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Rescuing A Runaway Bride

Page 10

by Jans, Honey

  Samantha awoke alone, as usual. Darn it all, why wouldn’t Jake actually sleep with her? She pushed back the covers and rolled out of bed feeling better than she should under the circumstances. It seemed that carrying on a wild and kinky affair with Jake was good for what ailed her. Time to track the lug down and set those ground rules.

  She stood up and shivered as the air conditioning kicked in. Brrr. He was no doubt already dressed. Well she’d just have to undress him. She reached for her robe and slipped into it needing cover. Who knew how many of his security team were lurking nearby? She’d probably get a call from Mrs. Morley complaining about her flowerbeds being trampled. Time to get Jake to scale back the armada. She’d have to make sure he understood the conditions she intended to place on him. If she was going to tolerate his presence, he was going to have to play by her rules.

  A walk through her empty apartment made her reevaluate the situation. It looked like Jake had calmed down on his own. Good. Relentlessly padding through the living room in the search for her hunk she let out a sigh of relief when she saw Jake seated at the kitchen table. His smile at her approach made her relax. He’d be easier to work with than she’d feared. She walked up to him and plopped down on his lap making him grin. “We need to talk.”

  “I agree,” he said.

  From the corner of her eye, she caught a flash of movement that let her know they weren’t alone. She turned her head and was dismayed to discover a beautiful strawberry blonde babe standing by the sink pouring coffee. She tried to get off Jake’s lap but his restraining hand on her wouldn’t let her retreat.

  Samantha took her gaze off the blonde and turned to frown at Jake.

  “Stop teasing her, Jacob,” the blonde scolded in a melodious, southern drawl.

  Terrific. They were both from the south, probably childhood sweethearts. But fathoming what the woman was doing in her kitchen took more effort than her foggy brain could manage.

  “Good morning,” the blonde said sweetly.

  Great, she even sounds nice. What a rotten start to her day. Well, she wasn’t about to give Jake the satisfaction of thinking she was jealous by asking who the blonde was. Time to get back to reality.

  Jake frowned. “In case you’re wondering, I had Laura come in early this morning to install an alarm system.”

  Samantha choked on a mouthful of coffee. It was more of his overreaction. “Alarm! I never agreed to have an alarm installed. I don’t want one, and I’m certainly not going to pay for one.”

  Jake’s jaw firmed. “This isn’t up for debate, brat. I think you need one, so I’m having it installed. Don’t worry about the cost. Please trust me to do my job properly this time around.”

  Samantha watched the cool mask of professionalism cover his face, and her heart sank. He thought he’d screwed up at the cabin and he was in goon mode again. So much for her love lessons. “I do trust you. And, just for the record, it’s not the cost I object to. It’s the autocratic way you went about it.” He raised an eyebrow, and Samantha saw red. “Just because we slept together doesn’t give you the right to tell me what to do.” She instantly regretted her outburst when she remembered the blonde was listening. Flashing an embarrassed glance her way, she was mortified to see Laura was watching their exchange with great amusement. It was then she noticed that Laura’s eyes were the same smoky silver as Jake’s. Are they related? Her guess was confirmed a moment later.

  “Thanks for clearing that up,” Jake said dryly. “By the way, in case you’re wondering, Laura is my kid sister.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Laura said cheerfully. “Don’t let him buffalo you, honey. Stick up for your rights.”

  Jake swatted at her. “Don’t you have some work to finish, baby sister?”

  Laura easily dodged his slap, sticking her tongue out at him. “Slave driver,” she called out as she headed for the living room.

  Samantha waited for Laura to get out of earshot, and then turned to Jake. “We need to set up some ground rules if you’re going to stay around here.”

  His eyebrow arched. “Such as?”

  “There’ll be no more love lessons until you get with the program.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who branded me, not the other way around,” he said with a grin.

  “What?” she said appalled as her actions drifted back to her.

  “I’ve got the hickey to prove it if you’d care to see.”

  Samantha held up a hand to forestall the lecture that was sure to follow and got off his lap rushing to her bedroom. When she stepped out half an hour later, she was fully dressed and she had a game plan. The best way to get her way was to get back to normal. She grabbed her purse and keys off the counter, and said a bit too brightly, “I’m off to work.”

