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Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

Page 20

by JK Ensley

  “What the hell?” Jophiel’s words cracked with obvious pain.

  Silence filled the room. Munenori and the other Archs respectfully stepped out of the way of the beautiful sapphire son of the Angel of Death and the Prince of Hell.

  “You will pay for that, boy,” Jophiel hissed as his giant sword sprang to life.

  “Hold, Brother,” Uriel warned. “Let him pass.”

  Tenshi didn’t say a word, didn’t even make eye contact with the surrounding Angels as he made his way to the bath, his mother cradled protectively in his arms.

  When the door closed, Daichi snorted out a laugh. “The look on your face, Angel, it… was… priceless.”

  Jophiel bristled. “What the hell did he just do?” He looked from Daichi to his fellow Archs. “What was that?”

  “You never pay attention, Jophiel,” Uriel snapped. “Remember you not? Her boy showed us power akin to this when Vittorio took her to those cherry trees.”

  “Is that what it looked like as well?” Gabriel asked.

  “No.” Uriel shook his head. “Not even close. It was radical… knocked us all backwards.” He glanced around to his brother Archs. “It was nothing like what you just bore witness to yourselves. It seems he has learned to channel it, control it, make the power do his bidding. This time, he hit only his intended mark.”

  “Yes, and Jophiel prides himself on pushing buttons,” Munenori said. “Guess you taunted the wrong Angel this time.”

  The mossy lavender Angel’s condescending words earned him a threatening growl from his celestial brother.

  “Daichi?” Yui asked softly. “Do you know what Tenshi did just now? Do you know what that blue energy surrounding them was?”

  “No, Master Yui.” Daichi glanced at Jophiel. “Yet… he is his father’s son.” He chuckled. “And you were harassing the one person he loves above all.”

  “So… you know not his true power?” Raphael asked.

  Daichi looked straight at the dark-haired Son of Heaven. “I honestly do not believe even Tenshi knows what he is capable of. If you wish to test that blue Angel… I would suggest not involving his precious mother. He tends not to think where she is concerned. He simply reacts.” He smiled at Jophiel. “Harming his mama? Well, that would lead to rather bloody work, I would say.”


  “Here, Mama. Let me help you.”

  “It’s okay, Tenshi.” Jenevier touched his fair cheek. “Has ever a mother been as blessed as am I?” She smiled.

  “I am the blessed one, Mama.” He blushed slightly. “Tell me. Did you have some unexpected company last night?”

  “So you’re the one, huh?” She pinched his now crimson cheek and then patted him there. “You told him where to find us.”

  “He was here during the melding.” Tenshi sighed. “I felt him wither a little bit inside every time you screamed.” He tucked a few of her curls back. “He told the Archs he just came to help you. But I could see inside him, Mama… inside his heart.”

  “Could you now?” She smiled at him again.

  “So?” he pressed. “Aren’t you going to tell me?”

  “He came. We talked.” She looked away.

  “Well… did you help him?”

  “Tenshi, your father would be extremely cross if he knew you could…” Her words trailed off and she sighed. “Yes, my beautiful son. I helped him as best I could. Alas, I am not certain if he is better or worse for it.”

  “He is not the Angel he once was, is he, Mama?”

  “I’m not sure,” she mumbled.

  Tenshi smiled. “Well… I like him.”

  She narrowed her eyes, studying her precious son. “After everything he has done… to you… to us?”

  “He never intended harm to us, Mama. He may have gone about it the wrong way, yes. But think about it. He had never known the pain of absolute loss. You, of all people, know what it was he must have felt when he got the news.” He twirled one of her curls around his finger. “He didn’t know how else to handle that kind of pain.” Tenshi touched his forehead to hers. “He lost his whole world in but a breath. Tell me. What would you have done, Mama?”

  Silent tears dripped from her closed eyes. She knew what she would have done. Had she not already attempted the same thing herself? Mindless slaughter until the pain stopped, until she was stopped, until she was ceased.

