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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 58

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “I’m going to head into the kitchen,” Samantha said.

  “Oh, no you’re not. You stay in here with us,” Drake said as he grabbed her arm and prevented her from walking into the kitchen.

  Samantha looked back at Drake, and he saw what looked like tears forming in her eyes. She was definitely misty-eyed, and he couldn’t stop staring at her. The two of them stood there with Drake holding onto Samantha’s arm in silence.

  Drake knew Samantha well enough to know that she didn’t have tears in her eyes on a normal basis. In fact, the Sam he knew hardly ever cried. Instead of crying, Sam just plowed through what had to get done until she wasn’t around people anymore. But at that moment, he saw sadness in her eyes, and all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and comfort her.

  “Get a room you two,” Lauren joked, and her voice broke up their locked gaze.

  Samantha went and sat in a chair behind Drake and let him continue with what he was saying. Drake turned back to Scarlett and Lauren, but he had lost his train of thought and wasn’t sure where to start. His mind was on Samantha, and he wanted to go to her. Drake wanted to know what was going on and why she was sad.

  There wasn’t really anything sad about that day for Drake or for Samantha. Unless she was particularly attached to one of the women. Then he figured it out. Sam must have been sad that her friend might be going away. She and Scarlett were close, and Drake knew how emotional women could get when their friends were going away. He chalked it up to the emotions of a friend possibly losing contact with another friend.

  “Okay, so where was I?”

  “You were about to put one of us out of our misery and break the other one’s heart,” Lauren answered.

  “Well, if you put it that way, I should get on with this. First, like I told the other women, I’m really glad you came here this week, both of you. There are no other circumstances in which I would have gotten to meet you so I’m happy that this worked out, and we were able to step into each other’s world for a short period of time.”

  Drake made eye contact with Lauren, who was smiling and looking up at him, eager to hear what he had to say. Then he looked at Scarlett, who was now looking past Drake over to Samantha.

  “I know this feels like some sort of reality show, but it is real life, and I’ve been agonizing over my decision. I think you are really wonderful women, and I hope you don’t think of this as a winner and loser thing.”

  “Drake, before you continue on, I have something I need to say,” Scarlett said as she stood up.

  Drake looked at Scarlett and then turned to look at Samantha. Even Samantha seemed surprised by what was going on, and she was certainly paying attention. Samantha looked at Scarlett and shook her head slightly when she started to realize whatever it was that Scarlett had to say.

  “I was just about to announce my choice, can it wait?”

  “No, I better go first. Lauren, I think you are a vibrant, smart, and amazing woman. Please don’t be offended,” Scarlett started as she looked at Lauren and then back toward Drake. “Drake, I’m going to pull myself out of the running.”

  Drake looked at Scarlett and then over at Samantha; he had no idea what was going on, but there certainly was something up between the two of them. Maybe they had been talking about something, and it was upsetting Samantha? Drake really had no idea what was going on.

  “What’s going on, why do you keep looking at Sam?”

  “Here’s the deal. I was told by both of you that there is nothing between you two but a friendship, and I wanted to believe it. But whether you two decide to act on this now or three years down the road, there is something between you. We all see it, don’t we Lauren?”

  Lauren nodded her head yes as she looked at Scarlett then over to Drake and Sam.

  “We’ve already talked about this, Scarlett. Drake and I are just friends,” Samantha said as she stood up and came over to join the other three.

  “I hear you, but I plan on being your friend when I move out here, and I couldn’t do that if I knew I had stolen the man you love. So now I’m stepping back and being extremely clear that I will not be continuing on with Drake. He’s yours or Laurens, I couldn’t live with myself if I got between true love.”

  “I’m with Scarlett,” Lauren said. “Let’s go get our things.”

  Lauren had been thinking exactly the same thing Scarlett had just said. She knew there was something strong between Drake and Samantha, but she never wanted to be that kind of girl who was jealous already on a first date. Lauren didn’t wait for Scarlett before she turned and went upstairs. What Scarlett had said must have rang really true with Lauren since she willingly left before Drake had the chance to announce the winner.

  Drake and Samantha stood in the living room watching the other two women as they went up the stairs, neither of them knew what to say. Their mouths were literally open in shock at the fact that both Scarlett and Lauren had just dropped out of the running and left Drake with no one. Well, no one except Samantha.

  “See even they think we should give this a go,” Drake said sweetly as he took Samantha’s hands into his.

  “Drake, I don’t know. I feel like my emotions have gone off the rails this week, and they are out of control. I don’t want to make a decision that I’ll regret.”

  Samantha knew she wanted to be with Drake just as bad as he wanted her. But Sam wasn’t good at sharing her emotions and couldn’t bring herself to admit she cared for Drake. But the truth was, she had cared for Drake for the last five years. They had fought and made up, and they were dedicated to each other. It didn’t matter if they were in a relationship or not, Drake and Samantha cared for each other.

