The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction

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The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction Page 5

by Cara Albany

  The limo pulled to a halt at the foot of a set of wide steps which led up to high double doors.

  She saw Sayid making his way down the stairs and felt her heartbeat quicken. He was dressed in a plain white shirt, open at the neck, and dark pants. He moved casually. Confidently. It was strange to see him dressed in that way. Every time she'd seen him since her arrival he'd looked like every woman's fantasy of what a sheikh should look like. Now he looked so informal. So at ease with himself. So much like the way she remembered how he'd been with her back in California.

  The door was opened by the driver and Amber stepped out. The heat of the day was instantly oppressive. Even after a week, she still hadn't gotten used to it. She felt her white shirt cling to her body. She drew in a deep breath.

  Sayid smiled and extended a hand to her. "Amber. Thank you for coming."

  "How could I refuse?" she said acidly.

  Sayid lifted a brow. He looked tempted to say something in response. To take the bait. But then she saw the corner of his mouth crease into a wry smile.

  She looked down at his hand, judging whether it would be wise to take it. In the end, she decided in favor of courtesy and took his hand. Instantly, she felt a shiver of sensation race up her spine. She tried to ignore it, but it was impossible. She saw his eyes narrow slightly, as if he'd realized the effect of his touch on her. Or maybe he'd felt something similar, she told herself.

  She pulled her hand free and gazed up at the palace. "This is quite a place you've got here," she observed.

  He shrugged. "It's enough for me," he commented.

  She peered at him. "Only you?" she asked.

  She realized that he might have someone else living here with him. Perhaps another woman. He hadn't mentioned anything when they'd shared coffee at Ahmed's. Perhaps there was a surprise awaiting her, after all.

  He nodded. "Just me. And the staff, of course."

  She felt a surprising sensation of relief after he uttered those words.

  "How many staff do you have?"


  "Ten? Just for you?" she asked incredulously.

  He gestured with his hand. "One man couldn't take care of this place all on his own."

  She lifted a brow. "Not even you?" she asked in a teasing tone of voice.

  His gaze met hers. "Not even me," he admitted. He smiled sardonically. "I know it's hard to believe that I'd have to rely on anyone else."

  She squinted at him. "So you do have limits, after all," she observed.

  Sayid glanced at the driver and then cupped Amber's elbow in his hand. "Let's go inside. I've asked the staff to prepare some lunch for us."

  She froze on the spot and stared at him. "What makes you think I've got time for that?"

  He peered into her eyes. "I checked with Monica. She told me that everything is under control back at the town. You can be here for a while," he said.

  There was a sudden decisiveness in his voice. It triggered something visceral inside her. A memory of how dominating he could be.

  "Monica said that?"

  Sayid nodded. "She and I are on good terms," he explained. "But you know that already."

  "I do know you took the time to arrange for me to come out here. Why did you do that?"

  "We can speak inside," he insisted.

  She felt him move slightly. He still kept hold of her elbow. She considered moving her arm loose from his gentle grasp, but decided against it. If she did that, he'd think he'd won a victory over her. And she wasn't about to let him have any kind of easy win over her. Not ever again.

  She drew in a deep breath and gave him one last look before starting to make her way alongside him up the stairs.

  They entered the hallway and stopped. She took a few moments to take in the awesome sight of the beautiful, cavernous hallway and the curving staircase that led up to the upper floors. The air was cooler inside here and she breathed in slowly. The interior was as impressive as the exterior.

  Sayid released her arm and led her to a room to the right. It was high-ceilinged with white walls, expensive looking furnishings, a ceiling fan at either end of the room and marble floors. Her heels sounded noisily as she followed Sayid to a wide sofa in the center of the room. She sat down at one end of the sofa and was glad to see that he'd decided to maintain a polite distance from her at the other end of the long, white sofa.

  Before she had a chance to say anything a servant arrived, a middle-aged man in traditional Qazhar robe. He carried a tray and set out the carved, silver teapot and china cups on the table in front of the sofa.

  Sayid spoke to the man and the servant bowed to Amber. She felt her face color and heat spread across her cheeks. The servant poured the tea. She glanced at Sayid who merely looked back at her and smiled. The servant left and closed the high double doors.

  "I see you run a well-organized palace," she said with a heavy hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  "Ali has been with me since I was young," Sayid said. Sayid lifted her cup and offered it to Amber. "I think you might find the tea interesting," he said. "I seem to recall you liked Jasmine tea. Is that still the case?"

  She took the cup and peered at him. "You remember that?"

  "Of course. After you introduced it to me, I acquired a taste for it myself."

  She frowned. "I remember the first time you tried it with me," she said incredulously. "You said it was the worst thing you'd ever tasted."

  He lifted a brow. "Did I say that?" He shrugged. "I don't remember that." As before, she knew he was teasing her. This was how he liked to win, she told herself. One exchange at a time.

  "What else have you forgotten about California?" she asked.

  He shook his head and sighed. "Tell me if you like the tea," he said looking at her cup.

  She sipped the tea. It was exquisite.

  Sayid lifted a brow. "Good?"

