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Love Under Protection (425 Madison Avenue Book 15)

Page 7

by Aubree Valentine

  Now I’ve got to distract her for the next few hours.

  She comes bustling out of the bathroom in another sexy as sin sundress with her hair piled high on her head. “So, breakfast?”

  “Ready when you are.” I stand and slip my feet into my shoes. “You’ve got that hot little bikini on underneath, right?”

  “Sure do. Though I still think sneaking off to go skinny dipping is a better idea than whatever you’ve got up your sleeve.”

  “Hmm. We’ll have to see about that, won’t we?” I wink.

  We take the shuttle across town to try out this little breakfast place that the concierge highly recommended, and then I offer to spend some time exploring and shopping.

  By the time we find a cab to get back to the resort, it’s almost time to meet up with Jameson and Olivia.

  “Alright, one more stop, then maybe we can grab some dinner,” I tell her and walk her across the resort property.

  “Oh. My. Gosh. Harley! Are you serious?” Raylynn's eyes light up when we walk up to the dolphin experience. “You're taking me swimming with dolphins?”

  “I hope I didn’t overstep.” A tiny hint of doubt creeps in that maybe this wasn’t the best idea and that maybe it was something she wanted to do alone.

  “You did not have to do this. I can’t believe you did this!”

  “What a great way to say, ‘Thank you, Harley,’” I tease her.

  She gives me a hug and one hell of a kiss. “Thank you, Harley.”

  I give her a playful swat on the ass. “Atta girl.”

  “Aw damn, you two are at it again,” Olivia interrupts.

  Raylynn jumps. “Liv, Jay...what are you two doing here?”

  Jameson starts to speak, but Olivia cuts him off. “Someone might have invited us.”

  And there goes my cover. Though I’m not sure how I expected to explain the coincidence.

  Raylynn looks up at me, and I can see the emotions all over her face. Yeah, I made the right call.

  “We should get in there, so we don’t miss anything.” Olivia grabs Raylynn by the arm and drags her away.

  “What was that about scraps and never falling?” Jameson pokes as soon as the girls are out of earshot.

  “Fuck off. It’s called being a decent human, Jay.”

  He chuckles.

  The animal care specialist joins us and introduces herself, handing out wetsuits and directing us to the locker rooms.

  We suit up and take a tour of the dolphin observatory on the way out to the swimming area where Lola, a female dolphin, is waiting for us. Raylynn is practically bouncing on her heels by the time it’s her turn to get to know Lola.

  “Harley! Get over here.” She waves me over when I try to hang back. I thought I’d let her have her moment.

  “Ready to swim?” The animal care specialist assigned to us asks once we've gotten well acquainted with our finned friend.

  Raylynn’s eyes light up even more, and she gives an excited nod.

  We’re given instructions on what to do and set free in the swimming area with Lola, who seems to be enjoying our company. At the end of our session, the dolphin trainer tells us to take hold of her fin and Lola brings us back to the edge where we each get a chance to pose for a picture with the dolphin.

  I never considered swimming with dolphins. After today, I'm damn sure glad I did.

  I thought for sure that by the end of this trip, I’d be itching to get back home. Back to the hustle and bustle of New York City and catching up on whatever has been happening on the case I was working on before I left. Yet, here I am, roughly thirteen hours from home, and I’m nowhere near ready to go back. I’d give a whole lot for a few more days with my current company.

  “This is it,” Raylynn says.

  We’re walking through the airport, headed to our respective gates. Jameson and Liv are off on the rest of their honeymoon, hitting up every one of the Hawaiian Islands over the next twelve days before heading back home for a larger reception in Georgia at the Phoenix's insistence.

  “I guess it is.”

  “I’m sure you also were not anticipating playing nursemaid to your one-night stand but thank you for that. And for everything else you gave to me on this trip.”

  Stopping in the middle of the concourse, I spin her around and tilt her chin up. “I enjoyed every moment of it. Thank you for a good time. It’s been a while since I’ve completely shut down from work and cleared my head. I probably wouldn’t have if not for you.” And that’s the truth. I’m willing to bet that I would have opened my laptop and worked on paperwork or crime scene notes if we hadn’t connected. “You’re welcome for all the orgasms by the way,” I whisper in her ear.

  Her face flushes, but she ignores my comment and redirects the conversation. “I’m sure I’ll see you around. I bet money it won’t be long before our best friends are having babies. I damn well better be getting the title of Godmother. I’ll put in a good word for you.”

  I laugh as they call her flight.

  “Flight 7845 to Albany, Georgia, is now boarding at Gate 1.”

  “That’s me.” Her voice cracks.

  “So it seems.” I lean in and do the one thing I seem to have become addicted to, I press my lips to hers and kiss her senseless.

  Fuck, saying goodbye to her shouldn’t be this hard.

  Raylynn is breathing heavily when we pull apart. “That’s one hell of a goodbye,” she says, pressing her fingertips to her lips.

  “I’ll see you around,” I tell her one last time and watch her head for her gate.

  Once she’s vanished out of sight, I head to my own gate and get comfortable. I’ve got a good hour to kill before my flight takes off. The whole time I can’t help but feel like I’ve let go of something really good.

