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Up In Flames (Flirting with Fire Book 2)

Page 23

by Jennifer Blackwood

  A couple hours later, Sloane moved to her bedroom and flopped down on her bed. She turned over and pulled out her phone and pulled up a picture of Reece from his profile. One of him at North Fork River with Jake. He had his shirt off, and water droplets were beading down his chest. A huge grin was plastered across his face. Sloane’s heart lurched.

  She needed to get laid so bad it physically hurt now.

  Her fingers slid down and under her panties. She continued to look at the picture of Reece. Of what the powerful body would feel like over her own. How it’d crush her. How it’d completely fill her.

  Her index finger found the spot that always promised release and glided over the slickness. She could still hear Reece’s words in her head. The promise of filling her, teasing her until she didn’t even know her name. She didn’t doubt it.

  No matter where her fingers went, she couldn’t find release. What was this fresh hell? She’d never had an issue before. Maybe Reece had broken her. Filled her with so much need that not even her honed skills would allow her a release. Of course he’d ruin this for her. He ruined everything. Like how she now wanted the one person who just a few short weeks ago she claimed to have hated with every fiber of her being.

  No. He was not going to ruin this for her. And damn it. She wanted him. It was time to stop being scared of taking it to the next level. She threw on her clothes and boots and went out the door, ready to chase the Holy Grail: the Reece Promised Land.

  Reece took a deep breath as soon as he made it out of Sloane’s apartment. It’d been one of the harder things he’d had to do in the past few weeks. He’d always respect a woman. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about that. Still, now he needed a cold shower. He walked down the block and made it to his apartment. Back to the apartment that had become more of a home since Sloane had come busting into his life.

  Once inside, he stood in the doorway and gave Peaches a rub on the head. His keys clanked on the counter as he threw them aside to riffle through his mail. Anything to keep his mind off Sloane. But everywhere he looked was a reminder of her. From the stupid throw pillows he liked but would never admit to his friends, to the new rug that Peaches was rolling on. He had a damn hard-on staring at a carpet. Something was obviously wrong with him.

  He looked around the room to find anything that would distract him.

  TV. That was a smart choice. If he drowned out his thoughts with SportsCenter, even better. He could focus on stats. That was easy enough.

  Each second dragged for the next few hours, and he kept staring at his phone, thinking that maybe Sloane would text him. The only person who messaged him was his mom, asking him to come over to help with fixing the barbecue. By midnight, his keyed-up body had finally calmed down.

  “Ready to go to bed, girl?” He’d already taken Peaches out to go to the bathroom, and she was now cuddled in his lap. A month ago, he’d get a hernia from laughing so hard if someone told him he’d be the foster parent to an incontinent dog while sitting in a fully decorated apartment. Now, he couldn’t picture his life any other way.

  Reece had just drifted off to sleep when a knock came from the door. Not gentle taps, but full-on pounding. He glanced at his clock and saw that it was one in the morning. More pounding came, and he was worried about what he might find on the other side of the door. It was never a good sign when someone came to the door that late.

  “I’m coming!” he shouted. If anything, he didn’t want the person to wake the other tenants on his floor.

  He made his way out of bed, stumbling through the hallway. Peaches hadn’t even gotten out of her doggy bed near the door of his bedroom. She sucked as a guard dog.

  Just as another round of knocks came, he unlocked the door and swung it open.

  Sloane stood on the other side, rosy-cheeked from the cold, out of breath.

  “What are you doing here?” Was this a dream? He had just been dreaming about her, so it could be a possibility that this was just an extension of the dream. Except he could smell the pomegranate from her lip balm. And the shea butter from her lotion. Both scents he was never able to replicate without her presence.

  “I can’t stay away from you anymore,” she said. “I want you so bad that I throb. Everywhere. I know you don’t want anything serious, and I’m not looking for anything light, but damn it, I need you.” Her voice was laced with need that sparked something in him.

