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Black Flag (Racing on the Edge)

Page 48

by Stahl, Shey

  I could see tears glistening in his eyes, and looked away so that he wouldn’t feel comfortable that I noticed. Before I knew it, he yanked me into a tight hug and then pulled away. “It was an amazing thing watching you battle these last few months and even greater seeing you holding that championship trophy as a rookie. I’m proud of you son.”

  “Thanks, dad.” We both smiled.

  After another brief moment, I discerned that he had said everything he was going to say and that it was time for me to give him a minute alone. “Um—Sorry, Charlie, but I think I had better go change. Emma has us on a tight schedule.”

  “Of course,” he harrumphed

  I smiled and headed for the bathroom, to ditch the tuxedo for something more comfortable for the night.

  I had barely finished when I heard Emma yelling for me. When she appeared, Sway once again took my breath away.

  Emma had chosen perfectly, of course—a silk jersey wrap dress in violet that best set off Sway’s coloring. Her hair; let loose from its pins and now hung in gentle waves over her shoulders. Her rapturous smile made her eyes sparkle. She reached for my hand as soon as she approached me.

  The crowd parted to let us through the doors. I wrapped an arm around Sway’s waist. “Are you ready?”

  “I am,” she replied simply, confidently. “Are you?”

  “I am,” with a soft groan against the side of her head.

  We paused for effect at the door while I kissed her once again for the benefit of the crowd and my mom who hadn’t stopped taking pictures. Applause and a shower of rice followed us to the carriage. Spencer doing his best to make sure as much of it as possible bounced off my head.

  It was beautiful outside, the sun had set and the snow continued to fall. The trees that lined the pathway to the carriage were lit up with thousands of white Christmas lights.

  The only problem with this whole scenario with the carriage was that no one thought it would be snowing. Washington doesn’t see snow all that often, so for it to be snowing on our wedding day was not planned for.

  Sway was ecstatic when she saw the snow. How she didn’t notice it was snowing earlier was beyond me but I had to laugh as her wide eyes took in the serene views.

  We paused in front of the carriage, agreeing it wouldn’t work, when Sway took my face in her hands. I smiled down at her. “Would it be totally inappropriate of us if we did a snow angel right now?”

  “No, no,” I told her motioning toward the snow. “snow angel away,”

  So we did the most inappropriate thing you could do in wedding attire. We made snow angels.

  “I love you, honey.” I told her leaning in for a kiss, snow falling against her angelic face.

  She smiled back at me but didn’t say anything as though her eyes were flashing with memories. “You should, I’m carrying your child.”

  I laughed against her lips. “Thank you,”

  Sway shivered. “’re welcome but my ass is getting cold. Let’s go.”

  23. Shake Down – Jameson

  Shake Down – The first test with a brand new engine.

  “Slow down honey...we can’t...oh god...don’t stop...”

  Fuck, fuck...oh god...I wanted this just as badly.

  “Sway...please...” I reached for her hands that were once again, reaching for me. I pinned them above her head against the pillow she rested on. “Slow down.”

  “No, Jameson...we can do this.” She told me, smirking. “The doctor said its okay.”

  “Are you sure?” you couldn’t miss the hesitation in my voice but you also couldn’t miss the anticipation that she was sure.

  She only nodded and the smile upon my wife’s face grew wider as she bit down on her lower lip.

  With a low groan, I pulled her face back to mine, pressing my lips to hers.

  Sway threw her arms around my neck, grasping her fingers together in an attempt to make sure I didn’t get away. Her mouth was feverish against mine and frantic with the intensity of her driven passion.

  It was more than enough to ignite my smoldering desire into a full-fledged fucking fire. My hands were in her hair, locking her face to me as we kissed—her lips hard against mine. We were both gasping, swallowing each other’s heated breaths.

  I wanted to be able to let go. I wanted to take her the way I wanted without restraints, but I couldn’t. This night was about letting go, letting go of the past and beginning our lives together but self-control was needed. Sway wasn’t ready, at least not physically.

