Fairfax, Brian, 24, 66
Fairfax, Mary see Villiers, Mary, 22
Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 22, 24, 25
Fawcett, Millicent, 370
Fidget, Dainty, 37
Fisher, H.A.L., 334
Fitzmaurice, Mary, 213–16
Fleming, John, 314, 315
Fletcher, John, 45
Foot, Isaac, 361
Fortrey, Samuel, 83
Frankfurter, Dr Solomon, 400
Franklin, Eleanor, 100
Frederich III of Saxe-Gotha, 165
Frederick, Prince of Wales, 145, 189–95
Augusta’s labour, 173–7
dies, 201–2
domestic life, 195–200
early life, 164–72
entertainments, 155–63
Frederick II of Saxe-Gotha, 164
Frick, William, 387
Garibaldi, 304, 306, 308, 309
Garvin, J.L., 353, 411
Gay, William, 361, 362
George I, 136, 143, 144, 146, 155, 165, 175
George II, 148, 155, 156, 160, 176, 188, 201
meets Augusta, 164
and mistresses, 175
and the succession, 195, 205
George III, 192, 209, 210, 212
George V, 329, 376
George VI, 394, 402
Gerbier, Sir Balthazar, 54
Gibbon, Edward, 212
Gibbs, James, 141
Gibson, Charles Dana, 335
Gibson, Richard, 82
Gladstone, Catherine, 298
Gladstone, William, 282, 291, 292, 293, 295, 296, 314, 316
and electoral reform, 312–13
and laudanum, 310
and slavery, 298–300
and Victoria’s grief, 303
Glenlyon, Lord, 245
Godolphin, Sidney, 121, 122
Goebbels, Joseph, 389, 395
Goering, Hermann, 389, 393, 394
Goodchild, John, 53, 54
Goodison, Benjamin, 199
Goodman, Cardonnell, 18
Gordon, Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland, 244
Gordon, John, 432
Gorges, Ferdinando, 51
Gouge, Edward, 67
Gower, David, 436
Gower, Earl of, 248
Gower, Ronald, 273, 274, 279, 310, 311, 315, 433
Grabu, Louis, 17
Grafton, Duke of, 182–3
Grammont, Count, 39
Grand Duke Michael of Russia, 350
Grantham, Lord, 146
Granville, Lady, 225, 228, 229, 232, 257
Grenfell, Ettie, 339
Grenfell, Joyce, 391
Grenfell, Julian, 331
Grey, Charles, Earl Grey, 237, 238, 240, 246, 248, 252
Grisi, Guilia, 252
Gwyn, Eleanor ‘Nell,’ 18, 20, 35, 36, 45
Haley, William, 430
Halifax, Lord, 394, 395
Hallam, Arthur, 302
Hamilton, Anne, Duchess of, 132
Hamilton, Anthony, 20
Hamilton, Archibald, 115, 116
Hamilton, Charles, 197
Hamilton, Elizabeth, Countess of Orkney, 3, 102–5, 112–19, 121–3, 130, 132, 185, 222
Anne’s death, 97–9
Cliveden, 133–5
at Court, 143–7
early life, 81–5
Harriet’s death, 148–50
and Swift, 125–28
William’s mistress, 88–90
Hamilton, George, Earl of Orkney, 105, 107, 112
in battle, 129–30
Cliveden, 113–14
dies, 150
gardens, 137–42
Hamilton, Lady Jane, 167, 175, 181, 197
Hamilton, William, 265
Hampden, Viscount, 353
Handel, George Frederick, 148, 160, 167, 174, 188
Harcourt, Mr Vere, 25
Harley, Robert, 121–3, 124
Harrison, Rose, 378–9, 380, 389, 403, 405–8, 420, 423
Harwood, Sarah, 74
Hastings, Lady Flora, 261–2
Heck, Lutz, 393
Henderson, Neville, 391, 393
Herbert, Sidney, Baron Elphinstone, 339–40
Hervey, Lord, 166, 173–5, 180–2, 189
Heydon, John, 47
Hindus, Maurice, 386
Hitler, Adolph, 388, 389–96
Hobbes, Thomas, 13, 21
Hoesch, Leopold von, 391, 392
Holmes, Sir Robert, 13
Howard, Bernard, 13
Howard-Jones, Noel, 1
Hunt, Henry, 238–9
Huskisson, William, 234–5
Huygens, Constantijn, 94, 95
Inskip, Sir Thomas, 392
Irwin, Lady, 165, 168
Ivanov, Yevgeny, see Profumo Affair, The
James, Duke of York, see James II
James II, 40, 53, 73, 74, 84, 103, 195
becomes King, 90–3
Catholicism, 81–2
flees, 95–7
Jenkins, Robert, 160
