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Conrad Edison and the Broken Relic (Overworld Arcanum Book 3)

Page 15

by John Corwin

  "Oh, it was a maddening search." Underborn flashed an unsettling smile. "We eventually arrived at the final clue which pointed us to the Glimmer. Before you ask, no, I won't reveal the details now."

  I had plenty more to ask him, but I'd been here long enough and wanted to get back to my friends. I turned to Gwyneth. "I'm ready."

  "Okay, let's go." She unlocked the door with the key and opened it. The closet was gone, replaced by the bar once again.

  Jack Lamont flashed a grin when he saw us emerge, leading me to think he knew exactly where I'd gone.

  We returned to the dining room. Ambria and Max gave me curious looks while Janice continued telling a story that had something to do with Liana making a mess as a baby. I tried to listen patiently but was eager to let my friends know what had happened. Unfortunately, Janice seemed intent on putting a great deal of detail into embarrassing Liana.

  Sometime later, Janice stood and stretched. "Oh my, it's gotten late. I really must get home."

  Liana looked nearly as relieved as I felt. We left the restaurant and the girls hugged their mother goodbye. Janice boarded a driverless carriage sitting in front of the restaurant and it rolled away toward the entrance of the Queens Gate waystation where an elevator would return her to the surface and London above.

  Gwyneth's smile faded and she became all business. "Conrad, we should meet and go over the details."

  "My friends will be there," I told her, "because they're coming with us."

  Liana's eyebrow rose. "Coming where?"

  "Bad idea," Gwyneth said. "There's no telling what we might run into and I can't take care of you and two other kids."

  "Kids?" Max's chest puffed out. "I'll have you know we've seen more danger than most adults."

  "We made a demon eat a lycan." Ambria folded her arms and stared down her nose at the taller girl. "We killed a frogre and defeated an evil queen. Can you say the same thing?"

  "You did what?" Liana looked even more shocked. "What's all this about?"

  Gwyneth huffed. "We're going on a relic hunt, sis."

  Liana's eyes lit up. "Can I come too?"

  "No." Gwyneth stared me down. "Just you and me, Conrad. That's the deal."

  There is no need to bargain with her, son. Della chuckled. You have the nose. If you can reach the Glimmer, you can find the heart yourself.

  Apparently, Underborn didn't know I had the Nose of Jura, nor did he know what it did. Why else had he left it in the display case, unless, of course, it had been added after he'd stolen the map and key? Della was right. I didn't have to do what Gwyneth wanted outside the agreement I'd made with Underborn.

  "Ambria and Max are coming, period." I pounded the flat of a fist in my palm.

  "I'm coming too," Liana said.

  Gwyneth ran a hand down her face and adopted a pleading voice. "Don't you understand how dangerous this will be? I know you've had some adventures—"

  "Adventures?" Max said incredulously. "We had to save the world from the Glimmer Queen! Have you ever saved the world?"

  "Yeah, have you?" Ambria said.

  I waved away their protests. "Look, it's not about what we've done, it's about knowing that my friends have my back no matter what." I put my hands on Ambria and Max's shoulders. "This is my family and I know that no matter what, they'll be there for me." I tried to harden my gaze, but it probably came across as squinting. "I don't know you, Gwyneth, and you haven't earned my trust."

  Precisely. Della seemed rather pleased.

  Liana's lower lip trembled. "Does that mean I can't come?"

  Gwyneth squeezed shut her eyes and took a long deep breath. She opened her eyes and blew out the air. "Don't blame me if your friends die."

  Her words filled my stomach with knives. Taking my friends put them in danger, but I wouldn't dare go alone with Gwyneth. "Then it's settled."

  "What about me?" Liana said.

  "No!" everyone shouted at once.

  The poor girl shrank away. "Why not?"

  Gwyneth looked at her tenderly. "Let's talk about this later, okay, sis?"

  Liana looked down. "Okay."

  Ambria, Max, and I hopped on our brooms and flew away, leaving the sisters behind to make their own way home. I told my friends about my meeting with Underborn.

  "Are you kidding me?" Max shouted. "You made a deal with that man?"

  "Della convinced me to," I admitted.

