The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction

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The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction Page 6

by Cara Albany

  "I am?" Amber replied.

  Monica nodded. "He wants a report at least twice a week."

  "Really?" Amber said feeling her spirits deflating immediately. She felt the heat flush her face and she was sure Monica had noticed. Monica's eyes narrowed. This was going to be more difficult that she'd imagined. Perhaps there was some way she could get out of it.

  Monica smiled. "You sure there isn't something you want to tell me," she suggested.

  Amber bit her lip. She knew that if she revealed her previous relationship with Sayid it might jeopardize her chances of moving on to a new position. And any remaining time at the camp might become really difficult. If she acquired a reputation as a liar, then everything else might come crashing down.

  "No, Monica. You know how the sheikh can be. He's not the easiest man to be close to," Amber said. "Even at the best of times."

  "I understand," Monica said. "Maybe once he realizes how much you're needed here at the camp, he might see sense and agree that you don't have to go to his palace every week."

  Amber tried not to show her real reaction to that prospect. "Maybe," she agreed.

  Amber said her farewells and made her way back to her accommodation tent. Amber felt tired, but she knew she had work to do. There were people who were relying on her. People who expected her to be attending to them. She just needed a few moments to think things over. She threw herself on her bed and tried to think what she was going to do to deal with Sayid.

  In spite of her determination to try and be rational, her mind wandered immediately to the memory of Sayid's kiss. She could still feel the sensation of his lips on hers, the hunger in that kiss. The way he'd pressed his body against her. The heat she'd felt as he'd touched her. Her heartbeat quickened. There was something undeniably wonderful about the way he'd touched her. The attention he'd given her.

  For the briefest moment she allowed herself to wonder what it would be like to be back in his arms.

  Back in his bed.

  That thought triggered instant heat. Her throat tightened just thinking about Sayid's naked and very powerful body. The heat of his skin; the forcefulness of his perfectly muscled physique. His demanding nature in bed.

  She recalled the way they'd made love a year before. It had been a year, but the memories were etched into her mind. Unforgettable.

  Night after night, his desire for her had been insatiable. He'd driven her to heights of ecstasy. Made her feel more alive than she'd ever felt before. For a moment, as she'd done so many times before, she allowed herself to savor the memory of his touch. Sensation quivered inside her. She felt nerves ignite in her middle. That was how the simple memory of Sayid could still affect her, she realized.

  And now he wanted to do that to her again? Could she even consider allowing that to happen?

  Amber drew in a deep, calming breath.

  The truth was, she didn't trust herself to go to that palace again. Not even once. She knew what would happen there. What he wanted to make happen between them. He wanted her in his bed. All over again.

  Just thinking about that made heat flare at her core. Her mind might rebel against his advances, but she knew her body had never forgotten what he could do to her.

  She sat up and snapped herself back to the moment. As she did so, Yasmina walked into the tent. "There you are," Yasmina said. "I was sure I saw you getting out of that limo."

  Yasmina plopped herself down next to Amber. "How did it go?"

  "Okay," Amber said.

  Yasmina lifted a brow. "That's all? Okay?" Yasmina narrowed her attractive, dark eyes. "Why don't I believe you?" she asked and smiled.

  Amber shrugged. "You know what he's like."

  Yasmina shook her head. "I don't really."

  Amber thought that Yasmina sounded a little too apologetic. "You told me you've known him for years. Nothing more than that?"

  Yasmina's face flushed red. Amber knew she'd touched a raw nerve. "I've always known him. He's just been one of those people who is always there whenever I go to a party or an official function."

  Amber nodded and thought that, once again, Yasmina might be hiding something from her.

  "What did you think of his palace?" Yasmina asked quickly, as if she wanted to change the subject.

  Amber nodded. "You were right. It was pretty amazing. So big. All that wealth and just for one man."

  "Maybe not for much longer," Yasmina said.

  "What do you mean?" Amber asked turning back to Yasmina.

  "There've been rumors," Yasmina said narrowing her eyes conspiratorially at Amber.

