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Chasing Charis

Page 13

by Lynn Best

  Charis went numb to it.

  She talked to the police. Told them she knew nothing. It was true. She submitted to letting her mother drive her to the hospital for an exam. The rape kit was humiliating, especially with her mother in the room. Charis felt small and fragile, like she’d been plucked out of her normal life and dropped into a Lifetime made-for-TV movie. Stuff like this did not happen to normal humans.

  Her mom drove her home. She wanted to come up to the apartment, but Charis insisted she was fine, just tired. She went up alone, texted Ginger not to come over, and crawled into bed.

  Under the covers, she tried for the hundredth time to remember anything, but all she got was a strange sensation that she was missing something. Something important had happened to her. Like a word on the tip of her tongue, it alluded her.

  She fell asleep with the blankets piled on her as high as they would go.


  She awoke with the feeling of someone in her room.

  Eyes open, Charis frantically searched her dark room. No one. It must’ve been a dream. What had it been? A dark cave filled with water. She’d been drowning. And strong arms had pulled her out. But now she was awake, or… at least she thought she was. Had she really heard something? Fear began to prick her senses.

  Slowly, she sat up.

  A dark shape lurked in the corner of her room.

  The fear sprang to life, causing her to first grip her blankets and then grab for her cell phone. It wasn’t on the nightstand where she’d left it.

  “You’re awake,” the male voice said, his shape stepping forward. He was huge, giant arms and shoulders, skull-crushing hands.

  He smirked as she took him in—rock-star hair, ripped jeans, rock ‘n roll T-shirt with a flannel over it, and sunglasses even though it was the middle of the night. He was handsome in a bad-boy way, but she was instantly afraid of him.

  “Stay back.” She got up, moving to the corner of the room. He was blocking the door, and the window was within his reach. She needed to scream, but somehow couldn’t.

  He came closer. “Charis, little doe, I know you don’t remember me, but we can fix that. I’m here to take you out of this boring life and into the most exciting time you’ve ever known. Trust me.” He held out his hand.

  “How do you know I don’t remember things?” she asked suspiciously.

  He shook himself like she’d caught him in a lie. “I just assumed with how you are acting.”

  “I don’t trust you,” she whispered, staring hard at his face. There was something she almost remembered. Something bad.

  He took another step. “Little doe, don’t make this difficult. It really is in your best interest to come with me.” His eyes darkened.

  “I’m going to scream if you don’t leave.” Her brain tried to think of ways out. God, she should’ve let her mom stay over, but then what good would that have done? Just put them both in jeopardy. But he wasn’t leaving. Instead, he was stalking toward her, reaching out.

  She did the only thing she could think of. She kneed him as hard as she could in the balls.

  He didn’t buckle. He laughed.

  “You think I’m weak like a human male? Cute.” He put his massive hand on her arm, and then yanked him to her.

  This time, she screamed.

  His hand slapped over her mouth, pressing down hard. Terror lit up her brain like a Christmas tree. He was going to kill her.

  “Come with me, little doe. Together, we can rule.”

  Rule? What in the hell was he talking about? Some weird royalty fetish? She didn’t plan on finding out.

  Charis fought with her free arm, punching and hitting, but it did no good. He dragged her to the door.

  It blasted open. Pieces of wood scattered around the room as the door smashed into the wall, sending objects tumbling. Another giant male strode in.

  “Let her go,” the new male boomed.

  Mr. Rock Star turned to face him, blowing out what seemed to be a disappointed breath. “Han, so nice to see you, brother. How ever did you get free?”

  A third large male stepped in behind him, this one dark and brooding. “With my help.”

  “Kahn,” Mr. Rock Star hissed. “I thought you were in jail.”

  The dark one shook his head. “Han and I have an understanding now. And it deals with you. Since the two of us have talked, we’ve realized how many problems you create. How sick of it we are.”

