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His Lost Princess: A Fairy Tale (Tales of Euphoria Book 2)

Page 7

by Ella Ardent

  “It is, sir,” I acknowledged, much relieved.

  His gaze dropped to my lips and one hand rose to grip my nape. “No man can evade his fortune when summoned,” he whispered. “Just as no man evades his past when it calls for a reckoning.”

  I was surprised by these words and also by the change in his manner. I had the curious sense that I’d broken a spell that snared him, but that made no sense at all. “Have you a past that demands a reckoning, sir?”

  “I must,” he admitted, as rueful as only Royce could be. He cast a glance around the fine chamber, then smiled just for me. “For I have been plagued by nightmares since arriving in this place.”

  There was no doubting the shadows in his eyes then, much less the ones beneath them. “Might I ask what manner of nightmares, sir? What haunts you?”

  “You might ask but I cannot reply. I never remember them.” He shrugged and looked impatient. “I have only a sense of foreboding and fear.”

  I was concerned for him then and couldn’t leave the matter be. “Is there any other place you are fearful? Any other event that triggers such terrors, sir?”

  “Do you mean to heal me?” The notion seemed to amuse him. “Is that one of your hidden virtues?”

  “I would do so if I could, sir.”

  “No matter the cost?”

  I swallowed. “No matter the cost, sir.”

  “How intriguing you are, and yet still I do not know your name.”

  “Perhaps you might guess it, sir.”

  “That pleasure will have to wait.”

  The dance ended and Royce escorted me to the perimeter of the room, where all the maidens stood in a line. I curtseyed to him, even as a footman brought him a chalice of wine. He drank of it, watching me all the while, and I was certain I saw his manner change yet again. Once again, he looked decisive and regal. Merciless in a way that I couldn’t reconcile with the boy I’d known.

  I curtseyed, even as I tried to make sense of it. “I am sorry to learn of your discomfort, sir, and would offer you solace if I could.”

  Royce smiled then, looking more wicked than I could ever recall. “What precise solace would you offer, fair maiden?”

  I blushed, but replied as I should. “Whatsoever you command, sir. I am a loyal vassal of Euphoria.”

  “Then tell me your name.” His tone was imperious, and I bristled at this command.

  “As I noted, sir, I would not so quickly dismiss your attention.” I knew my smile was coy, for I was certain he had guessed. “Surely you know the names of all your maidens in the village?” I taunted, watching his eyes narrow in speculation.

  “I thought I did.”

  Perhaps he didn’t know who I was. That was disappointing, for I’d believed that Royce saw more than most.

  The musicians began another tune and Royce turned away as a footman appeared with a tray of glasses finer than any I had seen before. They brimmed with some sparkling concoction, of the hue of pale sunlight. I accepted one, because it was clearly expected. I thought he might speak again to me, but he drained his chalice and handed it to the footman, not sparing me another glance.

  Then he was gone, escorting Flora on to the dance floor. She blushed, as was her wont, and stumbled a little in her agitation, but Royce said something to her that made her smile. She straightened then and danced quite well with him, beneath the watchful gaze of the king’s guests. I saw that many of them were whispering to each other and wondered if they wagered on Royce’s choice.

  I hoped he didn’t forget to bestow a second kiss upon me. I wanted one upon my lips, not my breast, for I was greedy for more of his touch.

  The evening lost its luster for me then, for I stood alone. The other maidens spoke to each other and speculated on Royce’s choices, but I deliberately stood aside from them. The sound of my voice might trigger their recognition and I wished to remain unknown. The aristocrats spoke to each other, only inviting the maidens to dance when they wished to mock us. I declined several opportunities to dance, remembering the sharpness of Royce’s tone when I acknowledged having been kissed before. I wouldn’t give him any cause for jealousy.

  He glanced my way often, as if to confirm my presence. I stood and waited for his attentions again, smiling when our gazes collided, certain this was the longest evening of my entire life.

