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Dire Distraction

Page 13

by Dee Davis

  She’d been right about Avery. He was the kind of man who inspired fierce loyalty. The kind whose friends were ready to dive into hell for him. And Sydney knew with certainty, in that moment, that given the chance, she’d be the one leading the charge.

  Chapter 13

  Okinawa, Japan

  Syd stood at the hotel window looking out at the rain lashing against the windows. The water running down the glass created a prism—the lights of downtown Okinawa dancing across the floor.

  It had barely been twelve hours since the rescue from Shrum’s compound. They’d flown to an airstrip somewhere in China and then boarded a small plane that had delivered them to Kadena Air Base.

  After a short conversation via sat phone with her commanding officer, she’d been transported to the base hospital for a series of tests. The final prognosis being that, other than the scrapes and bruises on her face, she was fine. Fine being a relative word.

  From there, a car had delivered her to the hotel, and she’d arrived at her room to find dinner waiting. After devouring everything on the room service table, she’d taken a long shower, slipped into the T-shirt laid out on the bed, and settled in to wait for word from Avery.

  But she’d fallen asleep, curled beneath a blanket in the chair, only to awake in the wee hours of the night, her bruised cheek aching and her neck stiff and sore. And now she stood staring out at the rainy night, feeling like a lovesick fool. So they’d shared a kiss in the compound. It hadn’t really meant anything. Only an expression of relief. The delirium of knowing they were both alive.

  She’d be an idiot to think it had been anything more. And yet, she still stared at the phone, willing it to ring. Knowing damn well that it wasn’t going to happen in the middle of the night. She leaned her head against the cool windowpane, feeling it shimmy in the gusseting wind from the storm.

  Defiant and angry at herself for her own weaknesses, she flipped the latch and opened the window, the wind billowing the curtains as rain swirled into the room.

  For a moment she closed her eyes, the smell of moisture fresh and clean. Maybe if she stood here long enough, the rain would wash away her stupid infatuation. Or maybe she’d just catch cold.

  Smiling at the ridiculous turn of her thoughts, she closed the window, the rain stronger now as the full force of the storm approached. Without a jungle canopy to buffer the sound, the storm wailed its fury, rattling the window as thunder echoed against the buildings.

  She’d never felt comfortable in the city. She’d always thought it must be what an animal felt like being caged in a zoo. Each species in its own special box, kept separate from all the others.

  Wrapping her arms around her waist, she shivered as a streak of lightning split the sky. She was clearly in a mood tonight. Her mother would have said that the spirits were out. Her father would have said her mother was crazy. But either way, Sydney knew that there was power in the storm.

  For so many years, she’d straddled two cultures. Neither one nor the other. And always she’d felt as if she were missing something—someone. Despite her talk about dismissing her parents’ lasting and abiding love, the real truth was that she was afraid that she’d never find it.

  And now? Now she was acting like a fool.

  A clap of thunder reverberated through the room, and she shivered again, grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around her shoulders. The act making her feel not only warmer, but stronger. The adventure was over. And it was time to get back to her life. Whatever the hell that might entail. The jury was still out on whether her cover had been blown, her assignment to Laos at least temporarily over. Which could be a good thing—depending on where she landed.

  Truth was, it didn’t really matter as long as it somewhere far away from Avery Solomon. All she needed was a little distance, and everything would seem clearer. The man had a way of sucking you in. Making you think you were important. When clearly you were not.

  She blew out a breath, angry at herself for caring so much. She was a strong woman. An operative for the CIA. And she’d always prided herself for not getting emotionally involved. She didn’t need anyone. Especially not a man like Avery.

  Behind her, there was a knock at the door, and her heart stuttered to a stop. So much for the independent, super-spy angle. With her heart pounding like tympani in her ears, she crossed the room, holding the edges of the blanket together like a shield. No way was she going to let him get to her again.

