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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 67

by Sarah J. Brooks

  He looked again at her hips. They curved so perfectly, coming out from her small waist and tapering towards her legs. And then he felt it. He swore it was a heart attack when he saw the split running down from her thighs to her ankle. He grabbed another drink from the tray passing by and gulped it down. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he needed it badly.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You look a bit piqued,” the old woman pointed out.

  At that moment, Colt caught Chelsea’s eyes, and they locked. He gritted his teeth and willed himself to look away. He placed the empty glass on a passing tray and moved away, finding the nearest exit. He needed the air.

  “What the fuck?” he found himself swearing.

  Someone had followed him. He turned to see Reid moving in. He needed to be alone and tried to walk away before his manager caught up to him.

  “Hey,” Reid caught up to him. “You have got to stop making my job so hard, Colt.”

  He stopped and turned, his scowl evident. “What did I do now?”

  “Wow, how many words is that, all of five?”

  “What do you want?” he asked, ignoring Reid’s sarcasm.

  “I know you don’t like to talk much, but Chelsea is a keeper. Don’t treat her like shit the way you did Livi.”

  He thought, Oh, that was her name? He’d completely forgotten about the previous assistant. The girl was too prissy. She was pretty but prissy. He hated prissiness.

  “Have you seen her, wow! I had no clue she was so … so … feminine,” Reid said.

  “Hmm,” he grunted while loosening his tie. He felt stuffy and hot. “Let’s get out of here,” he told Reid.

  “The party hasn’t even begun, we can’t leave … well, I can, but not you.”

  He knew that was true, but he didn’t see how he was going to survive a whole three hours of boring talk, boring music, and looking at Chelsea. Just thinking about her made his blood boil. How could one woman transform so completely? He decided she was a sly one. She could not be trusted.

  “Get rid of her,” he blurted out.

  “What? Why?”

  “I don’t trust her. She’s up to something,” he replied. “Yesterday, she was this shy little weasel and look at her now. She can’t be trusted.”

  “Colt,” Reid placed a hand on his shoulder.

  He looked at his manager, “Yeah?”

  “You’re an idiot,” he said seriously. “Do you know how we had to trick the poor girl? We had to threaten her to have her wear the dress.”

  “Oh,” he frowned. “That’s beside the point. I still don’t trust her.”

  “Does this have anything to do with her seeing your cock? Every woman has seen it, so what difference does it make.”

  “She told you?”

  “I heard your female friends making fun of her in the lobby as they left the hotel. ‘The poor girl’ they said. ‘She looked like she was going to have a heart attack’, they said.”

  Colt chuckled. He could see the surprise on Reid’s face. It wasn’t often his manager saw him smile or heard his laugh. “They were right. She did look like she was going to have an aneurysm.”

  “Be good to her; I’m off to hand out those T-shirts with the guys. They’re already on their way, so I’ll just be catching up with them.” Reid pulled his tie and yanked it from around his neck. “She’s a good girl. Don’t scare her, okay.”

  He watched Reid move around the corner of the large building. He was standing on the pavement near the building that was the auditorium. Directly in front of him was a large expanse of neatly cut grass. It wasn’t exactly a garden, but it was properly lit with flickering lights. There was another building, which he assumed was the club building.

  He straightened his tie and decided to behave as Reid ordered. Chelsea, he would put her from his mind. Avoid was his middle name and he intended to do just that. He couldn’t scare her if he wasn’t talking to her. He went back inside and looked for a waiter, took a drink and tried to look interested.

  Chelsea felt naked. There were eyes on her. Eyes from men she’d never met. There were eyes of old men, the eyes of young men, rich men and … she wanted to run and hide. The dress! If her parents could see her, they’d faint on the spot. They were conservative old fashion Christians. They believed in covering the body from prying eyes. They thought that women should keep themselves hidden and should only reveal to their husbands. Even then, she’d never seem her mother naked. She had seen her uncle in his undershirt once.