  Her kisses were burning urgency. I burned with the same urgency, the same need she was emitting. It’d been months since we’d last been together this way, and I felt utterly incapable of going slow or taking my time. It’d be a goddamn miracle if I didn’t come the instant I entered her.

  I’d imagined this night to be about slow love making where we reintroduced our bodies to one another but it wasn’t going to go down that way. It’d been far too long. I wanted to plunge into her and experience the warmth, the tightness, the friction as soon as possible, to find that moment of exquisite release without delay.

  There wasn’t much left of Sway’s dress so I disposed of her panties with one quick yank as well as my underwear, barely registering the sound of fabric tearing. My hand came down to part her legs when I noticed a shimmer of light reflect off the fireplace.

  I smirked when I saw the words “To my husband” spelled out across her glistening crankcase.

  “When did you do that?” My fingers brushed over the raised gems and I chuckled. “It’s weird how much that turns me on.”

  “The other day,” She replied softly and pulled me back against her. I settled between her thighs, careful not to put any weight on her and cautiously pushed inside.

  I heard Sway gasp so I drew back, instantly regretting this. “No...don’t stop.”

  “Sway,” I said sternly. “It’s hurting you. We shouldn’t do this.”

  “No, please. I need you, please!” She pleaded into my eyes frantically pulling my shoulders toward her. “Just go slow.” Her voice was trembling, on the verge of tears. I wasn’t sure if the tears were from the pain or the need.

  I only nodded. I didn’t want her to hear the regret in my voice. Instead, I pushed forward once again. “Holy shit, you’re tight.” I grunted my arms shaking as I hovered above her.

  Sway giggled while I gazed at her beautiful body, glowing in the amber flames and blinked slowly.

  “It’s like my first time again.” Then she sneezed and said, “You’re deflowering me.”

  “It’s call shake down. The first test of a brand new engine,” Leaning forward, I captured her lips, sucking her lower lip between my teeth. “I also think that I like the idea of taking your virginity.”

  “Me too,” she gasped but I recognized it as a sound of pleasure. I was encouraged but hesitant, panting, shaking my head against the fog of bliss that threatened to take me over.

  The feel of her around me was almost painfully intense, but better than anything. I could probably just lie here for hours and not even move, just enjoy the heat and the tightness.

  Sway had other ideas and was frustrated at my hesitation. Arching her back against me suddenly, forcing us together deeply. It was my turn to gasp at the flood of sensations.

  I had to keep it together no matter how badly my body wanted to let go. Moving, rocking us together as gently as I could. With a nod, Sway allowed me to take control, and lead. Clutching my upper arms and digging her nails into my flesh ineffectually, trying her best to ensure that I didn’t go anywhere, didn’t pull away.

  I wanted her to look at me but her eyes were closed as her lips parted while she moaned my name and rocked her hips. Her expression was astonishingly erotic, utterly unguarded and unselfconscious. The pressure was already building quickly, and that look hurtled me forward.

  I wasn’t lasting long but I took comfort in knowing I would be ready again within minutes.

  I wouldn’t finish without her
, though. I couldn’t take this much pleasure from her body and not give back. I pulled back, albeit against Sway’s pull for me to stay. I reached down between us, circling the spot I knew so well. It took less than a second for her to fall apart beneath me.

  Watching Sway in the midst of an orgasm I gave her was both a beautiful and fascinating sight. It quickly became my own breaking point, I couldn’t stop.

  I felt the pit of my stomach coil, the tendons and muscles in my body flexing as the warm flush surged throughout my body, letting go with a resonating groan.

  My eyes remained closed for several moments as I fought to regain myself, but when I finally did I look down at her sprawled across the bed, I was amazed. The flames dancing shadows across her skin—her warm emerald eyes glowing in the deep ocher, she was beautiful.

  When I could think and move again, I collapsed beside her. Reaching up, I put my palms on either side of her face so I could kiss her again, still trembling.