  I was surprised when a woman cleared her throat beside me. A quick glance confirmed that she was one of the king’s guests, for she was dressed in a great swirl of red velvet. From my father’s trade, I knew the value of that cloth and knew the quantity of it in that dress was considerable. It was fitted snugly to her torso, the bodice shaped to cup her breasts. Her shoulders were bare, revealing an expanse of flawless golden skin, and her nipples had been painted gold. There were rubies at her throat and pearls woven into her dark hair, and I knew I had never seen a woman so beautiful or so sumptuously dressed. My gaze lingered on her nipples, for she was the sole one of the king’s guests in such revealing garb.

  She smiled at my glance. “I thought to participate in the joys of Euphoria,” she said. “I believe it important to sample the pleasures offered in a foreign court.”

  I curtseyed. “Forgive me, my lady, for I am ignorant of your name. If you a guest of the king, I hope you find Euphoria all you expected it to be.”

  “Indeed, I do, for there are greater delights than ever I anticipated.” She turned to watch Royce dancing and I saw her smile curve with satisfaction. “The man chosen to be heir to the throne is far more appealing than any might have hoped.”

  I wondered for she sounded possessive of Royce—and truly, though I had no claim to him, I bristled at her tone. “From whence did you journey, my lady?”

  “From Imperium, specifically to witness the coming-of-age ceremony. My father, the Emperor, is most interested in the future of Euphoria.”

  And it appeared that she was most interested in Royce.

  I was not such a simpleton that I didn’t see her implication. “Is there to be an alliance made?” I asked.

  She laughed, then looked me up and down with disdain. “I am Lascivia, the daughter of the Emperor of Imperium, and I am always given what I desire. I have found a prize to covet in Euphoria’s court.” Her dark eyes narrowed. “Do not imagine that I will not remember any transgressions when I am queen. Let him take you, but don’t be such a fool to hope for more than one night in his bed.”

  She didn’t wait for a reply but swept away from me then, the hem of her gown trailing behind her. She plucked a glass of wine from the tray of a footman and sipped of it when she paused beside the king. They laughed together, like old comrades, and smiled in unison as they watched Royce dance.

  I had been warned.

  Which was interesting, in and of itself. What if I did desire more from Royce than one night? Assuming in the first place that he chose me, Lascivia’s words implied that the tradition could be broken.

  Why else would she have deemed me to be a threat?

  I thought then of Marta, who had been taken by the king, claimed by him at his coming-of-age, Marked by him, and still was bound to him in some way. I knew he stopped at her hut when he rode to hunt, but that couldn’t be because of Royce, for the king hadn’t known of Royce’s parentage until recently, after the arrival of the Dark Prince at his court. Marta wasn’t queen, but did she have other influence at the palace? Was that what Lascivia feared?

  I had so many questions, yet believed I would have many years to see them all answered. For this evening, I meant to enjoy every moment. I would solve riddles when I had no pleasures to savor or anticipate.

  For the moment, I awaited Royce’s kiss.

  The dancing took hours, for Royce was not miserly with his attentions. Each maiden had a long dance with him, and I watched how he conversed with each. Undoubtedly, he sought to identify them all, though it was not so difficult as that to guess. I kept my distance from Maligna and Blondina, who whispered and pointed at me. Several times, I thought Maligna might
approach and demand an explanation, but I managed to evade her. The notion that she stalked me was troubling, for I knew that she of all those present would delight in using my secret against me.

  I watched the sky beyond the great windows and feared the passing of the time. I didn’t want to leave without that kiss from Royce, but Marta’s warning rang in my ears. I saw the stars begin to fade and feared the worst.

  Finally, the music fell silent. The maidens stood all in a circle. I could see the aristocrats murmuring to each other, pointing and making their wagers. Royce strode toward me and my heart raced. My palms were damp but he spoke to the maiden on my left.

  Tilda. Royce caught her chin in his hand and I heard her catch her breath. He kissed her on the mouth, sweetly and quickly, as one would kiss a sister before retiring. I felt Tilda’s relief even as the king’s guests applauded politely.