  It’d been a lie that he didn’t want anything serious. A lie to Sloane, and one to himself. He just had a hard time admitting this aloud. Instead, he said, “You want me to fix that for you? Just say the word, and I’ll do anything you want.”

  Her eyes were wild, unfocused. Like she really was at war with herself. He’d seen her earlier, how she didn’t want to give in. He wanted to see all of her. Needed to devour her. Worship.

  “Yes. Please, I need you, Reece.”

  Everything in him flexed. He was in boxer briefs, and it did nothing to hide his reaction to her words.

  “Well, I hoped you’d show up sooner or later.” He’d wanted that, at least. He thought that she might text him back, until he finally gave up checking his phone a little after midnight. He groaned at the thought that he’d turned into the guy who stared at his text messages. Sloane had flipped a switch in his brain.

  “I’m here. What do you plan to do with me?”

  “Everything.” His mouth was on her as he guided her inside and closed the door behind her. “And you’re sure you’re fine with this?”

  She looked at him, and this time there was no hesitation in her gaze as she said, “Yes.”

  That was all he needed. He’d show Sloane just how much he wanted her. For so damn long.

  He grabbed her and pulled her to him.

  Reece’s hands found their way to Sloane’s hair. The pounding on the door had woken him out of a dead sleep. A dream where he was on Sloane. In Sloane. He still didn’t know if this was a dream. She looked up at him, eyes full of want and need, and he didn’t care if this was real or not. He wanted to live in this dreamworld forever.

  His hands moved down her body, skimming over her curves. She was soaked, her jacket plastered to her. He moved to unzip it, and it fell to the floor with a small thud. She looked beautiful, her hair matted to her face like she’d just stepped out of the shower.

  Her fingers found their way to his chest, smoothing over him, raking down his stomach, down to cup his cock.

  He bit back a groan as she stroked him. Strong, bold strokes that set off a fireworks display behind his lids. He hissed a breath through his teeth.

  They were standing in the middle of the living room. He’d take her right here, he wanted her so bad, but Sloane deserved better. He gripped her hips and, in one fluid motion, threw her over his shoulder, her legs kicking in front of him.

  “Oh my God, you’re such a barbarian,” she said, but there was a lightness in her voice that indicated she didn’t mind.

  “They don’t call it a fireman carry for nothing.” He smacked her ass. “And I know you like it, so don’t even try denying it.”

  Her silence confirmed his suspicion.

  “You’re mine for tonight, Sloane. I plan to devour every inch of your skin.” He gently placed her on his bed and hovered above her.

  She gazed up at him, eyes registering both desire and panic. That was how he was feeling at the moment. Because if she got up and left, he’d be devastated. He’d let her go, of course. But he wanted this. Wanted to taste every inch of her skin more than anything.

  After a long moment, she said, “Okay.” She let out a deep breath. “Only if I get to do the same.”

  “I’m nothing if not fair.”

  She rolled her eyes, but this time she didn’t look so scared.

  His hand slid under her shirt, grabbing the hem. Her stomach dipped, but she didn’t tell him to stop like she’d done before. He caught her gaze and raised a brow. She nodded.

  He pulled the shirt over her head and threw it to the floor. Tat
toos bracketed each hip, one of a rose and one of a shooting star. The ink disappeared under her jeans, and Reece was desperate for more. He’d never felt this urgency before, like his next breath depended on what lay beneath, to see every inch of Sloane’s skin.

  Patience. He had all night. He’d devour her. But he’d take his time, show her exactly what she deserved.

  He looked at her lace bra, her breasts spilling over the cups with every deep breath. His fingers found the clasp and unhooked it, sliding her arms out of the straps and tossing the bra on top of her shirt.

  His mouth moved down the column of her throat, down her chest, to one of her pebbled nipples. He took it in his mouth, and she writhed beneath him. Her eyes scrunched shut, and her mouth parted. The sounds that came out of Sloane’s mouth were the sexiest thing he’d ever heard. Made him rock-hard.