  As I figured, I began to harden instantly when her thigh brushed against me.

  This went on until the early hours of the morning, us making love, slowly, passionately and then starting all over again when we were done.

  It was now early in the morning and the sun was beating down against my bare skin while Sway slept in my arms. I’d been watching her for the last few hours as the scattering violets, blues, and greens throughout the suite were replaced with intense red and oranges hues as the sun rose.

  I could tell she was awake by her breathing. Slowly she opened her eyes and raised herself up on an elbow so she could look down at me.

  “I’m hungry.” She said meekly. “Really hungry,”

  “Let’s eat then.” I growled rolling her over and assaulting her neck with nips and slow licks.

  “As good as that feels,” her hands pushed against my chest. “I was looking for actual food.”

  “Mmm...I have food...right here.” My hands raised hers over her head, restraining them to the pillows above.

  “I have to pee.” She said suddenly simpering.

  I pulled back to look at her, my eyes narrowing suspiciously. “You’ve tried that line before.”

  “I do have to pee this time.”

  “How do I know you’re not lying?” I asked giving her a smile, my eyes searching hers.

  “You could stay there and see...but I don’t suggest it.” I let go of her arms but didn’t move my legs that were still wrapped around her. “Unless you’d liked to be peed on.”

  I wasn’t willing to take the chance and let go. Sway giggled the entire way to the bathroom, skipping around to avoid the cold wood floor. She stopped right before entering the bathroom, reaching for the room service menu as she closed the door.

  A few minutes later, she returned. I was still lying on the bed, completely naked—I’d even pushed the sheets aside. As she approached the bedside, menu in hand, she bit down on her lower lip and whimpered.

  Actually whimpered, fuck yeah!

  I nodded arrogantly with a wink. Playfully, I pulled her down on me. She giggled and reached for me, twining her arms around my neck so she could pull her face to mine and pressed our lips together, her kiss was immediately heated. I groaned when she sucked at my lower lip and bit down with her teeth, it was nothing more than a nip—an unbelievably sexy fucking nip. Already hard my camshaft had considerable lift.

  I pulled back enough to move my mouth to her ear. “Wife...” I whispered silkily, relishing her shiver in reaction to my breath against her skin. “I thought you were hungry?”

  “I am...” she breathed against my lips, attacking them once again as she rolled to straddle me. She was quicker than I give her credit for because before I could comprehend that she was on top of me, she was slipping me inside her, slowly.

  I was languishing in the sensation of her around me relaxing and stretching to allow me access.

  “Christ that’s nice.” Her legs squeezed around me, as she threw her head back with a soft moan and then she began to move.

  I removed my hand from her thigh and reached in between us.

  “Jameson...” she murmured breathlessly. “If you keep doing’s only going to be a minute...oh god!”

  Taking that as a challenge, I did the same motions several times, picking up the pace incrementally with each thrust. It only took a moment before she was digging her nails into my chest, her head thrown back.

  Though I was distracted by the way this position pushed her headers together, I didn’t pause, but watching her fall apart so quickly, so intensely, sent me racing toward the edge myself. My back arched as my muscles clenched at the onset, the warmth spreading throughout my entire body, my knees trembling from both the sensation and the effort of maintaining my restraint of not hurting her.

  We stayed as we were, clutching each other as Sway panted and I tried to bring my thoughts back into focus so that I could figure out what body part I could move and in what direction to disentangle us without hurting her.

  She was the first to speak, her words slurred together. “Husband...I’ll take the blueberry pancakes.”

  I laughed quietly tracing circles across her hip. “Blueberry pancakes it is...wife.” I reached for the menu that she dropped beside the bed.

  There was nothing—nothing at all—that I had ever experienced, after everything we’d been through, or could even dream of experiencing that could match these moments with Sway, alone.

  For the majority of our lives together we’d constantly been surrounded by people. We were rarely ever alone and I was relieved to know that no one had a fucking clue as to where we were staying.

