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Wicked Ties (Steele Security Series)

Page 23

by Justice, A. D.

  He crushed her to him as both of his muscled arms wrapped around her. Chaise could barely breathe under the weight of his embrace. But, she wouldn’t complain about it even if she were able to speak. She thought to herself, This is home. This is where I belong. She had already decided she would wait for Bull to love her in return. It was better to be with him and be the object of his desire and affections than to keep living without him at all.

  “Promise me. Swear to me that you’ll never do that again,” Bull demanded. “I watched my mom lose my dad. I watched Reaper lose Brianna. It killed them both. Even though they kept going, the spark that gave them life died when they lost their true love. I don’t know if I’m as strong as they are. I don’t know if I could stand losing you and I never want to find out.

  “I heard what you said to –Ricardo—your message to me. You have no idea how fucking hard that was to stand there and listen to you say your goodbyes. Your final words would’ve been confessing your love for me, Chaise. I still can’t believe that. You didn’t ask for anything else,” he said sincerely.

  “I didn’t want anything else, Colton. I knew he wouldn’t let me go. I knew Noah had followed me but I didn’t see him anywhere, so I thought he would get there too late. I just needed you to know how I felt,” she explained.

  “How do you feel, Chaise?” he asked purposefully.

  “I love you, Colton. I know it’s soon but I meant what I said. I don’t need more time to know there’s no one else for me.”

  “I love you, too, baby,” he whispered, his mouth hovering just above hers.

  His lips lightly brushed against hers as he spoke, sending cold chills down her spine and an intense tingling feeling in other more important regions. His words finally caught up with her senses.

  “You love me?” she asked hopefully.

  “I love you,” Bull answered resolutely. “I have never said those words to anyone outside my family before you. I will never say them to another woman. You’re it for me, too, Chaise. I’m yours just as much as you are mine.”

  “Wait a minute. Noah said you were off on an assignment. Where have you been? How did you know I was even there?” Chaise asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

  Bull cleared his throat before smiling mischievously at her. “Well, I was on assignment, but you were my assignment,” he confessed. “We knew Ricardo had escaped from federal custody and it was only a matter of time before he came after you. I was right in thinking that something was wrong with that condo. They had security cameras hidden inside so they could watch everything that happened there. Brad happened to come across the –feed—while he was surfing the internet,” Bull smiled as he lied, “so we were able to keep an eye on the place.

  “When we received word that Aura was missing, we knew there was no way you wouldn’t help her. So, we arranged to be there with you.”

  Chaise leaned into him, grabbed his face in her hands, and thoroughly kissed him. Straddling him, she moved her mouth to his jaw line and then on to his neck. She worked her way up to his ear and whispered seductively to him, “Remember what you said you’d do if I wasn’t so tired?”

  She felt his hands tighten on her back in anticipation of what she’d say next. The very thought of him being revved up over her gave her the courage she needed.

  “What if it wasn’t bending me over the bed? What if it was bending me over the couch instead? There’s a mirror right there,” she cooed.

  Chaise screamed, as she was suddenly airborne while Bull hopped over the back of the couch with her in tow. “That is one thing you’ll never have to ask me twice, my love.”

  Within seconds, Bull had them both stripped naked and the standing mirror positioned exactly where he wanted it. He stepped into her, pressing his front to her back, as he moved her hair to the side. “I will go slower next time, but right now, I just want to feel you.”

  “You’re taking too long, Colton. We really need to talk about your lack of focus,” Chaise playfully chided him.

  His hand went to the center of her back and he pushed her head down and over the couch. “Now I can see your face. You know what I want to hear, Chaise.”

  “Your name, screamed from the rooftop for all the neighbors to hear,” she replied.

  “Damn straight,” he answered before he pushed into her without warning. She screamed with delight at the full sensation he created in her. “I don’t think the neighbors at the end of the street heard you. I better up my game.”

  Before she could respond with something equally smartass, he made good on his promise. And so did she.


  Four weeks later, the whole gang was at Noah and Brianna’s house for a cookout. Brianna’s tiny baby bump had grown into a more noticeable protrusion and Noah couldn’t keep his hands off of her stomach.

  “Noah, if you don’t let me walk without you being attached to my stomach, I’m going to scream,” Brianna laughed.

  “You are walking close to dangerous weapons. What if you hurt my baby?” Noah replied sincerely.

  “It’s called a spatula, Noah, and it’s not a dangerous weapon!” Brianna bent at the waist from laughter.

  “Hmph,” was Noah’s only response.

  Chaise watched the two of them together and tried to reconcile the story Bull had told her about Brianna’s disappearance. She couldn’t imagine those two not being together for three years—they were so obviously made for each other.

  Bull had said that their spark had died when they were apart and that reference just clicked as she watched her big brother with his pregnant wife. Anyone could see that Brianna was Noah’s greatest strength and biggest weakness. And Noah was Brianna’s as well. One didn’t exist without the other.

  Bull got up to get them both another drink and Noah sat down beside Chaise. “What are you thinking about, little sister?”

  “About you and Brianna. Colton told me about what happened with you two. The three years apart,” Chaise’s voice trailed off when she saw the shadow cross his face at the memory. The spark was extinguished for that split second.