  “Shhh, no more of that now,” Tenshi said, wiping her cheeks. “You are leaving soon. Daichi has fixed you up good, so no more tears. Come. Let’s see what your Dragon has done to you.”

  He turned her so that she could get a good look at her colorful back and sides.

  “Wow, it’s beautiful, Mama. Look. His tail wraps all the way around your leg.”

  She blinked away the last of her tears and gazed at her vivid reflection. There wasn’t much of her iridescent skin left. The whole of her backside was like a magical painting of a sapphire Dragon. Nilakanta’s neck went up and over her left shoulder, gracefully curving around to her throat—his majestic head rested in profile upon her breast bone. She couldn’t help but smile as she ran her fingertips out the length of his long whiskers.

  “…Nilakanta,” she whispered.

  His long tail was wrapped around her left leg. It encircled her thigh twice, ending with the lethal triangular tip covering nearly the whole of her calf. She lifted her arms and turned from side to side. The ancient Dragon’s wings covered her ribcages—the bend of each wing nearly touching as they curved under her breasts, the very tips stretching down diagonally to her hipbones.

  She smiled. “Such a regal, beautiful Dragon.”

  Tenshi nodded his agreement. “Made all the more regal and beautiful painted atop your fair flesh.”

  She lightly touched her stomach. Across her tummy, Nilakanta’s clawed hands reached to the edges of her bellybutton. She gently placed her hands over them and felt his soft humming within.

  “I am nearly more Dragon than woman.”

  “And at least twice as beautiful as either.”

  She looked up at her son’s smiling reflection. When their eyes met, he hugged her back against him.

  “I held him,” she whispered softly. “When I woke in the night, he was laying there, watching me sleep. What I could feel inside him… watching that majestic man crumble before my very eyes… my hardened heart caved,” she confessed. “I held him as he shattered. Forgave him every wrong. How could I not? No matter how badly I hate him, I will always love him twice that much.”

  A tiny chuckle mixed in with her son’s muffled sobs, his warm breath tickling the side of her head, his tears falling silent upon her bare shoulder.

  “I can only imagine how happy he must have been,” he whispered into her curls. “The Angel who owns him, the only one to ever best him… now holding him in a loving embrace, comforting him, giving him the strength he needs to be weak. Mama, you are the only safe place he can fall, the only safe place he can weep. He was forced to hold those bitter tears in for so long… I am amazed he did not drown in them.”

  “I only pray that small token brought him some measure of peace.” She caught her son’s gaze in the looking glass. “If for no other reason than it made you smile.”

  “Save the strong act for Daichi, Mama. You don’t have to deny it to me… it made you smile as well.” He kissed the back of her head.

  He may be the physical reflection of his father, Nilakanta said. But his heart is as yours, Kagi Naga.

  I know, Brother. And it terrifies me beyond all reason.

  “And speaking of small tokens…” Tenshi placed a large box in front of her. “He asked me to give this to you.”

  “But… why? When…” Her shock erased her coming words.

  “He came to my room early this morning. We talked. He asked permission to hold Lala while she slept.”

  Jenevier sniffed. “…Lala?”

  Her very soul was quaking at her son’s tender story.

  “Yes. He was so gentle, Mama. He held he
r, rocked her as she slept. He smiled at her the way he smiles at you.” He tucked her curls back and hugged her to him. “You have no idea what that felt like, Mama—watching the man who gave me life smile at my only daughter with more love than most will ever know.”

  “Yes, his genuine affection is a rare and glorious thing to behold. I could never look away from him, not when he smiled.”

  “He asked me to give you this. He seemed so nervous when he handed it to me. It must be something extraordinarily important. His hands were shaking, Mama.”

  Jenevier stared for several long heartbeats at the glossy black box with the fancy gold ribbon, before she slowly slid the little card from under the bow.

  My Dearest Anicee,

  I will never stop loving you, and I will never stop protecting you… even if you hate me. But if I have found the tiniest measure of grace in your heart, accepting this gift will show that miracle to me. Even if you do not love me anymore, as long as you no longer hate me… I will heal. Know that I watch you always. And also know this… the day I see you donned in this gift, is the day I will know you have finally forgiven me.

