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Page 7

by Measha Stone

  Salty and thick, his finger moved in and out of her mouth, over her tongue before he drew it out. She didn’t have a chance to wonder what he was going to do next, because he was already doing it.

  He pulled her ass cheek to the side, exposing her tight ring. His finger, moistened by her mouth, nudged against the muscle.

  “No.” She tried to stand up, but he was too strong, too large for her to buck against and win.

  “I know you aren’t telling me no.” He pushed against her asshole. “Focus on the show, Ellie. Watch her tits as they bounce with her moves. See how her ass sways with the music.”

  Ellie couldn’t take her eyes off the beauty of the woman dancing. The men were mesmerized. The few ladies in the crowd beheld the dancer with the same curiosity Ellie felt.

  Ash penetrated her ring, just the tip of his finger, but she sucked in her breath at the burn of his intrusion. She gripped the banister with more fever.

  “That’s good, Ellie. Good. Girl.” He thrust in and out, slowly, to the beat of the music. “Do you feel the stretch? How much your ass wants me inside?”

  “No. I—oh.” She rolled her head to the side, bumping his and sighing. Her body accommodated him, as though it recognized him as her complete owner. And from the way he worked her, the ease with which he seemed to break apart her guard, it would seem he was.

  His finger pushed farther in, and the burn quickly gave way to pleasure. He continued to kiss her neck, nibble on her earlobe.

  “You’ll come for me like this. Right here.” His command was impossible. But he quickened his thrusts, went deeper.

  “Keep your hands on the banister, and watch the girls dance.” He swept his free hand under her dress. Anyone gazing up at them, would see everything. They would see her lace thong being ignored and his fingers touching all her intimate areas.

  He rubbed her clit through the fabric and bit her shoulder. The pain mingled perfectly with the pleasure in her clit. Another hard thrust of his finger in her ass had her moaning.

  “That’s it. Relax. Come for me. Give me what I want.”

  The coarseness of his beard ran along her shoulder while he spoke into her ear.

  He bit her neck while rubbing her clit, and drove his entire finger into her ass. Too much to control, her body released beneath his command. She gripped the banister, trying to hold herself up as her knees gave way. Her mouth fell slack, and she cried out with the intensity of her orgasm, but the music swept the sound away.

  Only after she had lost the energy to keep standing did he retreat from her ass and help right her dress.

  He returned her to the table, filled her wine glass once more and handed it to her.

  “I’ll have the car brought out front,” he said softly.

  “We’re going home?” she asked, averting his gaze. Until she’d met him, she’d only had sex with a handful of men. And all of those experiences had been private and under the covers. Twice now, Ash had brought her to orgasm, and neither time did she have the comfort of a blanket covering her, and not once did she care about that while it occurred.

  “Yes. Since my fingers have been inside every hole, I think it’s time my cock did the same.” He walked away before she could react.

  She watched him go the stairs and beckon someone. She couldn’t quite make herself drink the last of her wine.

  They’d been talking about the forbidden wing. How had she gotten to this point? Having her ass finger fucked in public, and now she was to go home with him and let him fuck her in his bed?

  If he was trying to make a point as to what her position in his household was, he was doing a fine job.

  She downed the wine, quickly refilled the glass, and gulped the contents before he returned to the table and took the bottle from her.

  If she was going to be served up to the beast, she would need all the courage she could find. Liquid or otherwise.



  Ellie could not have given him a more perfect evening. Short as it was, she’d shown him how responsive she was to his touch. Finger fucking her in the club hadn’t been his original plan.

  Originally, he’d wanted to spend the evening just letting her enjoy the dancers and gauging her reaction to it all while he let a bottle of good wine soothe his muscles. But then she’d started asking questions, probing into the purpose of the annex, and he needed to distract her.

  Given the fact she lived with him, she’d eventually have questions. He didn’t think she would never wonder about the wing she was forbidden to enter, but he would keep her from it for as long as he could—if forever was possible he’d do it.

  Taking Ellie as payment for her father’s debt should have been easy—if he’d done exactly as Peter suggested the first night, turned around and unloaded her on someone else for a tidy profit. Earned back what her father had borrowed and rid himself of the problem. But he hadn’t, and he wouldn’t.

  He just needed to figure out what the fuck to do with her. And why the hell he couldn’t seem to get her off his fucking mind. Thinking of her distracted him, and with a man like Komisky starting to cause trouble, he needed to remain focused. Too much remained at stake.

  The car pulled up to the front steps, and Ash took the moment focus on Ellie. She’d been quiet and reserved on the drive home from the club. Did the idea of fucking him repulse her or terrify her?

  Didn’t matter. The end result would be the same. He’d been kind enough letting it go this long before claiming her. And he didn’t misjudge the situation—fucking her would make her completely his. It would wipe away any ideas of her working in the annex, or at any of his clubs. She would be his until he tired of her, and then he’d figure out what to do with her.

  He helped her from the car, enjoying how the soft evening breeze blew her hair from her face, showcasing the light blush of her cheeks. She’d come hard at the club, but the flush wasn’t from her orgasm. No. The knowledge she’d found the release while his finger was fucking her ass, and with a packed club beneath the balcony—that made his girl crimson.