  The overwhelming sensations, the pleasures, the new closeness that I felt toward her in these moments, all of it was so much more than I had ever imagined or ever hoped for.

  What I had thought was impossible had become our reality. I didn’t feel like a NASCAR race car driver that could barely go anywhere without being noticed anymore. I only felt like this beautiful woman’s husband in these moments.

  I smiled down at Sway now sleeping soundly after this morning’s activities and her pancakes. Her hair messy and her cheeks flushed slightly. She was perfect.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To get the door. Room service is here,” I told her glancing over my shoulder and noticed something I didn’t approve of. “Hey what are you doing there?”


  “Stop that.”



  “ good...”

  “Sway,” I turned on my heel and headed back toward her. “Isn’t this my job?” I motioned toward her hand that was currently between her legs, but the sight was something I’d imagined in my dreams countless times. I couldn’t draw my eyes away from it.

  A loud rap sounded against the door. “Fuck...” I groaned. “I’ll be right back...stop that until I get back.”

  “Mmm...” she moaned again, arching her back as I rushed toward the door.

  Cracking the door open as little as possible, “What’s up?” My gaze still focused behind me on Sway.

  When I turned toward the kid, he was looking at me weird. I probably did look weird.

  He cleared his throat before speaking. “Your food, sir,”

  “Right...just leave it” I handed him a hundred dollar bill for something I’m sure was only about thirty.

  He glanced down at the bill and then back up at me. “I can bring it inside.” He told me. “It’s my job, you know.”

  “I know what your job is.” I snapped as I heard Sway moan again, my fists clenched beside me, gripping the doorframe.

  The kid smirked and tried to look over my shoulder—there was no hiding what those noises were. I stepped outside the door, slamming it shut behind me.

  “I said leave the goddamn food outside.” I moved toward him, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Yes sir.” He stammered backing away.

  I waited unti
l he was down the hall before I opened the door, pushing the tray inside. By that time, Sway’s eyes were closed, writhing around in pleasure...pleasure I wasn’t causing and that infuriated me.

  I was by the bed in an instant, removing her hand to replace it with my mouth. I started out slow, bringing her to the brink and then drawing back.

  After the fourth time of doing this, she fisted her hands in my hair, pulling my face to look up at her. “You do that again and I will kill you.” The murderous expression she wore frightened me slightly so this time I didn’t stop until she was violently shaking against me, screaming out my name.

  I always wondered how loud she could scream I know.

  Pleased with myself, I crawled up her body, trailing feather soft kisses across her swollen abdomen. Once I reached her neck, I nipped against the soft flesh lightly. “Don’t ever tease me like that again.”

  “You just don’t like the fact I was getting myself off.” She blinked slowly when I looked over at her, pushing her legs apart, the corners of her mouth twisted into a triumphant smile.

  I moved my hands to rest against the pillow behind her head shaking my head, “No...I don’t.” Despite my domineering tone, I smiled and winked, my hips flexing forward to enter her. Sway let out a noise somewhere between a gasp and a moan that goaded me on.

  Another hour later, we were eating our cold dinner in front the fireplace.

  Tonight was our last night here before we had to leave for Vegas for the championship banquet.

  We had chosen a small bed and breakfast on the water in Cannon Beach Oregon but we hadn’t left the room since we arrived. Currently in a battle of names for our flailing spaz, I took a moment to watch Sway. Naturally, she was beautiful but it was more than that. She seemed different now, her smile exuded contentedness.


  I laughed. “You’re joking, right?”

  “Clearly,” she murmured taking a sip of her hot chocolate, her finger dipped inside the cup to scoop some whip cream into her mouth.

  It’d just began to snow again, Sway and I had moved from the bed to the chase lounge situated in front of the large windows overlooking the beach that was coated with a light powder. We hadn’t bothered to put clothes on, just wrapped ourselves together inside a warm blanket.


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