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ROMULUS (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 1)

Page 21

by Marilyn Campbell

  "We are now three weeks to the situation becoming critical. We no longer have the option of subterfuge. The most expedient course would be to approach a reputable Outerworld scientist and offer the information the Terrans need to prevent the planetoid's collision with Earth and to increase the speed of their ships.

  "We do not have another emissary already in place where he or she could be effective without destroying his or her cover and there is no time for a new infiltration. Evacuation of our entire population is out of the question. I don't need to tell you how much Norona depends on this planet's volterrin. We must prevent its destruction.

  "The person needed for this mission would have to have a considerable scientific background to be accepted as credible and able to answer any questions that might arise. Because of the delicacy of the situation, this person would also need to be an accomplished diplomat. I have chosen the United States as the most logical destination for our emissary.

  "Romulus, I cannot order you to accept this assignment but you are the most qualified person I know of for this job. No other individual with the right background is as familiar with Outerworld."

  Without hesitation, Romulus accepted. "Any ideas on how I convince this Outerworld scientist that I'm on the level?"

  "This was a difficult decision for me to make. Unless you have a better idea, I suggest you take Aster with you to attest to our existence. She has an outstanding reputation in certain scientific communities. And by now, the Terrans have probably verified the mysterious circumstances surrounding her disappearance. She might also be able to help smooth over any difficulties you encounter while there. You may have studied Outerworld but she truly knows it. Because of your relationship, I have assumed there is no other Terran you would prefer to take. I will trust your judgment where she is concerned. Could she do this, or more to the point, would she do this, for us?"

  Rom did not like the idea of being separated from Aster but had agreed to the mission because of his sense of duty. Taking her with him on a possibly dangerous assignment concerned him even more. He realized part of his worry stemmed from the remote possibility that she might not want to return with him once she was home. His emotional side argued that she loved him and her new life enough to return, and yet...

  "Elissa, I should tell you, Aster and I are burning for each other. I have no idea how or why it happened but she is my shalla. I know it is prohibited but if you would grant us special permission, we could be joined before we leave. The mind link could be helpful if we had any problems."

  "And it would also ensure that she would come back with you, wouldn't it? No, Romulus, even if I was willing, the Tribunal would have to approve such a unique joining and I seriously doubt they would, even under the circumstances. We can't wait to find out either. Also, you have no idea what the mind link would do to Aster. She would be of no help at all if she was spending all her time trying to sort out your thoughts, hers and outside voices. There's too much at stake to take such a chance. As to her returning to us, depend on her fever. It affects women as strongly as men, although I never heard of it happening to a Terran."

  "You're right, of course. I'll speak to her tonight. I'm sure she'll agree. When do we leave?"

  "Tomorrow." Elissa placed her hand over Rom's. "I realize the timing could not be worse for the two of you."

  "I understand. Perhaps the professor and I should begin working on what information I'm to present and to whom."

  Although a shy, awkward man in social circumstances, when discussing his chosen field, Professor Schontivian's expressionless face and squinty eyes became relatively animated. He unrolled a large chart of the Earth's solar system and pointed to the various planets and areas as he spoke.

  Except for one short break to let Aster know how late he would be, the cramming session went on for most of the day. By the time Schontivian departed, Rom's eyes ached and his neck was stiff with tension. Usually, he thrived on stress but since Aster came into his life, it did not give him the same thrill of accomplishment. He just wanted to go home.

  He was clearing his desk when he spotted a letter from his father. It was not very long, but long enough.


  A very uncomplimentary report was received by the Tribunal regarding your relationship with a Terran female, implying that her influence has severely impaired your judgment and competency. My "informant" said you should expect a summons to return to Norona in the near future. The governorship could be at stake.

  Also, your mother has insisted that I add, if there is someone in your life, you must bring her home as well. Do not do anything rash. You know how she gets when she's worried about you.

  Love, Father

  Rom put the note in his pocket and headed home.