  “I was gone from your life much longer than that, little sister,” he said apologetically.

  His voice held so much regret and remorse that Chaise’s heart broke for him. She’d been so young when he left and she had only focused on how hard it had been on her. That line of thinking had continued her whole life—she’d never even considered that he might not have wanted to be separated from her.

  “I have you back now. That’s what matters, Noah. I’m never letting you leave me again, though. Losing you was hard enough the first time. I can’t do it again,” she told him.


  “You and Brianna are perfect together. I love her, too,” Chaise said as she watched Brianna playfully teasing Bull.

  “We were meant to be. I firmly believe that,” Noah said. “But, it seems that you and Bull are pretty firm in your relationship, too.”

  “Yeah, I think we are. I love him. I can’t imagine my life without him—as cliché as that sounds,” Chaise laughed.

  “It’s not cliché if it’s true. It is for me and I had to live my life without her for three years. It was the worst three years of my life,” Noah said as he looked at Brianna. It was as if Brianna could feel Noah’s eyes on her because she looked over at him at the same time. Brianna smiled warmly and mouthed I love you to him from across the deck.

  “He says he loves me. He shows it, too. I’ve never felt more at home than I do with him. He protects me, makes me feel safe and loved,” Chaise said as she watched Bull with adoring eyes.

  “You love him,” Noah stated.

  “I do, Noah. I love him very much,” Chaise admitted.

  “That’s all I need to know,” Noah said as he stood. “Better get back to cooking. My pregnant wife needs to feed my baby.”

  “I heard that,” Brianna called from across the deck, causing Noah to laugh in response.

  Chaise laughed and as she looke
d over at Brianna, her eyes met Bull’s. The heated look he always had for her held something more that night. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but she knew something was on his mind. She had already tried to get him to talk, but Fort Lanier was closed up tight.

  Noah turned the outside speakers on and soft music filtered through the air. The sun was setting and the sparkling rays bounced off the rippling water of their expansive pool. Noah had strung small, white lights around the deck and the pool so that as the sun disappeared, the lights twinkled like stars and created a romantic atmosphere.

  They talked and laughed as they ate, making up funny names for the baby much to Noah’s chagrin. At one point, he declared his baby as off limits for any conversation because they refused to keep their comments within his guidelines.

  “Don’t listen to them, baby. Daddy will kick their asses for you,” Noah said to Brianna’s stomach before cutting his eyes to the others. Laughter erupted all around and Chaise watched them, longing for her own family one day.

  Bull reached over and took Chaise’s hand in his. She looked at him when she felt his lips on the back of her hand. She could feel the love radiating from his intense stare. It was more than the sexual, take-charge Bull that she knew and loved. It was the man behind the mask looking at her at that moment.

  It had taken them a while to get to that point. She’d had to endure several bouts of insecurity with him and their new love. But, that moment, the way he was looking at her, the way he was literally loving her with his eyes, and that he was doing it in front of others made it all worth the wait.

  She knew without a doubt that they were destined to be together. There were too many links, too many ties that bound them together, for it to be any other way. While she was musing over their destined fate, Bull leaned in and kissed her lips so sweetly.

  “Stop over thinking it, Chaise. I love you, baby. I’m not going anywhere. Ever,” he promised.

  “I believe you. Because you keep your promises,” she replied. “I love you, too. More than anything.”

  Chaise went inside to help Brianna clean their dinner dishes while the men stayed outside to clean up around the grill. She sincerely enjoyed spending time with Brianna, getting to know her, and finding out new things about her brother. And about Colton.

  Brianna told Chaise about their time in the Middle East and how she got to know Bull, Rebel, Shadow and, of course, Reaper. Chaise wasn’t surprised to hear about how Bull acted when Brianna showed up after being dead for three years. She imagined Bull felt very betrayed and abandoned all over again. The fact that he forgave Brianna and still called her his sister was a miracle in itself.

  “He’s crazy about you, ya know?” Brianna said to Chaise. “That man loves you so much. I’ve never seen him like this in all the years I’ve known him.”

  “I am crazy about him, too. Maybe it seems too fast? But it just feels right. I know there’s no one else for me,” Chaise explained.

  “It was fast for Noah and me, too. I spent time with him in the desert and things progressed rapidly, even when I thought there was no future for us. But after he was discharged, he showed up here in Miami, at a bar where I was celebrating my birthday with some friends, and we’ve been together ever since. Well, with the exception of the three years when I was dead, but he was still my only one then, too. When you know, you know!”

  A little while later, Bull and Chaise left the Steele’s Miami mansion and headed home. That word had seemed so foreign to Bull at first. But now that the case was closed, and his dad was retired and back with his mother, home sounded better and better. The best part was that Chaise considered his house as her home. As their home.

  When they got home, Bull let Chaise walk in the house first. She immediately thought it was strange because he always insisted on making sure the house was secure before he let her go in. But it was late and they were both tired so she didn’t ask about it.

  When she stepped inside, she gasped loudly and her hands flew to her face. She looked around, wide-eyed, and her jaw hung open. Her heart was pounding and her pulse was racing. She couldn’t believe what she saw in front of her.