  Jake stepped in front of her path. “I’m sorry. I can’t allow that.”

  “You what?” She glared up at him, hands on her hips. “I already told you. I won’t blindly obey your orders. If you want my continued cooperation, you’re going to have to lighten up on the goon routine.”

  Jake shook his head and watched her eyes spark with outrage. “No. You can’t go back until my people have had a chance to check things out. Besides, you’re still on vacation.”

  “Damn it, Jake, you can’t wrap me in cotton wool to keep me safe. The trouble is at Logan Industries. You should be there working on the case, not baby-sitting me. I’ll be perfectly fine. Samantha’s Special Affairs isn’t exactly a hot bed of industrial espionage and intrigue. Vacation or not, I want to go to work.”

  “I’ll make a deal with you. You can go to work on the condition that I go with you. Are you willing to go along with that condition?”

  She scowled up at him, her fists balled impotently at her sides. “What other choice do I have?”


  She shrugged. “Fine.”

  * * * *

  Jake pulled his keys from his pocket as they entered the parking lot behind her townhouse saying, “I’ll drive.” He pushed the remote to unlock the doors on his dark blue sedan. Samantha cocked an annoyed glance his way. “I didn’t even want you to come along. The least you can do is let me drive my car.”

  Jake saw her eyeing his nondescript vehicle scornfully. “No. If we do this we take my wheels.”

  Samantha rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me. It’s equipped with secret agent devices, right?”

  Jake grinned at her scornful tone. The fire had certainly not dimmed in his sweet sunshine. “Not exactly, but it does have a few safety devices your car lacks. Besides, you need to keep a low profile for the next few days. Your well known vehicle practically screams come and get me to the bad guys in case they’re after you.”

  “I guess you’re right,” she muttered, sliding into the passenger seat of his car but they both knew he was the one in danger, not her. She might as well humor him, after all he’d really made her smile in the shower last night, even risking getting his stitches wet. She had to give him points for that. What would her staff make of Jake’s weighty presence? They pulled into her shop’s parking lot at a local strip mall. He didn’t exactly fit the bill as a soda jerk, which was a major part of her daytime catering business. Then there was the awkward matter of explaining her wedding that wasn’t to her loyal staff. She wasn’t looking forward to that. She shot an uneasy glance his way.

  Jake turned off the ignition and turned to look at her. “What’s the matter?”

  What could she say? She wasn’t even sure of his status in her life. First, he was the goon, and then he became her lover, and now what? Her erotica instructor? Her keeper? Her bodyguard? Her father’s hired gun? The idea rankled. No, he’d just have to stay in the background for the time being besides babysitting her was probably getting in the way of his job. “You don’t need to come in with me.”

  “The hell I don’t.” He swung out of the car, and a few quick strides brought him to her door. He opened it, saying, “Until this is solved, I’m going to be your shadow.”

>   She slanted an annoyed look his way but knew that he wouldn’t relent. He’d stick by her side to the bitter end, no matter what she said. “How am I going to explain you to my staff?”

  “So that’s what’s bothering you.” Jake flashed a suddenly bright smile. “Don’t fret. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

  Head clerk, Monica Brown, a plump, motherly, middle-aged woman looked up in surprise when they entered the shop. “Samantha, how are you? I didn’t expect to see you back so soon.”

  Samantha smiled, hoping to reassure Monica and divert any embarrassing questions about her cancelled wedding. “I’m fine.” She was grateful Monica had the tact not to mention the episode. “I decided to come back early.”

  “That’s probably best.” Monica nodded. “You need to keep busy to take your mind off things.”

  Gary Bates, a junior clerk and college student, carried a box of supplies in from the storeroom. “Hey, boss lady, it’s good to see you back.” He handed the box to Monica and walked over to Samantha, casually placing one of his gangly arms around her shoulders as he gave her a friendly hug. Gary turned to look at Jake. “Who’s the new guy?”