  He moved lower, kissing down her stomach, moving his lips over every dip and swell. Sloane had curves for days. Perfectly soft curves that he could bury himself in.

  “I need you.” Her fingers raked down his back, urgent and needy. “Right now.”

  And so he obliged.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Sloane fought to keep her breathing at a somewhat normal level as Reece hovered between her thighs.

  “Please, Reece.” She’d resorted to begging. One more lick from him and she’d be a goner. But she wanted more than this. She ached for him to be inside of her, to feel the fullness that he’d provide. It’d been over a year, and she wanted to be properly bedded, to end this dry spell.

  He moved up the bed until he was on his elbows, taking her bottom lip between his teeth.

  “Tell me what you want. I’ll give it to you.”

  Was it bad that she didn’t know exactly what she wanted? Just that she wanted Reece in her. Pronto. Half of her body screamed, This is a bad idea! Abort mission! And the other half said, Bitch, that other half’s brain is rotted from not enough action. True story: she hadn’t had sex in more than a year and quite possibly had cobwebs for a vagina. In fact, spooky crypt-opening sounds might actually happen if she spread her legs wide enough.

  She shifted her gaze to the nightstand next to his bed and shuddered at the picture of Blake Shelton staring back at her. “Can we, uh, put the pictures away for a little while?”

  Reece chuckled. “Yeah.” He shoved the photos into his nightstand and pulled out a condom.

  His Adam’s apple slid down the column of his throat as he regarded her with such intensity that Sloane’s whole body flushed.

  “Smurfette, I can’t wait any longer.” Their gazes met, him asking silent permission.

  She nodded.

  He ripped open the foil and rolled on the condom. Just a year ago, she’d wished him to do the very same thing. Had begged him, even. And she was so glad that he’d turned her down then. Because she had been too drunk to savor this moment. The look in his eyes as he lowered himself to press against her entrance.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” he said. He pushed inside her, filling her. “Shit,” he growled.

  His jaw tensed, and he stilled above her. He looked down at her with adoring eyes.

  “Sloane, I’ve thought about this since high school. When I shouldn’t have been thinking about you. I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

  He plunged deeper into her, and her head knocked back into the pillow. So good. Every inch of him sent a wave of ecstasy through her.

  “You’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” He grabbed her legs and pulled them over his shoulders and slid all the way to the base of his cock.

  It was too much. So many sensations. Sloane screwed her eyes shut, fighting for control.

  “Open your eyes, Smurfette. I want you to watch me while I’m inside you.”

  Dear Lord. She might combust. She was ready to even before he set his hands on her. Now he was looking at her with that intense gaze that made her want to melt into the mattress.

  Her legs shook as he quickened his pace.

  And then his hand slid down her leg, and the pad of his thumb moved to stroke her clit. Sloane nearly levitated off the bed, and a moan escaped her lips. She was climbing higher toward release.

  His gaze caught hers, and there was something in his eyes that told her that this was not like his previous relationships. There was trust there.

  “So perfect.” His mouth was on her, and her whole body quaked as she went over the edge, her world bottoming out. Reece followed shortly after, her name on his lips.

  Thirty minutes later, they’d gone a second time, and Sloane was officially too tired to move.

  Reece had it wrong. Sloane was far from perfect. But as she lay on his chest drifting off to sleep, she decided this moment was perfection.

  Sloane woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and pancakes. She opened one eye and found Reece’s side of the bed empty. She smiled at the thought that Reece was checking off so many of her goals for next year before Christmas even rolled around.

  She pulled on his flannel shirt and smiled at the fact that it went clear down to her knees.

  Reece was in the kitchen, shirtless, flipping pancakes while Peaches stood on her hind legs, trying to get to the food on the counter. He eyed Sloane as she came in and sat on the kitchen counter, his pupils dilating, nostrils flaring. “Come out here looking like that, and breakfast won’t get finished.”