  He found Aster sitting by the pond in the back yard and sat down beside her. Without saying a word, he pulled her into his arms. Aster instinctively sensed his tension.

  "Please don't be angry with me for being up. I could not stand another minute in that bed," she said as she sat up and looked into his eyes, trying to see the source of his anxiety. "You look so tired, shallar. Can you tell me about it? Or maybe you would like something to eat and then relax in the whirlpool." It was her turn to worry about him.

  "Yes, to all of the above. I have a lot to tell you and I can't eat or relax until that's out of the way." He summarized the morning's meeting and the governor's request for Aster's participation.

  "It doesn't surprise me in the least that you would be called upon to save the world. If the governor hadn't suggested I accompany you, I would have stowed away in your luggage. You may be book smart about Earth but I'm familiar with the real thing. I might be of some help." Suddenly her eyes opened wide with awareness. "My heavens. I'm really going back."

  Rom could see the light bulbs flashing on in her head. "I know you're not going to like this but I don't want you to misunderstand. You still can't reveal anything you've learned here. There is a specific amount of information we are to pass on and that's it."

  "You're right, I don't like it." She carefully worded her next sentence. "But I swear I will not give away any of your secrets." Her own secrets were another matter entirely.

  "You are so incredible," Rom murmured, holding her tightly and stroking her hair before moving away from her. "As if that weren't enough, I got a letter from my father today. You may as well read it yourself, if you promise not to say I told you so." Rom handed her the paper.

  Sadness took possession of her as she read it. Perhaps now Rom would realize they could never join.

  He rubbed his tired eyes. "I had assumed that if I wanted you, they would accept you. How could anyone not love you once they met you?"

  Aster gave Rom a quick kiss. "I still love you, if that helps any. Now, unless you have some other bomb to drop on me, we have a lot to do tonight." All her organizational skills surged to life. "Outerworld doesn't have supply stations with disposable clothing, so we'll have to pack a few things. Also, we'll need money, just in case something goes wrong."

  "Whoa! You sound like a little general heading into battle. Everything we need will be provided before we leave. I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed if this turns out to be as simple as I expect. I intend to be out and back in one day, so there's no need to pack anything."

  "Who are you kidding? There is absolutely no way that you and I are going to pop in, out of the blue, talking about Innerworld and a coming disaster, and have it turn out to be simple. C'mon." She pulled his arm to get him up. "Let's get you some food while you tell me how we're going to do this."

  While she ordered a meal for him, he started preparing her. "I wrote down some basic information that you'll need to memorize, as you said, just in case. We'll be going to the Palomar Observatory outside of Escondido, California. Apparently, it's the most likely place where someone might have sighted the planetoid, but that doesn't ensure that they picked up the planetoid's shift. I understand the air and light pollution in the area occasiona
lly cause distorted or incorrect readings. Have you been there?"

  "A long time ago," Aster replied. "I shouldn't have any problem getting us around the area though."

  "Good. We'll be contacting a scientist named Doctor Katherine Houston. Her specialty is tracking the asteroid belt and we've been told she's very trustworthy.

  "A lot is depending on the reports we have received from our emissary stationed at the Rand Corporation in Santa Monica. We've been assured that Doctor Houston always works in her lab at the observatory on Saturday.

  "I don't expect it to happen, but if we get separated, you will contact that emissary. He's been notified that two people will be coming out."

  "Wait a minute. You have an agent working at the Rand Corporation? That's a think tank. Why doesn't he just say he thought up this new formula for fuel and give it to Doctor Houston himself?"

  "Because our emissary is a night janitor there. A lowly position, but a trusted one, with keys to every door and access afterhours. No one would believe he became a genius overnight."

  "How would I contact this person?"