  Samantha smiled up at Gary. The young man was as friendly as a puppy. Then she glanced over at Jake to see him scowling at the innocent embrace. She frowned at him. Jake seemed to get the message. He flashed her a subdued smile. Pleased by Jake’s reaction, she hugged Gary back and then stepped away.

  “Everyone, this is Jake, a new employee. Gary, why don’t you acquaint him with operations? And then you can put him on start-up detail.”

  “Sure thing, boss.” Gary smiled at Jake. “Come with me, and I’ll give you the two-cent tour.”

  Samantha watched them walk away, relieved. So far, so good. Her morning staff seemed to accept Jake as one of them. She walked to the front of the shop to raise the shades and unlock the front door. From the corner of her eye, she could see Monica gazing at her with an anxious look on her face. She really wasn’t up to discussing her fiasco of an engagement. She turned to face her, striving to appear calm and serene. “So what’s on today’s list of events?”

  “You’re sure you’re all right?”

  “Quite sure.” Samantha walked over and placed a reassuring hand on Monica’s arm. “My relationship with Grayson St. James wasn’t meant to be. I had a lucky escape. But thanks for worrying about me.”

  Monica let out a sigh of relief. “You’re welcome. I’m glad to see you’ve got such a good attitude.”

  “Thanks. Let’s go over today’s agenda, okay?”

  Monica smiled and ticked off on her fingers the day’s schedule. “We have the faculty tea, Billy Henderson’s birthday party, and the Marshall wedding shower, as well as the Logan Industries Birthday Ball to plan for next weekend. That’s our biggest job to date, which you well know.”

  Samantha nodded pleased that she’d bid for the job anonymously and gotten it. And Monica was right. It would be really good for business. Every year LI threw an elegant bash for her father’s birthday and this year was no exception. But she had other parties to concentrate on first. “We can go over the LI plans later. How about today’s functions? I’m afraid I’ve left you in the lurch leaving the way I did.”

  “Don’t sweat it, boss. You’d have been off for your honey— um.” Monica looked down at her clipboard. “For the tea, we’ve got five dozen petit fours, finger sandwiches, and the tea things set up with Marsha and Rose to serve.”

  Samantha nodded not taking offense. “Sounds perfect.”

  Monica smiled. “Glad you approve. Next, Mark is coming with me as ‘Happy the Clown’ for the birthday party. He can help me ride herd on the little devils.”

  “Sounds like fun.” Samantha grinned back at her. Murphy’s Law prevailed at children’s parties. Anything that could go wrong usually did.

  Monica shook her head smilingly. “Right. Last but not least, we have a new dancer coming in for the shower. He’s a senior at the university, majoring in performing arts. I auditioned him myself, and he’s good. A little bit nervous, but good.”

  “Naughty girl.” Samantha chuckled at Monica’s blissful expression.

  “I might be a married woman, but I can still look.”

  The front bell jingled. Samantha turned to see Grayson St. James enter the shop and groaned. Oh good grief, how did he know she was here? She was still supposed to be on their honeymoon. What a crummy morning this was turning into.

  Grayson flashed a confident smile, striding toward her. “Thank heavens I found you. I’ve been searching everywhere for you, sweetie pie.”

  Her stomach curdled as she heard him say his pet name for her. She wasn’t buying his contrite tone.

  “I’m so sorry about what happened. Tell me, my girl’s okay.” He leaned forward to kiss her.

  Startled, she turned her head away so the kiss landed on her cheek and cringed, pulling away. “I’m not your girl anymore. I think the fact I ran away from you that night made it clear. I’m not into your kind of fun and games, so why don’t you just turn around and leave!” Her mouth turned dry as Grayson faltered for a moment, his smile slipping. Was he going to cause a scene? Maybe she should have listened to Jake and stayed home. Seeing Grayson’s lying, cheating face brought back the humiliation afresh.

  Grayson reached out to take her hand, bringing it up to brush a kiss across its top. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, sweetie pie. It was the first time, the only time, I swear. I admit I was a curious fool. Please say you’ll forgive me.”