Jenkins, Sir John, 13
Johnson, Samuel, 243
Jones, Inigo, 34
Jones, Thomas, 392, 393, 411
Joynson-Hicks, William, 370
Keate, George, 215
Keeler, Christine, see Profumo Affair, The
Keene, Sir Benjamin, 186
Kent, Duchess of, 261
Kent, William, 172, 188, 189
Keppel, Mrs, 345
Kéroualle, Louise de, 35, 36, 66
Kerr, Philip, 415
anti-appeasement, 400
appeasement, 391–6
and Bobbie, 385–6
dies, 402
early life, 353–7
Ketch, Jack, 91
Keynes, John Maynard, 356, 357, 388
Killigrew, Henry, 11, 29, 32, 38, 39
Killigrew, Thomas, 45
Kipling, Rudyard, 349
Knapton, George, 207
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 127
Knight, Charles, 215
Knollys, Eardley, 416
Krynin, Professor, 387
Lacy, John, 45
Lake, Edward, 83
Lancaster, Nancy, 331
Langford, Mrs, 89
Langhorne, Chiswell Dabney, 325
Langhorne, Irene, 326, 335, 336
Langhorne, Lizzie, 326, 348
Langhorne, Nanaire, 337
Langhorne, Nancy, see Astor, Nancy
Langhorne, Nora, 331, 348, 349, 380
Langhorne, Phyllis, 335, 337, 364
dies, 388–9
early life, 326–9
marries Bob Brand, 354–5
Lansdowne, Lord, 81
Lawrence, T.E., 381–2
Lee, Dr George, 203
Lee, Edwin, 347, 359, 378
Lees-Milne, James, 414, 416, 417, 422, 423
Lely, Sir Peter, 36, 37, 55
Leoni, Giacomo, 141
Leveson-Gower, George, 2nd Duke of Sutherland, 221, 223
Leveson-Gower, Harriet, Duchess of Sutherland, 3–4, 148–9, 216
children, 230, 232–3, 262, 264, 268
early years, 221–3
Highland clearances, 243–5
political unrest, 236–41, 251, 265
railway accident, 234–5
slavery, 280–6
Lieven, Madame de, 229, 239
Lincoln, Abraham, 295, 299
Litvinov, Maxim, 387
Lloyd George, 334, 351, 356, 361, 365, 367
Loch, James, 276, 287
Lockhart, Bruce, 406
London, George, 138
Londonderry, Lady, 392
Longueville, Vicomtesse de, 34, 43
Loo, Jean-Baptiste van, 190, 194
Louis XIV, 17, 40, 139
Louise, Queen 225
Loveday, John, 133
Low, David, 395
Lyons, Eugene, 387
Lyttelton, George, 186
Mackennal, Bertram, 334
e, Anne Hay, 268
Maitland, Charles, 194
Maitland, John, Duke of Lauderdale, 46
Malibran, Maria, 252
Mallet, David, 155
Malmesbury, Earl of, 306
Manfield, Edward, 68
Manfield family, 12
Manners, Catherine, 33
Mansfeld, Earl of, 208
Marchmont, Earl of, 157
Markiewicz, Constance, 358
Marvell, Andrew, 24, 87
Marx, Karl, 285
Mary II, Queen, 82, 84, 85, 87–91, 97, 99, 100, 102, 376
Matheson, Donald Macleod, 415–16
Maynwaring, Arthur, 107, 113, 117, 119, 120–1
Melbourne, Lord, 251, 253, 287, 289, 303
resignation, 260–3
and Victoria, 257–8
Menzies, Robert, 403
Milner, Lord, 352–3
Milton, John, 26
Milward, William, 157
Mist, Nathaniel, 169, 187
Moffatt, Adelaide, 388
Mohun, Lord, 126
Monmouth, Duke of, 37, 88–91
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 148, 169, 193, 208
Morpeth, Lady, 229
Morris, John, 52–3
Myers, Baldwin, 348
Namier, Lewis, 400
Nash, John, 215, 247, 251
Neve, Frederick, 326
Newport, Rachel, 15
Nicolson, Harold, 378, 397, 411
Norfolk, Duke of, 187
Normandy, Lady, 264
Northumberland, Duke of, 246
Norton, Caroline, 253–5
Nottingham, Earl of, 104
O’Brien, Mary, Countess of Orkney, 213
O’Brien, Murrough, Earl of Inchiquin, 213
O’Brien, William, 100, 159
O’Casey, Sean, 376
Orkney, Anne, Countess of, 212
Ormond, Duke of, 125, 135
Orwell, George, 412
Osborne, Thomas, Earl of Danby, 64, 71, 74–5
Palmer, Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, see Villiers, Barbara
