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Meteorite Strike

Page 12

by A. G. Taylor

  “I’m not going to help either of you,” she replied with great effort, her voice sounding thick and slurred. “You’re murderers…”

  Colonel Moss smiled at her and leaned forward in his chair. His face suddenly seemed to fill the whole room. When he spoke his voice echoed through her head. There was no escape from it.

  “You will help us, Sarah,” he ordered. “Firstly, you’re going to tell us what you discussed with Dr. Andersen. Then, you’re going to show us all your special powers.”

  Sarah frowned at the colonel. Doing exactly what he wanted suddenly seemed like the best idea in the world. In fact, she couldn’t remember why she’d ever tried to keep secrets from him in the first place.

  “Okay,” she whispered. Her voice sounded as if it were coming from the end of a very long tunnel.

  Colonel Moss sat back in his chair and made his fingers into a steeple before him.

  “Now, tell me about Rachel Andersen…”


  “We’re going to have to keep you on a tighter leash from now on I’m afraid, Sarah,” Colonel Moss said with sadness in his voice. “We can’t have children running around in the dome wherever they want. They might get hurt.”

  He stood next to the mirror in her room while a woman Sarah hadn’t seen before pulled the bedclothes around her. She tried to remember how she’d got back from Nestor and Octavio’s room, but found her memory a blur.

  “What happened?” she asked weakly. When she tried to move her arms she found them restrained. She looked down at the bed and saw thick, plastic straps holding her in place.

  “Don’t be alarmed,” Colonel Moss said, walking closer to the bed. “They’re just until I know I can trust you again. With good behaviour, you’ll have all your old privileges back in no time. Just keep on helping out with Louise and you’ll find me very generous. She and the others are going to need you more than ever now. I’m afraid we’re going to step up the Superhuman project. Dr. Andersen isn’t going to be holding us back any more.”

  “Rachel?” Sarah managed. Her eyelids felt so heavy. She barely registered as someone else flew into the room through the open door.

  “Well, speak of the devil,” Colonel Moss said with a humourless laugh.

  Rachel kneeled next to the bed and placed a hand on Sarah’s forehead.

  “What have you done to her? Has she been drugged? Colonel, this is the limit. My people simply won’t stand for…”

  Moss sighed and walked to the door. “I’ll be waiting for you outside, Dr. Andersen. You have one minute before I send my men in here after you. Try not to upset the patient, eh?”

  With that, he disappeared. Rachel looked back at Sarah and ran her hands over the restraints. She began to pull at one of the buckles to release it…

  “I can’t let you do that,” the nurse said from the door. “Colonel’s orders.”

  Rachel stared at the woman with anger in her eyes, but left the strap in place. She leaned closer to Sarah so she could whisper.

  “I’m going to get you out of this,” she said. “Colonel Moss has gone too far. I won’t let him hurt you again.”

  Sarah felt a wetness running down her cheeks. She realized that she must be crying.

  “Daniel…” she managed to say before she passed out once more.

  Rachel exploded from the building in pursuit of Colonel Moss. Halfway to his office, she was intercepted by two soldiers – Special Forces. They grabbed her arms, but she pulled away violently.

  “Take your hands off me, I’m the chief scientist,” she retorted, rounding on the nearest one. The soldier looked at her impassively.

  “Just come with us, Dr. Andersen,” the other ordered. “The colonel’s orders.”

  Rachel shook her head and continued in the direction she’d been going anyway. On the threshold of Moss’s office she stopped to stare at one of the other buildings. Soldiers were carrying out caskets containing the sleepers and loading them into trucks.

  “What the hell is going on?” she demanded.

  “Major Bright’s orders,” the soldier answered. “The patients are being shipped out. Local services are going to take care of them now.”

  “And what about finding our cure?” Rachel demanded, but realized from the professionally blank look on the soldier’s face that she was talking to the wrong person.

  Inside the office, Colonel Moss was waiting for her. His second-in-command hung around in the corner like a bad smell.

  “What are you playing at?” she demanded. “I’m calling Paris. General Wellman will want to know what’s going on here.”

  She reached for the phone on his desk, but Moss slammed his hand down on the receiver before she could pick it up.

  “The general is more concerned about keeping the virus out of Europe than talking to you,” he snapped. “In fact, he’s placed HIDRA under full military control. That means your people report directly to me henceforth. The base is in lockdown: no one calls in or out, all network use is suspended until the crisis is over. General’s orders.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Colonel Moss rose from his chair. “I persuaded General Wellman that HIDRA’s main interest should be the remarkable powers of these children rather than finding a cure for the disease. The local emergency services and army can take care of the coma victims. From now on we focus on harnessing the children’s power. He’s very excited about the generation of superhuman soldiers we’re going to create. Even if we have to take those children apart piece by piece, we’re going to find out their secret. And replicate it.”

  Rachel shook her head. “Take them apart? We’re facing a global epidemic! General Wellman knows that the cure is our best weapon against the virus…”

  Colonel Moss leaned across the desk and looked her hard in the eyes. “Are you calling me a liar, Dr. Andersen? I’ve had men shot for less.”