  The whole of my heart,

  Your Vindicus

  Tears were dripping from her chin as she slowly opened the lid. Folding back the layers of crisp tissue paper, Jenevier gasped when she saw the ornately decorated blue dress. Her hands were trembling when she held it up in front of her and turned back towards the large looking glass.

  “Mama… not only is it breathtaking, it is perfect.”

  “It’s the same color as his eyes,” she whispered. “I will never forget the day I got to spend with your father in Vanahirdem, the day he blessed me with you.” She sniffed. “That was the first time I was able to see the real sun reflecting in his sapphire eyes… they sparkled like the rarest of magic. This is the exact same color.”

  “Oh, look.” Tenshi reached into the box. “Matching shoes as well.” He held them up. “Little slippers… covered in sapphires.”

  Jenevier looked upon her son’s smiling face. The sheer joy she saw dancing in his eyes… it was like peering into heaven.

  The love he carries for that man… it was naturally born within him, Nilakanta said. The binding tie of blood… it is an unexplainable thing.

  I know, Dragon. I am amazed beyond words.

  “Tenshi?” She waited until his happy gaze met hers. “I believe I am ready now. I can wear this today.”

  “You mean… because of last night?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes, and because of you.”

  Her elated son talked happily as he helped her into the elaborately adorned dress.

  “Oh, Mama… never have you looked more beautiful,” he softly whispered as he twisted her curls up on the crown of her head, securing them there with the matching sapphire hair sticks. “…Like a tiny royal doll. Always should you be adorned in rarest blue, Mama… always.” He knelt down in front of her, holding up a sparkling slipper. “Your feet, Milady.”

  Jenevier giggled as she obeyed.

  “Ahh, look at that.” He turned her to face the mirror. “Sooo beautiful. He made you his tiny sapphire Princess, Mama… from head to toe. Come.” He held out his arm. “Let me show you off to all those common Angels waiting out there.”


  The next morning there was a vase of roses sitting on her nightstand. The intoxicatingly sweet aroma pulled her eyes open. There… she beheld the most enchanting flowers she had ever seen—deep blue roses, at least two dozen of them. The tiny card stuck under the vase simply read “V”.

  She could only smile.

  He must have been watching, Nilakanta said. He must have seen you twirling about on your balcony in front of all those angelic, admiring eyes. You are a stunning creature, Naga, but I must admit… yesterday, you took everyone’s breath away.

  She chuckled. “Gratitude, Brother. If Vindicus was watching… I’m almost certain he got angry.”

  Then he should not have chosen such an enchanting garment. The cut and the color—simply exquisite on you, Little Fire.

  Three more days passed with no word from Uriel, and three more vases of the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen now graced her bed chambers.

  “If life could go on just like this—waking each new day to peace and calm and rare beauty—I would believe my own palace to be heaven.”

  Yes, Naga. A blessing without measure. I wish it with all my heart.

  “As do I, Dragon. As do I.”


  With their individual marching orders finalized, the gathered Angels bid one another adieu as they made their way to their assigned layers.

  Uriel grabbed Jenevier’s shoulders, forcing her to meet his determined gaze. “Are you even listening to me?”

  “Yes, Uriel. Dammit all. I am listening to you. I heard your detailed instructions. You made your point, loud and clear.” She jerked free, knocking his hands away. “And do not touch me. You know how I hate being pawed at. Why is it every time we are alone for more than a minute, I have to fight off your unseemly advances? Have I not been clear with you, Brother? I am not interested in you that way.”

  She turned her back to him then, trying to hide the wicked smile now parting her lips. She couldn’t bear to watch all the color drain from the mighty Arch’s face as he stood open-mouthed and wide-eyed. It was all she could do to keep from bursting into laughter. Goading this particular Angel caused her way more fun than it should have.

  As she stood silent, waiting for the coming eruption, Jenevier had to bite her lip to keep the giggles contained. She heard him inhale an instant before his words exploded around her.

