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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 53

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Do you know who you want to pick?” Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

  The question made Drake pause. After all the work he had just put in trying to get out of hurting the women, he still didn’t know who he wanted to pick. His first option was Scarlett, but he hadn’t even slept with her. It seemed odd that he would want to pick her without even seeing if they had that intimate chemistry. He really did have amazing chemistry with Emily and knew they would have a long and healthy sex life, that was for sure. Drake’s mind spun with visions of all the women in his head. He didn’t know who he wanted to pick.

  “I don’t know,” Drake reluctantly answered as Sam looked at him.

  “So all of this arguing, and you don’t even know who you would pick? Drake, you need to make a decision. We can ask girls to leave throughout the day once you are sure they are not the right one. But you should give each of the women a chance to spend some time with you before you make your decision. I don’t want any of them to feel like they didn’t get enough time before you made your decision. Now let’s go eat breakfast.”

  Samantha didn’t leave room for Drake to add much to what she was saying, but Drake wasn’t sure there was more he would have added. He resolved himself to having to talk to each of the women at least one more time as he tried to finalize his decision.

  “Fine, let’s eat.”

  Drake followed Samantha out of the room and to the table where she went right to sitting by Scarlett and whispering to her. Drake certainly wasn’t the type of guy who got paranoid, but the way those two women were going on with each other, he was getting suspicious. They laughed and talked to each other like they were on some sort of sorority trip or something.

  “Did you have a nice time yesterday?” Victoria asked Drake as they started to eat.

  It seemed like ages since Drake and Victoria had been on their date, but he still remembered the touch of her body very well. Her slim frame had bounced on top of him with absolute delight. That first evening had been so full of adrenaline, Drake and Victoria were both hyped up from it. Their night had been filled with sex and passion, there was no doubting that.

  “It was good. But I’m starting to get pretty tired. This whole week has been exhausting.”

  “Yeah, it will be nice when we all get back to normal. If you have time later, I’d love to get you alone for a little bit,” Victoria said as she winked at Drake.

  Instantly, his body stood at attention as he thought about what some alone time with Victoria might be. The funny thing was, he also started to feel very guilty. He certainly couldn’t sleep with any of the women on their last day there, that would be tacky, to say the least. Drake knew he had to make his decision so everyone could move on with their lives.

  “Yes, I’m going to make sure and sit with each of you this morning and this afternoon. I honestly have no idea who I’m choosing yet. You are all such great women.”

  Victoria tried to keep smiling at Drake’s words, but he could tell she was a little disappointed that Drake planned to talk with all the women one more time. It was the truth, though; Drake really had no idea who he was going to pick, and he had to at least sit down with each of the women.

  “Maybe you should just keep us all?” Victoria said as she joked with Drake.

  “That’s exactly what I told Sam!”

  “I was kidding.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Drake back peddled.

  “You couldn’t handle a house full of women for one week. What makes you think you could handle us for longer than that?”

  “Very true; I’d probably pass out from utter exhaustion. My business would go under, and I’d be left a poor man with six beautiful women.”

  “Well …” Victoria teased, “how likely is it that all these girls would stick around if you were poor?”

  Victoria had just brought up a very interesting point that Drake hadn’t thought about at all. Would any of the women actually love him for who he was, even if he didn’t have money? The one woman that he was sure wouldn’t care was Lauren, she was a surfer. Sure she had money, but she spent her days at the beach, and he was relatively confident she wouldn’t care if he had money or not. He also thought Victoria wouldn’t mind either. As a teacher, Victoria would probably have been more comfortable if Drake had less money and lived a little less lavish lifestyle. It was an interesting thought that sure had him thinking about which woman would be right for him. Drake didn’t want to choose a woman who wouldn’t stick by him if he lost everything.

  “So ladies, how has your week been?” Robert asked in an effort to break the ice a little.

  “It was an interesting experiment,” Victoria spoke up after a moment of silence.

  “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be,” Cynthia added.

  “Yeah, I pictured it was going to be one big orgy,” Emily said.

  “I have to say, ladies, this week has been one of the best weeks of my life, and I’m not just saying that because I got to kiss seven beautiful women,” Drake addressed the group, and they all laughed a little.

  If he wasn’t going to get out of breaking their hearts, then he was going to make sure they all understood just how much he appreciated them. His view of the women had changed so much over the last week and so had his outlook for the future. What had started as a sexually charged plan to sleep with a lot of women and possibly find one he could date had turned into Drake wanting to find a woman he could keep for the long run.

  “I will certainly always remember this week,” Scarlett said, looking at Drake and smiling.

  The warmth in her smile instantly drove him crazy. How was it that one woman could make him so wild for her even without sex? Drake felt the chemistry between them as she sat at the other end of the table. He saw how she looked at him; how her eyes wondered to his lips and made him want to kiss her desperately. Without being overtly sexual, Scarlett was always sexual; it was as if she didn’t try at all and was naturally just a sexual being.

  “Oh, my gosh, yes! Like when we were playing poker, and you got naked,” Lauren said as she started to laugh.

