Bedding the Babysitter

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by Sam Crescent

  “Is this what you wanted, Elise? What you imagined? Me fucking you, taking you, making you mine.”


  He turned them over, taking her to the floor, and driving inside her pussy hard. Jon was in heaven. Her pussy was so tight, and he loved watching the pleasure in her eyes. She was an addiction that he’d tried to deny. He was only pleased that he’d waited until she’d been in college. Knowing how damn receptive she was to him, he wouldn’t have been able to let her go.

  Slamming inside her, he glanced down, watching as her pussy opened up, taking his dick. She was red and flushed, wet and pretty.

  He pounded inside her, taking hold of her hands, pressing them either side of her head, taking what he wanted as he kissed her.

  Her tight pussy clamped around his dick, and she was so wet that it made his large length slide in and out of her with ease. Any pain she had experienced disappeared as he fucked her hard into the floor.

  It had been too long since he was with a woman, and before he could stop it, his orgasm rushed over him, spilling out of his dick, inside her.

  The pleasure went on and on, showing no sign of stopping, and he didn’t want it to.

  Claiming her lips, Jon found something he loved a lot more than working out—bedding his little babysitter.

  Chapter Five

  At breakfast the next morning, Elise drank her coffee, all the time aware of the ache in her pussy. She’d never had a man as large as Jon, and she doubted she ever would. With the size of his dick, he was one of those men that should be making sexy movies.

  “Morning,” her mother said.


  “I didn’t hear you get in last night.”

  “It was kind of late.” Elise drank more coffee, trying to disguise her red cheeks as steam from the cup. Last night had been so hot.

  Jon was not the kind of man she imagined he would be. He liked to talk dirty, and instead of being a prim and proper kind of guy, he wasn’t. After they had sex last night, when he had pulled out of her, Jon had watched his cum leaving her pussy, and he’d even tried to push it all back in. She had found it incredibly hot, and he’d aroused her even more.

  They had been about to go for round two when one of the twins called out for a drink. Elise had gotten dressed while Jon pulled on his sweatpants, going to see the kids. She’d chosen that moment to leave, not wanting to get caught up in the awkward after sex routine.

  “How were the twins?”

  “They were good. I made them my classic spaghetti and meatballs.”

  “You always had a knack for different flavors.”

  “I love to cook.”

  “That you do.” Her mother tapped her on the shoulder as she walked past. Over the years, Elise had seen it was her mother’s way of offering affection.

  Her cell phone beeped, making her jump.

  “What are your plans for the day?” her mother asked.

  “I don’t know.” Grabbing her phone, she saw Jon’s name flash across the screen.

  Her pussy went instantly wet remembering what he’d done to her.

  “We could go shopping.”

  Jon: You disappeared last night.

  She stared at the message, not knowing what to say.

  “Shopping?” she asked, closing the message down, and turning to her mother.

  “Yeah. You and me. Mother-daughter bonding experience, what do you think?”

  “I like that. I really do.”

  “Good. Let me just go and get dressed, and we’ll head out in ten.”


  Elise took another sip of her coffee as her phone rang. Glancing at the screen she saw Jon was phoning her.

  “Do you need me to babysit again?” she asked.

  “Actually, I was wondering if you’d like to fuck again, but if babysitting will get you over here, I’m more than happy to use that excuse.”

  His voice was like molten lava to her core. He set her on fire.

  “You shouldn’t be calling me.”

  “Are you alone?”


  “Then I don’t see a problem.”

  “Where are the twins?” Elise asked.

  “Out in the garden, and I’m watching them from a safe distance so they can’t hear me.”

  “That’s probably a good thing. You don’t want to corrupt them.”

  “I want you to come over.”

  Elise got to her feet, placing the now empty cup in the sink, and leaning against the counter. “I’m going out shopping with my mom. Besides, we can’t do anything with the twins during the day. We were lucky they didn’t wake up last night.”

  “When do you think you’ll be done shopping?”

  “I don’t know. A couple of hours or until Mom sees a friend she wants to talk to.”

  “I’ll get the twins to their grandparents. We can have the night to ourselves. No interruptions.”

  “Are you using me for sex?”

  “No, are you using me?”

  She chuckled. “No.”

  “Shame, I was hoping you’d say yes. What do you say?”

  Elise bit her lip, enjoying their talk with each other. “I say … I’ll give you a call when I’m done.”

  “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “I’m hanging up now.”

  “Spoilsport,” Jon said.

  “Bye.” She smiled, staring down at her phone.

  “Who was that?” her mother asked, making her jump.

  “Oh, it’s some guy. You don’t need to worry about him.”

  “You can bring any guy home.”

  Elise chuckled. She couldn’t help but wonder what her parents would think of her bringing home the guy she used to babysit for. “It’s not like that.”

  “Are you embarrassed by us, is that it?”

  “What? No! Of course not.” She wasn’t. Her parents were good people. They never judged anyone, and they kept to themselves, believing everyone had a right to be happy, which they did.

  Her father was already at work, as he was a doctor.