Palmerston, Lord, 282, 294, 295, 306
Pan, Barthélemy du, 194
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 332
Parker, Henry, 51
Parker, James, 274
Parr, Mr William, 347
Paxton, Joseph, 278, 301
Pearson, John Loughborough, 341
Peel, Sir Robert, 234, 260–5, 292–3
Pegge, Catherine, 41
Pelham, Henry, 207
Pennant, Henry Douglas, 326–7
Penson, Mrs, 242, 276, 311
Pepys, Samuel, 29, 32, 33, 35, 40, 41, 45, 47
and court mistresses, 19
and the duel, 9, 11, 14
Perkins, Moncure, 348
Peterborough, Lord, 35
Phipps, Paul, 331, 349
Pierce, Edward, 67
Pitt, William, 156, 197
Pope, Alexander, 16, 74–5, 124, 137–40, 215, 433
Portsmouth, Duchess of, 64
Powys, Mrs Lybbe, 215
Prince Albert, 263, 277–81, 300
Prince Edward, 193, 198
Prince George (George III), 207
Prince Henry, 198
Prince William Henry, 193
Princess Anne, see Anne, Queen Princess Augusta, 182, 198
Princess Caroline Matilda, 205
Princess Elizabeth, 193
Princess Mary, see Mary II, Queen Princess of Pless, 350
Profumo Affair, 1, 2, 216, 425–34
Pugin, Augustus, 273
Puissars, Marquis de, 88, 90
Pulteney, William, 192
Ralph, James, 170
Ramsay, Allan, 194
Repton, George Stanley, 215
Reresby, Sir John, 19
Revelstoke, Lord, 345
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 290
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 392, 396, 411, 420
Rice-Davies, Mandy, see Profumo Affair, The
Richmond, Duke of, 259
Rixleiven, Madame, 175, 180
Robertson, Ben, 403
Rochefoucauld, François de La, 126
Rochester, Earl of, 292
Roscommon, Countess Dowager, 29
Rose, John, 50
Rousseau, Madame, 275
Rubens, Peter Paul, 34
Russell, Lord John, 237, 264, 278, 282
Ruthven, Lady, 280
Rutland, 4th Earl of, 51
Sacheverell, Henry, 121, 124
Salisbury, Marquess of, 360
Salway, Thomas, 157, 159
Sargent, John Singer, 344
Savage, Anne, 15
Savignon, André, 404
Scarf, Jane, 69
Seeley, Mary, 309
Selkirk, Lord, 115, 116, 130
Selwyn, George, 208
Shaftesbury, Lord, 280–2, 306, 351
Shaw, Bobbie, 325, 337, 344, 379, 427
homosexual offence, 384–6
suicide, 434–5
Shaw, George Bernard, 376, 385–7, 400
Shaw, Robert Gould, 336, 337, 371
Shooman, Mr, 200
Shrewsbury, Duke of, 113
Siberechts, Jan, 67
Sinclair, Sir John, 244
Sinclair, Upton, 400
Skelton, Bevil, 89
Skipper, Charles, 324
Sloane, Sir Hans, 194
Smith, Andrew, 70
Smith, Miss Mary, 239
Smith, Mrs Robert, 242
Somerset, Duchess of, 135
Sotheby, William, 214
Southwood, T, 347
St John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, 156, 169
Stafford, Lord, 233, 234
Stalin, Joseph, 387
Stanley, Lady Mary, 278
Stephenson, Robert, 235
Story, Waldo, 341
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 281, 282, 285, 286
Strachey, Ray, 369
Stuart, Campbell, 418
Stuart, Frances, 27
Stuart, James (James II’s son), 92
Stuart, John, Earl of Bute, 199, 208
Sutherland, Countess, 285
Sutherland, Duchess of Sutherland, see Leveson-Gower, Harriet
Sutherland, Duke of, 248, 249, 287, 295
Sutherland, Granville, George, Duke of, 267
Swift, Jonathan, 81, 99, 105, 116, 123–8, 135, 149, 176
Talbot, Anna Maria, Countess of Shrewsbury, 3, 5, 9, 22–4, 45, 54–7, 59, 69
death of husband, 30
the duel, 11–20
and her son Charles, 61–3
life with Buckingham, 31–42
at the theatre, 28–9
view of, 76–7
Talbot, Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, 17, 57, 61–4