  Since Lauren and Scarlett were friends, it was funny when she brought up the incident. But Drake didn’t think the other women would have laughed if he had brought it up. The women sat around the table and were cordial to one another, but Drake knew that each one of them wanted all of the others to be gone. At least Samantha and Scarlett had stopped whispering in each other’s ears and had joined the conversation.

  “Ladies, I have to say, I think this week went off rather well. It wasn’t nearly the disaster I thought it was going to be,” Robert added.

  “I know, I pictured women trying to pull each other’s hair out and slapping each other around,” Allison joked.

  “I attribute the success of this week to you women. You all have beauty, class, and brains. You are triple threats for sure. No matter what the outcome is today, I have to make sure you all know how much I’ve learned from each of you and that I will truly remember you all.” Drake stood up and held his glass out. “I’d like to propose an orange juice toast. To all of you, for putting up with me this week!”

  “Here, here,” everyone at the table said as they raised their glasses.

  “Now, let’s eat some good food, and then we can relax around the pool for a bit this afternoon. I’m going to pull you each aside so we can talk one last time before the end of the day.”

  Drake didn’t want to say he was picking a winner, that sounded absolutely horrible. He didn’t know how to word it, but he knew that by the end of the day, he would have narrowed down his choices to just one woman. In only 12 hours, all the stress would be over, and he would be with the one he cared about most. The problem was, he had to clear his mind enough to figure out who that one woman was.

  Chapter 2

  The breakfast conversation was strained, but they all managed to make it through to the end and out to the pool to relax. Drake was no closer to making a decision on who to choose,
though. Every time one of the women talked for a moment, he thought he could see himself with her. When the next woman talked, he could see himself with that person. His mind spun out of control with thoughts of each of the women.

  When they all moved out to the pool area, Lauren brought up a topic that many of the other women had been thinking about but hadn’t wanted to say out loud.

  “Is Sophia going to come back?” Lauren asked Drake.

  “I’ve talked to her, and she’s not going to be coming back. It was great getting to know her, but I decided it was better for her to concentrate on getting better.”

  “How are you going to announce the winner?” Cynthia asked.

  Drake automatically froze in his spot. He hated that term, winner. It felt like all the other women were the losers then. And were the women Drake didn’t pick really losers, who knew? They would probably have the man of their dreams right around the corner just waiting for them. Drake didn’t like the term winners.

  The whole idea that Drake could change someone’s life by choosing them had started to add to his stress. Hell, he would be changing his own life too by choosing one of the women. Drake was getting increasingly overwhelmed as he sat at the pool with the women, and Cynthia and her questions weren’t helping at all.

  He couldn’t bring himself to say how he would pick the final woman, though. He really hadn’t decided. So while he stared at Cynthia and tried to think of what he wanted to say, the entire group of women stared at him. The uncomfortable silence grew and grew until finally Samantha stepped in.

  “Let’s keep it a surprise for now,” she said calmly as she saved Drake from the stares of the women. “Drake, could I talk to you for a minute?”

  Samantha strode inside and back to the study where they had been talking before. She didn’t look back at Drake and didn’t even wait for him to answer her when she asked if she could talk to him. Samantha just knew that Drake would be happy to get away from what had become very awkward with all the women.

  Samantha had always been there to save Drake in times of need. It was her job, and she did it very well. Throughout the five years of working together, Sam had grown to understand Drake and know him probably better than he knew himself. At first, she thought she knew him so well because she had a crush on him, but as their relationship grew, she thought it was more because she wanted to be the best assistant possible.

  If Sam was going to give up a relationship with a smart, good looking guy like Drake, she was going to make sure it was because she was damn good at her job. There wasn’t going to be a single assistant in the L.A. area that was better at their job than she was; Sam made sure of it. She wasn’t going to waste her chance at love and also suck at her job, that wasn’t a possibility.

  Sure enough, Drake followed her into the room, again. This time, he was no longer in a joking mood. His face had lost a lot of color, and he shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. This was going to be a very rough day. His body clenched with the stress of what was going on. He was going to break a lot of women’s hearts in the next few hours, and that didn’t feel good at all.

  “I have no idea. I can’t choose. I’m not sure at all.”

  “Okay, let’s stay calm. How about we try something else? Sit down here and close your eyes.”

  Drake didn’t have the energy to argue with Samantha, so he sat in the chair and closed his eyes. His heart was pumping hard as the anxiety over choosing just one of the women had started to build up.

  “Picture a woman walking toward you right now. She’s coming to kiss you,” Samantha said, moving closer to Drake. “She’s putting her hand on your face and about to kiss you. Who are you visualizing?”

  Samantha put her hand gently on Drake’s face as she talked sweetly to him to help him make his decision. She wanted Drake to be happy, and he knew it. But at that moment, an urge came over him that he couldn’t control. He pictured Samantha. Maybe it was because he knew she was the one standing there, or maybe it was because he fantasized about having her, but Drake pictured Sam.

