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Borderland Betrayal

Page 16

by Samantha Holt

  “He’ll not threaten you again, Ellise.”

  She released the breath she’d been holding and Arias peered around her skirts.

  “Nor will he take Arias—”

  “James!” Something flashed before her, a memory of what she’d seen and she shoved him to one side.

  But it was too late. Edmund was on his feet, lunging toward James with his sword. James spun and the blade caught him in the chest. A scream reached her ears and she realised it was hers as James crumpled to the floor.


  Something hot and wet pressed against his forehead. James pushed it away with a grumble only for a set of delicate fingers to brush his hand aside. Opening one eye, then the next, he scowled as he became aware of a dull ache in his head and chest.

  Ellise’s face came into view. Had he died? For surely he had never seen anything as beautiful. He tried to say as much but his mouth was dry. Sunlight streamed in behind her and her hair was loose, spilling about her face. His mind still felt foggy but when he squinted he saw dark smudges around her eyes and they glistened with unshed tears.

  “Mio Dios, you are awake.”

  He licked his dry lips. “Aye...why do you look at me so?” His voice came out a harsh whisper.

  “Do you not remember?”

  “Nay.” He scowled. “Aye. I was coming after you...” He flitted his gaze around the room. “We’re at Thornewall.”

  “We are. You caught up with me.” She smiled gently and wiped some damp linen across his face. “I think the poppy tonic has left you a little addled. I did have to give you a large amount. You’re not an easy man to knock senseless.”

  “Knock senseless? What are you on about, lass?”

  She reached behind her and offered him a beaker of ale. He struggled to sit as she fussed about the pillows and the pain in his shoulder increased. He put a hand to it and groaned.

  “Have a drink.”

  He nodded and took a lengthy sip before handing it back to her. Peeling away his shirt, he eyed the bandage placed just above his heart. “Wighthurst.”

  “He will not harm you, Jake and Dominic made sure of that. The man will likely never step foot outside his keep again.”

  “I should still like to kill the man for all he has done to you.”

  Ellise shook her head slowly. “He has had punishment enough. You beat him quite badly and he has lost much influence without Lord Dominic's support.” She bit her lip as several tears dripped down her cheeks. “You were lucky he did not strike you any lower or else you would be dead.”

  James reached across, grimacing as his injury pulled and roughly brushed the tears away. “But I am not. I remember now. Had you not have shouted a warning, no doubt he would have struck my heart and I would be dead.”

  “‘Twas my vision. I saw it...saw him striking you like that.” She scooted her chair closer and gripped his hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “Thank the Lord you moved in time. My only regret is that you were hurt at all.”

  “Hush, no regrets now, sweet Ellise.” He tugged her hand toward him and flattened a kiss against her open palm. “Your vision saved my life. I believe I owe you a great debt.”

  She chuckled and brushed her fingers across his jawline. “Do you indeed, Captain? Pray tell how do you intend to repay that debt?”

  He considered this for a moment, studying the wonderful lass in front of him. She had opened him up to so much. His beautiful, courageous, witty Ellise. Her dark eyes sparkled with concealed mirth and he longed to take those lush lips of hers in a bold kiss. Ack, as soon as he was fit again, he intended to do more than that. But he didn't tell her that. Such words could wait.

  “I intend to love you. Always.”

  Her smile expanded. “Aye, I suppose that will do.”

  “Suppose? I rescue you and this is the thanks I get?”

  “I will give you my thanks later. For now you can have my love too. Always.”

  Warmth spread through him, awakening him in a way that only Ellise could. For once he cared for so much more than just duty. Fingers threaded through her hair, he tugged her down for a kiss and relished her delighted gasp. He had a new duty now.

  Ellise and her son.

  He would love them always.


  5 years later

  “Arias, what have you done to yourself?”

  Arias rolled his eyes as he stepped into the Great Hall of Thornewall Keep and his mother scurried over. She gripped her hands around his face and tilted it toward the candlelight so she could study the bump to his head.

  “I was just practicing, Mama.” He held up the wooden sword in his hand.

  “And you hit yourself?”

  “Nay!” He pulled up his shoulders. “I was fighting with papa.”

  Her eyes widened. “And he hit you?”

  “Nay! I…” He dropped his gaze to his feet and scuffed the floor. “I stumbled and bumped my head.”

  Mama shook her head and Arias winced as she brushed a thumb across the bump on his head. She straightened as footsteps sounded behind him. “What have you been doing to him, James? Mio Dios, can I not trust either of you?”

  “Ack, leave the lad be.” His father put a hand to his shoulder and grinned. “He’s just learning to be a fighter.”

  Though his mother looked exasperated as she straightened and propped her hands on her hips, Arias saw the laughter behind her eyes. “You two are as bad as each other. I pray you do not teach your little brother these things. You shall age me most terribly.”

  Arias glanced up at his father and they shared a grin. He loved that he was like his papa, even if they did not share blood. His younger brother, James, looked like his father but had his mama’s character. Arias took pride in being just like his papa. Soon he would be as powerful and as brave as him.

  As his Aunt Lucy approached, he groaned as her eyes went wide too. “Arias! Are you hurt?”

  “Nay!” he protested again.

  Loud voices and heavy footsteps told him his uncles had returned from weapons practice and he turned to eye the two dark-haired men. Uncle Jake towered over him and he had to crane his neck to look him in the eye. He used to be scared by him but now…one day he longed to be as tall and as strong as him. And as wise as his Uncle Dominic.

  “You are all a bad influence,” Lucy scolded as she pressed a kiss to Dominic’s cheek and grimaced as she eyed a bruise on his exposed collar bone. Dominic flashed a grin as the twins stepped out from behind him and brandished their own small wooden swords. Arias smirked. They had no skill yet, not like him, but they were still only young lads. One day, he would teach them how to fight properly.

  “Come now, let us eat,” Aunt Isabel called from the top table. She lowered herself gingerly into her seat.

  Lord, she looked ready to pop. It made him laugh that his normally graceful aunt ate so much with a babe in her belly. Uncle Jake came quickly to her side and ensured she was sat safely as their daughter, Emma, clambered onto her lap.

  “Arias, go find your brother and sisters before we sit for supper,” Papa told him.

  “Aye, Papa. Can I sit next to you?”

  His father ruffled his hair. “Aye, that you can.”

  Arias took a moment to watch as everyone settled at the long tables. His aunts and uncles—aye, they were just close friends but they might as well be his father’s family—and their children. Once he’d lived in a castle with only one man and many servants. He was glad his father found his mother or else he would not have any of this.

  As Uncle Dominic whispered something in Lucy’s ear, he caught Arias watching and gave him a wink. Arias winked back. One day, he would be just like him. Charming, but skilled with a sword like his papa and strong like Uncle Jake.

  Aye, one day he would be one of the most respected men in the Borderlands, just like these men.

  About the Author

  Samantha Holt resides in Warwickshire, England, with her twin girls, having followed her
soldier husband around the UK for nearly 10 years. Growing up in Hampshire, she was inspired by the authors Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell, both of whom lived and wrote only miles from her home town.

  Samantha loves the romance genre and has been devouring romantic literature for as long as she can remember. History is another passion of hers and she loves to combine her love for history and romance into exciting and passionate tales.

  Website – http://




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