  As they climbed the steps to the door, he could feel her body tense. Each step brought them closer to his bedroom and one inch closer to having her naked, writhing beneath him with his cock buried inside her. His dick twitched at the very idea of it.

  Daniel, one of his men, greeted them in the foyer.

  “Sir, there’s a matter needing your attention.” He glanced over at Ellie before continuing. “In your office.”

  “I’ll be right there.” Ash waited until her large, unreadable eyes focused on him. “Go up to my room and wait for me, Ellie.”

  She pulled her hand free, as though she’d just been given a reprieve from the electric chair. “You’re busy, and it’s late. I’ll just head to bed.”

  He let her get halfway up the staircase before calling her name. It almost pained him to wipe the hope from her expression, but not enough to actually stop himself.

  “Ellie. What did I say?”

  “You’re busy.” She eyed Daniel, who remained at his side. Daniel wouldn’t leave until he’d been dismissed, and if Ash were a gentleman he’d excuse him from the conversation. But, as she’d already mentioned, he was anything but.

  “Repeat what I told you to do.” He hardened his voice and firmed his jaw. No one in his employ or under his command told him no, and they sure as fuck didn’t change his dictates because they thought better.

  The blush faded from her cheeks, and her fingers tightened on the handrail.

  “You said to go up to your room and wait for you.” If he hadn’t been watching her lips move while she spoke, he probably wouldn’t have understood her, she spoke so softly.

  “Which means you’re going to do what?” He slipped his hands into his pockets. He could stand there all night until she got it through her head she no longer owned her movements. She would go where he said, when he said and how he said. No fucking questions or c
omments required.

  She swept her gaze over to Daniel once more, her jaw tightening. Daniel wasn’t going anywhere. She could feel as embarrassed or as stubborn as she wanted, Ash would keep control of this moment.

  “I’ll go to your room.” Her eyes locked on his own when she gritted out the response. The little-lost-lamb look from a few moments ago was replaced by a fierce lioness. She wasn’t accustomed being told what to do.

  She’d get used to it.

  Or, she’d have a very sorry ass.

  “And do you remember the rule about being in my room? Or do you need me to remind you?” He could’ve just let her walk up the stairs, but the temptation to savor the sweet moment won over.

  Her lids narrowed, but the blush returned. He loved the light-pink hue to her cheeks when she wasn’t quite embarrassed but wasn’t full of indignation either. Just the right mixture of humility and anger.

  Fuck. She was delicious.

  “I remember.” She turned and rushed up the stairs. The little dress he’d given her to wear for the club exposed her back, and he admired every muscle as she made her way up the long staircase. Tensing and relaxing. Carrying herself as regal as any queen, she didn’t hesitate at the top of the stairs. She simply turned the corner and was gone.

  Daniel had an odd expression when Ash finally faced him. Grinning. Clearing his throat, Ash put his mind to the task at hand.

  There was a problem. And it was in his office.

  “Which one?” he asked and stalked toward the office he kept in the main house.

  “Amber. Komisky’s commission.” Daniel kept up in stride. “She’s freaking out because he contacted her on her cell.”

  Ash’s jaw tightened, along with his fists.

  “He shouldn’t even have her fucking number. Did she give it to him?”

  “She said no.”

  Ash nodded and pushed through his office door.

  Amber, a short, thin woman paced the floor, wringing her hands. Her long blonde hair, usually braided and pinned up, hung loose and wild around her shoulders.

  “Amber.” Ash shut the door, leaving Daniel on the other side. He didn’t need to scare her further by having an audience.

  “Ash. He texted me, and when I didn’t answer, he called.” She yanked her phone from his desk and thrust it at him.

  Keeping his gaze steady on her, he took the phone. “You need to calm down. You know you’re safe here.”

  Ash flipped through the brief messages from Komisky. Nothing threatening, but not words of devotion either.

  “What did he say when he called?”

  “I didn’t talk to him. I let it go to voice mail..” She folded one arm over her midsection while shoving her other hand into her mouth and biting her nails. A nasty habit but one he couldn’t break her of, no matter the consequences.

  He went to the voice mail program, and put the phone to his ear while removing her fingers from her mouth and shaking his head.

  “Sorry,” she said softly and sat on the couch, tucking her hands between her knees.

  Just answer the phone, babygirl. I know if you’d let me explain my conditions it would be fine. You wouldn’t be so stubborn.

  “How did he get your number?” Ash turned the phone over to her.

  “I don’t know.” She cast her eyes down. He sighed.

  “You aren’t allowed to give your number out—you know this.”

  “I know, Ash. I didn’t. Not really.” She went back to biting her nail.

  “How did you not really give him your number?” Ash folded his arms over his chest. He needed to finish this so he could get upstairs. Ellie would be in his room by now, naked and waiting. Daniel could have handled this little mess for the night and told him about it in the morning. His presence wasn’t necessary.

  “He’s opening a restaurant. On the other side of town, by the river. He said they’re hiring for waitresses and stuff. Told me I should apply.”