  Squaring her shoulders and lifting her chin, she strove for what she hoped was nonchalance, drew in a breath, and opened the door. And in the space of maybe three seconds, her resolve disappeared.

  He looked exhausted, and sheepish and sexy as hell. Wearing a pair of fatigues and a khaki T-shirt, he filled the doorway, his hand still raised as if caught mid-knock. “I know it’s late. But I wanted to see you.”

  She stepped back, gesturing for him to come in. Words seemed to have deserted her. He pushed past and then stopped, turning to face her again, his eyes devouring her. Her body tightened in anticipation, and she swallowed nervously, still clutching the blanket.

  “I’ve been stuck at the base. A meeting with the commander. And then a satellite call to Langley. And finally, a trip to the hospital.”

  “Are you okay?” She reached out, wanting to touch him, but stopped herself, needing him to make the first move.

  “I’m fine,” he said, his voice warm like whiskey. “Actually, better now that I’m here with you.” He paused, his gaze raking over her again. “You’re sure it’s okay for me to be here?”

  And then in a moment of pure astonishment, she realized that he was nervous. Avery Solomon was actually unsure of himself. And in some weird cosmic way, his doubt canceled out her insecurities.

  This was Avery. Her Avery. And he was here. Now. Wanting her. It was painted there on his face for anyone to see. So she dropped the blanket and held out her hand.

  Her lips parted, inviting his kiss, her heart pounding, praying that he’d understand—that he wouldn’t reject what she was offering. And then he was there, gathering her close, his mouth moving against hers.

  At first it was a gentle kiss. Tender almost. But Sydney wanted more. She opened her mouth, drinking him in with the desperation of a woman who’d been without water too long. Her body burned for him, the fire licking at her, building deep inside until she thought it might incinerate her. His tongue traced the line of her teeth, sending tiny shivers of desire coursing through her, chasing away the doubt that threatened to consume her.

  She opened her mouth, drawing him closer, meeting his tongue, tasting and teasing. The kiss deepened, and sensations exploded inside her, his lips branding her, making her his with just a kiss.

  But she knew there was more, and she wanted it with every fiber of her being. She shifted, meeting his gaze. His eyes were dark with passion, little flecks of gold twirling in the murky depths of his pupils.

  “Are you sure?” she whispered, needing to know.

  “Yes, Sydney,” he said. “With every fiber of my being.”

  “And this isn’t about…”

  He framed her face with his hands, his gaze reaching out to hold hers. “There’s only you and me here tonight. I promise.”

  “And you want me.”

  His answering smile sent hot trails of fire curling through her. “Most definitely.”

  “Then don’t let anything stop you.” She smiled slowly and reached for the hem of her T-shirt, pulling it over her head.

  His intake of breath was audible, and he reached out, skimming a palm along the contours of her breasts, his touch so light that she almost couldn’t feel it. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and leaned forward, forcing the pressure. His fingers fluttered slightly, and then he tightened his hold, teasing each of her nipples until they were hard, the sweet pain pooling between her legs.

  With trembling fingers, she pulled off his T-shirt and then they were kissing again, their bodies pressed together, moving slowly, the skin-to-skin f
riction deliciously unbearable. She traced the line of his shoulders, reveling in the feel of his muscles beneath her fingers.

  He growled with pleasure as she caressed his skin, the sound rippling through her, increasing her desire. His hands found her nipples again, and she bit back a moan when he rubbed them between thumbs and forefingers.

  “Come on, Sydney, let it go. Show me how good it feels.” His whisper tickled her neck, his warm breath teasing her with its touch.

  For a moment their eyes met and held, and then he lowered his head, taking her nipple into his mouth. His tongue moved in lazy circles, the gentle suction sending sparks dancing along her synapses. Impatiently, she pushed against him, and he cupped her other breast in his hand, the motion of his palm mimicking the rhythm of his mouth.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Oh God, Avery, please.”

