Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

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Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) Page 37

by JK Ensley

  Duhrias stepped toward the reluctant Shinobi, hand extended. “It is my pleasure, Lord Goemon.” He shook the ninja’s hand, smiling happily.

  Goemon spoke not a word, only stared at the handsome man with the extremely pronounced dimples.

  “And this lovely young thing to my left,” Jenevier said, turning to face Cherie. “Is the enchanting Forest Spirit known as Cherry Blossom.”

  The girl smiled as she shook the young ninja’s proffered hand. “Cherie is fine. That’s my name, Cherie.” She blushed. “Cherry Blossom was what the older folk often called me.”

  “A lovely name for an even lovelier lady.” Goemon bowed to her but didn’t break their gaze.


  After too much delicious food and an evening filled with amazing Shinobi magic, the three unexpected visitors were welcomed into Orochimaru’s home… even though Hanzo practically begged them to stay with him and Hinata.

  “Trouble not your heart over this, Lord Hanzo.” Jenevier gently patted his arm. “We will be fine. Besides, I never dreamed an invitation of any kind from your strange brother there,” she whispered as she glanced over to the waiting ninja master. “Perhaps he is finally warming up to me.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it,” Hanzo grumbled.

  Jenevier bit her lip to keep from giggling.

  Hinata walked up beside her husband and smiled sweetly. “If you need anything, Empress Naga, please do not hesitate to ask.”

  “Gratitude, Lady Ono. Your hospitality is second to none. You and your entire family hold a special place in my heart, and you always will.”

  “Worry not, old friends.” Orochimaru approached them and bowed slightly. “No matter how scary I may look or how stern I may act… I promise not to eat our lovely Empress or her charming new friends. On my honor.”

  A tiny smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. When Jenevier saw it, she couldn’t help but giggle.

  The elder Shinobi reached for her then. “Come, Milady. I will see to your comfort this evening.”

  When Jenevier moved to take the man’s proffered hand, Duhrias immediately stepped in front of her.

  “Gratitude for your kindness, Milord.” The River Spirit motioned with a nod of his head. “Please, lead the way.”

  Jenevier rolled her eyes as she took Cherie’s hand and walked past the glaring men. “Well… now that we are all friends here, it is this way, is it not?”

  Orochimaru only gave the handsome River Spirit a small (albeit creepy) smile, and turned to follow the parting women.

  Duhrias growled under his breath.


  Jenevier lay there, smiling as she gazed upon the ageless young face of the centuries old Forest Spirit, listening to Cherie’s tiny dream-filled murmurings.

  An eternal child, she thought.

  Alas, no matter how hard she tried, sleep was a blessing not to be bestowed upon her this night. She strolled out into the bright moonlight and took a deep, filling breath.

  “Ahh… my beloved Jinn,” she whispered. “Balm for my troubled soul.”

  “I presumed as much.” Orochimaru spoke softly with his approach. “Sweet rest eludes you, does it not, Milady?”

  She smiled but did not turn to face him. “Have you come to confide in me that your secret abilities cover the art of soothsaying as well? Or were you spinning a magical web over me, keeping the Sandman at bay?”

  Orochimaru chuckled. “Nothing of the sort, Your Highness. Alas, I could clearly see the change within you at first glance.” Coming to stand beside her, he looked down from the corner of his eye. “There is no human left within you. Sleep is no longer necessary, Milady. If ever your eyes close in slumber, it will be born from habit, not need.”

  She looked up to meet his sideways glance.

  He smiled slightly. “But from your loss of sleep comes a new blessing. You no longer have to pine for the moon, Your Grace. It now watches over half your life.” The great Shinobi did not turn to face her, but gently took her hand in his. “You will never miss another sunset, never fail to greet the beautiful dawn, and never again will your angelic skin be hidden from the glorious rays of those enchanting moons up there.”

  Jenevier turned to look at them as he spoke, squeezing his hand as she did.