Talbot, Charles, Earl of Shrewsbury, 93, 97, 104–5
Talbot, Francis, nth Earl of Shrewsbury, 9, 11–17, 30, 31, 32, 35, 58
Talbot, Gilbert, 58
Talbot, Jake, 64
Talbot, John, 13, 61
Talbot, Richard, 64
Talbot, William, 31
Tamburini, Antonio, 252
Temple, Sir Richard, 156
Tenison, Archbishop, 102, 109
Tennant, Charles, 386
Tennyson, Lord, 292, 302
Thomson, James, 155
Thornhill, Sir James, 118
Tillotson, Dr John, 93
Torby, Sophie, 350
Townshend, Mrs, 181
Trelawney, Anne, 89
Trewin, J.C., 404, 405
Tuchet, Mervyn, 31
Turner, 294
Tyler, John, 284
Vanbrugh, Sir John, 118, 141, 222
Vane, Anne, 167, 175
Varenne, François Pierre de la, 38
Vauban, Sébastien Le Preste de, 131
Vernell, Peter, 37
Victor Emmanuel II, 305
Victoria, Queen, 3, 247, 269, 282, 286, 289, 344
Albert’s death, 300–3
sp; becomes Queen, 256–7
and Garibaldi, 309–11
and government, 260–6
Great Exhibition, 277–9
Harriet resigns, 296–7
Harriet’s death, 314–17
Villiers, Anne, 83, 88, 97–9
Villiers, Barbara, 18, 39
Villiers, Catherine, 88
Villiers, Edward, 81
Villiers, Elizabeth, see Hamilton, Elizabeth
Villiers, Frances, 81
Villiers, Francis, 21
Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham, 11, 33, 34
Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 2, 5, 9, 39, 40, 48, 61
Cliveden, 11–14, 51–7, 66
death of child, 41
debts, 52
declining favour, 40
dies, 74
early life, 21–35
hunting, 70
interior decoration, 66–8
literary interests, 43–5
loss of political positions, 58–60
and music, 69
sent to the Tower, 47, 72
toleration bill, 71
view of, 74–5
Villiers, Mary, 22–5, 34–7, 40–5, 59, 68, 70, 100, 107
Waller, Edward, 45
Waller, Sir William, 74
Walpole, Horace, 166, 183, 208, 214, 222
Walpole, Robert, 169, 170, 180, 182, 185, 186, 192
Walsh, James Paton, 409
Ward, Stephen, see Profumo Affair, The Warrender, George, 267
Waugh, Evelyn, 413–14
Webb, Arthur, 347
Weizmann, Chaim, 350
Wellington, Duchess of, 297
Wellington, Duke of, 239, 240, 252, 260
political unrest, 233–4
Wells, H.G., 349
Westminster, Hugh Grosvenor, Duke of, 316
Westmoreland, Countess of, 61
Wettstein, Caspar, 193
Wharncliffe, Baron, 252
Wharton, Duke of, 187
Whiston, William, 102
Wilberforce, Samuel, 301
William III, 3, 84, 88, 89, 93, 94, 95, 109, 128
coronation, 97
and Elizabeth, 99–102
and Shrewsbury, 103–5
William IV, 240, 250, 255
William of Orange, see William III
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 58
Wilson, Harold, 428, 430
Winde, William, 54, 66, 70–1, 273
Winterhalter, Franz Xaver, 221, 252
Wintringham, Margaret, 372
Wise, Henry, 137–8
Wise, Louise, 398
Witt, Johan de, 86
Wren, Christopher, 33, 51, 67
Wycherley, William, 18, 37
Wyndham, William, 157
Zoutelande, Seger van, 100
Books, like houses, need strong foundations and I would like to thank the following for their unrelenting support throughout the challenges of the building phase:
My editor, Jocasta Hamilton, for her astute advice, warmth and humour, and my agent, Jonny Geller, for taking a punt on a first-time writer.
Professor David Reynolds, my former supervisor at Christ’s College, Cambridge, who has been as extravagantly generous with his time as he has with his wisdom. Without his faith and guidance this book would not have happened.
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