  There must have been a hundred lit candles scattered throughout the house, their flames flickering and casting shadows on the walls. There were red rose petals lining a path from the garage door, through the kitchen to the den. The den held dozens of flowers in various sizes and arrangements. Soft, romantic music filled the air and set the mood.

  In the center of the den sat a table with a large, white box wrapped with a huge, red velvet bow. Chaise turned to find Bull standing just behind her, watching her every move and gauging her reaction.

  “When? How?” she stammered.

  Bull smiled, “I would never reveal my methods, babe.”

  Chaise admired the different flowers, taking time to smell them and appreciate their beauty. Her eyes kept straying to the box that waited for her. Bull smiled, knowing it was killing her to wait. She eventually made her way to it and looked at him for permission.

  “For me?”

  “For you, baby,” Bull answered sweetly.

  Chaise was busy carefully untying the bow and opening the box. When she removed all the internal stuffing, she found a small, black velvet box. She held her breath as she opened it to find a sparkling, diamond ring. She turned quickly to Bull, her eyes questioning the ring’s intention, but he wasn’t standing beside her.

  He was kneeling on one knee. His eyes wordlessly implored her to accept his promise of forever. He took her hand in his and then stole her heart all over again.

  “Sierra Chaise Steele, I think I’ve known since I met you that you would change my life. There was something about –you—even that first –night—that drew me to you. Now that you’ve shown me what real love is, I can’t live without you. Will you marry me, Chaise?”

  “Yes—oh my god, yes, Colton!”

  Chaise fell to her knees in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Bull kissed her, slowly and sweetly at first, and the desire and urgency increased along with their tempo. Bull gently led her to lie down and he made love to her for the rest of the night. On the floor. On the couch. In the shower and eventually in their bed.

  “Now that we’ve christened the house, maybe we should get some sleep,” Chaise joked.

  “I guess I can let you sleep for a little while to recharge your batteries. Then you’re mine again,” Bull said before sleep overtook him.

  The next morning, Bull woke to hearing Chaise on the phone, telling Brianna about how he proposed. She was so excited and animated, it made him want to do it all over again, just to please her and make her feel loved.

  He realized they were so much alike in that they didn’t feel loved by their father when they were younger. They were both abandoned—but in different ways. His protective instincts went into overdrive when he thought about how Chaise and Noah’s father must have treated her. He knew it had to be severe for her to refuse to return home when her life was in danger.

  He vowed she would never have that problem again. She would always have a safe place to call home—physically and emotionally. He found he loved the responsibility of being “the man of the house,” and Chaise enjoyed letting him take the reins. It made her feel safe and kept her anxiety at bay.

  She didn’t know that Bull had asked for Noah’s permission to propose to her until Brianna explained it. The two men had a long talk about what it would mean to their families, their friendship, and their working relationship. Noah knew that no matter what, once Bull made a commitment, he would honor it to his death.

  There was no doubting the love between Chaise and Bull. Noah assured Bull that he would be honored to have him as his brother in law. Noah’s talk with his sister had only cemented his decision even more. They would be Aunt Chaise and Uncle Bull to Noah and Brianna’s baby. They would be one big, happy family.

  Bull slipped out of bed and eased up behind Chaise. He wrapped his arms around her, star
tling her, but she didn’t miss a beat in her description of his proposal. “Tell her all the neighbors know my name is ‘Oh God, Colton’ now,” he murmured in her ear.

  Her face turned beet red and she playfully swatted him away. He laughed when she said, “Oh, Colton said to tell you ‘good morning,’ that’s all.”

  Chaise ended the call and took a seat in Bull’s lap. “I’m so happy. Thank you for everything you did last night. It was perfect!”

  “Anything for you, my love,” he replied sincerely.

  “Things are happening so fast. Your parents are moving down here soon,” Chaise said.

  “That’s right. They’re selling the house in Alabama and moving here to be closer to us,” Bull replied with a smile.

  “Brianna said her dad wants to offer me a job with his hotels. I’ll be the Human Resources Manager for all of his hotels, but I’ll mainly work out of the new one they’re building here. It’s exciting, isn’t it? Starting a new life together?” Chaise asked, carefully watching his reaction.

  “It’s better than I ever thought it could be,” Bull answered as he repositioned Chaise so that she straddled him.

  Chaise leaned in and kissed him in response. “Thank you for not giving up on me when you had every reason to just walk away.”

  Bull shook his head from side to side, “If I had to pick one thing I would rather die than live without, it would be you. I really never thought I’d say this, but I can’t wait to make you my wife.”

  “Well, Mr. Lanier, why don’t you give me a preview of the honeymoon?” she asked seductively.

  “Mmmm, I’d be glad to, future Mrs. Lanier. Your first preview will be a lesson in Bull riding,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her. “But first, I need a date.”

  Chaise’s eyes crinkled at the corners and her lips twisted to the side as the thought about her wedding date. Bull smiled at how cute the gestures looked on her. “I think a late April wedding. Noah and Brianna’s baby will have already been born and then our whole family can be there with us.”


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