Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

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Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) Page 38

by JK Ensley

  When Gabriel stepped out onto the balcony to join them, they were gone.

  “And just where did the lady of the house run off to?” Raphael said as he joined his brother Arch near the marbled railing.

  “She disappeared… with our smirking brother.”

  Raphael growled under his breath. “His power does not work on her. He knows that.”

  Gabriel turned to him, smiling softly. “No, it does not. But her power certainly works on him.”

  “As is true with us all.”

  The golden-haired Arch patted his darker-crowned brother on the shoulder. “Only to the extent we let it. Now quit sulking. Those two need to break words.” He sighed. “Come. Let us take up our sister’s place and entertain in her absence.”


  Jophiel snorted out an amused chuckle. “Well, I am not at all certain we had to go this far. You have an interesting way of traveling, though.”

  “What?” She shrugged her shoulders and looked around. “I have so missed the moon. I like it here. And as far as travel goes, it has been ages since I have done thus—abandon my wings and fly via my thoughts.”

  “Indeed. Now, come.” He took her hand as he sat down, pulling her with him. “I have confession to make.”

  “And what dark confession did you wish to make in private?”

  He yanked one of her curls. “I did not say my confession was dark.”

  She smiled a crooked sort of smile. “What other type of confession would creatures such as you and I make, Brother?”

  “Ahh… and there it is.” He sighed, smiling. “Have your lovely eyes been opened, little one? Do you now understand our rare talents?”

  He made to touch Taka, but the tiny Dragon Pixie snapped at him.

  “To an extent, I suppose. I was teased with but a glimpse of enlightenment, yes. Tell me. When are we ever gifted with the whole picture?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, it is rare, I will admit.”

  “You saw me, didn’t you, Jophiel? You were watching.”

  “No, little one, I was not watching. I felt you, felt… something. I knew not what it was until I beheld this.”

  He lifted her hand, displaying the unwanted bracelet Ahriman had gifted her.

  “My shackle? You felt when I was fettered?”

  “Shackle, huh? Seems more like a gift of freedom, than one of confinement.”

  “Seems that way to you, does it?” She gazed at the lovely jewels as she spoke. “Yes… I suppose you are right, Brother.”

  “And, no. I did not feel your chains, Milady.” He gently kissed her hand. “I felt your revelation.”

  “Ahh, that.” She leaned over against his shoulder. “I discovered we share in a rare yet extremely distasteful talent.”

  “That we do, Milady.”

  Silence hung between them for several long moments.

  She quietly sighed. “We are horrible creatures, are we not?”

  “We can be, Milady. That we can be.”

  “Vybius said we are tempters. I will admit, I do not like the sound of that.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It makes it seem as though part of my purpose is to make good people do bad things.”

  “Forgive my blunt words, little sister, but sometimes goodness needs the assistance of a little badness.”

  When she didn’t speak, he leaned over and rested his cheek atop her head.

  “Good hearts are proven to be good by denying what would be bad for them. It is easy to be honorable when being dishonorable is not possible. If no one ever argued with you, you would never get angry. If trials never crossed your path, you would never have to make a decision. And therein lies the difference—the decision.”

  “So… you are saying that innocence is a bad thing? That if evil was never introduced into our lives… that we would not be good?”

  “No, Little Fire. What I am saying is that evil is there whether we like it or not. It is how we respond to said evil that defines us, determines our hearts. So as it was in Eden—two happy, innocent souls danced away their days in bliss… until a decision had to be made. Evil came to their door, yes. Yet it did not set a trap from whence there was no escape. A few whispered lies do not a sinner make, no. Ahh… but the choice. That is where our worth is proven, in the choice. Truly blameless hearts make truly blameless decisions. But what human is truly blameless? They live, they learn, they grow… such is life.”


  “Yes, little one.”

  “I am weary.”

  He did not speak, only waited for her to continue.