  “Gratitude, Brother. With your beautiful words, you have removed the sting from my current reality. With wonderful thoughts such as those dancing about within me, how could I ever resent sleeplessness? I know not why you chose to grant me such a kindness, Elder Mori, but I am truly glad you did.”

  “Walk with me.”

  He did not wait for her answer, and she did not resist the tug upon her hand.

  “I was merely waiting for the moment I could return the kindness you have shown me,” he said.

  “Shown you? In what way have I ever blessed you so, Brother?”

  “You love Yui with more ferocity than anyone ever has.” He sighed wearily. “By the time he was born, I knew the truth of his lineage. I offer no excuses for my behavior. I did not mistreat the boy. Alas… I did not show him love, either. The amazing man that lad has turned out to be, well… it was a feat he mastered on his own. He did not learn thus from me.”

  Jenevier did not speak. She knew Orochimaru was seeking neither her praise, her pity, nor her admonition. He simply wanted to talk, and she granted him the respect of her silence.

  “He never formed attachments of the heart. His amazing leadership, undeniable loyalty, and remarkable sense of honor were naturally born within him. Yet… he did not know of love. Not until he met you. Whether you intended it or no, you are the sole keeper of his heart. The Angels you gave birth to as he helped you that tragic day… they are his sons—the sons of his heart. Same as if they had been produced from his own loins.”

  The burning tears began to spill down her cheeks. Jenevier’s heart contracted, ached. She missed her old friend, missed him so badly… it caused her physical pain. Still, she did not speak.

  This you already knew, Naga. Yet hearing it spoken so plainly, especially from this man… I weep within you as well, Nilakanta whispered.

  “Do you know the true fate of my brother?” Orochimaru softly said. “Do you know what happened to Mikage Abe?”

  She reflexively stiffened in response to his casual question, but then released a long breath.

  “Do not ask questions you do not truly want the answer to, Master Orochimaru.”

  “Oh, but I do want to know. Ill or nay, I wish to hear the truth of it.”

  They walked on several more paces before she finally spoke.

  “Very well, then. The truth is… Mikage Abe now knows more misery than any creature that went before him, and any creature that may come after. Except for perhaps Musashi,” she mumbled under her breath. “Apologies, Elder Mori… but your brother, well, he broke the darkest of all hearts—shattered it into a million tiny pieces. If a man wishes to crack open hell, he should be prepared for hell to spill forth from the fracture.”

  “As it should be.”

  Jenevier smiled sadly. “Yes, as it should be.”

  Orochimaru turned to face her then. “Your Highness, do you wish to be parted from your Dragon now?”

  She almost stumbled backwards at the suggestion. “I-I am not certain. W-why would you ask me such a thing, and out of the blue like that?”

  “Fear not, Milady.” When he closed his lavender eyes, it seemed as if his face had disappeared entirely. “When you are ready, come to me, Empress. I can ease your pain and help with the separation. There is no hurry. I only wished to offer you my services… when the time is right.”

  Without thought, she placed her hand over her heart, a bit rattled. “I must admit, Master Mori. I did not expect such a kindness from you. I am truly grateful.”

  “Your gratefulness is not necessary, Empress Naga. Yet I am pleased to hear it.” He paused for a moment. “Tell me one thing more.”

  “If I know the answer, you may have it.”

p; He inclined his head respectfully toward her. “Why did you bring the Spirits back with you? What are you trying to accomplish?”

  She sighed wearily, her shoulders slumping with the action. “Ahh… Master Orochimaru, you see too much.”

  “Yes, Milady, this is true.”

  “Then, you know my reasons?”

  “Not in whole, Your Highness. I cannot see the entire picture, not clearly. Yet I can see you are intent upon meddling just a bit, are you not?”

  She looked deep into his beautiful lavender eyes. “I seek the same thing you do, Brother. Be it answers or amends, forgiveness or redemption…” Her words trailed off.