  Mr. Rock Star laughed. “Me? It’s you two who cause all the problems. I’m just trying to get what is rightfully mine.”

  “And what is that?” Han growled, stomping forward. “Father left you the ship. Isn’t that enough?”

  “No,” he snarled. “I deserve to rule. You are worthless at everything. The kingdom is going to be mine.”

  Han nodded knowingly. “There it is. There’s the confession I was waiting for. Guards.”

  Three monsters stormed into the room, dragging Mr. Rock Star away. Charis cowered against the wall, relieved he was gone, but terrified of the things she’d just seen. Was she hallucinating? She must have a head injury.

  When the commotion was done, the biggest one, Han was his name, walked toward her and gently touched her arm. The most amazing tingle spread across her skin where his fingers were. “Charis, are you okay?”

  “I don’t know who you are, but you are in my apartment in the middle of the night. I appreciate you saving me from that lunatic, but it is probably better for you to leave now.” She caught his eye. There was something about his face. Yes, it was incredibly handsome. Hell, all three were hot. But there was something else. A connection.

  “Do I know you?” she asked.

  He smiled. “Yes. Can I show you?” He gestured to his darker brother, who placed a slim white wand in his hand. Han held it out to her. “Here. Grip this.”

  Warily staring between his face and the white wand, Charis wasn’t sure what to do. Yet, something inside told her to trust this man. Carefully, she pressed her hand to the wand.

  The memories came flooding back like a movie reel on fast forward. She saw herself with Han, with Kahn, with Rahan. She remembered the ship, Brandy, and Bram. She remembered kissing Han, his hands in her hair, the feeling that invoked like he was a lighthouse along a rocky shore.

  When it was over, she stumbled back, breathing heavily. “Han.”

  He nodded, pleasure in his eyes. “You remember.”

  “Yes. What happened? I woke up here, and then Rahan came in. I thought your mother banished me.”

  His face darkened. “I made her see reason. My mother has wanted nothing but for her lineage to rule after my father’s death. Her methods are unorthodox, but she wants what’s best for our family.”

  “Agree to disagree on that one,” Charis said. “So what changed? Why does she now approve of me?”

  “She didn’t know about our connection. When I finally told her, she agreed to let me come back and retrieve you.”

  “Our connection?”

  “That feeling you get when I touch you. It means we will be a perfect genetic match. This.” He grabbed her hand. The tingle started, floating up her arm and across her chest. The best kind of electric shock in the world.

  “Oh,” she moaned, closing her eyes.

  He let her go, and she shook some sense back into her head.

  “So that’s rare?” she asked, clasping her hands to stop herself from touching him all over.

  He nodded. “Very. I knew when I met you how special you were, but I also knew you didn’t want me.”

  “But I do now,” she blurted, and then felt foolish. “I mean, I like you. Before when we met, it was a mistake.”

  “I was worried you’d reject me. Others have. Why not someone as special as you?” This time, he let his hand skim over her cheek.

  She leaned into his touch. “So what now?”

  “I can take you back to the ship if you’d like.” He was as bashful as a seventh-grade boy asking a girl to dance.

>   “Forever?” she asked.

  “Not necessarily, if you don’t want to commit yet. Consider it a date.”

  A date on a spaceship was pretty cool. “Okay.”

  He held out his hand.

  “Wait,” she said, running a hand through her wild hair. She was still in her rattiest pajamas. “I’m not dressed for a date.”

  “We can fix that,” Han said.

  “Okay, then, just let me call my mom.” Her mother answered on the first ring. Charis let her know her memories had returned. That she’d met a guy. They were going on vacation for a week, and she would call her later. She’d said goodbye even as her poor mother shouted her protests into the phone. At least this time she wouldn’t worry as much. Then she texted Ginger the same.

  “Ready?” Han asked.

  “I guess.” She felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. She was not one to take risks, but she couldn’t deny how she felt in Han’s presence. And almost losing him had shown her that she certainly didn’t want it to happen again.