  “Never have I met a creature I wanted to choke as badly as I want to choke you, Kagi Naga! How dare you insinuate malice or ill-will accompanies my touch? I only seek to impress the importance of my words upon your calloused heart, make certain they sink into that thick head of yours, you impudent little twit.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, just shut it, Uriel. Bloody hell, Brother. You are so easy to tease, I can barely help myself. For crimine’s sake, just chill out. I am not a child who needs you to clean my ass every time I turn around.”

  “Oh, really?” He crossed his arms, looking down his regal nose at the back of her curl-covered head. “Then prove it. Prove you can pull off a single mission without making ripples. Go into just one summons and perform your job the way it is intended. Can you do that, Naga? Can you fulfill what is required of you without leaving utter chaos in your wake? Without leaving things worse than they were at your arrival?”

  She slowly turned back to face him, her pink eyes sparkling wildly with the darkness Ahriman had once gifted her.

  Hold, Little Fire, Nilakanta warned. Mind your temper.

  She glared at Uriel. “I am to go to layer eight.” Her voice was spine-tinglingly cold. “Back to that damn Prince you love so much. I am to serve him in all that he says, keep him from harm, ensure his life at the cost of mine own.” She narrowed her eyes. “Is there anything else, Master?”

  Uriel sighed loudly. “Oh, don’t go on so, Naga.” He uncrossed his arms, shaking his head in despair. “This is the most important summons you have ever received. On top of that, you will be alone, completely alone. We will have our hands full elsewhere. No one can aid you in this. You must prove faultless in your quest. You cannot, under any circumstances, fail in this mission. To do so, would forfeit the life of every living thing upon that layer. Do you understand?”

  She remained fierce, eyes still flaming darkly as she spoke. “I have no problem comprehending your words. I got this, Angel. Now back off.”

  “Naga, do not part like this. You are my treasured little sister. I cannot help but worry about you.” He tried to reason with her, calm her fiery temper. “Prince Suou is the key to saving an entire realm of people. Ones currently ignorant of their impending doom, I might add. Forget not. Earth holds those precious children you once loved—continue to love. You must make certain Suou
fulfills his destiny, no matter what.”

  “I said… back off,” she hissed.

  Uriel continued his reasoning. “We will do our part to ensure no one else can interfere. You will have to deal with the demons and dark ones already there, yes. But rest assured, no more will be joining them. Keep your eyes open. Trust no one. And never leave the Prince’s side. I cannot stress that enough, Naga. Don’t let anything distract you or pull your attention away from that man. He is their only hope. And you are his only hope.”

  Jenevier didn’t speak. She only continued to glare venomously at the other Angel.

  Uriel sighed wearily. “Very well, Naga. You have your orders. Go. See to them. And if we never meet again—”

  “It will be too damn soon,” she said as she flew past him and disappeared into the clouds.

  Uriel turned toward the deliberately slow, condescending clap of the giant winged man standing in the shadows.

  “Well, well, well… I must say. You handled that splendidly, Arch,” Vareilious said as he stepped fully into the room. “Rousing speech. Perfect morale booster. I’d give it a nine out of ten on the douchebag scale. Good job.”

  “What business do you have here, Guardian? This does not concern your kind,” Uriel snapped. “Why don’t you go back to your hidden hovel and study up on how to properly secure your prisoners from now on?”

  Vareilious wore his patented smirk. “Apologies, Brother. I thought protecting innocence was my concern. I didn’t come here seeking your approval or your permission,” he said casually. “Oh, and anything concerning Jenevier… well, I make it my business.” He flexed the muscles in his massive chest and popped the bones in his neck. “Do you have a problem with that, Arch?”

  Uriel only rolled his eyes and huffed out a sardonic laugh. “You know, Vareilious. There is a reason why you are called the Dogs of Heaven. Mind where you bare your teeth, pup.”

  “I may be a pup, but believe me when I say… my bite will leave one seriously wicked scar.”


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