  Ambria's wide eyes and tone conveyed her disbelief. "Your mother's soul fragment? Since when has she ever helped you?"

  "Ever since I showed her a perfect moment." I told them about the memory of Delectra smiling and greeting me after my first visit with Cora.

  "I don't know," Max said. "Getting mixed up with Underborn sounds exactly like something Della would convince you to do so you get yourself killed."

  "No." I shook my head. "Something has changed." I hesitated to say what I felt, but put it out there. "I think she's proud of me."

  "I'm sorry, Conrad." The corners of Ambria's eyes turned down in time with her lips. "I just don't trust her."

  Perhaps you shouldn't trust me, Della said. Perhaps I am just as bad as your real mother.

  I will trust you until you give me reason not to. I hoped I wasn't trusting her just because I wanted a mother so badly, even if she was just a voice in my head.

  Trust no one but yourself, Vic snarled.

  Is that all you have to say? I shot back. Vic didn't reply which prompted another question. Why doesn't he speak as much?

  Della didn't answer at first and even when she did, sounded unsure. I don't know. We are part of you, but separate. I cannot always hear his thoughts.

  "Are you angry?" Ambria reached across the gap between the brooms and touched my hand. "I hope I didn't hurt your feelings, but I need to be honest."

  I'd become so engrossed in the conversation inside my head that I'd forgotten about the real world. "I'm not angry," I told her. "But I think you're wrong." Or maybe I just hoped she was.

  A lone figure on a flying broom rose from the streets below and approached us. He held a wand with a white handkerchief flapping in the wind. Shadows concealed his face, even in the bright light of the moon.

  "What in the world?" Ambria said. "Is that a flag of surrender?"

  Dread filled me. I drew my wand. Max and Ambria did the same as the figure drew closer.

  "Conrad Edison," the man called out.

  "Stay right there," I commanded him. I looked up, down, and all around to make sure no one else was sneaking up on us. "Identify yourself."

  The man's wand glowed, revealing a face I knew all too well.

  Chapter 18

  Seer Plinth waved his small flag. "I wish only to talk with you, Conrad, I swear it."

  "Talk?" Max shouted. "You kidnapped our friend and covered him in blood!"

  Ambria waved her wand threateningly. "You come near us and I'll knock you off your broom!"

  It seemed I was the only one who wanted to hear the man talk. "Why did you kidnap me?"

  "Conrad, we are Seers, sworn to never interfere unless"—he swallowed hard—"the consequences of inaction would result in a dire outcome."

  "That's not an answer," I said. "Tell me why you kidnapped me and covered me in blood."

  He cleared his throat. "You must be cleansed of darkness."

  "Darkness?" I tried to make sense of his words. "What do you mean?"

  Plinth's face contorted, as if he were fighting an internal battle that physically hurt him. "I cannot reveal too much or it will change things."

  "If you don't tell me enough, then nothing will change at all." I lowered my wand a fraction. "Explain what you mean."

  "Darkness weighs heavy on your soul," he said after a moment. "The remnants of your parents must be cleansed. Otherwise, we could all be doomed."

  "That's a bit melodramatic," Ambria said.

  Max scoffed. "Did you finish the ritual?"

  "Yes, but it was not successful," Plinth said. "We must try again."

  "One big problem," Max said. "The only way to cleanse his soul is through death, and we're not going to let that happen to our friend."

  "His death would be equally ruinous." Plinth's face pinched with worry and his grip tightened on his broom.

  "Sorry." I shrugged. "There's nothing you can do to cleanse my soul."

  Ambria waved her wand to get his attention. "Can you be more specific about this doom you mentioned?"

  "I'm afraid the foreseeance isn't very specific." Plinth blew out a breath. "In any case, I certainly can't tell you what's in the text."

  "Why not?" Max said.

  "Foreseeance forty-three eleven was never supposed to be known to any but us." Plinth bared his teeth. "Justin Slade discovered the text and likely changed the future of the Overworld in unintended ways. We swore to never let that happen again."

