Vital Company (Company Men Book 6)

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Vital Company (Company Men Book 6) Page 11

by Crystal Perkins

  “Whats about Daddy?”

  “The jury’s still out on him, but we can talk. I fear I’m a little underdressed for it though,” I answer, looking down at my tank top and yoga pants.

  “You look perfect,” Cohen tells me, and the iceberg around my heart melts just a little.

  “On that note, why don’t we take B and Shane down to our place for a sleepover?” Knox asks.

  “Call me ‘S’,” Shane tells him as we all laugh.

  “Please, Mommy. Can we?”

  “Yes, B. Grab your stuff.”

  Cohen and I haven’t stopped looking at each other since he walked in. I know it’s rude and I should probably be embarrassed, but I can’t take my eyes off him. I don’t know how he and his family were able to help tonight, but I want to. No, I need to know.

  “We have a lot to talk about,” he says after everyone’s left us alone.

  “Do we?”

  “Yes. There are things I need to tell you, but I also need you to talk to me. Tell me what you’re feeling. If your feelings have changed.”

  “So, just a light and easy chat, huh?”

  “Not even close.”

  “Have a seat,” I say, motioning to the couch across from the one I’d been sitting on when they came in.

  “I need to tell you something before we start.”


  “I’m going to fight for you, Quince. I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone besides Shane and my parents, and I won’t let that go. I’m going to fight to win.”

  “What if I don’t want you to?”

  “You do.”

  “How do you know?”

  “You’re sitting here across from me.”

  He’s right. I’m not sure I’m ready for any of this, but I have to be. For me, for him—and for both of us.

  “I’m going to be fighting alongside you, not against you.”

  Chapter 17


  Yes. She’s agreed to fight for us. My heart told me she would, but the rest of me didn’t believe it until she just said it.

  “How do you want to do this? Should we go back or forth or should one of us talk all the way through first?” I ask, not caring how it goes down, just as long as it does.

  “Maybe one of us can start and we’ll see how it goes.”

  “That works. I’ll go first.”

  “What if I wanted to go first?”

  She totally can. “Do you?”

  “No, but I just wanted to be an option.”

  “You’re the only option.”

  “Stop trying to romance me.”

  “It’s my mission in life, so don’t expect me to ever stop.”


  She laughs, but I realize something I’ve forgotten. I once told her I was going to spoil her, and I never have. I got so caught in just being with her and loving her, forgetting what I’d intended to do.

  “I screwed up.”

  “We both did. Isn’t that what we’re going to talk about?”


  “Are you okay?”

  “No, but I will be.”

  “If you’re re-thinking any of this, please tell me now.”

  “Not a chance. I love you. Do you believe that?”

  “Yes. I never get tired of hearing it though.”

  “Good, because I never get tired of saying it.”

  “I love you too. There have been times in the past few weeks I didn’t want to, but I do.”

  That’s all I need to get this started. Here goes nothing.

  “First, I need to tell you my real name. I chose Horton when I was competing to distance myself from my family. When things went bad, I was glad I’d done it. My real name is Cohen Covington.”

  I see when it sinks in. “You’re a Covington. Like, the crazy rich Covingtons? No wonder your parents are friends with Knox’s.”

  “Yes, yes, and yes.”

  “But you were giving swimming lessons.”

  “I love the water,” I remind her with a shrug.

  “You have a lot of money, but you don’t act like it. This is new to me after Rick and some of the patients I’ve dealt with. I’m barely getting used to Matt, Reina, and Knox being that way.”

  “Is it too much to accept me like you’re accepting them?”

  “Of course not. I was just worried about you paying for those dates you mentioned, even though I think Matt pays well.”

  Fuck me. Or don’t. I haven’t even taken her out on a real date.

  “Matt pays extremely well. I haven’t touched my trust fund in years, though. I like to live within my means. And I’m sorry about us not having any real dates yet.”

  “What’s a ‘real’ date anyway? I loved our lunches and all the time alone together we squeezed in.”

  “Honestly? Because you distracted me away from my original plans and I’m feeling like an ass about it.”

  “You did say I had a greedy pussy, so I guess you can’t be blamed for your actions.”

  There goes my dick, trying to break free from my dress pants. “You can’t say that word until we’re done talking.”

  “Which word?”

  “You know which word.”

  “What letter does it start with?”

  “Are you trying to get me to abandon the talking and make love to you right here and now?”

  “A good, hard fuck sounds so good right now.”

  Hell, I’m a human man, not a saint. “Take your pants off and come ride my cock. But, we’re talking after.”

  “Definitely. Talking. Yes,” she says, pulling off her pants before I even get my zipper all the way down.

  She climbs over me, and sinks all the way down. “Damn.”

  “Shit. I’m objectifying you again.”

  She starts to climb off me, but I pull her back down. “It’s not objectifying when you love the person. I’ve missed this just as much as you have.”



  Quincy starts to move, and I nearly lose my mind with how good it feels to be inside of her again. We’re both so on edge, it only takes a few strokes before she’s coming and I’m following right after her.

  “So good.”