  "What kind of rumors?"

  Yasmina shrugged. "You know. The usual ones. Sayid has been the subject of a lot of speculation recently. The word is there might be a marriage soon."

  "Marriage?" Amber exclaimed. "To who?"

  Yasmina shook her head. "Nobody knows, yet. It's just a rumor."

  Amber felt a very surprising sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach at that news. It wasn't really news at all. Mere hearsay. Nothing more.

  Amber squinted at Yasmina. "I'd have thought someone like Sayid would be the subject of constant gossip. Especially when it comes to marriage."

  "He's getting to that age when he'll be under pressure to choose a bride," Yasmina explained.

  "Surely that's not how things are still done here," Amber said.

  Yasmina leaned back on her hands, gazed up at the wall of the tent and shrugged. "Traditions have to be followed here in Qazhar. Someone like the sheikh has to do what is expected of him."

  "So, he's under pressure to marry?"

  Yasmina shrugged again. "Maybe. That's about all I know."

  There was a playful quality to the way Yasmina was speaking about this, Amber told herself. Amber wondered why Yasmina would even be telling her this. Didn't Yasmina realize that Sayid's affairs were none of Ambers's business? Or had Yasmina misunderstood the way Amber and Sayid had behaved toward each other?

  Immediately, Amber asked herself just what kind of impression she and Sayid had created. Even Monica had been prompted to ask probing questions. Hadn't they all seen the way Amber and Sayid had argued? Hadn't they seen Amber's reluctance to even be near Sayid? And hadn't she tried to get Monica to relieve her of the onerous duty of going to Sayid's palace?

  Too many questions, she told herself. Time to get back to work.

  Yasmina stood and looked down at Amber. "You coming?"

  Amber stood. "Sure."


  She was coming back to him.

  Sayid stood on the terrace of the palace and gazed down the length of the driveway. He was dressed in casual pants and white shirt. Sayid still felt the warmth of his excitement at the prospect of Amber's visit.

  There was still no sign of the limo, but he knew it would be here soon. The late afternoon air was becoming cooler. The sky had been clear all afternoon, but now Sayid could see some light cloud gathering on the distant horizon. His experience told him what that might signify. He pushed that thought out of his mind. For the moment, he had other, more important, concerns on his mind.

  His heart was pounding. Sayid could hardly control his growing sense of anticipation. It had been a long week since she'd last been to the palace. A week since he'd thrown down the gauntlet to her. Since he'd declared his intentions to her, in no uncertain terms.

  He wondered, not for the first time, why he'd done that and realized that he'd had no choice. The need he felt for her had driven him to make the bold declaration. He wanted her, and it was imperative that she knew how much he desired her. Destiny had delivered her back to him. Who was he to deny that destiny?

  He thought about how she had felt in his arms. The kiss had been exquisite, bringing back so many distant memories, triggering remnants of need in him.

  And, to his surprise, Amber had responded in kind. He'd felt the way she'd sank into his embrace. How her body had softened against his. There had been truth in that simple response. Truth which had encoura
ged him to declare that she would be his again.

  But, she had reacted with shock to that declaration. She'd rejected him instantaneously. He'd seen the look of astonishment in her eyes after he'd uttered the words. That astonishment had soon been replaced by disbelief and, finally, an emphatic shake of the head. She wanted to deny him. Wanted to turn her back on him again.

  At least that was what she had wanted him to believe. It had all been a lie. He'd felt the tenderness of her response to him. He didn't believe she wanted to reject him. Judging by the response of her body to his kiss, Amber still harbored affection for him. He was certain of that.

  But he had meant everything he'd said. He would have her again. And nothing was going to stop him. Not this time. He was determined not to let her run out on him again.

  Since that encounter, he'd been to the town a few times. His visits had been a part of his routine for a long time, and he wasn't going to change that.