  She rolled her eyes but smiled.

  “I’ve been thinking,” he said.

  She snagged a piece of bacon off the counter and took a bite. “Does your brain hurt now?”

  He flicked a glob of batter at her, and it landed on her calf. “Smart-ass. Are you going to let me say what I was thinking?”

  She motioned for him to continue.

  “I’m not one to go with official names or classification. I think I missed that whole lecture in eighth-grade science. But what I do know is that I don’t want to stop doing this.”

  “I feel the same.” She grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser on the counter and wiped off her leg before Peaches could get to it first.

  “Also, did that end my auction obligations to you? Because I feel like I might have earned it with that last one. Plus, you have only a few more days until your last chore expires.”

  Sloane bit off a piece of bacon. “We’ll see.”

  The sun streaked in through the window above the sink, casting a glow around Reece. After what he’d done to her last night, it wasn’t a far stretch to claim he was otherworldly. She glanced behind him to the sunny weather outside. Much brighter than her normal 6:00 a.m. wake-up. “Crap. What time is it?” she asked.

  He glanced at his watch. “Nine thirty. Why?”

  She’d slept in longer than she had in a long time. Probably because they hadn’t actually gone to bed until a little after three. Even still, she felt completely rested, her body sated. “I need to get ready for work, and then I have to pack for my girls’ trip this weekend.” Normally she was fine with packing thirty minutes before taking off for a trip, but Erin had put her on chocolate-and-entertainment duty. Which meant that she needed to swing by her parents’ house and pick up some board games.

  “Where are you going?” Reece flipped a pancake, and Sloane couldn’t help but stare at the sinewy muscles that corded up his forearms. The scar on his shoulder.

  “We’re going to the coast. Usually we go down to Shasta, but since Erin’s living in town now, we don’t need to travel so far.” All she knew was that Erin had booked them a little cottage at Cannon Beach. And after last night, she wasn’t as excited as she had been to get away from it all. She wanted to jump back into bed and burrow under the covers, memorize the smell of Reece’s pillow.

  His lips found the sensitive flesh behind her ear and gave it a light kiss. Her eyes fluttered shut. She could get used to this. “When are you coming back?”

  “Aw, it’s so cute how you’re already missing me, and I’m not even gone yet.” She had to admit that i
t was nice how normal this felt. Brian had never once made breakfast for her in the ten years they’d been together. She’d never needed to be taken care of. Prided herself on that. But when it came to Reece, she liked that he went the extra step. It made her feel . . . special.

  “You know, that mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble.” He gave her ass a swat with the spatula, and she proceeded to smear batter on his bare chest. Which then led to showering off together and breakfast being very burned.

  Sloane could have stayed there all day, but she needed to head back to her apartment and change before her shift at noon. She stood on her tippy-toes, and Reece’s hands smoothed down her sides as he bent down for a kiss.

  She pulled back and fought the shiver shimmying up her spine. Decidedly, it would never get old tasting him. “Thanks for breakfast. And . . . you know, last night and everything.”

  He grinned down at her. “I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Since Reece had the day off, he decided to make his way to his mother’s house. He hadn’t made an appearance in more than a week and figured his mom would start worrying if he stayed away any longer. With her turn-of-the-century bungalow, the to-do list to keep the property functioning was never-ending. She’d seemed to ease up on the tasks since Erin had come home. Something about all three of the siblings in the same town had quieted her need to tend to home projects.

  He pulled into the driveway and cut the engine, staring at the peeling yellow paint. It had seen better days, and Reece made a mental note to get exterior paint once the weather let up.

  Finding the key on his key ring, he opened the door to find his mother bustling around the kitchen.

  She wiped a rubber-gloved hand over her forehead and smiled. “How are you, sweetheart?”

  He strode into the kitchen and put an arm around his mom, giving her a kiss on the top of her head.


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