  “Or assurance,” he whispered. “You have no choice but to accept your wings. I am in awe of you, Milady. You have turned into an Empress the likes of which this realm has never known.” He lightly touched her cheek. “Listen, Milady. A commander who holds her troop’s hearts higher than her own—you are a leader without equal. I bow at your feet, now and always, Your Highness.”

  “You give me too much credit, Master Mori. I can only aspire to be the ruler you speak of. Yet I wish for nothing more than to see my people thrive in all things. Be it love or honor, trade or art, I only wish them peace and happiness. If I have to do a bit of meddling to see my dream come to fruition, then wish me well in it, Brother.”

  “Oh, and I do, Your Highness. I will also bless you with a word of caution. Forget not… hearts are rather fragile things. They can be a bit fickle at times as well.”

  Wise words from a wise Shinobi… heed them, Naga.

  Yes, Dragon… I know, I know.


  Jenevier only smiled when she felt the soft feathers brush against her arm. She did not turn to face her dark company, simply looked down at her bare feet swinging in the moonlight, dangling off Orochimaru’s front porch.

  “Are you well, my love?” he whispered.

  She glanced sideways, barely looking upon the dark Prince she had once blended with.

  “He told you, didn’t he?”

  “No, little one, Ahriman spoke not a word. He did not have to. All of hell yet trembles with his wicked fury—an unbearable pain to which there is no end.” He tenderly tucked some of her curls back behind her ear. “We know such pain, do we not, my love?”

  “Yes, and to the point… I am almost growing accustomed to it,” she whispered.

  “No, no. Shhh… do not say such things, lovely Angel. If I thought your heart was truly turning to stone… I would pound on heaven’s door—demand they send Varick back to you.”

  She smiled. “Would you now? And since such a thing is not possible, what would you do when they refused you?”

  He lightly bumped her with his shoulder. “Then I guess I would just have to slay you. Rend your lovely soul and wing it to him instead.”

  She snorted out a soft chuckle. “You tried to best me once, did you not? If I am recalling this correctly, you did not actually win that fight. What makes you think you could do so now? I have only grown stronger in these last many years.”

  “And wiser,” he whispered.

  She felt the soft tickle of a velvety flower glide down her arm. When she turned to find Apollyon holding out a rare blue rose for her, she could no longer contain the tears she had been trying so hard to keep at bay.

  “Do you hate me now?”

  “No, my love,” he whispered. “That is one power I fear I do not possess. Remember, little one, we are blended. I know what you know, feel what you feel.” He left a sweet kiss upon her forehead as she leaned over against him. “I have always known the depths of your hidden feelings for that vicious little Angel, felt it deep within your soul. Why do you think I was so jealous of him?” He smiled at her muffled chuckle. “Alas, I cannot say I am sorry for what has happened. Although I am sorry you are hurting because of it. When I could, and with every chance that arose, I kept him from you, Jenevier. Especially when you were minus your essence, when you were but an empty vessel.” He began to gently play with her curls. “Out of jealousy, yes. But also out of love… deep, undeniable love.”

  “Gratitude, sweet Angel,” she whispered as she sniffed.

  “Sweet?” He chuckled. “I believe perhaps that’s the first time I have ever been called sweet. Are you gently implying that I am losing my dark charms?”

  She smiled then. “Well we couldn’t have that, now, could we?” She lightly bumped him with her shoulder. “No. I meant for the kind words, the always forgiving love… and the precious flowers.” She looked up to meet his gaze then. “I saw the ones you left for me in my hidden home. They will always pull your face to mind, no matter what else is going on.” She took the one he had brought her, gently tracing its velvety edges. “If I did not love them so much, I would see how well they blended for tea.”

  “Will you wait on that, Angel? Will you stay your avid curiosity until we can steal a moment, just the two of us, and try that rarest tea together? It would mean more than you could ever know.”

  She sniffed. “Of course I will, Vindicus. They are our roses, after all. It is only right they should make our tea… just the two of us.”