  "Then we'll be on our way," I said. "You've done nothing to prove you can cleanse my soul. I'm sorry, but I just don't think you're capable." Though I'd be happy to rid myself of Vic, Della was another matter. She'd warned me when Plinth and his people tried to kidnap me from Moore Keep, and she'd helped me with Underborn. It was odd, but I was becoming rather attached to my mother's soul fragment. It was almost like having a guardian angel.

  "Please, just come with me." Plinth clasped his hands together, a man pleading. "Let us try once more."

  "No deal." Max pulled his broom up just in front of mine as if shielding me. "Now let us go on our way."

  "I'm afraid I can't." Plinth tugged the handkerchief from his wand and rotated his broom sideways. "I will not let a child doom us all."

  I held out my wand. "Don't try anything."

  Sparks fired from the end of Plinth's wand and into the air. Two more brooms rose above the rooftops directly below us and rose toward his position. It appeared the negotiations were over.

  Ambria shot forward on her broom and spun it sideways, smacking Plinth on the bridge of his nose. Blood spurted and he cried out, both hands going to his face. I twisted the back of my broom into him and knocked him off his broom. He fell screaming right toward his comrades. They had no choice but to catch him. Burdened by the extra weight, they were in no position to pursue us.

  "Stay away from me!" I shouted. I looked around to make sure there was no other pursuit, and then my friends and I sped away for home.

  We landed in front of Moore Keep and hurried inside the main door. I went directly to the painting of the Arcane crest and took a copy of it in my hand then hurried to the door painting. Shushiel shimmered into view on the ceiling overhead.

  "I thought you might come this way," she said. "I spoke with Esma."

  "Let's go inside first." I opened the magical door and ushered everyone inside before closing it behind us. Safely inside the secret vault of Ezzek Moore, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  "What is wrong, Conrad?" Shushiel stroked my forearm with her leg.

  "The Seers again," Max said grimly. "Plinth tried to convince Conrad to come with him so they could cleanse his soul of darkness."

  "When Conrad wouldn't do it, they attacked!" Ambria scowled. "Conrad showed them, though!"

  "Conrad?" Max said in disbelief. "You broke the man's nose with your broom, Ambria. When did you learn to fly like that?"

  She flinched as if caught off guard. "I—I just flew forward. I didn't mean to hit him like that."

  Max chuckled. "So it was an accident? Considering how poorly you fly, that makes sense."

  Ambria scowled. "I don't fly poorly."

  I ignored the argument and patted Shushiel's leg. "You spoke with Esma? Is she feeling better?"

  She waggled her abdomen side-to-side. "Esma looks very bad, even for a human. Her skin is damp and there are dark circles around her eyes. At first, she refused to see me until I said it was about you."

  "Poor Esma," Ambria said.

  "What was her message?" My eagerness made me sound unsympathetic, but I had to know.

  "Esma said you may visit tomorrow after classes." Shushiel blinked her eyes.

  Max leaned closer. "And what else?"

  "That is all she said." The spider blinked again. "She did not answer your question, Conrad."

  I felt disappointed but also elated that I could see Esma again. "I wonder what's wrong with her."

  "Must be serious if a healer can't fix it," Max said.

  My elation tanked. "Serious, as in life-threatening?"

  "Wonderful, Max." Ambria slapped him on the shoulder. "Now you've worried him!"

  Max shielded himself with his hands. "I'm just telling him the truth!"

  I am sorry, but he is right, Della said.

  Vic seemed happy. She will die. His maniacal laughter echoed in my brain.

  I closed my eyes and covered my ears but couldn't block out the voices in my head. Shut up! Shut up!

  A hand gripped my shoulder, a spider leg touched my neck, and a soft hand squeezed mine. I opened my eyes and saw twelve concerned eyes looking at me.

  "Please don't worry, Conrad." Ambria took my other hand. "I'm sure Esma will be okay."

  Max didn't looked convinced, but he nodded. "Yeah, she'll be fine." He flashed a fake grin. "Promise."

  "Perhaps the Broken Relic can fix her too, Conrad," Shushiel said.

  For a moment, I worried that the effects of the curse my parents used on me still lingered and made Esma sick. But if that was the case, Max and Ambria would surely be even sicker. Maybe Shushiel was right. Maybe the Broken Relic could heal her. Then again, if the Heart of Jura did as Underborn suggested, maybe it could heal sickness as well as scars.