  While he'd been there he'd been tempted to visit the compound and see Amber. He'd heard reports of just how busy she had been. How much work was still to be done. He'd desperately wanted to go to her. His curiosity about her was insatiable. He wanted to watch her as she helped the people of the town. As she gave selflessly of herself in order to alleviate the distress of others.

  But, he'd resisted the impulse. Instead he had gone to speak with Amber's boss, Monica. He'd been surprised when Monica had tried to change Sayid's mind and change the arrangement for the visits by Amber. Monica had said that Amber was unusually busy at the moment. That she was needed at the compound. He'd understood that. He knew Amber had become an indispensable part of the team.

  But, Sayid suspected there might be more to Monica's request than that. Perhaps Amber had asked Monica to intervene, Sayid had told himself afterwards. Maybe Monica's request had been prompted by an impassioned plea by Amber.

  But, Sayid had stood firm and declared to Monica that he must insist that Amber attend him at the palace. The only compromise he'd made was in agreeing that Amber's next visit could be delayed a few days.

  Even as he'd made that compromise, he'd known the wait would seem interminable. But, it would be worth it, if it ensured Amber's presence at the palace.

  Monica had finally, and reluctantly, agreed.

  Dragging himself back to the moment, Sayid saw the limo slide through the open gates and begin to make its way down the long driveway. His fingers tightened against the marble balustrade. He felt a sudden thrill sweep through his body as he watched the limo's progress. She was coming back to him. And he could hardly contain his excitement.

  Sayid made his way to the front hallway and out onto the steps. He walked down the steps and saw Amber standing at the open door of the limo. She was gazing up at him. He halted halfway down the steps and gazed at her.

  In contrast to the last time she'd visited him, Amber didn't smile. She peered at him, her steady gaze filled with challenge and defiance. He could tell that she didn't want to be here.

  He continued on down the steps and halted in front of her. "You're back," he murmured.

  She opened her arms wide and gave him a sarcastic smile. "Apparently I am," she replied acidly.

  He moved slightly toward her and she froze, making it obvious that she didn't want him to touch her. He lifted his chin and gazed down at her. So that was how it was going to be, he told himself. A continuation of their conflict.

  Their eyes met. There was a mixture of curiosity and tentative expectation in her gaze.

  His gaze flickered down the length of her body. She had on a plain white dress, cut at the shoulders, leaving her arms uncovered. The collar of the dress was tight around the base of her long neck.

  He ran his gaze quickly down the length of her beautiful arms. He saw that she had taken some of the sun because her pale skin was flushed slightly red. She clasped her hands, almost defensively across her midriff.

  His gaze drifted lower. The hem of the dress stopped at her knee. Her legs were bare and she wore neat, flat shoes. Beneath the fabric of the dress he could sense the tempting fullness of her body. He felt need clench tight within him. He straightened, trying to control his growing desire. In contrast Amber looked self-contained, almost prim.

  He wondered if she was wearing the plain dress as some kind of signal to him. As if to ward him off, to tell him that she wasn't interested in anything more than getting through a visit which was merely professional with as little fuss as possible.

  "Won't you join me," he said as graciously as he could.

  She smiled and followed him into the palace. He led her to the sitting room and out onto the terrace. He'd arranged for a table to be set up and for drinks to be brought.

  Amber examined the table and chairs before sitting down and then looked at him. "I won't be staying long," she stated evenly.

  He didn't reply to that. He merely tilted his head and smiled at her. They both knew this was going to be difficult, he told himself. But he was confident he could win her over, persuade her to at least stay for dinner. He had to talk to her. There was so much he wanted to know. So much he wanted her to know. And, who knew what such a conversation would lead to. Perhaps something more intimate. He could only hope.

  If nothing came of this meeting, then he'd arrange for her to be taken back to the camp. He'd already decided that he would do nothing to force her to stay.

  Finally, after a long delay, she took her seat at the table. He sat opposite her. Drinks were brought and they sat for a while in awkward silence, simply gazing out across the desert past the palace walls.

  They chatted idly for a while. The sun had disappeared behind a bank of light cloud, and the air had become noticeably cooler since she'd arrived. Perhaps that was a bad omen, he told himself. He refused to believe that. Nothing would stop him.