  Rachel stepped away from the table. “You’re crazy, Colonel. I mean, you’ve lost it.”

  She backed into Major Bright, who had moved to block her retreat. A classic pincer movement. Moss flashed an ice-cold smile.

  Rachel shook her head. “My people will—”

  “Do exactly as they’re told,” Moss snapped, expression ice-cold. “In fact, they’re already working on a sample of Sarah Williams’ blood. You’re going to isolate the part of the virus that gives her those powers and inject it into one of my men.”

  Rachel laughed in disbelief. “What kind of fool would agree to be infected with the virus? Not even your Special Forces would follow you so blindly.”

  Moss gestured towards Bright. “But we already have our first volunteer. So go and make sure everything is ready for the procedure. It would be best for both you and your scientists, believe me.”

  Rachel turned and shook her head. “You’re both mad.”

  Bright smiled and caught her arm.

  “You’re going to turn me into Superman, Dr. Andersen,” he said softly. “And it had better work.”


  “Are you going to give us any more trouble today, Sarah?” Mandy’s voice cooed from the mirror.

  Sarah stared at the ceiling and clenched her fists. She had to bite her lip to stop from screaming.

  “Well?” Mandy persisted. “Louise is expecting you.”

  Sarah let out a long, slow breath. “No.”

  The soldier in the doorway advanced and unbuckled the restraints holding her to the bed. Sarah rubbed some circulation back into her arms.

  “How long do I have to be strapped down like that?” she asked.

  “Until Colonel Moss knows he can trust you,” Mandy answered. “You see, Sarah, things are much nicer when you cooperate.”

  Sarah stared into the mirror. “I need to pee.”

  The soldier led her across the dome towards Louise’s building, keeping a tight grip on her arm at all times, as if he expected her to make a run for it at any moment. Halfway across the dome, a Special Forces soldier blocked their way.
r />   “Where are you taking this one?” he demanded.

  “To see the telekinoid in 23B,” the soldier holding Sarah replied and was waved on.

  Sarah looked round at the man holding her. The telekinoid? Is that their name for us?

  “This is Colonel Moss,” an announcement boomed across the dome. “I would remind you that due to the attempted terrorist infiltration, this base has been placed under Special Forces command until further notice. Science personnel are required to carry permission documents for movement around the base. General military personnel are to follow the directives of Special Forces operatives, regardless of rank.”

  Terrorist infiltration? She guessed that was what the colonel was calling her escape attempt. Sarah looked around the base, noticing for the first time that it seemed almost deserted. Now the majority of soldiers on guard wore the black and gold of the Special Forces. No scientists were to be seen. Clearly, Colonel Moss had taken his chance to assume full control.

  “These measures are for your own protection,” his announcement continued. “Please assist HIDRA Special Forces at all times and report any suspicious activity. Remember, terrorists don’t wear badges – watch your co-workers. This is Colonel Moss, out.”

  The speakers crackled off and they reached Louise’s building.

  “So who are these terrorists?” Sarah asked the soldier as he opened the door for her. “What do they want?”

  The soldier looked at her like she was stupid. “To get their hands on a contained sample of the virus and weaponize it. You kids are lucky to have Colonel Moss’s protection.”

  Sarah shook her head as she walked through the door. “Yeah. Really lucky.”

  Louise threw her arms around Sarah as she walked into the room. I missed you!

  Sarah stroked her hair. Me too. Have they been looking after you?

  Louise nodded and pointed to a box in the corner. They brought a new game, but I don’t like it. That boy tried to make me play, but I wouldn’t do it for him.

  What boy? Sarah asked with a frown.

  The nasty one. He’s tall with black hair and mean eyes.

  Octavio, Sarah said.

  Louise nodded. That’s him. He came before. He pretended to be nice at first, but I could tell he wasn’t. Then he got angry when I wouldn’t do what he said.

  Did he hurt you?

  Louise shook her head, but Sarah saw her bottom lip tremble. She placed a hand on her shoulder.

  It’s okay, I’m back now. I won’t let him upset you again. She looked at the box in the corner. But we’d better do what they want – at least until we can find a way out of the base.

  Louise nodded and went to fetch the box. Sarah watched her open the lid and start unpacking the latest test. If she can be brave, then so can I, Sarah thought to herself. Moss might have killed Daniel and taken control of the base, but eventually she’d find a way to make him pay.

  * * *

  An hour later, as she left Louise’s room, Sarah found Octavio waiting for her in the corridor outside. He gave a sneering smile as she passed. He tapped one finger to his forehead.

  So, you still think you can get away, do you? Just remember that I can hear everything you say in there.

  Sarah rounded on him. Do you enjoy being Moss’s little spy? Makes you feel important, does it?

  Octavio shrugged. You seem to be doing well with Louise. Got her convinced that you’re a friend? Dr. Andersen will be pleased. Just keep on reporting back and I’m sure she’ll give you a reward – like some new clothes or a DVD player. Too bad it’s Colonel Moss who’s the real boss around here. You picked the wrong team, Sarah.

  Sarah took a step forward. And what do you get from Colonel Moss? I’m sure it must be something more than a few computer games every month to make it worthwhile.

