “Oh dear God. That poor child. Quincy slept with that?”

  I burst out laughing, despite how serious this situation is. “Don’t hold back.”

  “I’m incapable when it comes to that man and his family.”

  “As am I. Especially when they got a judge to sign an order letting him take Bianca away. I think it’s only for a few days, but I’m sure it has to do with his political aspirations. I don’t want her to be used that way.”

  “I can assure you that’s exactly why he has her. He’s hosting a cocktail fundraiser tomorrow night, followed by a rally the next afternoon. We’ve declined both invitations, but I’m guessing you want us to rescind those responses.”


  “For anyone else, I wouldn’t be caught dead sucking up to those leeches.”

  “I know. I wish there was another way, but I have to see her and know she’s okay. Knox is calling his parents too.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. Things are always better with your best friends around.”

  “Agreed. I hate using our name and money to gain influence, but I want this stopped.”

  “Do what you must. Your father and I will be there right beside you.”


  “Are we going to save B now?” Shane asks, his little arms full of all of his art projects from today. He loves to create things and I’m just in awe of my son. In more ways than one.

  “That’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

  Chapter 16


  I shoot my cuffs and crack my neck as we stand outside the Matthews mansion. “Let’s do this.”

  “Taking back the world, one asshole at a time,” Knox responds.

  Wave looks at the door like she wants to break it down. “I’ll kill the bastard if he’s messed with my Goddaughter.”

  “We’ve got the money to bail you out,” I offer.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Amateur. I wouldn’t get caught.”

  “Hot,” I mouth to Knox.

  He flips me off and then we’re walking inside. Our parents come to our sides and we move forward as people part for us. I normally hate this shit, but tonight I’m embracing it.

  Rick sees us first, smiling until he’s not. I’ve no doubt he’s spotted Waverly with us. There’s nothing hidden about her relationship with Knox, but I guess Ricky boy didn’t get the memo.



  “Swearing in front of my daughter? Coming from her Godmother, no less. Just another mark against Quincy.”

  “You really want to debate parenting skills with me?” she asks, smiling at him like she wishes he would. Damn, I’d almost forgotten how fierce Wave could be.

  “Go away. You’re not welcome.”

  It’s Knox’s mother who reacts first. “None of us are then. That’s what you’re saying, Richard?”

  “No. Of course not. Just her. Surely you’re not happy about her association with your son.”

  “I’ve never been happier.”

  “I want to go home with Wave and Knox.”

  Bianca doesn’t mention me, and I have to smile at that, because I love how smart she is. She’s trying not to antagonize her father even more, but what he does next forces my hand.

  “Shut up, you little brat,” he whispers, grabbing her roughly.

  She cries out and I’m on him before I even realize I’ve moved. My hand is around his throat and I’ve got him lifted a few inches off the ground.

  “Impressive,” I hear Wave say from behind me. “I didn’t know he had it in him.”

  I have a lot more than this in me, but my father pulls me off before I can unleash it. He leans close so only I can hear him. “Don’t give him a reason to call the police. You know he’ll do it.”

  “He touches that little girl like that again, and I’m killing him. Wave will help me hide the body.”

  “I don’t doubt it. But there are other ways to take him down. Ways that will be more painful and last longer than any physical damage could.”

  “Did you all see that?” the bastard yells out.

  “We saw you hurting the child you claim to love,” my mother tells him.

  “She needs to learn her place.”

  “Her place?” Knox’s dad asks. “I’m afraid I could never put my backing behind a candidate who would refer to his daughter in that way. In fact, I’m finding myself inclined to support anyone running against you.”

  Rick’s cool façade crumples even more. “It’s just a misunderstanding.”

  “I don’t think it is.”

  Looking around, I see what I knew I would. The room has divided itself, with almost everyone standing behind us. Rick sees it too. His wife looks frantic.

  “Take her,” she says. “Take the girl. Rick will sign over his rights.”

  “What?” he asks, looking at her likes she’s insane. Be careful what you wish for, asshole.

  “It’s too much trouble. You know the power these two families could wield. Plus, you said Quincy somehow got a job with the Corrigans. That means she’s in with the Griffins too. A great leader knows when to retreat.”

  Oh yeah, this woman knows how to play him. Waverly just pulls a stack of papers from her clutch. The fuck?

  “These are papers giving up all your parental rights to Bianca.”

  “You just happened to have them with you?”

  “Yes, Rick, I did. Sign, because it turns out your wife does h
ave a brain. You don’t want the most powerful families in the world against you.”

  He tries one last ditch effort to put a stop to this. Not because he wants Bianca, but because he wants to save face. “Don’t they need to be notarized? Where are you going to find a notary?”

  She pulls a stamp out of that little bag, because of course she does. “Right here.”

  He grabs the pen she hands him, signing the sets of papers where she directs him to. His wife happily acts as witness, along with Knox, and then it’s all over. Wave’s stamping and signing, giving Bianca her freedom.

  “You ready to go home, B?” Knox asks her.

  “I can. Really? For how long?”

  “Forever,” I tell her.

  “I don’t have to see him again?”


  She runs to me, and I pick her up into my arms. My eyes meet Rick’s over her shoulder and he looks shocked, then angry. Yeah, I’m close to having everything he foolishly gave away. Closer than he’ll ever be again.


  My front door opens, and Bianca runs in as I jump up. “Mommy, I’m home forever! Cohen said it’s forever!”

  “Wait, what?” I ask as Waverly and Knox walk in after her. He’s in a tux and she’s in a gown and I’m really confused.

  “We paid a visit to Rick’s campaign party tonight. He was persuaded to sign away all his parental rights,” Wave tells me.


  “My wife can be very persuasive,” Knox reminds me.

  “The best part was when Daddy grabbed me hard and Cohen pulled him into the air with his hand on his throat.”

  “Cohen was there?”

  “Uh-huh. His mommy and daddy are so nice. They said they can’t wait to meet you.”

  “I am totally lost right now.”

  “I’d like to explain if you’ll let me.”

  I turn to see Cohen come into the apartment with Shane in his arms. He’s got on a tux too, but his tie’s loose around his neck with a couple of buttons on his shirt undone. Damn, I’d almost forced myself into thinking I’d imagined how sexy he is.

  Shane speaks up before I can answer. “I did it! I told Daddy hows B had to go away. I’m a hero.”

  “Thank you, Shane,” I say, walking over to kiss his cheek. “You are definitely my hero.”


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