  She tilted her head and placed the cup down on the table. "I didn't come here to talk about tea. Apparently I have a report to give you."

  He glanced down at the bag at her feet. "I don't see any documents."

  She tapped the side of her head. "It's all in here."

  He smiled. "Of course it is," he admitted.

  "What do you need to know?" she asked.

  He leaned back on the sofa and gazed thoughtfully up at the ceiling. He was silent for a long moment and then looked back at her. "I'll trust your judgment," he said. "Tell me what you think is important."

  There was a casual quality to his voice which jarred slightly. He was interested, she told herself. But just how interested was he really?

  Amber considered what she should tell him. There was plenty for her to go over.

  She began to tell him about the various aspects of the welfare of the children; the improvements which had been made in the temporary accommodation for the families; the changes to the water supply. All the details of her job. As much as she thought he'd want to know. Almost everything in which she'd been involved since she'd arrived.

  As she spoke she realized just how busy she'd been during the last week. That had been fine, as far as she was concerned. It had meant she'd had no time to think about the man who was currently sitting a few feet away from her. The man whose expression was one of polite interest mingled with a hint of impatience.

  If she wasn't mistaken, he looked distracted. His gaze kept flitting from her face down the length of her body.

  Every time his gaze shifted like that, she felt an involuntary quiver throughout her body. But she didn't let those treacherous sensations distract her from doing what she'd come here to do.

  Every once in a while she heard him draw in a deep breath. Whenever he nodded, it was in a cursory way, almost as if he was eager for her to finish what she was saying.

  Finally, she had told him just about everything she thought he should know. She stopped and gazed at him, waiting to hear what he had to say.

  He nodded. "That sounds very professional and efficient."

all?" she snapped.

  "I'm impressed," he said. "I didn't realize you'd been so busy."

  She frowned. "We don't get to work office hours, if that's what you mean."

  He smiled wryly. "I'm well aware of what needs to be done."

  "Forgive me for saying so, but you don't seem that interested in what I've just told you."

  "On the contrary," he retorted. "I couldn't be more impressed. Considering that you didn't want to come here in the first place."

  "What do you mean?"

  Sayid shrugged. "In my conversations with Monica, she's told me that you have ambitions. And that they involve working in places other than here."

  Amber stiffened. "Monica knows that I want to progress my career. There's nothing wrong with that."

  He narrowed his eyes. "And my province isn't substantial enough to satisfy those ambitions?"

  She felt heat rise to her cheeks. For a moment she just stared at him, her mouth open slightly. How dare he question her motives, she told herself. He knew nothing about her from a professional point of view. And why had he even asked Monica those kind of questions? What was he trying to find out?

  "You know that this crisis will be resolved soon," she said. "Once everyone has moved back into their homes. And once all the town's services are up and running. We're not that long away from finishing."

  "There will be sufficient work to be done," he replied. "Even after your organization has left." His eyes narrowed. "I have plans."

  "To do what?" she asked sharply.

  The corner of his mouth curled with the hint of a satisfied smile. He looked pleased that he had been able to hook her. Awaken her curiosity.

  He shifted slowly toward her. "I had hoped you and I could get to know each other again, Amber," he said in a low voice.

  Amber's heartbeat quickened involuntarily. She swallowed as she gazed into his dark eyes. She shook her head. "I've told you, Sayid. There's no point in pretending there's anything left between us," she said, her voice cracking with emotion.

  Now it was his turn to shake his head. "I don't think you believe that, Amber. Not one bit."

  He moved again. He was close enough that, if he wanted to, he could reach out and touch her. She thought about ending the meeting. But somehow, she couldn't bring herself to stand.

  Seeing him this close, away from the environment of the encampment, he seemed somehow different. This was more like the Sayid she'd known in California. Dominant and determined. Unwilling to back down.

  Amber peered into his dark eyes. She'd seen that look many times before. Knew what it could do to her. Remembered what it could lead to.

  She turned away from him. "Let's not do this, Sayid," she murmured.

  Then she felt his fingertips beneath her chin. With a gentle movement, he turned her face to him. He gazed into her eyes. There was need and hunger in that look. Just seeing that made something primal shift inside her.

  Her gaze flickered down to his mouth. His lips were full and moist. So tempting. She recalled how much pleasure those lips had given her. Memories that would never be erased.

  She felt transfixed, utterly unable to move, as she gazed at him. Her heart raced even faster and her quickening pulse made her head feel suddenly light. All she could focus on was his perfect features, his firm need, his resolute expression. Now that he had her in his domain, now that she was in his personal space, where he had ultimate control, it seemed he was determined to trigger need in her.

  She lifted her head and tightened her lips into a thin line. But he seemed merely to take this as some kind of encouragement. She saw him smile, saw his eyes widen, and then his head dipped.

  His lips crashed down upon hers, claiming her, tempting her. Exquisite pleasure flamed into being inside her. She gasped as she felt his hands cup the edge of her chin, delicately and tenderly. He cradled her face as if it was a precious jewel.

  His lips devoured her hungrily. They tasted sweet. His body shifted against her. It felt astonishing to have him touch her again. She hadn't realized just how much she had missed his touch. Or had it been that, for the last year, she had wanted to hide the truth from herself? Now he was pressing close to her again, she could feel the strength of his body. His fierce, urgent need.