  She felt him smile, and then his teeth closed around her nipple, the exquisite contact threatening to send her over the edge. His fingers tightened on the other breast, the combined intensity almost more than she could bear. He stroked and sucked, driving her higher and higher, each nip and pull ratcheting up the heat building inside her.

  And just when she thought it couldn’t possibly get any better, his fingers moved downward, teasing as they slipped inside the elastic of her panties. Something deep inside her tightened, the ache spreading through her, demanding release.

  She grabbed his head then, forcing a kiss, her tongue sliding deep into his mouth, wanting to possess him as he had possessed her. Fumbling in her need, she tore at his zipper, sliding it down. Breaking contact for only a moment, he removed his pants, and watched silently as she slid out of her panties.

  The bed was only a few steps away, but they couldn’t wait, and he pressed her back against the wall, lifting her up so that she could twine her legs around him, opening herself for him as he thrust into her. The wind rattled the window, and the rain lashed against it as he thrust harder and harder, the two of them struggling for rhythm, striving for release.

  Pleasure surpassed itself until it bordered on pain, every muscle responding to her need for release. He kissed her face and breasts, biting her nipples, and using his hands on her hips to push himself deeper—and then deeper still.

  She screamed his name, certain now that she was riding the thunder, and then the world split into white-hot light, and she forgot where he ended and she began, wanting only for the pleasure to go on forever.

  Shaking now from the sheer joy of it, she drifted slowly back to reality, his body hot against hers. From far away, the thunder sounded again, fading as he held her against the wall, his breathing ragged, their bodies still connected.

  Then gently, he carried her to the bed, as if she were the most precious thing in his universe. And she smiled up at him, watching through layers of contentment as he lay down beside her.

  His kisses now were almost reverent, as he cherished what he had moments before so violently taken. His hands and his tongue moved over her in a leisurely exploration that sent spirals of sensation dancing through her, her body reawakening to his touch, the banked heat beginning to build again.

  He kissed her shoulders and the soft skin along the inside of her arms, stopping to leisurely suck on each of her fingers. Then he kissed his way across her belly, giving equal attention to the hand resting there, then up the other arm with tiny kisses that led to her ear, his tongue tracing the whorl, then drawing her earlobe into his mouth, the gentle sucking sending her squirming against the bed.

  With a smile, he slid lower, kissing the tender skin of her feet and ankles, moving ever so slowly upward, ratcheting her need with every stroke, every kiss, his hands clearing the way— massaging, kneading, exposing nerves she hadn’t even known she possessed.

  And then just when she thought she couldn’t possibly feel any more—when she was certain he’d satiated every part of her—he pushed her legs apart, his breath tickling the skin high on the inside of her thighs. One minute she closed her eyes in anticipation, and the next she was arching off the bed, his hands holding her hips in place as he sucked, each stroke of his tongue sending her closer and closer to the edge.

  She grasped his shoulders, urging him onward, her mind splintering with her rising desire. Color formed behind her eyelids, burning hot, and she almost forgot to breathe.

  She flung back her head, eyes open wide, body tensed as she waited to fall. Wanting nothing but to be pushed over the edge. Again and again he stroked her, driving her higher and higher until the world spun out of control.

  For a moment, she floated free, and then her need for him took over. With a passion she hadn’t known she possessed, she began to taste him. All of him. The salty skin at the corners of his eyes. His beard-stubbled chin. The softer skin of his neck, and the silky strength of his chest.

  She took his nipples into her mouth, caressing first one then the other with her tongue, delighted when they responded to her touch. Moving lower, she sampled the smooth skin of his abdomen, tracing the ripple of muscle with her tongue.

  And then her lips found the velvety heat of his manhood, and she ran her tongue along its length, pleased to feel him tense in pleasure, his hand stroking her hair, urging her onward. With a smile, she took him into her mouth and felt him grow harder, even as her own desire burgeoned, and then he was urging her upward until she was straddling him again, their gazes locked.