  “I am tired of all the trials and horrible decisions. I understand I have a job to do, and I understand I may not always like it. But… I also long for peace. Just a bit, mind you. I’m not greedy. But it would be nice to have a place where I felt safe and loved, where I did not constantly have to worry about making so many damn ripples.”

  Jophiel only smiled softly as he gently rubbed her arm, comforting her, giving her the luxury to be weak… if only for a moment.

  “There is such a place, little Naga. But it’s not time for that. Rest comes when work is done. There is a safe place waiting for you… in time.”

  “Well, as horrible as it makes me sound… I found my own safe place.” She sniffed then and wiped her nose. “What does it say about me that I found comfort and peace in the one place it should never be sought?”

  She felt Jophiel’s form go rigid. She held her words until the Arch relaxed once more.

  “In truth… if the soul-eater had not denied me, I would be with him still.”

  “Do not say such things, little sister.”

  “And do not ask me to stay quiet when you already know the truth of my words. You felt it, did you not?”

  Jophiel stared off into space. “Is that what I felt?” He didn’t wait for her to answer. “Did I feel your absolute surrender?”

  He looked down at her when he felt her head moving against his shoulder, nodding out her unspeakable answer. Anger swelled within him, a righteous anger. Yet it melted away when she turned her teary pink gaze up to meet his.

  “And I wasn’t even human anymore,” she whispered. “I was all Angel, Brother. I cannot blame my weakness on the flesh. I was weak of heart… weak of soul.”

  “Hush now, Kagi Naga. Do not speak such things aloud. You proved strong enough in the end. My wings are the ones you now lean upon. No matter your temptation, you proved your worth in the end.”

  “Not true, Brother. I failed my test. Vybius is the one who denied me.” She held her fist up, staring at the odd purple stones around her wrist. “Thus my shackle. Had that damn soul-eater not bound me thusly, I would not be with you now.”

  Jophiel could see the truth of her words plainly within her sad eyes. “But… why? Why would you ever give in to one such as him? And so easily? No, forget that. Why would he choose to gift you with the only thing that will guarantee his eternal absence?”

  She sniffed again and looked back to the bracelet. “…Love.”

  The Archangel sighed, letting his head fall back, absently gazing up at the infinite stars surrounding them.

  “Oh, little sister. You scare me more than a sea of dark ones.” He hugged her against his side. “It is not possible for me to understand how your mind works, how your heart works. You terrify me, Kagi Naga.”

  “I terrify myself, Brother.”

  The Arch shuddered. “If the two of you were to be together…” He paused.

  She didn’t speak, didn’t have the words she knew her celestial brother needed to hear.

  “Love…” He blew out a long breath. “Tell me of love, tiny Angel. Not the brotherly/sisterly love we share amongst our kind. I wish to know of the love between a man and a woman. Tell me, little sister. What does that kind of love feel like?”

  “Well, Jophiel, it’s hard to explain. It’s like… It feels like… walking. No… like floating through a blooming paradise—petals falling on your hair, brushing across your cheek
s, tickling your bare feet.” She sighed wearily. “And at the same time… it feels like Shabriri himself reached inside your chest and squished your beating heart between his clawed fingers.”

  He pulled her onto his lap then and kissed her forehead, before holding her against his chest, lightly stroking her curls.

  “I am truly sorry, baby sister,” he whispered. “How do you bear such a thing?”

  “Ahh, Brother.” She smiled sadly. “How else can I? I stand up. I walk. I keep moving forward.”

  “Then tell me. What will you do when the day comes you can no longer walk?”

  She looked up to meet his heavenly gaze. There was only pity in his celestial golden eyes, pity and tears. Jenevier sighed, lightly kissed the tip of his nose, and then rested their foreheads together.

  “Sweet Jophiel.” She paused. “When the day comes that I can no longer put one foot in front of the other… that is the day I will crawl.”

  “No, little sister.” He wrapped his arms around her. “That is the day I will carry you.”


  “Where is your mother, Milord?”