  Chapter 16


  “What do you mean my lease has been terminated? This is ridiculous. I don't understand how you're telling me you don't know why it's being terminated either!” I've spent the last hour on the phone arguing with the leasing office, trying to figure out why I found an eviction notice on my door when I came back from my morning workout.

  The representative on the other end of the line repeats the same thing that the last three people have told me. I have thirty days to vacate the premises due to an undisclosed breach of contract. I’ve been home from Hawaii for precisely three weeks. And for those three weeks, I’ve spent every single day checking out job listings, reviewing my finances and deciding on my next move. This was not part of the plan.

  “According to my lease, you are required to tell me what it is that I’ve breached. I’m looking right at the document. I do not see anything that I could be remotely in violation of. My rent has always been paid on time; I've never missed a payment. I want to speak to someone who can explain this to me.”

  “I do apologize Ms. Mancini, as I’ve said, the property has recently been sold to a new owner. During their inspection and review, your lease was flagged and labeled for termination and eviction.”

  “I would like to speak with the person who made that decision as well as the new property owner.”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. I am unable to provide that information. I hope you understand.”

  Jesus. This woman cannot be serious right now.

  “No, I do not understand. In fact, I think you are violating my tenant rights.”

  “According to our documents, we are within our rights. Thank you for calling. Have a great day.”

  “ not hang…"

  The line goes dead.

  Son of a bitch!

  This is far from over. I will get to the bottom of this. Starting with finding out exactly who owns this property now.

  Firing up my laptop, I immediately pull up the Georgia real estate records. It takes a little digging, but I find what I’m looking for.

  Tom Sawyer Holdings, LLC took ownership of Albany Grove Condominiums exactly thirty days after my split with Sawyer. While I do not
recognize Tom Sawyer Holdings as one of the many companies owned by my ex, the play on names is not lost on me.

  My next search is on Tom Sawyer Holdings. It takes a little more detective skills but just as I’ve predicted, Sawyer Flynn is doing his best to screw me over anyway that he can. All because I would not tolerate his lying and cheating ways. Because I know my worth and know I deserve a hell of a lot better than the man Sawyer pretended to be—and especially more than the man he truly was.

  I’m so angry at the vindictive fucker. And to be told that I cannot speak with the person at the top? Fuck that.

  I’m ashamed that I still remember his phone number as I dial it. Two rings and Sawyer’s voice fills the line.

  “Do you really think you can get away with this?” I immediately snap at him.

  “Raylynn? Is that you, baby?”

  “Do not ‘baby’ me. What the hell do you think you're doing?”

  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he chuckles.

  “You’re full of shit. You have no reason to evict me from my condo.”

  “Oh, sweet naive Raylynn. I have plenty of reasons. Including your failure to allow my building maintenance crew to inspect your unit. Don’t worry though, they were able to get in without your permission. And frankly, the upkeep of the place is, in fact, a direct violation of your lease agreement.”

  “The upkeep? What the fuck, Sawyer? The place is spotless and has always been kept that way. Everything is in working order. And I never received the required notice about an inspection needing to be completed,” I protest.

  “You wouldn’t even need that crummy apartment if you had given in to my request and moved in with me. I’m willing to give you one more chance to make this right. Pack your things and come live with me in Atlanta. We’ll go back to traveling the world together and you can get back to doing your job.”

  “Kiss my ass, you cheating pig.”

  “Good luck finding a new place to live,” he says before hanging up on me.

  I’m not sure that his stunt isn’t bordering on harassment and blackmail. He cannot possibly believe that he’s really going to get away with this.

  It may be a long shot, but I dial up Jameson’s number and immediately apologize if I’m interrupting anything.

  “Nah, not interrupting anything. You caught me on a break from work. What’s up? Everything okay?”

  God bless him for looking out for me, even when I wanted to beat him up for being a shit to my BFF.

  “Not really, I actually need some help.”

  “Whatever you need.”

  “It’s about Sawyer and my apartment,” I tell him.

  “Alright. Let me step away from all the noise happening here,” he says.

  I wait, listening to the background noise fade, then he tells me to go ahead. With a deep breath, I confide in Jameson about what’s transpired today.

  “Yeah, fuck that. Let me call Dad, can I have him call you with information for our lawyer? Sawyer is full of shit. I know enough about Georgia law, he’s way out of line unless he’s got some hard evidence.”

  “I thought so.” I will not cry. I will not break down. Sawyer isn’t worth it.

  “In the meantime, you still may have to move. Do you need a place to stay? I’ve got a rental over in Leesburg that’s all yours, because I know damn well if I don’t offer, Liv will beat me, you’re welcome to come stay with us in New York. Hey, you may even get to make friends with our neighbors,” he teases.

  Neighbors like Harley, I think to myself.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue wondering how he’s doing, something I’ve wondered nearly every day. I won’t let myself cross that boundary line, though. He made it clear where we stood when he kissed me goodbye at the airport. And, I’m okay with that. I wasn’t looking for anything more and there’s no way I’d drag him into the mess that is currently my life.

  “Jameson, I don’t know what I’d do without you and Liv. I’ll get back to you on a place to stay if that’s okay.”