  "This man has provided us with information of untold value for many years and we must avoid jeopardizing his position in any way. It would take years to establish another emissary in such a sensitive area. We are only to contact him in an extreme emergency. Your portable vidcoms must be left in Innerworld. If necessary, call this number on a public phone. When someone answers, don't speak. Punch this code into the phone instead. That will advise our contact that there is an emergency and you need to meet.

  "Before we leave tomorrow, a homing device will be implanted in our ears. I will be able to find you if we are separated and the emissary will be able to locate either one of us using the device."

  "Ouch. Do I have to?"

  "You'll never know it's there. Also," Rom said, reaching into his pocket, "we each wear one of these rings. The emissary wears one too. That's how you would identify him."

  Aster picked up the smaller gold ring and tried it on her third finger. There were markings and raised bumps of gold on both sides of the band. A large fire opal winked at her from the center setting. When the light hit the stone, she could make out a geometric design deep in the center of the gem.

  "That's the insignia for Innerworld," Rom explained. "Be careful with the stone and nodes. The opal can be turned in either direction or opened like a door, but each movement has a purpose which may generate a message or action. These nodes on the sides gives access to a microcomputer and the transmigrator. Don't worry about it. You have enough to remember without learning how to operate the ring."

  "Wow! I get my very own secret decoder ring. How very cloak and dagger. I'm sorry. This isn't funny. I must be getting hysterical. How do we get there? I refuse to go through what I did to come here."

  Rom laughed. "It will take less than a minute and you'll feel a bit like you're on a roller-coaster ride. One second we'll be here then we'll be there. That's all there is to it."

  "You mean our bodies dematerialize here and rematerialize in another location."

  Rom was impressed with her comprehension. "Basically, that's correct. I could get more technical if you'd like."

  "No, thank you. You are talking to someone who can barely stand to get on an airplane, so I think the less I know, the better. Just guarantee me I won't end up with my feet on backward or anything like that."

  "Guaranteed." Rom chucked her under her chin. "Are you really afraid to fly?" He was going to have a time convincing her to go to Norona with him as it was.

  "I'm better than I used to be. Just hold onto my hand."

  Rom pulled her onto his lap with a wicked laugh. "I intend to be holding on to a lot more than that." He nibbled her ear as his hand crept up her thigh.

  Aster felt the heat rising and quickly got off his lap before her evening's plans were ruined. "Is there anything else we need to go over?"

  Rom was totally confused. Her body was hot when he held her. He knew that she must need him now. He hoped she was not still thinking about Victor's abuse. But, if necessary, he would seduce her all over again. He walked up behind her and slid his arms around her waist.

  "Whatever it is can wait until later. How about that whirlpool now?" His husky voice breathed into her ear. "Will you share it with me?"

  Although dizzy from wanting him so badly, she was determined to give him his whole surprise or nothing. "No, I can't. I... have something to do. Would you like me to get it ready for you?" she asked nervously as she pulled away.

  "Never mind. I'll just take a shower." He sounded so disappointed Aster almost gave in as he turned away and slowly climbed the stairs.

  As soon as she heard the water turn on, she ran to the bedroom, tearing her clothes off along the way. She moved at breakneck speed to get ready before he got out of the shower.

  With tousled wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist, Rom stepped out from behind the bathroom screen. He was so devilishly appealing that it took Aster a moment to remember the lines she had carefully rehearsed.

  "Stop!" she commanded.

  The order was unnecessary. Rom froze at the shocking sight of the Amazon waiting for him at the foot of their bed. She had tossed her hair so that it was in wild disarray around her beautiful, but stern, face. She stood akimbo, over six feet tall in her spike-heeled shoes and dressed in a revealing red lace bustier. Black fishnet stockings attached to a black lace garter belt completed the outfit.

  Holding a riding crop, Aster slinked toward him and inserted the end of the quirt into the top of the towel, easily flipping his only protection into a corner of the room. She slowly circled his nude form as if inspecting her property, finally giving his rump a light taste of her whip.

  "Acceptable. Get on the bed, on your back. Now!"