  Ash took a deep breath.

  “He brought you an application, or did you go down there?”

  “He brought it to me.”

  Ash shook his head. Komisky owned three restaurants along the river, and as far as Ash knew, a fourth wasn’t in the works. And Ash made it his business to know what men like Komisky were up to at all times.

  A lesson from his father he heeded with loyalty.

  “You realize your error.”

  She nodded and swiped a tear from her cheek. “There’s no restaurant. He just wanted my information.”

  “This is why we have rules, Amber. This is why Peter is to know any time you’re asked for your contact information.”

  “I thought he really wanted to hire me at his restaurant.”

  “Do you want to waitress? Is that what you’re looking for? You know you’re free to work and live wherever you want. You don’t need to remain in my employ.” Ash went to his desk, giving the girl some space.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to work for you, it’s just he…he promised a lot of money with the tips and such, and I figured I could still work the parties. But that was before he offered those terms. It’s not that I think he’s wrong to want that sort of play, but I just can’t.”

  Ash let silence spread between them. He wouldn’t push her or anyone to stay in his ranks. He wasn’t his father; he didn’t rule with fear.

  “Amber, I will keep Marcus from reaching out to you again. You won’t be working the party tomorrow night.”

  She shot up from the couch, her mouth open, ready to argue.

  “You aren’t sure what you want exactly, and until you do, you’re pulled. In the morning, you’ll meet with Peter to discuss breaking the confidentiality rule and receive your new offer. If you chose not to take the offer, the usual unemployment benefit will be given.”

  “Ash. No. I didn’t want that. I don’t want to leave the Annex.”

  “You aren’t sure, though. The promise of a waitressing job had you breaking our rules. Rules there to protect you, keep you hidden from men like Marcus who will just take what he wants when given the opportunity.”

  “I am sure. I promise.” She nodded, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Speak with Peter in the morning. See what the offer is.”

  “I came to you for help, not to be thrown out.” Anger shook her voice. She was scared, he knew, but he wasn’t about to have her raising her tone to him. He already had one unruly woman in his house who felt she could defy him at will.

  “You aren’t being thrown out. You’ll speak with Peter, you’ll take what he gives you, and you can decide your future then.”

  “You’re not being fair,” she whined when he reached the door.

  “I never promised fair.” He left her to stew.

  “That didn’t really require me. You could have gotten Peter to handle it.” Ash glared at Daniel.

  “Yes, but Peter has been out all night as well, and she wouldn’t stop pestering.”

  “If you can’t control little situations like this, I’m not sure you should be in charge when Peter’s not around.” Ash didn’t wait for a response. “Take her back and tell Peter to see me in the morning before he meets with her.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course.” Daniel didn’t follow him down the hall.

  When Ash got to his room, he paused a moment. Amber had irritated him, but he wouldn’t carry it into the room with Ellie.

  Ellie would be able to irritate him all on her own. She didn’t need the residual effect of a staff member to help her.

  He wondered if she was sitting on the bed, maybe lying beneath his covers, having caught a chill from waiting for him. Maybe she would be even more intuitive than he could hope for, and she knelt beside the bed, her head bowed, her hands resting on her spread knees, waiting to service him.

  The image of her auburn hair covering her face, her breasts peeking out of the strands, and her pussy on display with her open knees thickened his cock.

  Pushing the door open, he set his jaw an
d readied himself for what he found.

  An empty room.

  Damn her.

  He let loose a low growl and marched toward her room. His bathroom door opened just as he palmed the knob, and there she stood. Completely naked, beautiful curves for him to see, a bright eyed, freshly washed face staring at him from the bathroom doorway.

  Something similar to relief coursed through him. She had obeyed. Ellie hadn’t gone to hide in her bedroom.

  Ash stepped to the bed, keeping his eyes on her while he moved, willing her to make her way to him. But she remained planted in the doorway. Her hair, he noticed, hung loose around her shoulders, but it didn’t cover her breasts. Such beautiful long auburn hair. He wanted to run his fingers through it, brush it, and tug on it. All before he wrapped it around his fist.

  “Come here, Ellie.” He crooked his finger at her.

  She opened and closed her hands, but he didn’t have to tell her a second time. Taking shaky steps, she approached him at the foot of the bed. The scent of his soap from the bathroom hung between them. What little makeup she’d put on for their night at the club had been removed.

  She didn’t need the fucking paint anyway.

  “I’m not pleased you tried to use the presence of one of my men to get your way.” He couldn’t blame her for trying, though. She was a resilient, resourceful woman. It would be disappointing if she didn’t use what tools she had before her to get what she wanted.

  “Are you going to spank me again?” If her tone had been cheeky, he could have laughed the presumptuous question away. But apprehension and desire entwined her words.

  Ash brushed away her hair from her shoulders, placing all of it behind her and exposing her voluptuous body.

  “I should.” He nodded. “I should take my belt to your ass and remind you of your place.” His eyes flicked to hers. “But I won’t fault you for trying. This time.” He trailed his fingertips along her collarbone, feeling the warmth of her skin and delighting in the little goose pimples rising in his wake.


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