  He grabbed Samantha and pulled her into his lap, then he kissed her. Drake felt such an unquestionable pull toward Samantha as she had walked toward him while his eyes were closed. He couldn’t imagine any of the other women—all he could think about was her and how close she was to him. He expected her to pull away, that’s what Samantha was going to do, and he knew it, but she didn’t. Samantha kissed him back. Her hands wrapped around him, and she pressed her body into his as their mouths moved with one another. Samantha was kissing him, just as much as he was kissing her.

  Drake wasn’t about to let go of the moment. For whatever reason, Samantha had given in to her desire for him, and he wanted to take full advantage of it. Their kiss moved from passionate to gentle as he softly touched her lips with his. Drake felt the blood in his body warm with desire, and he wanted to carry her up to his bed and make love to her.

  “What if I don’t pick any of them? What if I want you?” Drake whispered.

  Samantha instantly stopped kissing him. He had brought her back to reality, and she didn’t like that at all. The look on her face was that of anger; not anger at Drake, though, Samantha was angry at herself for giving in to her desire for Drake.

  “No, this was just a small lapse in judgment. It’s not going any farther. It’s too late for us.”

  “What are you talking about too late? I’m not married, you’re not married; how on earth could it be too late?”

  “Drake, we work together. I don’t want to lose my job because you suddenly had a whim and decided you didn’t want me anymore. I can’t risk that.”

  Drake knew what Samantha was talking about. He often decided he didn’t want to date women, and he didn’t have any particular reason for changing his mind. But Drake had wanted Samantha for so long, the idea that he would ever decide he didn’t want her seemed preposterous to him. If she would ever let him have her, he wouldn’t let go of her, ever.

  “What if I never decided I wanted to let you go? What if you just gave it a chance?” Drake asked.

  “It’s too late, Drake, really. I’m sorry I kissed you back. I have no intention of letting this go any further. You need to pick one of these women. We aren’t right for each other. We argue all the time, and I can’t stand you a lot of the time.”

  “We don’t argue that much, and I think you can’t stand me because there are things you want to say and do, but you don’t give in to them.”

  “It’s too late for us, Drake.”

  “Then who should I pick? I can’t decide. If you know what’s best for me, who should I pick? Scarlett? Is that who you want me to pick? You two are like best friends now. How would it make you feel if I picked her, and you knew she was in my bed every night instead of you?”

  Drake had gotten himself worked up and angry at the situation. Basically, Samantha had just admitted that she cared about Drake, yet she still wasn’t willing to give them a chance. Even when he said he was willing to let all the other women leave, Samantha still wouldn’t give him an opportunity to make it work between them.

  “Actually, I think Lauren is better for you.”

  “Lauren? Really, why Lauren instead of Scarlett?”

  “Because you asked me who I thought was best for you, and I think it’s Lauren.”

  “Is there something going on between you and Scarlett?” Drake asked.

  He sounded like a jealous boyfriend yelling at his girlfriend, and he knew it, but the way those two had been talking and whispering to each other seemed very odd to him. He was jealous of the way they laughed and talked so freely to one another. Drake wanted that with both Scarlett and Samantha, and he was getting denied.

  “Really, Drake. Really? What do you think is going on?” Samantha said, starting to return Drake’s anger.

  “I don’t know, maybe you two are turning into lesbians and falling in love with each other. Maybe we should all just have a big orgy and get all this sexual tension
out before the end of the week.”

  “Oh, my God, Drake. Really! You think Scarlett and I have turned into lesbians? Fine, I’m done with all this.”

  Samantha stormed out of the room quickly and headed straight out to the backyard. Drake had to run to keep up with her. When they both got out to the pool, everyone was watching them. Samantha walked right up to Scarlett, whispered something in her ear, and then kissed her.

  Everyone stopped talking as they looked at Samantha and Scarlett kissing. Robert looked at Drake with eyes that were as big as plums. Drake shrugged his shoulders, and both the men gazed back at the kissing scene. It was a beautiful scene watching his two favorite brunettes making out with each other.

  It was every man’s fantasy to have two sexy women kissing in front of him. Drake wanted to be into it; he wanted to remember every single second of the erotic moment, but he didn’t feel excited at all. He knew Samantha was angry with him, and that felt worse than any sexual pleasure he could get out of watching her kiss Scarlett.

  When Samantha and Scarlett separated, Samantha walked over to Lauren, whispered something in her ear, and kissed her too!

  “Oh, come on, Sam,” Drake said. “Okay, I get your point.”

  But Samantha didn’t stop. She kissed Lauren, and Lauren was kissing her back. Their hands moved around each other’s bodies, and again everyone was staring at the women. Robert had to sit down, he was so in shock; yet he wasn’t turning away at all. Robert was married, and it wasn’t likely he got to see women kissing very much; he was taking full advantage of it.

  A few years before, Drake had convinced Robert to go out for drinks, but instead of taking him to a regular bar, Drake took him to a lesbian bar. It was one of the best nights of their lives. Not only were they surrounded by women and lots of eye candy, but none of them were interrupting their conversation or flirting with them. Robert still talked about that night out and often tried to get Drake to do it again. The timeline just hadn’t worked out for them, but Robert didn’t have to wait any longer, he was getting to watch a show for free right there in Drake’s house.


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