  The kiss seemed to last forever, but finally he lifted his head back and gazed down into her eyes. She gasped, breathless, trying to compose herself. This wasn't why she'd come here today. But, was it the real reason why he'd brought her here? To taste her lips? To crush his body against hers? To claim her again?

  She felt a sudden impulse to move away from him, but she could sense the urgency with which he was holding her. The memory of all the months of regret, all the nights of longing, had melted away in an instant. His kiss had been intense. She wanted more, but she knew she dared not let him know that.

  "Sayid!" she gasped. "Please. We can't do this. Not now."

  He shifted closer to her, taking her gently by the arms and gazing into her eyes. "Why not? You know we both want this."

  She sighed heavily and peered into his eyes. There was such a burning passion in those dark pools. In spite of her mind telling her she should leave, Amber didn't budge from the sofa. She felt the cool air from the overhead fans, but it did nothing to take the heat from her face.

  "It can't be," Amber insisted. "You know what happened last year."

  He shook his head. "That's the thing, Amber. I don't. One moment we were together, and the next you were gone. You walked out on me, just when I wanted you by my side."

  She frowned at him. "I didn't walk out on you. I needed some space. I had to think about what was happening between us."

  "You know what was happening, Amber," he declared. "What we had was special." He furrowed his brows. "It still is," he added in a low murmur.

  Amber shook her head emphatically. "It isn't like it used to be," she said. "We're both different people, Sayid. There's no sense in denying that."

  She felt him begin to draw her closer to him, but this time she leaned away from him. His hands slid from her arms. For a moment he looked almost shocked. As if the idea that she would refuse him was somehow unthinkable.

  She rose up and stood staring down at him. "I'm going, Sayid," she announced. "I've done what I came here to do. You got what you wanted. Now let me go."

  He stood and faced her. "On the contrary," he said firmly. "I haven't even begun. And I don't intend to let you go. Not even for an instant."

  She glared at him and then shook her head disbelievingly.

  "I'm your prisoner?" she challenged. "Really?"

  She saw a hint of an appreciative smile at the corner of his mouth. "I won't lose you again, Amber." His voice was a low, masculine growl.

  He came closer and ran the back of his fingers softly down the side of her face. She gazed at him steadily, determined not to give him the pleasure of seeing her turn away from him.

  Was this how it had been with them before? With this constant tension in the air? Maybe she'd forgotten all of this, she told herself. This constant war. She knew she should resent everything he said and did. So, how come it felt so good to be with him again?

  She started to make her way to the door. He caught up with her and took her gently by the arm. She looked slowly down at his hand and then into his eyes.

  He released her arm. "This is only the start, Amber. You know that, don't you?"

  Her heart pounded furiously as she stared back at him. His gaze was penetrating, intently fixed upon her. She'd never seen a man look at her like that. With such undisguised need. Every nerve in her body was tingling and those butterflies had started tumbling again in her middle. She needed to get out of here. And fast.

  Before she could make her final move to the door he spoke: "I've arranged for your visits to be regular."

  She stared at him. "How regular?"

  He tilted his head casually. "Every few days. Your boss has already agreed."

  Amber sighed. "We'll see about that," she sna

  He started to come toward her, but halted when she glared at him.

  He lowered his head slightly, his brows furrowing into dark ridges. His gaze became hot and burning. When he spoke it was in a low voice filled with certainty. "I will have you back in my bed, Amber. I promise you."

  And, upon hearing those last words, Amber glared one final time at Sayid, shook her head and stormed out of the room.

  It took only moments to make her way down to the limo, slide into the back seat and close the door. Moments later the limo was heading out of the palace gates.


  "How did your meeting go?" Monica asked Amber back at the camp about an hour later. They were seated in Monica's office. Amber still felt slightly breathless after the journey back from Sayid's palace. She could still feel her unsettled nerves jangling at the memory of the way he'd kissed her.

  "Can I ask you a question?" Amber replied.

  Monica's brows furrowed. "Sure."

  Amber sighed. "Is it absolutely necessary for me to go to his palace?"

  Monica leaned forward. "What happened?"

  Amber shook her head. "Nothing."

  Monica lifted a disbelieving brow. "Then, what's the problem? Did you give him what he wanted?"

  Amber leaned back in her chair and ignored the answer which leaped immediately into her mind. Of course he'd gotten what he wanted, she told herself. Not only had be kissed her, he'd made his intentions toward Amber absolutely clear. He wasn't going to throw the opportunity fate had given him. She'd seen the look in his eyes. He wasn't going to be denied.

  "I gave him the report. To be honest, he didn't seem that interested in what I had to tell him," Amber said.

  Monica frowned. "That's odd. When I spoke to him he seemed pretty eager to know more of what we're doing here."

  "And he couldn't get that from you?" Amber asked.

  Monica sighed. "You saw how he was," she said. "I did offer to give him what he needed. But he seems set on you being the person to give him what he wants."

  Amber nodded. "I know what you mean."

  "So, you're going there regularly," Monica declared as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


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