  Tenshi turned to find Duhrias bowing from the waist. He rolled his eyes.

  “We do not stand on such formalities around here, sell-sword.” He turned back toward the night sky. “As for my mother, I should be asking that of you, should I not?”

  Duhrias did not answer.

  Tenshi growled. “She is where she is.”

  “Come now, little Tenshi,” Raphael said as he joined them on the balcony. “Why so cross with your dear mama’s sworn Knight? You know as well as I. No one single being can keep constant tabs on that wicked little Angel.”

  Tenshi glanced over at the smiling Arch. “Oh, so you are fine with her running off with Jophiel… just the two of them?”

  “What? Jophiel? You mean she still hasn’t returned?” The frantic Arch spun back toward the enormous room and began scanning the present wings. “Why in the world would she—”

  “What’s wrong, Raph? Jealous?”

  Everyone turned to find Jenevier and the smirking Arch sitting atop the banister at the far end of the balcony.

  “Angry because she didn’t invite you out for a little stroll?”

  Jenevier hopped down from the railing. “I didn’t invite you, either, Brother.”

  “Perhaps not.” He yanked one of her curls. “But our alone time proved surprisingly beneficial, did it not?”

  Tenshi was as a sapphire blur. Neither Jenevier, the Archs, nor the River Spirit even realized he had moved, until he came to a stop between his mother and Jophiel.

  He glared at the smirking Angel. “Well I certainly hope you enjoyed yourself, for it will never happen again. Are we clear, Brother?”

  “Crystal.” Jophiel half chuckled as he went back inside.

  Jenevier and Tenshi did not move, remaining back to back.

  “Are you well, Mama?”

  “Yes, my son,” she whispered. “He had questions, as did I.” She reached back and took hold of her son’s trembling hand. “Be calm, my Angel. That Arch is more than he appears to be. I know you hate his narcissistic mask, we all do. But it is only that, my son… a mask.”

  “As you say, Mama.”


  Jenevier inhaled the delicious aroma of those rare dark roses completely filling her room.

  “There were two dozen more here, every day you were away,” Yui whispered. “A new vase greeted each dawn. I have not touched a single one, Milady. Even this first vase still sits atop your nightstand. They have long since wilted. Yet I did not touch them.”

  “Gratitude, Yui.” She smiled softly. “They are exceedingly precious to me.”

  She moved to stand beside the original vase, picking up the many dried petals now covering her nightstand.

  “They are precious to you because they came from him?”

  “No, Yui, not in whole. They are precious to me because they stand as a symbol—a tangible monument to the day I was finally strong enough to… to truly forgive. A day I wish never to forget.”

  “Forgiveness is a much harder thing to accomplish than is vengeance.”

  “You say it true, my friend. You say it true.” She scooped up the remaining scattered petals. “Now, where shall I store these lovely little treasures? Hmm…”

  “Perhaps there, Mistress,” Yui said, motioning to the large golden urn at the entrance to her balcony. “That should hold them.”

  She smiled. “Yes, Master Hand, that will do perfectly.”

  He followed her, vase in hand, holding the roses as she gleaned all the once lovely petals.

  “I do not wish to discard a single one, Yui. Toss the stems over the side.” She nodded toward her marbled banister. “And always in the same place.”

  “As you wish, Mistress.”

  They didn’t speak as they proceeded in her fragrant task. Jenevier hummed softly as she plucked the petals from each blue rose, letting the tiny treasures drift down to the bottom of the large urn.

  When she had picked them clean, Yui would walk out onto her balcony and empty the vase of naked stems over the edge… always in the same spot.

  “Save those last few vases, Yui. I will only do thus when they wilt.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  He arranged the half a dozen rose-laden vases that were still vivid and fresh, around in her room.

  “I wonder what it would feel like to bathe in them.”

  “Mistress Naga, I will draw you a bath when the moon rises. And fear not, I will collect each petal from the water myself. I will place them in a basket and you can add them to your urn when they dry. I will not let a single one slip down the drain.”