  “Let’s go and have some fun.”

  The day with her mother was fun. They went from different stores, trying on clothes, and finding different bags and shoes to wear. Her mother took her to have a manicure along with a pedicure. If that wasn’t enough, Elise had her hair done, and her body waxed.

  By the time lunch came, they entered a restaurant, and Elise let out a breath of fresh air. She’d be able to leave her mother to her friends.

  “You know what, I promised someone that I’d meet them. We can do lunch another day.”

  “Are you sure? You could sit with us.”

  “Mom, no offence, but they’re your friends, not mine.”

  “Okay. I’m not going to make you enjoy our lunch. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “I’ll phone if or when I’m going to return home.”

  “Staying out all night?” her mother asked.

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  “Love you, honey.”

  She left her mom alone and made her way back to the car, pulling out her cell phone. Dialing Jon’s number, she waited while she sat behind the wheel.

  Tapping the keys on the wheel, she couldn’t believe how excited she was at the prospect of seeing him.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  Yes, she loved his compliments as well. “I’m on my way over. Are the twins there?”

  “No, they’re at their grandparents’, and I’m waiting for you.”

  “Aw, you missing me?”

  “My dick is rock hard. Come and take care of me. I can’t wait to lick that pretty pussy of yours.”

  He hung up, and Elise didn’t waste any time getting to his house.

  She parked up, and made her way toward his door. For the first time ever in her life, she was happy with the fact her mother had taken her out to get all pretty.

  Knocking on the door, she bit her lip, nervous about what he’d think.
/>   This was the first time she had ever gone to his place attempting to look pretty. She had gotten some makeup at the spa that her mother took her to, where they’d offered to show her what products to use and how best to use them.

  She wasn’t one for makeup, and she didn’t even know why she was trying to use it now.

  It’s stupid.

  Jon opened the door, and the way he looked at her removed all doubt from her mind.

  He took hold of her hand, pulling her into the house, and he closed the door. A second later he had her pressed up against the wall.

  His lips were on hers, and he held both of her hands above her head. She still had her keys, and she held them tightly so she didn’t drop them.

  “I’ve been going fucking crazy,” he said, kissing from her lips down her neck. “You’re all I can think about.

  “God, that feels good.”

  His hands moved down her body, pushing her tits together. He kissed each rounded breast, releasing her to stroke down her body, around to cup her ass. “I’ve never seen you in a skirt before.”

  Her mother was responsible for that as well. Elise had decided to take her mother’s advice, and this was how she turned out.

  She’d wanted to look good for Jon, to have him surprised to see her.

  “I thought it might make a change.”

  “You don’t need to change for me, Elise.”

  “You don’t like it?” she asked.

  He cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him, even though all she wanted to do was look away.

  “Elise, I don’t care about the fancy shit. You don’t have to wear makeup or skirts, or dresses. I think you’re just as beautiful without it.” He pressed a hand over her heart. “You’re beautiful here, and that is what I love about you. It’s what my kids love about you.”

  She was going to try not to think about that four letter word that he had mentioned. It was just the love word. It didn’t mean anything.

  “If you want to wear makeup because you like it, then I don’t mind. I don’t mind if you want to go around in sweats all day. Be yourself.”

  “You’re surrounded by beautiful women all day.”

  “Yeah, and I’ve never been more excited in my life than the moment you called me to say you were on your way over. If I wanted anyone else, I would be with them. I wouldn’t use you like this, Elise.”

  She actually found his words rather romantic. Dropping her keys to the floor, she cupped his face, kissing him back with a passion that he’d ignited. Elise had been in love with Jon from the moment she’d seen him struggling with his twins. She’d been young, and at first, it had been a crush. A young girl’s crush on an older man, and she’d not acted on anything, preferring to be the woman that he could rely on. Slowly, over the years, the shared meals, the shared moments, had changed that crush to love. Going away to college, she’d tried her hardest to move on, believing there was no way she could be with him. Not only was he older than she was, but he had kids—whom she loved. Every time she thought about it, she figured there wasn’t a chance of anything magical like that happening to her.

  Jon picked her up in his arms, and she gave a little squeal, especially when he started walking toward the stairs.

  “We’re all alone, and I intend to use every moment to fuck you senseless so you can’t think of another man but me.”


  Jon placed her on the bed, kissing her lips as he lifted up her skirt. He wasn’t about to complain about her skirt seeing as it made it easier for him to get to her.

  Tugging down her panties, he pressed his palm against her pussy, finding her already soaking wet.

  “Fuck, baby, that is what I’m talking about. You’re so wet and ready for me.” He moved off the bed, ridding his body of his clothes. “Get naked for me. I want to see you naked.”

  “It’s not dark out.”

  “It wasn’t dark when I had a taste of you last night, baby. I’m not going to allow you to hide, ever. “You’re mine, and you’re going to have to realize that.”

  “Yes.” She moaned, removing her clothes as well.

  He loved her tits, and he couldn’t wait to have them bouncing above him as she rode his cock.

  Once he was naked, he knelt on the bed, pushing her back so that she opened her thighs.