  The colonel has such big plans for us, Sarah, he replied. We’re all going to be soldiers in his new army. And when that happens, I’d rather be a leader than a follower, wouldn’t you? I can sense how powerful you’ve already become. If we work together…

  He reached out to touch her arm, but Sarah knocked his hand away.

  “Keep your hands off me,” she said aloud, not bothering to hide the contempt in her voice.

  Octavio’s expression hardened. Too bad your brother isn’t developing so fast as you and Louise. Maybe I should pay him a visit too – see if I can force whatever skills he’s hiding out of him.

  Sarah stepped forward and poked a finger into his chest. “Stay away from Robert and Louise. Stay away, or I promise you’ll regret it.”

  A grin split his face. That’s more like it. We’ll make a soldier out of you yet…

  Octavio! Leave her alone!

  They turned to see Nestor standing in the open exit. Octavio gave an irritated sigh. He looked back at Sarah and shrugged.

  Oh well, three’s a crowd. See you around the dome sometime.

  Not if I see you first, Sarah shot back as he swaggered down the corridor. He brushed past Nestor heavily on his way out the door.

  She’s out of your league, brother.

  Nestor watched Octavio depart and then looked back at Sarah, red-faced.

  “I’m sorry about him,” he said. “He doesn’t know how to behave around people any more.”

  Sarah gave a short laugh. “Does this good cop, bad cop routine work with all the kids here? You two are quite a team.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Sarah walked towards him. “You’re Colonel Moss’s prize possessions, aren’t you? Good little soldiers. Both do as you’re told, right?”

  Nestor shook his head. “Hey, I’m not like that. I’m not like him.”

  Sarah cut him short. You’re no different to them. You just go along with whatever they want.

  That’s not true.

  Okay, prove it.

  She walked past him out of the building, where a pair of Special Forces soldiers waited to take her back to her room. As they reached the entrance to her building, Sarah looked round to see Nestor standing alone in the middle of the dome.

  Their eyes met for a moment before she turned and allowed herself to be led inside.

  The HIDRA truck had veered off the parallel track and driven up the side of a dune.

  Daniel half staggered, half crawled to the cab and pressed the button on the airlock entrance. The door swung open and he hauled himself into the decontamination chamber. Finally being out of the blazing sun might have made him cry with relief – except he was too dehydrated for tears.

  He found the inner door release panel and pressed a button. A warning message flashed up on the screen: Decontamination procedure not complete – override?

  “Hell yes, override!” he said hoarsely and slammed his fist onto the panel. The inner door slid open with a warning sound.

  The two soldiers were slumped in their seats, both having become victims of the fall virus. Daniel crawled into the front of the truck and started rooting around the passenger seat. He found what he wanted – a half-finished bottle of water. With a gasp he unscrewed the top and took a mouthful of the life-saving liquid, being careful not to take too much at once. The last thing he wanted to do was vomit it all straight back up again.

  He slumped against the wall and closed the door of the cab, allowing himself a few moments’ rest. The aircon system of the truck was still working and the inner temperature regulated to a deliciously cool twenty degrees within seconds. For a moment Daniel closed his eyes, thinking how wonderful it would be just to stay like this for ever…

  He slapped a hand across his face and blinked twice. “Get it together, Dan!”

  He thought of Sarah and Robert still at the base – this was no time for taking a rest, even if he had crawled through the desert to get there. He finished the last of the water and hauled the driver out of his seat. As Daniel reached for the ignition, he caught sight of himself in one of the side mirrors: his burned and blistered skin, cracked lips and bloodshot eyes. He decided he’d looked better,
but that was the least of his worries. They had his children and he was going to get them back.

  Daniel gunned the engine and reversed the truck off the dune. Swinging the wheel round, he sent the vehicle hell for leather in the direction of the HIDRA base.


  Rachel watched as her scientists prepped Major Bright for the experiment that would probably finish him. He stood in the middle of the laboratory, silent and impassive as the technicians attached sensors to his upper body. With that job done, they led him over to something that looked like a dentist’s chair. This chair, however, was fitted with wrist and ankle restraints. Rachel saw Colonel Moss watching the preparations from the other side of the observation window and walked through the airlock to join him.

  “Is that necessary?” he asked as Major Bright’s arms and legs were secured.

  Rachel shrugged. “It’s for his protection. We don’t know what’s going to happen once he’s injected with the modified virus.”

  She looked at the rack of specimens on the desk near the chair. There were six vials of liquid, each containing a different blood sample: one from each of the children on the base. Over the past twenty-four hours the samples had been filtered and treated until they contained something that would, hopefully, give Major Bright each of their powers without sending him into a fall virus coma.

  Rachel sighed. If it worked, it would be a miracle. Beside her, Colonel Moss could barely contain himself, clenching and unclenching his fists with excitement.

  Without warning, a siren split the air. Outside the lab, other alarms sounded simultaneously.

  “That’s the dome integrity alert!” one of the technicians exclaimed.

  Moss grabbed his communicator with a curse. “This is Colonel Moss. Perimeter security, report now.”

  A harried voice crackled back on the other end. “Something hit the dome, sir! Could’ve been a vehicle. There’s been a breach.”


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