  “Oh just shut up already Sam and kiss him,” Scarlett said from the top of the stairs.

  “Yeah, kiss him,” Lauren added.

  “See even they agree.” Drake smiled.

  He grabbed her and pulled her close to him. This time, he wasn’t going to let her go. He was holding onto her and showing her that he cared more for her than she could ever know. She had spent so long pushing him away that he pushed his own feelings down deep, but it was Samantha that he wanted; it had always been Samantha.

  Throughout the years, they had both had thoughts of letting things get closer between them. Both Sam and Drake had felt them. But both of them had tucked their feelings away and went on with things like they were supposed to. Samantha knew she wasn’t the only one who had thought being co-workers was a better idea than dating, Drake had thought the same thing. But there they were, both ready to explore the possibilities at the same time.

  “You promise you won’t break my heart?”

  “I can’t promise you that. But I can promise that I’ll do everything in my power to prevent it. I’ll cherish you like I have for the past five years. You don’t have to be afraid of this. We can make it work. You know me better than any human being on this planet. You know I’m going to make mistakes, but hopefully, you know that I’ll always try to right any wrongs I do.”

  “Kiss him,” Scarlett and Lauren said simultaneously.

  And just like that, Samantha gave in to her desires and kissed Drake. This time, she didn’t pull away, and she didn’t stop herself. Instead, Samantha was falling head first for her boss. The man she had always secretly loved but just never gave herself permission to be with. Drake was the man of her dreams, and she was jumping off the cliff and hoping that he would catch her.

  Drake didn’t have the best reputation with women, and Samantha knew that better than most women. But she also knew that he was honest to a fault and wouldn’t cheat on her. He spent years avoiding relationships because he knew he wasn’t ready. So the fact that he was ready to give one a try with her made Sam pretty confident that he knew he was ready to give it a go.

  “And they lived happily ever after,” Scarlett said as she and Lauren walked down the stairs. “Okay, okay you two lovebirds. Come over here and give me a hug.”

  Drake held Samantha�
��s hand as they walked over to her and both hugged her. Then as Lauren came down, they all hugged her as well. It was surreal to be standing there with two of the women Drake thought he might have picked to date and possibly spend the rest of his life with. But he was happy, Samantha was happy, and both Scarlett and Lauren looked like they were genuinely happy for Drake and Sam. Drake really couldn’t have asked for a better ending to his week.

  “I expect a wedding invite,” Lauren said as she giggled and looked at the group.

  “Me too, plus I’ll be out here soon. Maybe we can all go to lunch.”

  Scarlett, Lauren, Drake and Sam all stood in the middle of Drake’s living room, and as Lauren laughed, they all started to laugh. Never in a million years could any of them have predicted that their week would end up like it had. It had been an amazing time they all would never forget – and when Drake noticed the genuinely happy look on Samantha’s face, he knew for sure what his heart had known for years: That this woman was the right choice, and that he and Samantha had a bright future ahead of them.

  The Billionaire’s Hunt


  The Billionaire Bachelor Series 10

  Sarah J. Brooks

  Copyright © 2016 by Sarah J. Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah J. Brooks


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 1

  “I can’t believe we finally got Robert to take his darn family vacation,” Sam said as she and Drake sat in his office going over the details for the week.

  “For a man who complained about never getting to take his vacation time, he sure did take long enough to go on the free vacation I gave him for his family.”

  Drake and Samantha had worked for months to convince Robert that the time was right for him to finally enjoy his time off. The excitement over Drake’s week with seven women had died down, and Samantha and Drake had settled into their working style again. It was the perfect time.

  Not only had Samantha and Drake declared their feelings for each other, but they had also built up Sam’s visibility in the company. It didn’t seem right to have her continue as his assistant, and Drake knew that Sam was much more to him than any assistant had been. They had talked about giving Sam a new title in the company but were waiting until after Robert’s vacation to finalize the details.

  Drake had absolutely no problem with giving Sam a title in the company. In fact, he had wanted to do it right after the week with all the women; when he had declared his feelings for her. But Sam didn’t want it to seem like he was giving her the position just because they were dating.

  Nepotism had never been a thing for Drake, though, and he never would have suggested a new title for Sam if she hadn’t deserved it. She didn’t just run Drake’s life, she was an intricate part of the whole company running smoothly and deserved a position title that reflected the amount of work she was putting in on a daily basis.

  “What if we gave you the title of vice president of my Johnson’s happiness?” Drake teased as he brought up the new title discussion again.

  “Oh, yes, that would show you were taking me seriously,” Sam responded in defense. “Drake, I don’t want some made-up title just so you don’t feel bad for sleeping with your assistant.”

  She smiled as she climbed onto Drake’s desk and spread her legs either side of him. She liked to play with him and liked to distract him, but only when they were done with their work for the day. Normally, Sam didn’t want to flirt with him first thing in the morning.

  “Don’t tease me like that unless you’re ready for me,” Drake said, looking at her seductively.