  “Yeah, of course. Like I said, either option is yours if you need it. Let me give Dad a call, and you call us back if you need anything else too.”

  “Always. Thank you.”

  I hang up the phone and take a look around my place. I moved here right out of college. Before I met Sawyer. There’s nothing extra fancy about it, but it’s mine. I always kept it because it was important that I had a place to come home to without having to truly put down permanent roots anywhere. I wasn’t ready for that yet—which, thinking back on it, was a huge arguing point for Sawyer. He always wanted me to get rid of my condo. Looks like he’s really going to get his wish or at least part of it.

  Chapter 17


  ESPN blasts in the background of my place. I grab a beer from the fridge and the sandwich I just made off the counter and head for the living room. My butt is about to touch down on the comfy leather recliner when I hear a knock on my door.

  “Son of a bitch.” I get one damn night to myself after another two weeks of double overtime. We finally closed that damn robbery case once and for all and I planned to enjoy a little R&R, but it seems someone has other plans.

  One look in the peephole reveals Jameson’s smiling face. I debate ignoring him, but I know that’s useless; he won’t go away. Chances are he’ll resort to blowing up my phone if I don’t open the door.

  “Oh, hey, he lives.” Jameson laughs at his own joke when I open up.

  “What’s up?”

  Jameson holds up a twelve-pack, “Thought I’d hang out with someone of the male species tonight while Olivia’s off at some work function with a bunch of women. Haven’t seen you since we got back, figured it was overdue.”

  He brought beer; the least I can do is let him in. Not that he even waits for an invitation. Oh no, Jameson pushes past me and sets the beer in my fridge before grabbing one for himself. “I thought we could order delivery, looks like you already made dinner plans though,” he says, pointing toward the living room and my lonely sandwich.

  “There’s more where that came from, help yourself. You already know where everything is.”

  Nothing has changed here since Jameson moved out.

  “You sure? I can go if you’re expecting someone else.”

  The look in his eyes tells me he’s trying to get a rise out of me. It’s working too.

  “Funny, asshole. Make a sandwich or order delivery. I don’t give two shits. I am going to catch up on sports highlights while you make up your mind.”

  I’m almost done with my sandwich and beer when Jameson plops down in the second recliner. He hands me another beer then takes a huge bite of his sandwich. If I expected him to be silent while he eats, I would have been dead wrong.

  “So, where the hell have you been? I haven’t even seen you at the gym or coming and going around here.”

  “Nice to know you care, Jay.”

  “You know, I really hoped that getting laid would improve your mood. From the looks of things, I think it actually made you grumpier.” He takes another bite, chews and swallows then starts again. “Whoa, wait... it’s withdrawal, isn’t it? You’re withdrawing from your sexcapades.”

  I grind my teeth. “Alright. I’m going to say this once. Back off. I’m not talking about my sex life with you. Because you like to kiss and tell doesn’t mean I do.”

  Jameson smiles like a Cheshire cat. Damnit. I played right into his hand. “Proved my point once again.”

  I glare across the room at him. His comment doesn’t deserve a reply. But of course, my quiet doesn’t shut him up.

  “So, have you talked to Raylynn since Hawaii?” he asks around his almost gone sandwich.

  I grunt in response.

  “Interesting.” He pauses to chew then adds, “I figure you’d know that her ex was evicting her from her place and being a complete shithead.”

  The mouthful of beer I just took goes down the wrong hole, and I cough. Now I know I hea
rd him wrong. “Run that by me again?”

  “Oh. You really didn’t know.”

  “Tell me what the hell happened, Jay.” Forget respecting boundaries, if she’s in trouble…

  “Dad’s lawyer is trying to work it out. Long story, but Sawyer bought out the property management company that owns Raylynn’s apartment complex. Then he filed to evict her. Claims she’s broken the tenant agreement. It’s all Greek to me, sounds like the asshole is going to get away with it though.”

  “Shit. What a fucker. What’s she doing about a place to live?”

  “We’re going down this weekend to help her move into that tiny rental I’ve got in Leesburg. Offered for her to come here, but she said Georgia is home.”

  I was ready to volunteer to go with him and help her move, right up until he mentions offering her to come here and how Georgia is her home. A stark reminder that I don’t have a place in her life.

  Two different people with two different lives.

  “I thought you knew,” Jameson repeats.

  “Haven’t talked to her since we left Hawaii,” I confess.

  “You didn’t break her heart, did you?” he asks in earnest.

  “No, dickhead. It was a fling. Hell, if not for your wedding, we probably wouldn’t have seen each other again after that first night.”

  “Didn’t seem that way. The way you two acted, I thought for sure you’d keep in touch. Guess my hint should have been when she said Georgia was home.”

  I tip my beer bottle at him. “Bingo. My life’s here. Four years of college in the South was enough for me.”

  “Damn. I’m really sorry, man.”

  I shrug. “Is what it is. No harm, no foul.”

  “You really want to sit here watching TV? We could hit the bar, get the hell out for a while. Maybe call up Cody and see if he wants to join us. Head up to the rooftop and see who’s hanging up there tonight?”


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