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The Garden (Lavender Shores Book 2)

Page 22

by Rosalind Abel

  I laughed and leaned on the counter. “That I can do.”

  By the time I walked out of Lavender Leaves, I felt freer than I had in years. I was still going to follow through with getting a restraining order, though I wasn’t sure what the requirements were around that, but as Pete had said, I was a member of Lavender Shores now. I had a feeling the police would push through whatever they needed to. However, I didn’t think I’d really need it. Levi wouldn’t be back; I was ninety-nine percent sure. However, I’d listen to that one percent, just to be safe. In the meantime, there was someone I needed to talk to. Even though he’d assured me that he wanted me to see Levi, I could tell Gilbert had been nervous. Thought I might change my mind. Not in a million years. Even more so now, things were crystal clear.

  I leaned against the brick wall next to Lavender Leaves and tapped his name on my phone. It rang once.


  I couldn’t hold back a smile at the sound of his voice. “Hi. How’s the drive home going?”

  He hesitated. When he spoke, there was an unusual worry to his tone. It touched my heart. “How’d it go with Levi?”

  “Uhm….” How to answer that. I didn’t want to stress him out over the phone. If I told him about Levi grabbing me, I could see him turning around and driving all the way back. “Well, let’s just say I don’t think Levi will be calling again. Ever.”

  Another hesitation, and this time I heard hope. Loud and clear. “Really?”


  “As in… you choose….”

  How could he even wonder? “As in I choose you. A million times over.”

  He sighed in relief, and then his voice tightened. “I don’t want to be the cause—”

  “You’re not.” I cut him off, then rushed ahead when I realized how that sounded. “I wouldn’t choose Levi even if you and I had never met. I’m not the same man I was back then. But whether Levi had shown up or not, I still choose you.”

  Another sigh.

  I both loved and hated that he’d been that worried. “I love you, Gilbert.”

  There was a third pause, and it worried me in that split second. “Ask me your question again, Walden.”


  “Ask me your question again. The one you asked before.”

  I had to think back. I wasn’t entirely certain I remembered the right question, as it didn’t make much sense. “Uhm… how’s your drive home?”

  “I am home.”

  Now I was thoroughly confused. “Really? How fast did you go?”

  He chuckled. “Look across the street. At Charley’s.”

  I did. He waved at me from the window. I pulled the phone from my ear and stared at the screen, then spoke into it again. “What are you doing?”

  “Get over here.”

  With barely a glance to check for traffic, I hurried across the street, slipping my phone into my pocket, and walked into Charley’s. Gilbert beamed at me as he stood up from his table.

  I walked over and wrapped my arms around him, not caring about the restaurant full of people. “You came back?”

  “Yeah,” he said, his voice warm against my ear. “Just in case you chose wrong and I needed to cut a bitch.”

  I laughed and pulled back, so very, very glad he was there. “I love you.”

  “I know. I love you too.” He winked. “But if you forget and think there’s someone better than me, I’m planning a penis guillotine for whatever man catches your eye.”

  “A what?”

  “Never mind.” He just chuckled and motioned to the empty chair. “Come on, I’ll order you a piece of cake so I don’t have to eat alone, and you can tell me how it went.”

  I sat, but his words on the phone replayed through my mind, cutting through anything that happened with Levi. “What did you mean that you are home?”

  He blushed. “Never mind. It’s silly.”

  I shook my head. “Oh, no. You don’t get to say something like that and not explain.”

  “Well, I know it’s way too soon.” He rolled his eyes. “Way too soon. But I was thinking. What if, when we’re ready, not tomorrow or anything. We spend the school year here, and then when you’re not at work, we stay at the cabin on Lake Tahoe?” He rushed ahead. “I could hang out in the garden and design jewelry during the day, maybe bring some of my equipment down and set up in your garage. And in the evenings, we could be with my family, maybe start a weekly double date night with Andrew and Joel. Something completely sickening like that.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  No, that wasn’t true. Maybe I shouldn’t be able to believe what I was hearing, but I could. It felt right. So very, very right.