  “Oh, are you going to pounce on me right here on your smooth, hard desk?”

  Samantha leaned back and seductively slid her hands up and down the grain of Drake’s desk as she opened and closed her thighs to tease Drake. That moment was clearly why two people who were in a relationship shouldn’t work together, but Drake didn’t see it like that.

  In Drake’s eyes, his company was run much better than it ever had been before, and it was all because of his relationship with Samantha. Not only were they working while they were at the office, but they often had philosophical work conversations while they were at home. He was getting more work done than ever before, and the business was thriving.

  Sure, he got a little distracted at work by his beautiful girlfriend, but he was the damn owner of the company, so it didn’t matter at all. If he wanted to have his woman right there on his desk, he was damn well going to have her right there on his desk.

  “I am going to slide my smooth, hard cock right into your body if you don’t stop teasing me like that,” Drake said as his hands grabbed Sam’s thighs and pressed them further apart.

  “Mmm, is that a promise?” she taunted him.

  “Fuck you are so perfect,” Drake said as his mouth moved to her inner thighs, and he started to kiss her.

  Everything about Sam was perfectly suited to Drake. She was smart, funny, and full of spunk. She didn’t let Drake boss her around because she knew just as much about his company as he did. Sam had been around long enough to run his company without him, and he knew it.

  “Drake, the door isn’t locked,” Sam whispered as his lips moved up her legs.

  “I don’t care. You’re mine, and I’ll have you if I want you. No one would dare interrupt my breakfast.”

  Drake dove deep into Sam’s thighs and pressed her panties out of the way as he licked her delicious center. She moaned out in pleasure at the touch of his tongue and leaned back onto the desk. As her body pressed onto the cold hard desk, she moaned again in delight. Her arms flayed about on the desk and knocked items off all over the place, but neither Drake nor Samantha cared at all.

  “Let’s go to dinner tonight,” Drake said as he paused eating his delicious girlfriend’s center. “I want to go somewhere special like Romani’s.”

  “But you’re eating such a delicious breakfast, will you even be hungry by dinner?” Sam teased him.

  “I could eat you all day long and still eat my dinner. Let’s go at eight. Does that work?”

  Sam tried to respond, but Drake had gone back to letting his tongue play with her, and she was distracted by the pleasure he was delivering to her. Her moans got louder and her back arched as he slid his tongue around her body and then pulled her clit tight into his mouth.

  He loved to hear her moans. It was as if she was telling him that their life was perfect. When Sam moaned, Drake knew that he wanted to hear her moaning over and over again for the rest of his life. He couldn’t imagine having any other woman in his bed, or on his desk for that matter. It was the first time in his life that he actually felt like he wanted only one woman. There weren’t any nagging feelings that he was giving up something to be with Samantha.

  Instead of feeling like he was giving up something, Drake felt like he had been given such an amazing gift because Sam was in his life. Their new relationship had only solidified his feelings for her, and he knew there wasn’t any other woman in the world that he wanted.

  “We should probably get some work done,” Sam said, trying to calm the growing orgasm that Drake was going to deliver her.

  “I’m working really hard.”

  “Seriously, we have to finalize the schedules for the week,” she insisted.

  “Oh, it’s final already. I’m doing what you tell me to. Now let me finalize this orgasm for you.”

  Drake pushed her back onto the table and continued to play with her body while he slid two fingers into h
er. His stroking motion quickly had her body tightening with pleasure as he moved his fingers and sucked on her clit.

  Damn, Drake loved watching his girl orgasm at his hands. It was delightful to know that he could make her feel so much total pleasure that she released and screamed out in delight. Giving a woman an orgasm hadn’t always been big on his list in the bedroom, but with Samantha, it brought him so much pleasure to watch her give in to his power and release her body to him.

  Sure, they had work to do, but Drake didn’t care at all anymore. His only focus was bringing Sam to her ultimate explosion. His fingers moved quicker, and his mouth sucked harder on her clit until her thighs tightened around his head and her back arched in a huge explosion. She thrust her hips up into the air as she released her body, and Drake held onto her.

  Sam twitched with her orgasm, but Drake wasn’t done with her yet. He stood up and slid his pants to the ground as his rock hard body teased her wetness and prepared to enter her. He loved making love to Sam. Their bodies were made for each other, and every time they were together, he felt the perfection growing.

  They both loved the idea of experimenting and having fun in the bedroom, and that had been a bit of a surprise for Drake. Up until they decided to start dating, Samantha had been pretty quiet about her sexual preferences. But on the last day in the house when he was trying to decide which woman to choose, Sam had started kissing the women in a display that wowed Drake to all ends of the earth.

  He would learn in the following weeks that Samantha was a daring woman in the bedroom and open to whatever the two of them decided was fun. They had decided it was best not to include any third party in their relationship, but Drake still got rock hard when he remembered his view when watching Sam and Scarlett kissing. It was beyond any man’s fantasy, and Drake would always keep that picture in his mind.


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