  There would be no turning back. She was cognizant enough to know that. This wasn’t a casual dalliance. Whatever they were in the other parts of their lives, they were about to commit to something here that would not easily be broken.

  She raised herself slowly, and still holding his gaze, impaled herself on him, the pure pleasure of it threatening to shatter her into pieces. And then they were moving together, the friction unbearable, her pleasure and his coming together into a crescendo unlike anything she’d ever experienced. And for a moment she was afraid, frozen on the edge of nothingness.

  And then she could feel his fingers linking with hers, feel his body moving inside her, and she let go, the world disappearing into the fury of their climax against the soft rumble of the dying storm.

  Chapter 14

  Sydney slowly opened her eyes, stretching leisurely, enjoying the soft comfort of the crisp cotton sheets. She’d forgotten how nice civilization could be. The first pale rays of early morning sunlight were slanting through the window. Avery’s arm was wrapped around her waist, one leg thrown across her body, possessive even in slumber. With any other man, she would have felt trapped. A captive.

  But with Avery it was different. The thought thrilled and frightened her all at the same time. They’d not talked about the future. By definition, their lives as operatives were lived day to day. But suddenly she found herself wondering what it would be like to have more. To give herself to someone completely. Always and forever.

  The idea had always seemed so foreign. Like a lovely cloud completely out of reach. But now—Avery stirred, pulling her closer, his breath warm against her neck, and Sydney smiled—now the world seemed full of possibility.

  She thought of her mother and father, seeing for once not the subjugation she’d always believed her mother endured but the choices she’d made. Choices that had allowed her to make a life with the man she’d loved. There had been sacrifices. But none of them worth the risk of losing the one thing that made everything worthwhile. A love that was as strong today as it had been all those years ago when a young teacher had met a village girl.

  Maybe there was such a thing as true love after all.

  The thought gave her pause, her stomach knotting as she looked down at the ring on Avery’s little finger—Evangeline’s ring. Clearly, he’d already found true love. And lost it. How could she ever think to fill a void like that? She could battle another woman. But not a ghost. She sighed. What she needed was to quit borrowing problems. Better to just enjoy what they had. Live in the now. She sighed, nestling into his warmth.

  His arms t
ightened around her, and his lips found her neck.

  She shivered, desire rising as she turned to face him. “You’re awake.”

  “As much as I need to be,” he said, his big voice rolling over her, warm and seductive.

  She traced the line of his shoulders, reveling in the feel of his muscles beneath her fingers. His hand found her breast, and she pressed against him, all rational thought fading away against the power of his touch.

  His thumb rasped against her nipple, sending shards of pleasure dancing through her, and she deepened their kiss, breathing in his essence, holding it deep inside her. His hand moved lower, caressing the skin of her abdomen, soothing and exciting her with one touch.

  His lips moved too, following the hollow of her cheek, his tongue sending more fire rippling through her as he traced the curve of her throat, his tongue moist and hot against her skin.

  Then his head dropped lower, his mouth trailing along the line of her shoulder, his kisses teasing in their simplicity, his hand continuing to move across her skin. His mouth found the crest of her breast, the hot, sweet suction tantalizing with its promise of things to come.

  Urgency built within her. The need for something more. For connection, belonging. The part of her she kept locked away, clamoring for release. The physical pull was so strong now. So essential. Like breathing.

  With desire shimmering between them, she pushed closer, grinding her hips against his, her fingers brushing the velvety tip of his penis. With a groan, he rolled her on her back, his fingers dancing across her skin, sending shivers dancing along her oversensitized nerves. And then he braced himself on his elbows, his body stretched across hers, his sinewy strength the perfect foil for her soft curves.

  His gaze locked with hers, then he moved back slightly, still holding her in place, and with one long thrust was inside her. They stayed that way for a moment, linked together as man and woman, the age-old connection suddenly taking on new meaning because it was Avery.


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