  He wasn’t going to make this easy. Samantha swept an irritated glance over him. She noted his handsome face, precisely styled blond hair, and crisply tailored suit, and wondered what she had ever seen in him. He looked like a low-rent clone of Brad Pitt. She tried to tug her hand away, but he tightened his grip, pinching her fingers. She glared at him. Is the man just plain dense? His intense scrutiny scared her just a little bit. “It’s over. Please leave.”

  “Take your hand off her, St. James.”

  Samantha smiled, hearing Jake’s firm demand from the back of the shop. The immense relief she felt surprised her. Yes, she wanted to handle this herself. But it was nice to know she had back-up if she needed it. Grayson dropped her hand as if scalded. She wiggled her fingers trying to get the blood back into them, grateful for the intervention. Hired guns have their uses after all.

  Grayson glared at Jake. “Ramsey, what are you doing here?”

  “That’s what I want to ask you.” Jake walked up behind Samantha and slipped an arm around her waist, drawing her close to his side. “The lady doesn’t want you here, St. James. Beat it.”

  “This is none of your business, Ramsey.” Grayson’s lips thinned as he glowered at their embrace. “Samantha is my fiancée. I’m sure if her father found out she was consorting with one of his lower level employees, he wouldn’t be very pleased.”

  “He knows and approves. He also knows all about your sexual quirks, and he doesn’t approve.” Jake’s smile was frigid. “You’re on fragile ground, St. James. I wouldn’t push my luck if I were you.”

  Samantha bit her lip as she listened to Grayson and Jake’s heated exchange. It was then she noted Monica and Gary standing in the back of the shop, mouths agape. Oh great, they were putting on just the kind of show she’d wanted to avoid. She placed a hand on Jake’s arm. “Why don’t you go back to what you were doing, Jake? I can handle this.”

  He hesitated a moment. “You’re sure?”

  “I’ll be fine.” She felt bolstered by Jake’s concern, but she needed to handle this mess with Grayson all by herself. It would put the proper end to this fizzled romance. Closure was what the self-help books called it. Jake fixed Grayson with a cool gaze before turning toward the storeroom. “I’ll be in back. If you need me, just yell.”

  She watched Jake walk away, elated by his confidence in her. Maybe he was learning to give a little. It was a pleasing thought. Steeling her resolve, she turned to face Grayson and saw th
at his troubled gaze remained firmly fixed on Jake’s retreat. She cleared her throat drawing Grayson’s attention and saw his suave smile return as he gazed at her. Damn the man for thinking her such a pushover.

  “Samantha, sweetie pie, please give me a chance to talk to you. After what we meant to each other, I hope you can at least give me that.”

  She was shocked. In all the time she’d known Grayson, she’d never heard him beg anyone for anything. Maybe he needed closure, too. She couldn’t talk about their faded relationship now. Not with things in such turmoil. “After we’ve both had a chance to cool off, we’ll talk.”

  “Thank you,” he said, then turned to walk away. At the door he stopped to say, “I’ll pick you up for dinner tonight.”

  “Hey!” Samantha yelled after him, but he was already gone. Of all the nerve! If he thought he’d maneuvered her into a date, he had another think coming.

  Jake carried some ice cream refills to the counter. “I see you got rid of him. Did everything go okay?”

  “Just fine. I’ll talk to you about it later.” She’d call Grayson at work and tell him not to come, so there was no need to tell Jake about her lack of success. She didn’t want him to lose confidence in her.

  An hour later, Samantha was doing inventory in the storeroom when Jake’s strong arm slipped around her waist. She snuggled back against his muscular body.

  “Guess who?” he whispered, bending to nuzzle her nape.

  “Grayson,” she said, then chuckled when he grumbled in response to her teasing. The fact that she could joke about him meant that he’d been finally relegated to history.

  “Guess again.”

  “This isn’t very professional, Jake.” She leaned into his strength, all her previous objections fading away. She owed it to the both of them to at least give their budding relationship a try. Smiling, she all but purred at the sensation his plundering lips caused.

  Monica poked her head around the door. “Samantha, the stripper is here.”

  “Stripper?” Jake said.

  Samantha flushed, seeing Monica’s sparkling eyes as she viewed their embrace, and stepped away from Jake’s arms. Oh boy, she was sure to be in for some razzing later. “Send him into my office.”


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