  Her family was closely related to the Amish. She knew that her grandfather had abandoned his clan when he met her grandmother. Still, they kept up their rites and customs to a point. But Molly, she’d seen men naked in magazines which she’d shared with Chelsea. Well, they weren’t exactly naked, they were dressed in boxers.

  She seethed inside at the memory of Colt’s eyes as they bore into her. She could see his abhorrence of her etched in them from his piercing stare. He hated her, and it showed tonight. She didn’t like him either, but somehow, she wished he’d actually seen her. She guessed she didn’t measure up to his type of women.

  “You look amazing, stop being so nervous,” Tony said, leaning in close.

  Blushing and beaming, she replied unsteadily, “Thank you.”

  He handed her a drink, which she took for want of something better to do. She wasn’t sure drinking was such a good idea. Alcohol was something that was of limited supply in her house, except for moonshine. Moonshine was reserved for the adults on special occasions. Her Uncle Jeb had a ‘special’ place in the bushes where he made the stuff.

  She was homesick. She’d be going to the country fair or fishing at the lake if she was home. She wouldn’t be worrying about a brooding rock star who disliked her very existence.

  Tony moved off to talk to a group of people, and she was left alone to her own devices. She knew no one and felt disoriented. Someone came up to her, and she smiled, thinking that Tony had returned.

  “Hi, my name is Milton.” A man, perhaps in his mid-forties with a thin mustache and blue-gray eyes was standing next to her. He wasn’t much taller than her, and their eyes almost leveled.

  “H-hi,” she replied, her smile fading.

  “I just had to come over and introduce myself,” he said. “What movie are you in?”

  Her mind went blank. Was he asking her if she was an actress? She wasn’t sure what he was asking. “Excuse me?”

  “Your movie, I heard someone mention that you were an actress,” he replied.

  “N-n-no, I-I am not.”

  She sipped the wine and almost gagged. It tasted weird. She had been expecting something sweet like her grandmother’s port that she used for baking. Her mother’s sherry was also sweet. She tasted both on special occasions, mostly Christmas time.

  “Ahem,” Tony cleared his throat and stepped to her side.

  She inwardly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. Milton nodded and moved away. Was it some sort of silent code between men? What was it that made him move away so quickly? She wanted to ask Tony but refrained. She was grateful he was there as a buffer. She was comfortable with him, and he made her feel safe.

  “These places are a bore,” he said.

  She liked him. He was wearing a dark suit. He looked like an executive rather than a musician. His sandy hair didn’t quite reach his shoulder, and he was clean shaven. His eyes were soft when he looked at her, and that made her feel relaxed. She smiled once more and took the elbow he offered.

  “I’ll shield you, don’t worry,” he said.

  It was close to morning when the party ended. There were millions of dollars in donations collected. At times, she caught Colt’s cold stare, which gave her goose bumps. God, he was intimidating. She tried to avoid him as much as possible, but when the time came for them to leave, it was inevitable for them to share the same vehicle, his limousine.

  The driver brought the vehicle around to the front of the auditorium. The other guests were also leaving. By her t
ime check, it was a few minutes to four, and she was exhausted. Her feet ached from wearing three-inch heels all night.

  Tony seated her first then slipped in beside her. Colt placed himself on the seat facing them. There was a newspaper on the seat, and he picked it up. She knew he was pretending to read it to avoid her, and she was glad.

  “What the fuck?”

  His voice echoed through the cabin as the vehicle rolled out of the club grounds. Both she and Tony looked at each other and then at Colt. There was a dark look on his face as he scowled at the paper. His lips pursed tightly as he flung the paper on the seat next to him.

  Tony reached for it, staring at the headline and large photo sprawled on the front. “Reid ain’t gonna like this, tsk, tsk, tsk,” Tony shook his head slowly. “You’re in big trouble, Colt.”