  “It is. The best. Have you found any more stuff in your books you’d like to do?”

  “Yes, but we’ll talk about that after everything else. If that’s okay.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  She slips off me, pulling the pocket square out of my tux to clean herself up a little. I love that she doesn’t care about my wealth, but it’s time for some more truths. I wait for her to put her yoga pants back on—minus her panties—and join me on my couch before I begin again.

  “Not many people know why I went off the rails back when I was diving competitively. Knox said he told you.”

  “Your mom got sick.”

  “Yeah. Cancer. Instead of dealing with it like I man, I handled it like the boy I was. Even after I started to straighten out, I was still wild and crazy. My mom didn’t deserve it, Knox didn’t deserve it, and I didn’t deserve it either.”

  “You wouldn’t have Shane if you hadn’t behaved that way, so please don’t tell me you regret it.”

  “It’s only because of him that I don’t. And because my mom talked some sense into me when I was back home.”

  “Is that your home? San Diego?”

  She’s asking me one of the most important things she needs to know tonight. No way I’m going to lie. “It was, but now my home is wherever you are. That sounds fucking cheesy and like a line, but it’s the truth.”

  “It does sound cheesy, but I feel the same.”

  I kiss her quickly, because I have to, and because we didn’t kiss during our quick sexcapade. She smiles, so I know it’s okay.

  “The times I hit my head on the boards were far apart and I never thought there’d be a problem. But then, I started getting those headaches. I want answers, so I’ll be
wearing the helmet again by the way.”

  “When you dive from the ‘platform’ or just here?” she asks, reminding me I mocked her for using the layman’s term last time we talked. Or rather, fought.

  “I’m not going off the diving board like I have in the past. I love the thrill of jumping, so I’ll do that and maybe a dive, but not flips or handstands.”

  “Why?” she asks, ignoring the nod to her in my wording.

  This is where it gets real. “I felt my head brush the platform as I spun. It wasn’t hard enough to knock me out, although the water did that for a few seconds. It was enough to make me realize it could happen again. I could’ve lost everything that day, including myself.”

  “And yet, you did it again.”

  “Only to ‘get back on the horse’ and not let fear guide me.”

  “I thought you were going to keep doing it.”

  “I know. Seeing you there meant everything to me. Seeing you gone when I came out of the water, along with seeing my son terrified for me, made me re-think what I was doing and why.”

  “You’ve been back for a week, so why now? Why wait or decide not to wait?”

  “I came back with a mission in mind. I was going to prove to you I could be the stable, responsible guy you need in your life. You were avoiding me, and I wasn’t going to push it until you gave me a sign you were willing to listen. I would’ve taken any sign, to be honest. Rick and his assholery upped my timeline. I guess I have to be thankful for that, but I despise him too much to give him even that.”

  “Same,” she tells me with a smile.

  “When I walked into the daycare and Shane told me Rick had Bianca, I was ready to commit murder. Wave was right there with me, but she’s a professional. I would’ve gotten caught if I’d killed him and I’m too pretty for prison.”

  She caresses my cheek. “You really are.”

  “I called in the troops I knew could take him down another way. My family and Knox’s don’t like to throw our weight around, but for this, we did.”

  “I’m told there was also a part when you lifted Rick up off the ground with your hand around his neck.”

  I shoot my cuffs out again, and smirk. I’m pretty sure anyone else in this same situation would do it too.

  “He grabbed B too hard and was hurting her. I acted on instinct, and it was fun as fuck.”

  “As fun as fucking? Hmm.”

  “Fuck. I said fuck, not fucking woman. Nothing is more fun than fucking you.”

  “Ditto. Is it bad that I wish I’d been there to see it?”

  “No. Reina might be able to find some footage since the Society can do pretty much anything.”

  “True. I’ll have to ask.”

  “Can I be there when you watch if they get you footage?”

  “Hoping for a BJ after I see you protect my kid?”

  “Hoping for anything you want to give me. A card, a meal, a BJ—I’m good with any of it.”

  “Noted. Now tell me more about Rick giving up his rights.”

  “Short version is that wifey realized they had no chance against us plus the Corrigans and Griffins, and made him sign.”

  “Is it legal?”

  “Our friend Wave had a notary stamp in her purse.”

  “We have the best friends.”

  “We totally do.”

  “Well, that’s where I’m at right now. Your turn if you still want one.”

  “I do.”

  Chapter 18


  I can’t believe I basically jumped Cohen. Okay, I can totally believe it. But, I shouldn’t have done it. Except I wanted to, and he wanted to, and yeah—I need to start talking now.

  “You scare me, C. What I feel for you, what I think you feel for me, our kids wanting to be siblings—it all scares me.”

  “You called me ‘C’ like I’m part of your special club.”

  “That’s what you got out of this?”

  “You don’t even call Wave and Kenny by their initials, so yeah, I’m basking in this.”

  I roll my eyes as I bat him with a pillow. “Pay attention. And B and I use initials because it helped her learn her alphabet. Plus, who wouldn’t want to be called the same letter as a 007 genius?”