  “Is this whole thing just to spend time in my yard while I’m at work?” I teased. “If you love the garden more than me, that might be a problem. I’ve never been jealous of a piece of property before, and I’d hate to find out that I’d be capable of that.”

  “You caught on.” Gilbert shrugged and scrunched up his face. “Sorry, but I really have fallen in love with your garden. You’ll probably have to do really, really sick sexual things to me to make sure you don’t get surpassed.”

  “You know”— I grabbed his hand and linked my fingers through his—“I’m more than okay with that.”

  “Yeah, I figured. I’ve got your number.”

  “And I’ve got yours.” I did. Though there were still tons of things to learn about Gilbert Bryant, I knew who this man was. I knew the heart of him. And I couldn’t believe I’d gotten so damn lucky.

  “I know you do.” He winked again and leaned forward. “And because of that, you know that I can be a bit of a bitch, and you’ll still love me, right?”

  I knew this was leading somewhere, but I had no clue where. “Yeah. Though you’re making me nervous right now.”

  His gaze flicked over my left shoulder. “Well, Erica Epstein is sitting across the restaurant, staring at us right now. Do me a favor and look over there and give her a little wave, will ya?”

  I laughed. “You really are a bitch sometimes.”

  “You love it.”

  With another laugh, I looked over my shoulder, met Erica’s gaze, her eyes widening, and I waggled the fingers of my free hand.

  Though Gilbert truly had to drive home the next morning or he was going to be late on his design, and being late on the rich and famous wasn’t an option, he pressed me against the wall of my bedroom. He was naked and hard and desperate. I could feel his need to claim me. Assure himself that I’d chosen him, not Levi. I could also feel him holding back. The softness of his touches felt forced somehow.

  I broke his kiss and managed to speak as he continued to stroke my cock. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head and whispered as he licked his way down my throat. “Nothing’s wrong. How could it be? I’m making love to my man.”

  Giving in, I thrust against his grip and bit his earlobe, causing him to hiss. Making love to his man. Music to my ears.

  But that was it, wasn’t it?

  We’d started so hot and heavy. Dirty, even. Him nearly fucking me in the steam room when anyone could’ve walked in. And the last couple of times had been so sweet and gentle. They’d been wonderful, meaningful and deep.

  I pushed him away gently. “Hold on.”

  Gilbert’s brows creased. “Is something wrong for you?”

  I smiled and felt my lust rise as I stepped away. “You know, there’s more than one way to make love.” I moved to my dresser and opened the top drawer. I’d already pulled out the condoms and lube and placed them on the bed, but this time, I retrieved one of my larger dildos.

  His eyes heated.

  Yep. I knew this man. And I knew myself. We both had certain needs.

  I handed it to him, then slid onto the bed. “Like I said, there’s more than one way to make love. We do the sweet and gentle thing well. But—” I grabbed his cock and gave it a hard squeeze. “—we do the dirty version really well

  He thrust against my hold this time. “Hell yeah, we do.”

  I lowered my hand to my dick and pulled at my foreskin, knowing he loved that. “I remember a couple of months ago you mentioned fucking me with a dildo and your cock.” I released his dick and leaned back on the bed, lifting my legs in the air, exposing myself to him in every way, then waited until his gaze traveled from my hole, over my dick, and to my eyes. “Show me you love me by fucking me like crazy.”

  Gilbert made sounds that I have no words for. Something between human, animal, and possibly demonic, and he fell to his knees and shoved his tongue in my ass.

  I let out a cry and arched my back, pivoting down, forcing his tongue deeper. Gilbert responded by pressing in, the scruff of his beard rough on the tender skin of my ass. I continued to stroke my cock as he tongue-fucked me.

  After a few moments, he stood again, slid on the condom, and lathered lube over my hole, his cock, and the dildo. “Keep stroking yourself.”

  Like he had to tell me.