  Chelsea stared at the newspaper headline with the photo sprawled below it. The entire front page was the story: “Billionaire Rock-star Colt Montgomery” who wasted his money on women and partying. According to the story, which she could not help scanning with her eyes, he had no direction in life and had perhaps already contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

  It also implied that he had no use for the money he made and squandered it carelessly. The writer went on to add that he might have recently contracted a disease at the recent groupie hang-out at an undisclosed location only twenty-four hours before.

  She shuffled in her seat in the cabin of the limousine. Reading the paper and seeing all the nasty things written gave her the willies. She had no inkling whether they were true or not. What she did know was what she saw, and that alone made her want to go to confessions.

  Tony sat beside her with Colt sitting directly across from them. Tony leaned close, moving his lips as he read the print. She could smell his aftershave and sweat mixed in together. It wasn’t a bad odor, but she’d rather he not lean in so close. She continued to read the article, but something didn’t feel right.

  “How did they get this?” she blurted out.

  The photo was taken in the band’s hotel suite. Only a few people were allowed in there, including the band mates, the manager and herself. Her memory flashed back to that very morning how she walked in on the two women lying naked on the bed and Colt returning from the bathroom in his birthday suit. His manhood had stood erect and pointing at her.

  A small gasp escaped her lips at the memory, and her cheeks flushed red. She pushed the picture of him aside and thought about the photo on the front page. It had to be someone with a key, she surmised. A sinking feeling settled in her stomach at the thought of someone close to Colt taking the photo and sending it to the papers.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” Colt’s hard tone cut through her thoughts.

  Her emerald eyes flew to his. His hazel ones were glaring at her and she could feel them burn into her skin. “Wh-what do you mean?” her voice came out in a squeak.

  “You know what I mean,” he grated. “You came into the room. Think about it.”

  “Hey,” Tony’s voice broke in with some amount of acid. “You know damn well she didn’t do this.”

  “She’s got you fooled,” Colt retorted.

  “You’re just pissed because she saw your dick, and you can’t do a damn thing about it. You think that every female who sees it should know what it’s like. You fucking well know that Chelsea wouldn’t fuck you.”

  Chelsea flinched with each word that Tony spat. Her eyes widened, and her mouth gaped as she watched the men toss scorching looks at each other. It was evident there was no love lost between the two of them. Colt was arrogant, and Tony was easygoing. That’s what she originally thought. Now, Tony was giving as much as Colt was.

  “It wasn’t me,” she said softly, her pulse racing out of control.

  “I know,” Tony turned to her, his voice softening. “He knows it too.”

  She looked at Colt, who was eyeing them both with hard stares. His jaw was set, and his lips were in a thin line. She tried to keep his gaze but had to look away. He was too intense. The hatred he exuded for her was tangible that it brought some tension in the vehicle. It was so thick she could karate chop it with her hand.

  When she chanced another look at him, he was staring out the window. She folded the paper neatly, placing it back on the seat beside him. It was his problem anyway, but she was the one who may have to clean up the mess. Reid was going to have a fit. That much she knew.

  They drove for about ten minutes in silence, which was eventually interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. She quickly plucked it from her purse, fumbling to answer it before her grumpy rock star boss could get annoyed.

  “He-hello?” she answered softly, almost a whisper.

  “Did you get the pass?” Molly’s voice was loud and cheerful.

  She flinched, moving the phone half an inch away from her ear. “No. Molly, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. I’m new, and I don’t think having my friend come to the concert is going to sit well with my boss.”

  “Okay, I get it. Next time then,” Molly’s voice lowered.

  Chelsea heard the disappointment in her friend’s tone. “I’m sorry Molly, next time, okay?”

  “Okay,” Molly replied and hung up.

  “Is everything okay?’ Tony asked.

  She sighed. Was she to tell him? She wasn’t sure. Chancing a glance at Colt, she noted his head was back on the seat with his eyes closed. His lips were slightly parted, and she could hear a soft snore. Good, she thought, relaxing her shoulders.