  Tears burned his ethereal sapphire eyes as she nuzzled against him. Underneath those glorious moons of Jinn, on this night and just this once, Jenevier gave in and let the Prince of Hell hold her while she crumbled, let him heal her once more.

  When her muffled sobs had ceased, she fell asleep against his broad chest—one hand balled into a fist at her nose and the other tangled within his heavenly tresses.

  Apollyon smiled, looked up to the heavens, and believe it or not… he gave thanks.

  Chapter 28




  Jenevier looked up to see her precious granddaughter running toward her while they were yet far off, arms opened wide.


  She ran to meet the smiling girl, snatching her up in her arms and swinging her through the air.

  “Look at that, Brother,” Tenshi said with a smile. “Mama brought friends.”

  Daichi only growled, causing Tenshi’s laughter to spill forth. He slapped his sour-faced brother on the back as he made his way in from the balcony.

  “Come, Master Yui,” Tenshi said. “I will help you see to the guest rooms.”

  “They are already in order,” Yui said, glancing down at his laughing mistress and the two strangers now nearing the palace.

  “Yes,” Daichi grumbled. “He never knows when Naga will drag in strays. That is what makes him one hell of a Hand—foreseeing her every need.”

  Yui cut his eyes toward the grimacing Angel. “I do what I can. Naga’s happiness is paramount to my own. Making her life easier, taking some of the bite out of her stress-filled life… that’s all that matters to me.”

  Daichi only snorted at his glaring Sensei and went to wait at the front door.

  “Ahh, Naga. So glad you have finally returned. We were worried about you.”

  “Daichi.” She hugged him, squeezing tightly for several silent moments. “I have missed you more than words can say.”

  Her clinging embrace coupled with her whispered confession, instantly melted the sapphire Angel’s anger… and his heart as well.

  “Oh, Naga. What am I going to do with you?”

  She looked up and matched his gentle smile. “Just accept me for what I am, Daichi. For what I will always be. For what I cannot change.”

  He snorted out a chuckle. “I do thus daily, tiny Angel. If not, what kind of Blessing would I be?” He quickly kissed the tip of her nose. “Now… be a good little hostess and introduce us to your friends.”

  “Oh, yes.” She giggled. “Apologies.”


  I believe that covers everybody, she thought, glancing around the room and then sighing.

  After graciously receiving her angelic brethren and properly introducing her new friends, Jenevier stepped out onto her balcony and deeply inhaled the
lavender-drenched air of her beloved Jinn.

  I have sorely missed our home, Little Fire.

  As have I, Brother. As have I.

  She heard the soft footsteps approaching, but did not turn.

  “It does my heart good to see you once again safe and whole within these gilded walls.”

  “Is that so, Jophiel?” She glanced sideways at his smirking profile. “Do not slip up and show kindness toward me, Brother. I prefer knowing where I stand with others. If you try to change the rules now, how will I know your true intent?”

  “Love me or hate me, little sister… choose your pleasure. But never doubt this, you can always trust me. I am not the Deceiver.” He snorted softly. “And even if I were, I would never betray you.”

  “Hmm… is that so? I must admit. I was more comfortable when our bonding tie stood only as mutual enmity.”

  “Do not deceive yourself, Kagi Naga.” He took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together. “That was never a mutual bond. No matter my behavior, little one, I have always and will always love you.”

  She tightened their clasped hands. “Shhh now, Brother. I know the truth of your words, but it would never do to let the others hear us speaking thusly.” She glanced back toward the crowded room. “They like it better when we fight.”

  He smiled and nodded. “Especially Raphael. He would choke on his own smug sense of self-importance, if he thought we would not just as soon rip the other’s wings off.”

  She quickly covered her mouth to restrain her giggles.

  “Come, tiny Empress. There are some… umm, sensitive words we must now share.” He glanced down at her then. “Far away from prying ears.”

  “So… you know then?”

  “Not the whole of it, no.” He wrapped his arm around her waist. “Come. Use your rare talent to transport us to another place, one where we will not soon be found.”


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