  Gilbert pressed the dildo to my hole but didn’t wait for any permission, verbal or otherwise, and pushed it in.

  I groaned, closed my eyes, and instantly started rocking my hips, riding the silicone cock.

  He laughed. “That’s it. I love how you want it.”

  Releasing my dick, I gripped both of my legs and pulled, opening myself further to him. Another animal sound, and he captured my cock in his mouth as he continued fucking me with the dildo.

  He was amazing, as ever. Never breaking rhythm with his hands or his mouth. Sliding up and down my cock as he pushed deeper and deeper into my ass. Licking his tongue over my slit, then gripping my foreskin between his teeth and giving a pull as he slipped a finger alongside the dildo.

  He continued fucking me and sucking me, until I was little more than a floating puddle of sensation.

  Then he pulled off my cock, still keeping the dildo buried but holding it in place.

  I met his eyes.

  “You ready for this?” His voice was a growl. I was ready, more than, but if I hadn’t been, the sound of his voice would’ve gotten me there.

  “Hell yes. Please. Fuck me.” I so loved this man. “Please, Gilbert.”

  His smile was wide. Wicked, happy, and wide. “Say please again.”

  “Please.” I pulled back on my legs. “Please fuck me with your cock and the dildo. Please, use me, baby.”

  “Hell yeah.” He lined up his cock on top of the dildo, and pushed in. Slowly this time. So slowly, his eyes never breaking contact. Never losing their heat as they searched for any sign that I changed my mind.

  I sucked in a breath when the tip of him slid in. It wasn’t more of a stretch than when he used his fingers beside the dildo, but it felt different. I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad different. I gave a little nod, and he pushed in farther.

  I pulled back on my legs even more, my knees nearly touching my chest.

  And then Gilbert pushed all the way in, stretching me in a completely new way.

  “Fuck yeah!” I let my head fall back onto the mattress and cried out. “Fuck! Fuck!”

  Gilbert let out a cry of his own. “Yeah, Walden, take all of that. Take it all.”

  Then he was fully inside. Completely buried in me next to the dildo. And he began to move, thrusting slowly, exaggerating every sensation in my body.

  It was nearly too much, filling me in a completely strange way, and I loved it. “Yes, Gilbert. Fuck, yes. More.”

  He laughed and increased his speed. “Hell yes, man. God your ass is so fucking hot.” He shoved one of his shoulders under the back of my knee. “I’m not gonna last long. Not with me rubbing against that dildo and your hot ass milking my cock like it is.”

  I started to pump my dick. “Fuck me, baby. Come on, tear loose!”

  He did. My God, he did.

  As I pumped my dick, I watched my sex god of a man fuck me. One muscled arm flexed and steady as he forced the dildo slowly deeper and deeper, the other hand clawing into my chest. Every muscle of his body taut. His skin glistening, hair flicking bits of sweat. His breath loud and panting. His eyes completely on fire and never leaving mine.

  I came with a cry loud enough to scratch my throat, hard enough that my load burst from me with such force it nearly hurt, shooting over my head.

  “Fuck yeah!” Gilbert screamed as his pounding lost its rhythm and his entire body shook. His fingers dug deeper into my pec, and he came. I could feel the surging of his cock in the raw and sensitive skin of my ass.

  He thrust and shuddered a couple more times, then his fingers relaxed, and he slowly pulled out, first his cock, then the dildo.

  I’d never felt more empty and more satiated at the same time.

  He grinned down at me. “I think I left claw marks on your chest. Sorry about that.” He was obviously not sorry at all.

  “Dude.” I could barely breathe. I raked my own sweat-soaked bangs from my eyes. “Babe, you really are God’s gift to sex.”

  He shook his head, but his smile widened. “Nah. That’s your ass, Walden, we gotta get that thing insured.”

  I laughed, letting my legs finally fall to the bed. I might never be able to stand again. “You’re stupid.”