  "It's beautiful here," she said casually, after a while.

  "It is," he agreed. He gazed out across the desert. "I'm glad you appreciate it. You must have been too busy to notice anything down at the town."

  "It's been hectic," she said. She frowned. "But, we're making a real difference. That's what really matters. There's been great progress with the project."

  He lifted a brow. "Really?"

  She nodded. "Some of the families will be moving back into their homes this week."

  He smiled. "That's wonderful news."

  She squinted at him, as if she was surprised at his genuine expression of pleasure at the news. She narrowed her eyes and grabbed to the side of the chair with both hands. She made as if she was about to stand and leave. "Is that it, then?"

  He looked at her, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

  "Can I go now?" she asked, remaining seated.

  He examined her, trying to sense if she was joking with him. But, she looked deadly earnest. "You are joking, aren't you?"

  She shook her head. "That's my progress report," she said sharply. "That's what you brought me here for."

  He peered at her. There was that defiant look again, he told himself. "I think you've got more than that to tell me," he said.

  Once again, she shook her head. "I don't have anything else to tell you. I've done what I came to do. What my boss ordered me to do."

  He could have said something in response to that last remark, but he decided not to. "There must be more things we can talk about," he said.

  Her mouth turned down and she sighed. "Not that I can think of," she said.

  "What about last year?"

  "What about it?" she snapped.

  He glanced back toward the interior of the palace. "I thought we'd get a chance to catch up. There must be a whole lot of things we need to talk about."

  She shook her head firmly. "I don't think so."

  He didn't like the sound of her voice. Didn't like the intensity of the tone. He felt cool air sweep over him and he turned. He saw a rising cloud forming on the distant horizon. It obscured the sun. He recognized that formation. He'd seen it often enough to know what it meant.<
br />
  He narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment about what might be about to happen. He might be forced to make a decision of his own, he told himself.

  The sound of Amber clearing her throat made Sayid turn and face her again. She looked annoyed that he'd temporarily ignored her for a moment. "Did you hear what I said?" she asked.

  He nodded. "Of course," he replied. "I was just thinking about it."

  "Really," she said sharply, obviously not believing him.

  Sayid felt the firm breeze at the back of his neck. He saw Amber glance over his shoulder. Her eyes narrowed and he wondered if she had realized what was probably about to happen. She looked thoughtfully toward the horizon. Then she shook her head and peered back at him. "Why shouldn't I just leave, right now?" she asked.

  He tilted his head. "I thought you might deserve some time off. You've been working round the clock, haven't you?"

  She narrowed her eyes and looked at him. "How do you know that?" she asked acidly.

  He smiled at her. "I was at the camp yesterday. I saw you."

  She lifted a brow. "You did? You've been spying on me?" she taunted.

  He shook his head. "Nothing so ominous," he replied. "I was in town on an errand."

  "You should have said," she retorted. "I would have told you what you needed to know, and I could have been spared this trip."

  He frowned. "I couldn't allow that to happen," he said. "You know that, don't you? In any case, I didn't want to take you away from your work." He grinned. "You looked particularly engrossed."

  She tilted her head. "How very noble and thoughtful of you, Sheikh Sayid," she said wryly.

  He felt a sudden tightness and his jaw tightened. He sighed heavily. "Must we do this?"

  She frowned. "Do what?"

  He put his drink down on the table. "Get off on the wrong foot. Again."

  "You thought we could pick up where we left off the last time we were together?" she said, her voice straining with incredulity.

  He narrowed his eyes. "Is that so impossible?"

  She rolled her eyes and then glared at him. She lifted a hand and started counting off her points one by one as she spoke. "Let me see. Didn't you say you were going to insist that I come to you. On your orders." Her eyes widened. Her voice rose as emotion took hold of her. "You want to drag me away from my work. As many times as you'd like. You want me to be at your beck and call. Not only that, but you want me to pretend that the last twelve months never happened?"


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