  “I hope you will attend tomorrow night,” Royce said to her and she flushed scarlet.

  “Of course, my lord. I should be honored, my lord.”

  Royce smiled and kissed her fingertips. I braced myself for the weight of his attention. “Until then,” he said, then turned to the maiden on Tilda’s left.

  He meant for me to be last.

  I could not bear the suspense, but I had to.

  I soon noticed that he invited every maiden to return the next night. I could see coins being exchanged between the noblemen and heard a few wry comments. I guessed that Royce intended to ensure that their gambling continued. I clenched my fists and reminded myself to breathe steadily.

  And finally, after several eternities had passed, he stood before me once again. “My lady mysterious,” he said. “I will wager that still you will not confess your name.”

  “You would win that wager, sir,” I managed to say.

  He took a step closer. “And I would further wager that your kiss is sweeter than honey.”

  “I do not know whether that is correct, sir.”

  “Then let us find out,” he said with thrilling purpose. He took the last step between us and cupped my head in his hands. Once again, he lifted me to my toes and pulled me closer, so that I fell against his chest. My hands landed on his shoulders, then I wondered if I should have touched him. He smiled down at me. “Let us dismiss the memory of that other kiss,” he murmured for my ears alone.

  I had no chance to reply for he kissed me then, full on the mouth and in front of everyone. This was no sisterly buss. He slanted his mouth over mine and claimed me before them all, feasting upon my mouth and holding me captive to his touch. The guests hooted and cheered, stamping their feet and whistling. For me there was only Royce, Royce and his conquering kiss, his mouth locked on mine, his fingers in my hair. His kiss was possessive and powerful, an embrace meant to mark me and one that left my blood simmering. I feared it would end and also feared it would not. I was out of breath and on fire when he lifted his head. He surveyed me with satisfaction then brushed a proprietary finger tip across my burning lips. My pulse pounded in my throat and I felt flushed from head to toe.

  “And so the maiden of ice is well and truly thawed,” he said with pleasure. “I look forward to dancing with you again, tomorrow night, my lady mysterious.”

  I curtseyed, for I had no inkling whether that could be contrived or not.

  “Will you not come?” he demanded.

  “I will, of course, endeavor to do your will, sir.”

  “No,” Royce said, lifting my chin with a fingertip so I could see the blaze of his eyes. “You will fulfill my command. Did you not say you were a loyal vassal of Euphoria? I expect no less from those in my thrall.”

  “Yes, my lord. Of course, my lord,” I agreed, curtseying again.

  He eyed me for a long moment, then turned and clapped his hands. “Let us all dance this night!” he cried to the assembly. “Come celebrate with me.”

  But the sky was lightening in the east. As soon as Royce turned away, the king’s guests surged forth in their impatience to dance. I ducked into the crowd of them and bent low, moving swiftly toward the door. The guests parted, murmuring at my passage, apparently amused. I felt as if Royce looked after me, and I heard him make a cry of protest, but I could linger no longer.

  I made the portal and ran for the bailey. The footman was swift to offer my cloak and I donned it in haste.

  “Wait!” Royce cried from behind me, but I didn’t look back.

  My carriage was before me, the horses prancing in their determination to be gone. It seemed that the enchanted company was more aware of the time than me, and they chafed to be back in the village again. No sooner had I leaped into the carriage than I heard the footman jump aboard and the whip crack. We raced through the gates, the carriage hurtling toward the village as the first streaks of pink touched the sky. My heart was pounding, and my mouth went dry when I looked back. Royce stood framed in the gates of the palace, the golden light of the great hall spilling into the bailey behind him. I saw that he shouted, though I could not hear his words, and it was only when his figure had faded from sight that I settled back in the coach with relief.

  I touched my lips and then the mark upon my breast, thinking of his kisses and glad beyond all that I had gone to the ball.

  Already I was greedy, though. Could I manage to attend again?