  Once I was able to walk again—it was several minutes before I was able to move without trembling—and we’d rinsed off, Gilbert scooped us up ice cream, and we crossed the bridge, walked the little path, and took our place on the bench that I’d never really thought I’d share with anyone. The sun was just beginning to set and the lights would soon come on.

  I was happy. So very, very happy. I slid my leg under his, connecting us since our hands were busy with ice cream. “So, you’ll be back this weekend?”

  He nodded, then spoke with his mouth full. As fancy as he was, I doubted that bad habit was ever going to leave. And maybe it would drive me crazy one day, but for now, it was charming. “Yeah, but you really can come up with me tomorrow.”

  “I know.” I did. I knew I was welcome. And I would go with him. Either the next week or the one after. But I knew him. This was big. A huge change, no matter how wonderful it was. He needed time to process. Time to miss me.

  To my surprise, I needed the same. An aspect of my personality I’d never perceived before. And the fact that the idea of a few days apart didn’t cause a spike of doubt or worry only served to make me more certain about us than I already was.

  “How about I come up there next week?” I took a bite of ice cream and swallowed it. “And then, you come down here a couple weeks later. We can do the Kellys’ Fourth of July party and then close ourselves off in the garden for a couple of days.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “Maybe try for two dildos and my dick?”

  “Hardly!” I shook my head, then paused, considering. That might be fun. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe we should take out some insurance.”

  He burst out laughing and smacked my leg, nearly dropping his bowl. “God, you’re perfect!”

  I smiled at him and felt my eyes sting a bit.

  His tone softened. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just….” I shook my head again, a little overwhelmed. “I really don’t have to be embarrassed… ashamed of anything with you, do I?”

  Gilbert smiled. “Never. We can both be exactly who we are and want what we want.” He set his bowl on the ground and then leaned over to kiss me before whispering as he met my gaze, “And I want you. With everything I have. I want you.”



  One Year Later

  The night was unusually cool for late June. Even for Northern California. It made the heat from the grill a pleasant sensation. I marveled at my life. I would’ve never predicted spending so much time in Lavender Shores, much less actually enjoying it. But I was. I avoided the people I needed to, but it felt good to be really part of my family again. I hadn’t been the best uncle, only visiting a few times a year, not the best twin, not the be
st best-friend.

  Walden had not only brought love to my life, in many ways, he’d given me back my family. My heritage.

  Donovan appeared beside the grill, tapping his beer bottle on the open lid. “If you had told me that one day I’d be watching you grill in your boyfriend’s backyard….” He just shook his head.

  I grinned at him. “What? You’d have charged me more all these years?”

  “Definitely.” He laughed. “Speaking of, we still on for tomorrow?”

  It had been a couple of months since our last session. They were growing further and further apart, which was good. I didn’t see a time where I wouldn’t need them occasionally, but it was amazing to not feel in constant need. And Donovan was slowly slipping more and more into a friend role than therapist. I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t know, Doc. You seem a little off tonight. Maybe you should book an appointment with me tomorrow.”

  His smile was kind but obviously forced. “We’re not crossing that boundary. My problems get talked through with my therapist, not my clients. Even if I am at their barbeque. Walden insisted I come, even if I’m not officially part of the tribe.”

  My mother’s appearance helped me avoid that landmine. “I’ve never seen a red grill before. I just love it! I wonder if they make one in purple, well, lavender. I’d get one for your father for his birthday.”

  A squeal of laughter caught our attention, and we all looked over.

  Just on the other side of the bridge, Walden threw Olive up over his head and caught her, causing another giggle. Both of my nephews waded in the stream, though how they could handle the cold, I couldn’t guess.

  My throat clenched as I looked around. Walden’s backyard and his garden was filled with every person who mattered to me. My entire family and all the Kellys. I couldn’t see Andrew and Joel, but I had a suspicion they’d wandered the path to a secluded spot to make out. They were still sickeningly sweet together. At least Walden and I kept that stuff private. Well, except for when we made a trip to the steam room, or the showers, or on the bank of Lake Tahoe.


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