  "I'm going to sleep in here tonight," I told the others. "I don't feel safe in my room."

  "Nothing will touch you," Shushiel said. "I will set a sentry web. Nothing will get to you, Conrad. I promise."

  "You'll be safe with her protecting you," Max said. "Besides, I doubt the Seers will be able to get past the outer perimeter again."

  I had far more faith in Shushiel than in the campus wards. Her protection was security enough for me. I took the Nose of Jura from my pocket and set it on the pedestal with the book index. "I think this is safer here for now."

  "Agreed," Ambria said.

  "Della is right that we could use it to find the heart more quickly," Max said, "but we should be careful not to let Gwyneth know about it, or you can bet Underborn will try to steal it."

  "Underborn?" Shushiel's whispery voice sounded startled. "What happened tonight?"

  "Something crazy as usual," Max said.

  I brought Shushiel up to date and she immediately declared herself part of the expedition.

  "I still don't understand how we're supposed to get past the guardians," Ambria said. "Evadora even told you she can't do it."

  Max nodded his agreement. "When are we going?"

  "Not until we figure out how to cross the Rift without dying," I said.

  "We should check out the reflected world," Max said.

  Ambria flashed a horrified look. "Naeve is there!"

  "She can't be everywhere," Max said. "Maybe there's another lake or pond we could use to get inside."

  "Maybe," I said. I wondered if Naeve was still screaming next to the wishing pool in front of the keeps, or if she'd returned to the reflected version of the Glimmer. There was only one way to find out and just the thought of it frightened me. Unfortunately, I had to take the chance because it might be our only way in. Crossing into the reflected realm would require planning just in case Naeve waited there. She was probably angry enough to wait for all of eternity if it meant killing me the instant I ventured into the reflected world.

  Secure in the knowledge that Shushiel would watch over me in my sleep, we returned to our respective dorms. My spider friend hung invisible threads in the window and door, and linked them to a web she spun on the ceiling. If anyone tried to get in, she'd be instantly alerted.

  It was apparently enough to calm my nerves because I woke up without any memory of having gone to
sleep. My first thought the next morning was about Esma. It had only been a few days since I'd seen her, but it felt like a week. I wished that I had thought to buy her a gift while in town, but I didn't think she'd mind if I showed up empty handed.

  Professor Sideon was eager to speak with me after enchantments class and asked if I'd considered his proposal. I'd already decided to keep him out of the loop for my Glimmer expedition. If all went well, I might have the Broken Relic much sooner and without needing his help at all. Once I used it for my purposes, I could let him borrow it to fix the Alabaster Arches.

  "I haven't decided if I'll look for it," I told him.

  His jaw tightened, but a quick smile erased the disappointment. "Perhaps you'll allow me to use the nose to find it then."

  I nodded. "If I don't go, then I could probably loan it to you."

  He seemed to accept that answer and let me leave without further ado. My last class finally ended and Max, Ambria, and I followed winding passages to the residential wing of the university. A man in loose teal robes sat behind a desk reading a novel with a shirtless man on the front. He looked up with alarm and slid the book out of sight.

  "No students allowed," he said. "Professors and their children only."

  "I'm here to see Professor Esma Emoora," I told him. "She's expecting me."

  The man narrowed his eyes and looked me up and down. He opened a worn leather-bound book and flipped to the middle. A grunt and a sigh later, he nodded. "I see authorization for one Conrad Edison."

  "That's me, sir." I smiled politely.

  "She's in the Gondor Suite." He pointed down the hall. "Straight down the hall, two lefts, up the stairs halfway then take a right into the door." He took a breath and continued. "Second right and down a ramp, and her door is the green one."

  Ambria looked aghast. "How does anyone find anything in this place?"

  The guard flashed her a smile. "Miss, there are rooms in this place no one has seen in centuries."

  "I can only imagine," she said.

  "Your friends will have to wait here," the guard told me.

  "Don't worry about us," Max said with a wink. "We'll sing songs to pass the time."


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