  “My friend, Molly,” she replied in a low tone. “She wanted to attend the concert tomorrow,” she looked at the time on her phone. “Tonight … it’s tonight.” She seemed surprised that it was already a new day.

  “What you’re saying is that this friend of yours wants to attend the concert tonight?” he asked.

  “Y-y-yes,” she stuttered.

  “Then it’s done.” He grinned. “She can enter with you as your guest. Chelsea, you are the manager’s assistant. You are allowed to have guests.”

  “I am?” she breathed, her stomach fluttering happily.

  “Yes, call her. Tell her to come early so she can leave with you.”

  “Thank you!” Chelsea was so happy that she flung her arms around his neck without thinking.

  The slight commotion must have awoken Colt because when her eyes flicked to him, he glowered at her and a weird look crossed his face. She quickly pulled away from Tony, blushing wickedly.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized.

  “No problem, it’s not every day one gets hugged by a nice girl as you.”

  A snicker, followed by a grunt from across the seat apparently caused Tony to look at Colt. He was leaning back with his eyes closed, but he was clearly not asleep as his lips twisted into a smirk and his jaw was tight.

  The limo moved along smoothly. Inside, the silence became uncomfortable. She was not one to talk much, but the tension between the men was depressing her. Colt was a jerk, she knew that. Still, it was difficult having to deal with it. Only a few days on her new job, and she was already regretting not taking a cashier job back home. Her local supermarket was quiet and boring, but at least she would not have to deal with the likes of him. She glared at him through slotted eyes.

  Norbury was a very small and quiet town. There was a vast difference between the hustle and bustle of New York as opposed to the almost obscure town in Virginia. She’d wanted to leave so badly that she would have done anything … well almost. While searching her local advertisement for a job, she came across other means of getting away. There was the option of becoming a mail order bride. But the very thought of marrying someone she hardly knew scared her half to death.

  She shook her head, forcing her mind to think of the new article and the photo. Could it be one of the band members? She doubted it was Tony. He’d never do that, would he? No, she was certain it wasn’t him. It must be either Mike, Andrew, or Cory. It had to be unless one of
the girls let someone in.

  She picked up the paper again. It made a rustling sound, and Tony looked at her. He narrowed his eyes, and she shook her head, reassuring him that she was fine. In fact, she needed to see the photo once more. She stared at the two girls sprawled on the king-size bed.

  They were asleep. She was ninety percent sure of that. If they let someone in, then they would be pretending to sleep. Still, she doubted that. She was certain it was one of the band mates.

  The vehicle came to a stop, and Colt raised his head. Immediately, his eyes rested on her before dropping to the paper in her hand. She folded it rather awkwardly, dumping it on the seat while avoiding his eyes. Tony slid from the cabin and held out his hand to her. She took the hand, gracefully extricated herself … until her heel snagged something and she went tumbling.

  “Easy there,” Tony said, catching her and steadying her.

  She imagined the grin on Colt’s face and the pleasure he got from seeing her stumble. She straightened her back, walking towards the hotel front door rather awkwardly. Her feet hurt from wearing the three-inch heels all night. Tony stepped aside to let her through, and she smiled sweetly at him.

  * * * *

  Colt could not get rid of those bright green sparkly eyes. Whenever he closed his eyes, they popped behind his lids. As he opened his eyes, they met emerald ones. There were diamond-like flecks in them, which shifted with her mood. He could not figure her out. What was her act? He’d never met such a chameleon before. One minute she was this nerdy girl from God knows where and the next she transformed into a goddess.

  The limo came to a halt, and he opened his eyes, which rested on Chelsea. He still could not help wondering about her. Tony stepped out first, offering his hand to her. She took it and stumbled. Without thinking, his hand reached out to help her, but thank God, Tony did the job. He didn’t want to give her the wrong impression.


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