  “Why do the women I love think hitting me is the answer? And yes, Q is cool.”

  “You better be talking about your mom or my daughter when you say you’re getting hit by women.”

  “My mom,” he says, and there’s that smirk of his.

  “Shut it.”

  “I didn’t say a word.”

  “That smirk said it for you.”

  “I promise I’m paying attention. I don’t like that I scare you, but we’ll talk more about that when you’re done.”

  “You’re the sexiest man I’ve ever met, you treat me like I’m sexy too, and my kid wants you to be her new daddy. How am I not supposed to be scared by all that?”

  “First, can I tell the Studkateers that I’m sexier than they are? Owen says I have provisional membership until you officially claim me. It’s bullshit because I’ve been helping the Society since Wave saved Knox, but whatevs.”

  “Wait, that’s really a thing? You guys have your own secret group? Ken told me, but he seemed annoyed by it.”

  “It’s a thing, and it’s not really a secret. You know Kenny’s gotta love Matisse calling him a stud, but he’ll never admit it to us. It’s enough that we know.”

  “Just when I get used to something at C&C, another new fun fact pops up.”

  “I doubt anyone but Reina knows them all, but I digress. As for the rest of what you said, if you don’t completely believe you’re sexy, I’m doing something wrong. There should be no doubt in your mind. None. Nada. Nyet.”

  “How many languages do you know?”

  “I know important words in lots of languages, but I’m only fluent in Spanish. And sometimes, English too.”

  This man. He makes me smile so much my cheeks hurt, but I wouldn’t change that for anything. “Good to know.”

  “Oh, and if you were trying to scare me with the whole ‘new daddy’ thing, you should know I’m down with that. Pick a ring and a date, and I’m all yours.”

  “That is the worst proposal I’ve ever heard.”

  He points at me. “From the sexiest man you’ve ever met, so you want to say yes, don’t you?”

  Yes. I do. Not just because he’s sexy, but because I really do love him. Not going to admit that yet, though.

  “I’m not done talking about my feelings.”

  “That wasn’t a no.”

  “Or a yes. Now hush.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he says, zipping his lips. I lean over and give them a peck.

  “You scared me, and then you fell. My fear of trusting that you really wanted me turned into a fear of losing you before I ever had you. That’s what had me going all in with you.”

  “And then I blew it all out of the water.”

  “No, I did. I stopped worrying about what I’d miss out on if we weren’t together, and started worrying about just losing you. If you hit your head and died, I’d be devastated. But what about if you hit your head and lived—but lost some of your memory? If you forgot me, it would almost be worse than death. I was being selfish.”

  “We’re all selfish sometimes.”

  “Bianca had to beg me to go to your event.”

  “I wanted to die so I wouldn’t see my mom die. That’s why I started doing drugs and shit back then. I should’ve told you that when it was my turn, but I barely told my mom that, and I didn’t think I was ready to tell anyone else yet.”

  “That’s why she hit you.”

  “Yeah. Here’s my other cheek,” he tells me turning his head.

  I lean over and kiss it. “I’m so glad you lived.”

  “And I’m so glad you decided I was worth facing your fears for.”

  “You’re more than worth it.”

  “You still ran.”

  “I ran bec
ause I was about to throw up. I saw you graze the platform. I was watching for it, and it was like my biggest fear manifesting itself. I still thought it was okay, but when I saw you floating there underwater, with your eyes open, I thought you were dead. I should’ve jumped into that pool after you, but instead I felt like I was going to throw up, or pass out—or both—if I didn’t get away.”


  “I only ran as far as the patio on the top deck. I heard the crowd cheering so I knew you were alive. Matt found me still trying not to throw up, and talked to me about fears and love. He must’ve known you’d go back, so he tried to stop me from looking. I got around him and saw you back up there. I thought you were playing chicken with death, and I wouldn’t have survived that.”

  “I wouldn’t have expected you to. After talking to my mom about how I behaved when she was sick and seeing you there supporting me when it scared you, I knew I wouldn’t risk myself again.”

  “I should’ve stayed and talked to you.”

  “I wish you would’ve, but I understand why you didn’t. I understood it then too.”

  “You’re better at this relationship thing than I am.”

  “Says who?”


  “Well, yours is the only opinion I care about on the subject, so I’ll take it. Maybe it’s because I’ve fucked up so much that I know what not to do.”

  “You’re genuinely not freaked out about our kids planning a wedding for us?”

  “Did you already forget my proposal?”

  “Yes. It was ridiculously ridiculous, and I’ve blocked it from my brain.”

  “Ouch. Harsh much?”

  “You promised me romance, dates, and spoiling and you then you give me that crap? Please.”

  “The next time I ask you, it’s going to be right.”

  “And then I just might say yes.”

  “You know you’re still thinking about how sexy I am and considering a yes right now. Substandard proposal or not.”

  Still not admitting it to him. “So, where do we go from here?”

  “That three-bedroom apartment upstairs Chloe said she could renovate to have the best of both our apartments in it?”

  “An outdoor shower, and my bed in the bedroom would be perfect.”

  “I agree.”


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