  Rom had gotten over his initial surprise and was struggling to hold back a full-fledged horse laugh. He quickly did as she bade. Whatever she had in mind was fine with him.

  Coming around to one side of the bed, she dropped her prop and brought his one arm up, swiftly tying a red velvet cord around his wrist. The other end was secured to the bed frame. She moved to his ankles then his other wrist until each of his limbs was prettily bound to a corner of the bed. He was no longer sure this was funny.

  He watched her kneel at one of his feet and sighed when she began massaging the arches. The relaxing moment ended when her tongue came into play, tracing each of his toes with special attention to the sensitive flesh between. As she got to his smallest appendage she drew it between her lips and sucked gently. When each toe of that foot had been properly loved, she repeated the treatment on his other foot.

  Crawling onto the bed between his legs, she let her stomach caress his burning flesh as her mouth closed over one of his nipples. Aster's tongue played with him as he had done so often with her. When she felt the small pebble harden, she moved to the other.

  Rom moaned and pulled at the cords keeping him in place. His desire was too great to hold back much longer.

  "Oh, no, you don't. You're my love slave tonight and you can only be rewarded if you're a very obedient boy."

  Aster backed off the bed and stood straight before him. She untied the bustier and let the material fall to the floor. Her hands cupped her breasts and lifted them to him. "My breasts ache for you, my shallar. Can't you see how much they want you to touch them?" Her fingertips rolled her aroused nipples then slid down her abdomen to lightly brush the dark curls between her legs. "My body has missed you terribly. But then, you know I have an emptiness only you can fill."

  Her words were like warm honey pouring over his body. His limbs felt numb. All his blood rushed to the center of his being, forming the eye of a storm within him.

  Leaving the garter belt and stockings on, she came back to him and enveloped his shaft between her full breasts. Using her hands to press herself tightly around him, she manipulated his flesh. Her lush embrace ripped away the last of his self-control. A tormented groan escaped
and he came against his will. As he gasped for breath, she sat back on her feet. Staring into his eyes, she leaned over and nibbled his chest and stomach.

  Within minutes, he was ready for her again and she untied his restraints. She lay down beside him, wordlessly urging him on top of her. Slick with desire, Aster's body easily absorbed his without further guidance. Her hands trickled down his back and massaged his buttocks as he began his rhythmic probing.

  Bringing her hands back to her own waist, palms up, she eased them between their bodies. Rom lifted his head and looked at her curiously just before her fingertips applied pressure to the two nerve bundles above his groin. His head catapulted forward into the pillow and he involuntarily plunged deeper inside her.

  He was totally unprepared for the explosion that rocked him with his second release. When he regained a semblance of his strength, he rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. Aster propped her head on her fist and gazed at him with a Cheshire Cat grin. He drew her lips to his in a long, sensual kiss.

  "Don't ever do that again," Rom whispered breathlessly, "at least not for another week."

  The spell broke and they both gave in to a fit of laughter as she described how she had done her research.

  "Oh, I almost forgot. That wasn't the whole surprise."

  Rom looked horrified. "Aster, please, I don't think I'd survive any more right now!"

  "No, silly. I don't mean that kind of surprise. Wait a minute." She got off the bed and brought up a long package wrapped in shiny red paper. She placed it on his lap as she sat up. "This is to thank you for loving me no matter how inappropriate. Go ahead, open it." She could barely contain her own anticipation.

  He couldn't imagine what it could be but his curiosity didn't make him remove the wrapping any less carefully. When the splendorous sword was revealed, he was speechless for several seconds. Touching the gleaming steel, he murmured, "It's the Black Knight's sword. How did you get it?"

  "Remember I told you I had met Falcon? Well, I went to the Arena to look for a souvenir for you. Falcon works there and he gave me this. He said the Black Knight admired you very much and would want you to have it. He told me you put that nick in the blade when you defeated the knight. Do you like it?"


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