  Marta was waiting and looked as if she had been pacing in her agitation. The coach was driven behind her hut and no sooner had it come to a halt than I felt the tingle of a spell coming undone. I jumped out and when my feet touched the ground, they were bare. My cloak had become my old dress again and a pumpkin rolled across the ground behind me. The mice fled in all directions and the sun crested the distant trees. A cock crowed, probably the saddlemaker’s proud bird, and Marta granted me a smile.

  “You must have enjoyed yourself to have lingered so late.”

  “Marta, it was wonderful!” I kissed her cheeks, almost overwhelmed with gratitude, and feeling guilty that I wanted more. “I have been invited back. Tonight.”

  She surveyed me, her smile fading. “Think whether you truly desire this.”

  I didn’t have to think. I knew. “I do!”

  She rubbed her chin and looked at her garden with a frown. “I shall have to think whether it can be done.” Then she tapped my shoulder. “Go. Before you are missed.”

  I needed no more encouragement than that.

  I reached home with cold feet and a racing heart. No one in the village had yet stirred, though the saddlemaker’s cock was strutting along the roof, preparing to crow again. I snuck into the kitchen in my ragged dress. I hid my pearls beneath the loose floor board in my cold chamber. To my surprise, the red mark was yet upon my breast.

  I stirred up the embers in the fireplace and considered the clean hearth. It nigh broke my heart to tip the bucket of ashes over one side of it and rub them into the brick, but I needed to pretend I had been home. I smeared a goodly measure of ash on my own face and hands, and put even more over that new mark. Then I seized a brush and flung myself down before the fire, as if I had succumbed to exhaustion well before my assigned task was done.

  The cock was crowing for the third time when I heard the carriage halt outside the front door.

  Bella came down the stairs noisily and unlocked the door, crying out in delight at the sight of her daughters. “Well?” she demanded. “Well?”

  “We are all invited back again this night,” Blondina said, satisfaction in her tone.

  “And what of Ellie?” Maligna whispered and I didn’t move.

  “She hasn’t made the fires yet,” Bella complained. “And I’ve yet to have my breakfast. Whatever has become of her?”

  They marched into the kitchen, then Blondina began to laugh. Maligna cackled with glee and someone, perhaps Bella, kicked me hard. “Wake up, you lazy girl!” she commanded. “My daughters are home and they want hot baths and broth and fires in their chambers. Look at this hearth! You never finished your work.”

  I rolled over as if waking fr
om a deep sleep and rubbed my eyes, ensuring that I added a little more soot to my face. “Oh!” I declared. “You’re home already!”

  “Already? It’s dawn!” Maligna declared.

  “I missed it all,” I said with defeat, surveying the dirty hearth as my shoulders sagged.

  “It was only due to your own laziness,” Bella said. “All you had to do was finish your work and then you could have gone.” She turned to her daughters with a smile. “And what was it like? Did you dance with the prince? Did they have fine food for you to sample? Were there many aristocrats gathered?”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Blondina agreed eagerly. “But best of all, there was a beautiful woman who no one knew.”

  “How could no one know her?” Bella asked. “The maidens from the village were asked and we know each other, masked or not.”

  “No one recognized her,” Maligna said. “And the prince was smitten with her charms.”

  “He kissed her twice,” Blondina affirmed.

  “He watched her all the night long,” Maligna said. “I heard that the wagers are in her favor.”

  “How curious that she is unknown,” Bella said and my heart thumped.

  “Maybe she is from the forests,” Blondina said as they climbed the stairs.

  “Maybe she’s a witch,” Maligna offered.

  “Maybe she’s an aristocrat who toys with the prince,” Bella concluded. “They find amusement in the strangest deceptions, from what I have heard. Come along, you will need your sleep if you are to sparkle tonight. Do you think he might be convinced to choose one of you?”

  “Only if she doesn’t come,” Maligna said.

  “Then we must plan for that eventuality,” Bella said. “We will have to find you more gems to wear...”

  I ignored their chatter as I hurried about the kitchen, stoking the fire and putting water on to boil, then preparing trays for each of them. I was more interested in the tidings of Royce. Was he truly smitten with the mysterious maiden who was me?


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