  Yui flinched when Jenevier suddenly hugged him from behind, squeezing him and kissing his shoulder blade.

  “Why do you love me so much?”

  He closed his eyes and smiled. “Because… there is nothing I would rather do.”

  Chapter 29



  “And that is the whole of it,” Jenevier said, sitting her teacup back upon the saucer. Taka immediately started whining for more.

  Gabriel slowly nodded, staring off into nothingness. “I am shocked to hear those two Guardians took matters into their own hands.” He smiled softly. “I find them both… rather amusing.”

  “That is the part you are shocked about?” Daichi’s words were all but ground out by his growls. “Not the part where the Angel of Death surrendered her very existence to the soul-eater?”

  Jophiel cut his eyes toward her enraged Blessing. “Why such wrath, little brother? Because of this most gracious gift…” He lifted her hand, letting the bracelet glisten in the light. “…that is one dark Angel you will never hear from again. Now… would that she had about a dozen more such trinkets.”

  Jenevier snatched her hand away, placing it in her lap beneath the table.

  “So tell me, Cherie,” she said through her smile. “Do you like it here? Do you think you could call this palace home for a while?”

  “Oh yes, Empress Jen. I love it here.”

  Raphael strangled on his tea. Duhrias cleared his throat and shot her a stern look.

  Cherie looked from one to the other. “What? Did I say something wrong?”

  “Milady’s name is Kagi Naga.” Yui refilled her tea as he spoke. “She is Empress of Jinn. Not Empress Jen.”

  “But…” Cherie furrowed her brow. “That’s what Vareilious calls her, and they’ve been friends since she was but a young maid.”

  Silence fell across the dining hall. Only Taka’s faint hissing could be heard. Confused glances were shared around the table before eventually coming to rest on Jenevier. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

  Uriel cleared his throat. “I am certain the girl is mistaken. We were just talking about him. She simply got the name wrong.”

  “Is that so?” Jophiel smirked haughtily. “Then tell us, Brother. Name even one upon
this realm who has ever referred to her thusly.”

  “No, he doesn’t live here,” Cherie said innocently. “But he comes here often. Daily, from the way he was talking.” She giggled softly and turned toward Duhrias. “He knows a lot about our home as well.”

  “He should,” Jenevier mumbled. “He spends every damn minute he can on layer eight.”

  Raphael leaned over and whispered, “Apparently not every minute.”

  “Yeah… apparently,” Jenevier said.

  “He helped me gather the lavender this morning.” Cherie motioned with a nod of her head toward the large centerpiece in the middle of the table. “We’re going to the movies tonight. He’s all excited about someone called The Bruce.”

  Jenevier swallowed hard and set her teacup down. “Yui?”

  “Yes, Milady?”

  “Did I not ask you to escort Cherie to the lavender fields?”

  “Yes, Milady.”

  She looked to the beautiful Shinobi, but he would not meet her stern gaze.

  “Correct me if I am wrong.” Jophiel looked from her to the blushing ninja. “But is Yui not Hand to the throne, ruler in your absence? Just because he waits on you hand and foot, does not mean he is your personal servant boy.”

  “I know that. I just…” Jenevier paused, trying to swallow back the lump quickly rising in her throat.

  “No, Master Jophiel,” Yui said. “My mistress is right. I should not have disobeyed her in this.”

  “Disobeyed?” Cherie snorted out a chuckle. “I told him I didn’t need any help picking flowers. I am a Forest Spirit after all. Remember?”

  Jenevier growled, her words escaping before she realized it. “Well if you didn’t need any help, then why the hell did a Guardian have to hold your hand the whole damn time?”

  Jenevier immediately clamped her hand over her mouth and lowered her head, her cheeks looking as if they were ablaze.

  “Why such jealousy, little sister?” Gabriel asked.

  “I am not jealous.”

  Jophiel laughed. “You are positively green with it, Empress Jen.”


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