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Bedding the Babysitter

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “How were the kids?” he asked, trying to distract himself.

  “They were really good. I didn’t have a problem with them. I don’t see what everyone is moaning about. They’re good kids.”

  Jon grunted. “For you, yes. They like you, so they’re good. They want you to keep on coming back.”

  Neither of his kids had liked anyone else.

  “They’re so sweet.” She put his plate on the counter. “I kept it nice and warm for you.”

  He loved her spaghetti and meatballs. Elise had always been grown up for her age. She loved to cook and bake, taking care of people.

  “Damn, this is just what I needed.” He took a seat and dived in, relishing the taste of the sweet meatball in the tangy tomato sauce. It was divine, and he couldn’t replicate it.

  Jon watched as she moved around the kitchen, wiping down counters.

  His cock refused to go down, and he was finding it hard to focus. The food was good, but he knew what he wanted, and it wasn’t to eat.

  He was starving for something else.

  “Have you met anyone?”

  “Pardon?” she asked, turning toward him.

  “Any guy at college? Something serious?”

  “Nope. Nothing serious. College isn’t about settling down though, right? Experimenting, finding yourself.”

  “I thought you didn’t need to find those things. You already knew about them?” he asked.

  She chuckled, and he loved the sound. “It has been interesting.”

  Her cheeks went a bright red, and he was curious to know why. “Interesting how?”

  Chapter Three

  Elise didn’t know what to make of his questions. Jon had never made it personal before, yet now he was.

  “Erm, it has just been interesting. You know. I’m not ready to settle down.”

  “Are you a virgin?” he asked.

  Her cheeks heated. “No. I lost that a few years ago.” She gasped, staring wide-eyed at him.

  “Good. I was always worried about the crush you had on me.”

  She didn’t know what to do. Closing her mouth in shock, she just stood there watching him. “I think I better go.”

  Before she could make it out of the room, Jon was in front of her stopping her from moving.

  Staring up the full length of his body, she couldn’t help but be aroused by the sight of him. He was a good looking man, hot, sexy, devilishly good.

  “You don’t have to go.”

  Her heart pounded inside her chest. She wasn’t afraid of the man in front of her. He’d never hurt her.

  “You knew I had a crush on you?”


  She licked her dry lips, glancing over his shoulder. At that moment, she couldn’t look him in the eye.

  “You don’t have to be embarrassed,” he said.

  “Are you crazy? I can’t. I’ve got to go.”

  He wouldn’t move out of the way, so she stood there, staring at him, waiting.

  “Why am I crazy?”

  “Thinking that I shouldn’t be embarrassed? There’s no way I can’t not be embarrassed. You knew all along?”


  “Well, I never did anything about it. So you don’t have to worry about the crazy babysitter hitting on you.”

  He lifted his arms up, holding onto the top of doorframe. His muscles stood out, and her pussy grew slick. This was the man she’d fantasized about when she was with the other guy she had slept with.

  “That’s a shame.”


  “You’re not a babysitter anymore, Elise. You’re all grown up.”

  She scoffed. “You can’t be serious in considering that.”

  “Why not?”

  “You work out with hot women every single day.”

  “I run a business, Elise.” He dropped his arms and took a step toward her. “Don’t think for a second that the women I work with are what I want.”

  “I’ve seen the pictures of the twins’ mother—”

  He stopped her from talking by claiming her lips, silencing all protest. With her hands by her side, she didn’t know what the hell was happening.

  This is all a dream.

  There was no way that this was real. She couldn’t believe it was even possible for it to happen.

  Jon held her face between his palms, and he licked along her lip.

  “Open for me, baby,” he said.

  She opened her lips, and then it suddenly dawned on her.

  Jon Ross, the guy she babysat for, and the guy she had a crush on, was kissing her, and she was standing there like a statue.

  Reaching out, she finally put her hands on his waist, and he turned them, pressing her up against the wall. She gasped out.

  “That’s it, put your hands on me,” he said. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful.” He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and his hands moved from her face, down her body, cupping her hips. He tugged her in close. The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her front, shocking her.

  He was turned on by her?

  She never thought that would be possible.

  “You’re so fucking soft.”

  Elise had never heard him curse before, and it made her pussy grow all slick.

  “Tell me to stop, Elise. Tell me to fucking stop now?” he asked, kissing down her neck and flicking his tongue over her pulse.

  “I can’t. I don’t want to.”

  She wanted this, so bad.

  He moved to her shirt and started to unbutton it. Elise was so pleased that she had the sense to put on her pale peach bra set that she had brought yesterday.

  Slowly, he revealed her bra and chest to his gaze.

  She was struggling to breathe, and she stared into his blue eyes as he stared right back at her.

  Neither of them spoke, and finally, his gaze looked down, and he moaned. “Now that is fucking pretty.”

  He hadn’t unbuttoned the whole of her shirt, so he’d only revealed her lacy bra. Jon traced his finger from her neck, down to the edge of the lace. His touch created a path of fire that refused to be put out. It was the most exciting thing that she had ever done in her life.