  He took her hand. Together with Kahn, they walked out of the apartment and down the steps. Charis turned to Kahn and smiled. “I’m so glad you and your brother are getting along.”

  He nodded, still looking morose, but offered her a smile just the same. “I’m really sorry about what my mother did. As soon as I was able to move about the ship, I went to her and ‘read her the riot act’ as you humans say. It was apprehensible. She is being punished for it.”

  “What she did isn’t your fault,” Charis assured him, sounding every bit a social worker. “Please don’t blame yourself.”

  “You are very kind. Han is very lucky.”

  She patted his hand, hoping he’d find the right girl.

  They walked to the nearly empty parking lot. It looked to be about three or four in the morning and no one was out. Charis wondered how they were going to get back to the ship since she saw nothing around the dark concrete and carports.

  “So do we Uber to your UFO or what?” she asked, laughing.

  Han reached out and touched the cool night air. The space beneath his hand shivered, revealing a white egg-shaped pod about the size of a small semi parked along a row of empty spots.

  “I will never get used to that,” she said, shaking her head as they boarded.

  The pod’s interior looked identical to the larger ship, smooth, white, and blank. But as they went farther in, chairs grew out of the floor. Kahn found one near the big front window. Charis was about to sit in one when Han snagged her hand again.

  “If you wouldn’t mind,” he said, clearing his throat, “I thought we’d start our date now.”

  “Oh. Getting right to it? Okay.” She took his hand, reveling in electrical pulses of joy in her veins as they walked deeper into the ship and into a room that was projecting the perfect date atmosphere.

  A metal bistro table set for two. Candles flickered in the center, and decorated ledges around a rooftop garden at sunset. A breeze tugged at her hair, and she could hear street musicians playing. The smell of food wafted from silver trays at each place setting. And flowers were growing out of every planter box, filling the air with perfume.

  Her perfect date. How did he know?

  Han pulled out her chair, helping her into it. Then he settled his large frame next to her. She expected him to rip off the silver tray cover and dive into the food hands first, but he put the napkin across his lap before removing the lids. Roast duck and asparagus awaited.

  “Wine?” he asked, offering her a bottle.

  “Sure.” She watched in wonder as he poured her a glass without spilling a drop.

  All of this was so out of character. “Who are you?”

  He blinked at her. “What?”

  “The last time we ate together, you were like a monster.”

  He almost flinched at the word before smoothing out his face. “I was trying to drive you away. You wanted to be free, and I wanted to give you what you wanted.” His eyes lingered on her face. “Plus, Bram gave me some tips before we came.”

  “Bram has good tips,” she said, taking a sip of wine. Delicious.

  “Bram wants the best for me even if he doesn’t always do things I agree with.” Han took a careful sip of wine, and then nodded at her to try the food.

  Charis took a bite of the duck, but her stomach was filled with butterflies. This felt like a first date. The one she’d been waiting for her whole life. “I never did thank you for saving me all those times.”

  “In most instances, you saved yourself.”

  She shook her head. “You did a lot for me, and I appreciate it.”

  He set down his fork, and reached for her. Taking her hand in his, he gently ran his thumb across her skin. She could feel her stress melting and her arousal beginning with each stroke.

  “Charis, you do a lot for me. You are the first person who listened to me, who cared about me as more than the future ruler or someone they want something from. You’re beautiful inside and out.” He gazed into her eyes. “And I don’t deserve you.”

  She blushed. “I’m just a normal girl.”

  “You’re not normal.”

  “There are a million girls like me.”

  He shook his head. “Do you know how many different female mates they paraded in front of me before I met you?”

  She shook her head.

  “One hundred and forty-seven.”

  Her eyes went wide. “For real?”

  “For real. They went after the best of the best. One hundred and forty-seven beautiful blondes, redheads, dark and stunning women. Not one of them,” he held up one finger, “made me feel like you do.” He took that finger and traced it along the skin of her forearm.