  Sliding two fingers inside her, he watched her pussy suck them inside, and he flicked her clit with his thumb. Each time he stroked her nub, her pussy tightened around his fingers.

  She wrapped her fingers around his dick, and he groaned as she began to work from the base up to the tip then back down again. Jon groaned as she rubbed his pre-cum all over his cock.

  Little Elise Kelley was the key to his fucking soul, and he’d let her get away. Leaning forward, he took possession of her lips, needing her body against his. The passion that burned between them was out of this world. No other woman could even begin to compare to her. She had gotten under his skin. It hadn’t been a magical, overnight thing. It had taken time, and now he had finally woken up.

  Kissing down her body, he sucked on her nipples, before going between her legs, tasting her. Licking her clit, he loved the sounds of her moans, and the way she was so open with her responses to him.

  “God, that feels so good.” She patted his back, and he stopped licking her to glance up. “I want to suck you as well.”

  He lay down on the bed and eased her over him so that her legs were on either side of his head. Gripping her hips, he pulled her down, plunging his tongue inside her pussy. Spreading the cheeks of her ass wide, he admired the puckered hole of her anus. He wanted inside that. Jon doubted she’d ever been fucked in the ass, and he stroked his fingers through her cream, sliding between the crack to stroke her.

  She kept on sucking his cock but her movements were hesitant and slow.

  He glided his tongue down her slit, teasing her clit in circles, and then moving down to fuck inside her pussy. Jon kept teasing her ass but not taking it too far to make her uncomfortable.

  “That feels so good,” she said, releasing his cock long enough to moan.

  “You’re going to come all over my face, and then I’m going to pound this pussy so that you can’t walk straight tomorrow.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  He teased her ass, never penetrating her, only getting her used to his touch. She rode his face, and he loved the taste and scent of her pussy.

  She was a tasty morsel, and he was ravenous.

  “Oh, Jon,” she said.

  Elise rested on his thighs as she rode his face. Her orgasm rushing over her, and he swallowed all of her cream.

  When it was over, he lifted her up, slid out, and didn’t give her the chance to move away. Still holding onto her hips, he found her wet heat, and slammed home. She was so slick that he didn’t even need to guide himself in.

  She took all of him, and he groaned as her warmth surrounded him.

  “Yeah, baby, fuck!”

  Unable to control himself, he gripped her hips, and did as he promised, pounding deep into her pussy, giving her everything. He didn’t hold back as she took his cock.

  “My woman, fuck, Elise, you were right here.”

  “Fuck me, Jon, make it burn.”

  They were totally lost on each other, neither caring

  He couldn’t let her go, not now, not knowing how good it felt to be with her.

  Jon fucked her hard, stroking over her clit so that she found another orgasm with him before he exploded within her.

  This time he didn’t pull out of her to watch his cum fall from her pussy. Lying on the bed with her ass nestled against his pelvis, he held her tight against him, one hand resting on her hip and the other cupping one of her perfect, large tits.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “How did we not do this before?” he asked.

  “It would have been illegal.”

  “After your eighteenth birthday it wouldn’t have been.”

  “You still saw me as
a kid,” she said. “The kid who looked after your babies.”

  “I can promise you, I don’t see you as a kid anymore.” He squeezed her breast a little tighter, and she laughed.

  “No, I’m not. I’m a lady looking for experience.”

  “You can have all the experience you want here.” He kissed her neck.

  Elise sighed. “I missed coming to babysit for you. Is that sad?”

  “I don’t think so. It’s me.”

  “Mom told me about all the other sitters bailing on you.”

  “Yeah, my kids are evil when they don’t get what they want. They wanted you.”

  “They’re good kids.”

  He kissed her shoulder, pleased that she liked his kids. He loved them of course, but he was supposed to.

  “Do they ever see their mother?”

  “No. She wants nothing to do with them. I can’t even believe I married that bitch.”

  “You’re not still married are you? I mean, I thought you divorced.”

  “No. I divorced her the moment I caught her cheating. I didn’t want her around my kids with that kind of behavior.”

  “I didn’t think she was around them. I don’t remember them ever getting anything from her.”

  “To be honest, the twins don’t really care. They spend more time talking about you.”

  She turned her head, and he smiled down at her.

  “I like this,” she said.

  “Me too.”

  Chapter Six

  “What are you studying in college?” Jon asked.

  Elise smiled. “I’ve told you many times before when we’ve bumped into each other.” She grabbed the rotisserie chicken out of the fridge, along with the ingredients to make the salad and dressing.

  She wore one of his large shirts, and they had finally left the bedroom after making love twice more, and taking a shower. Her stomach had growled, and so had his, giving them no choice but to come down and eat.

  “Remind me again.”

  “I’m studying business because I’m hoping that one day that I’ll be working for myself.”

  “Like I do?”

  “Not a gym obviously, but something that will be fun for me to do. You know, maybe take my food to the next level, or maybe open up an artisan shop, selling specialty goods.” She nudged him with her hip, happy that she could be herself around him.


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