  The sex at college didn’t even compare to this kind of foreplay.

  Her panties were going to be soaked with how he was taking his time.

  “You’re making my mouth water for a taste, Elise. Is that your pussy I can smell? Are you hot for me, baby?”


  He fingered the lace, dipping his finger down to stroke over her nipple.

  “Tell me to stop at any time, baby.”

  Elise didn’t want him to stop. This was her teenage fantasy come true.

  He pulled the lace of her bra back, exposing her breast, doing the same with the second one.

  Her cheeks were on fire, and she pressed her thighs together, trying to relieve the pressure building inside her.

  Jon pressed her breasts together, and she watched, fascinated as he started to tongue each nipple.

  She had nothing to grab onto, and so she gripped his shoulders. He didn’t let up, sucking on one nipple, then the other, alternating between the two.

  The pleasure was out of this world, and it had only just started.


  Elise had nice big tits, and the taste of her was just exquisite. Jon flicked his tongue back and forth over one of her nipples. He kept them pushed together, as he liked seeing how big and red they were.

  His dick was threatening to punch through his pants.

  He noticed the way she was pressing her thighs together, trying to stem her own arousal. Jon wasn’t going to have any of that.

  Unbuttoning the last of her shirt, he pulled it off her body, followed by the bra, flicking the handy catch at the front.

  Pulling his shirt off, he sank his fingers into her and tugged her close. He was so damn ready to sink his cock into her pussy.

  Jon had missed her, and now, he was desperate for her.

e was everything he wanted in a woman, and then more.

  Elise kissed him back with a fire and passion that exploded in his veins. Gripping her ass, he rubbed his rock hard cock against her pussy, watching her moan and gasp his name in between kisses.

  He moved his hand between her thighs and started to rub her. Her jeans were too tight, so he unbuttoned them, sliding the zipper down, and pushing his hand in to touch her. She was molten already, slick, beautiful, and so ready to have his cock.

  “You’re so wet for me already, baby. Tell me you want me.”

  “I want you.”

  “Fuck, baby, if I knew how much you wanted me, I’d have never let you go away to college.” Running two fingers against her pussy, he teased her clit, watching the pleasure dance across her face. She was so easy to read.

  It’s what he loved about her.


  Elise had not only gotten beneath his skin, she’d also gotten into his heart as well, and now there was no coming back from that. He wanted her, but not just as a quick fuck. His twins loved her as well.

  Pushing all thoughts of commitment aside, he simply focused on the now. Her hot, tight pussy danced on his fingers. Moving down, he started to fuck inside her, finding her so tight.

  “God, baby, I’m going to need to get you nice and wet for my cock.”

  She whimpered, and it felt like a victory when she started to rub his dick through his pants.

  “That’s right, touch me. See how damn hard you get me.”

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she said.

  He slammed two fingers inside her, rubbing her clit with his thumb. “Why not? You’re not a little girl anymore, and I don’t have a woman waiting for me. We’re both free.”

  “I’m your babysitter.”

  “Then I’m about to fuck my babysitter, and it’s going to be so good.”

  Chapter Four

  Jon was so hard. She’d never felt a cock that large before, and he was so stiff. The pants he wore were stretched tight over his length. They were the workout kind, and she slid her hand inside to find him wearing some briefs. She knew he wore briefs as she’d seen them many times when doing his laundry.

  “That’s it, baby, touch me. See what you do to me.”

  He kept fucking her with his fingers and teasing her clit.

  Her body was on fire, and she was loving every second of it. His touch was better than she ever imagined.

  Sliding her hand into his boxers, she closed her fingers around his impressive length.

  “Do you see what you do to me? That is all you, Elise. No one else. Not another woman at the gym, you.”

  He removed his hand from her pussy, and she watched as he licked her cream from his fingers.

  “You taste so good.”

  She gasped when he knelt down in front of her, taking her jeans down. “I’m not perfect. I’m fat.”

  “You’re perfect to me. I don’t give a shit what size you are, Elise. You’re happy, and I’m happy, and I’ve not got a problem.”

  He stood suddenly, and removed his workout pants, dropping them to the floor, and showing off his impressive size.

  Jon didn’t linger. He went back down and helped her remove her jeans. The peach silk was no protection against him, but she didn’t want protection.

  Elise wanted to be corrupted, taken, and fucked.

  Yeah, she was twenty-one years old now, finding a life for herself with college, and independence, which made this so much better. If she’d been younger, it would have been illegal, and her mother would have known, like mothers always do.

  Jon pressed his nose against her pussy, inhaling deep. “I love the scent of your pussy.”

  He removed her panties, tearing them from her body. “Open for me.”

  She spread her legs and cried out as his tongue slid between her folds. Elise had already had her pussy waxed as she hated the feel of hair between her thighs. There was something sexually freeing in having her pussy exposed and clean.

  “You’re full of surprises, Elise. So fucking pretty.” He opened the lips of her sex, and she watched as he slid his tongue along the slit of her pussy, going from her entrance up to her clit. He circled her clit, and then back down he went, plunging his tongue inside her.