  Electric heat raced along her skin. Her whole body continued to warm, the tingling radiating down her extremities. She wanted to crawl on top of him. Her breath sped up, and her heart raced. Should she? Could she make the first move?

  He watched her, still running his finger up and down her arm. His breathing had increased. His lips parted when he reached out and cupped her cheek.

  They leaned at the same moment. Feather-light touches of his lips brushed against hers, so soft and sweet, but it was not enough. Charis pressed her lips to his, feeling the slip of his tongue as it slid over hers, encouraging, urging. He tasted like desire, of a wanting that had been brewing for far too long.

  He stood, a fork clattering to the stone at their feet. In a second, he was charging forward, taking her into his arms.

  She stood, allowing herself to be swept up in the moment.

  His arms went around her, and he pulled her body to his. She wrapped her arms around him, gripping the hard muscles of his back. His mouth found hers again, and then worked down to her neck. A moan escaped her as the tingles radiated across her collarbone. She wanted this, wanted him to get closer. She wanted every inch of him touching every inch of her.

  Spying the cushioned bench, she urged him toward it. When she pushed him on it, he pulled her with him, still kissing her passionately.

  His hands went from stroking her back to slipping around and touching the tender skin of her collarbones. He pressed kisses there, sending passion tripping across her skin. She wanted to bathe in his desire. Feeling bold, she reached down and pulled her shirt over her head, leaving only her bra.

  Hungrily, he took each of her breasts in his palms, rubbing his fingers over the hard nubs beneath the fabric. That felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough. She reached back and unhooked the garment.

  When her breasts fell free, he breathed deeply, before cupping the bare skin.

  The tingling electricity was almost enough to make her come. Her nipples hardened until they felt like they had heartbeats of their own. And when he started to rub against each erect nub, she dug her fingers into his back and rode the ecstasy of it. She had never been this turned on in her life, and she still had her pants on.

  Lord, what would he feel like down there?

She didn’t want to wait to find out. After she pulled off his shirt, she traced her hands over his chest and made him lean back in pleasure as she skimmed over his sensitive areas.

  Wanting to speed things up, she stood and removed her pants for him. Laying down on the bench, she waited in only her underwear, panting and barely in control.

  He stood, gazing at her with longing. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She wasn’t about to argue.

  He leaned over her body, letting his mouth settle first over one nipple and then the other. She moaned and arched as he worshiped her with his tongue. Getting on his knees, he kissed her bare stomach, stopping at the lacy fabric at her waist. Using his teeth, he tugged the fabric down a bit.

  She waited, panting, wanting to beg him to touch her, but not wanting to sound too desperate. But she was. There was a fire raging, and she needed him to put it out.

  He aimed to please.

  He kissed her inner thigh, lighting her up. She lay back, letting the pleasure wash over her. Anticipation built even further when he slid the panties the rest of the way off and worked his hand up her thigh, stopping just before her sweet spot. The tingles from his touch were everywhere, mingling with her sexual desire until her whole body was a live wire. Vibrating, she waited. He was teasing her, taking his time.

  He used his finger to slide up her core gently. Charis nearly lost her mind. Then, when he began a regular motion, stroking up and down, she moved with him. It was more than pleasure. She gripped the bench, trying not to come as wave after wave of heat pulsed up her body.

  This time, she did beg, taking his wrist and pulling him up. “I want you,” she moaned.

  “What do you want?” He grinned, enjoying himself.

  “I want you inside me.” She bit her lip, pleading.

  He didn’t make her wait. When he dropped his pants, her eyes went wide.

  She spread for him, and he moved between her legs. His hands on either side of her head, he used his strong arms to make a fortress, protecting her. She’d never felt safer. And she’d never felt more desirable as he angled his hot shaft toward her center.

  “There’s a word for love in my language,” he said just before he thrust home. “I’d like to teach it to you.”


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