  “Oh, God.”

  Jon didn’t stay kneeling at her feet. He grabbed her hand, leading her into the sitting room, and easing her down on the sofa. Elise didn’t have time to say or do anything as he took over, moving her to how he wanted her. Her ass was on the edge of the sofa, and he opened her thighs, spreading her wide.

  Down he went, lifting her legs up so they were resting over his thighs. “Open yourself up, and watch me as I lick this creamy cunt.”

  With every dirty word he spoke, he only served to arouse her more. She reached between them and shyly opened her lips.

  “Look at that clit. It’s swollen and begging for me. Your pussy hasn’t seen much action has it, baby?”

  “No, it hasn’t.”

  She must have had sex a handful of times, and none of them had been all that memorable. One guy she was with even broke wind afterward. Yeah, that had been embarrassing.

  “You’re so damn tasty. I could eat you out all day long.” He thrust his tongue deep inside her, and she cried out. “You’ve been dreaming about me for some time, haven’t you, Elise?”


  “Does it feel good to be getting what you want? I know it is for me.” He teased her with his fingers and tongue, alternating between the two, both of which were driving her crazy. “Are you protected?”


  “The pill, do you take the pill?”


  “Good. I’m clean, and I want to watch my cum fill this sexy body.”

  She bit her lip, keeping in her screams so the twins wouldn’t hear her. This was the last thing she wanted them to see.

  “I’m clean as well. Please, let me come.”

  “Has a guy ever brought you to orgasm with their tongue?”

  “No. No one has ever gone down on me before.”

  “I’m your first?”

  She nodded.

  “You know how to make a guy feel special.”

  He started to run his fingers through her pussy, rubbing her clit, and then fucking inside her. His tongue took over, stroking her clit. Jon sucked the bud into his mouth, using his teeth to create a small sting of pain. He eased it out, flicking his tongue.

  Elise couldn’t stop her orgasm.

  It had been so long since she’d found any kind of release, and even still, none of the pleasure she had found had been like this.

  She held her lips open, even as she came. With his free hand, he covered her mouth, silencing her screams so no one else heard them.

  “One day soon, you’re going to come screaming, and I’m going to relish every single sound that you make.”


  Jon had never liked going down on women. It was one of the few things he actually didn’t like, but with Elise, it was different. She tasted so sweet, and he’d gladly spend the whole night licking her out.

  His cock was leaking pre-cum out of the tip, and he used it to coat the head, getting himself ready to fuck her. Running his hand up and down the length, he released her mouth. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She shook a little, and he saw her pussy was still pulsing from her orgasm. Moving in close, he placed his dick against her slit, and slowly began to thrust up, bumping her clit.

  “I’m not a small man.”

  “I know.”

  He began to rub her clit with the tip of his dick, prolonging her release. She still had little tremors, and he loved the way her body shook underneath him.

  Stroking his hand up her body, he cupped her head, and brought her down so that he could claim her lips. He wanted her lips on his body, and he never wanted her to stop. Elise had ignited a passion inside him, and he never wanted it to burn out.

g her lips, he gripped the head of his cock, and moved it down to her cunt. She was so tight, and he knew he was going to struggle to get it all in, but he wasn’t going to stop until he felt her wet cunt wrapped around him.

  Sliding his tongue in her mouth, he pushed the tip of his dick inside her. Releasing her head, he moved his hands to her hips, gripping them tightly as he drew her off the sofa, and onto his cock.

  Tightening his hold on her hips, he slammed her down onto his cock, and she screamed. Quickly, he grabbed her head, silencing her screams with his lips, and held her in place.

  Finally, she pulled her head away, but she wasn’t screaming anymore.

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “Ouch!” She looked down between them, but nothing was to be seen as he was right inside her. Her pussy was tighter than he’d ever experienced, and it was turning him on even more. “We couldn’t take it slow?”

  “I didn’t want to risk you pulling away from me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Do a lot of women pull away from you?”

  “More than you might think.”

  “You’ve got an impressive member.”

  “It’s not so impressive when you can’t keep a woman at home.”

  Stroking his hand down her back, he gripped her hip.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” She crossed her legs behind his back, kissing his lips. “Next time, take it slow. You’re big, and I’m not used to it.”

  “You’ve not had a lot of cock.”

  “No, I haven’t. When did you get all dirty talking?”

  “Since I realized you’re a woman now, and I can.”

  “Ah, so I’m no longer the sweet innocent to you anymore?”

  “Nope. You lost that title about a second ago.”

  He groaned as she tightened up her muscles.

  “I haven’t been a good girl in a long time, Mr. Ross.”

  She surprised him as she started to move up and down his length, lifting herself on him and then gliding down.

  He still held her hips, so he took over, taking charge and fucking inside her. “You’re mine now, Elise. My babysitter to fuck. No one else can touch your pussy.”

  “Shut up, and fuck me.”

  Lifting her off his cock, he brought her down on him, fucking inside her. Her pussy was tight, and he hit right at the top, touching her cervix, making her gasp each time he did.


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